Nintendo dominates US console hardware sales for May

Nintendo dominates US console hardware sales for May
The research firm NPD has released US console hardware sales data for the month of May, and Nintendo was the clear winner, again, although Sony and Microsoft did have a few figures to boast about.

The ever popular Wii had sales of 675,089 for the month, and the extremely popular handheld, the DS had sales of 452,608.

Sony continued to beat out Microsoft, selling 208,709 PlayStation 3 units compared to 186,500 Xbox 360 units sold.

Software sales were up exponentially for Sony year-on-year thanks to strong sales of Grand Theft Auto IV, Haze and SingStar. Overall for the month, sales were up 234 percent. The company also noted that GTA IV had a higher attach rate than the Xbox 360 with a 32 percent rate for US PS3 owners.

"The dual platform release of the much anticipated Grand Theft Auto IV title reaffirmed its legacy on the PlayStation platform with a 6 percent higher attach rate than Xbox 360, reinforcing consumer choice of PS3," commented Jack Tretton, CEO of Sony America.

Of course, Microsoft responded by saying that the 360 version of Grand Theft Auto IV outsold its PS3 counterpart by a 2:1 ratio.

Without getting petty, Nintendo took the time to make statements on how the Wii was unique and fun for everyone.

"The Wii Wheel and Wii Balance Board accessories make gameplay fun for new gamers while presenting new challenges for those who have been playing a long time," said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales and Marketing.

"The diversity of the seven Nintendo games represented in NPD’s top 10 for May demonstrates how Nintendo has something for everyone."

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 13 Jun 2008 14:25
Advertisement - News comments available below the ad
  • nobrainer

    And the awesome & fun console sells more than the others, is this news if innovative products sell more than rehashes of the same games with the same interface, and the only selling point is improved graphics?

    resident evil 4 wii edition, zelda, mario cart, mario galaxy. any other AAA titles out there?

    The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!

    13.6.2008 14:47 #1

  • bomber991

    Originally posted by nobrainer: And the awesome & fun console sells more than the others, is this news if innovative products sell more than rehashes of the same games with the same interface, and the only selling point is improved graphics?Thats what you say, but I'm going to argue that the reason the wii sells so well is that it only costs $250 instead of $400 for a PS3.

    You're right though, for the 360 and ps3, improved graphics is the only selling point as far as gameplay goes. Blu-ray movies and a media center extender is just an added bonus with the ps3.

    The graphics on the wii are pretty craptastic when compared with the ps3 and 360 though, basically they really don't even look better than old original xbox graphics.

    13.6.2008 14:59 #2

  • emugamer

    I paid the extra $150 for the better technology/graphics. Sticking with my SNES for fun.

    13.6.2008 15:39 #3

  • ChiknLitl

    Originally posted by nobrainer: And the awesome & fun console sells more than the others, is this news if innovative products sell more than rehashes of the same games with the same interface, and the only selling point is improved graphics?

    resident evil 4 wii edition, zelda, mario cart, mario galaxy. any other AAA titles out there?
    No Offense but have you played Mario Kart Wii?, Not so AAA.

    About the attach rates, are they saying that for each console sold they are selling a copy of this game with it? Perhaps the reason for the higher attach rate with the PS3 is because there are not as many great games out right now for it. Now, I'm not saying there are no good games! I'm just making the observation that the PS3 is still young, the game library is more limited than the 360 at the moment and, in general, the games are still in the $60 range (vs some of the older, cheaper titles for the 360). This is one of the games PS3 owners have been waitng for because killer apps have been few and far between so it makes sense that they would sell more with the systems.

    13.6.2008 15:53 #4

  • glassd

    I'm a PS3 owner but I dont ever want to hear Sony brag about attach rates. Not to long ago, we got an ear full about attach rates with the HD-DVD player. It was a stupid argument then and is now.

    13.6.2008 16:07 #5

  • lynchGOP

    Not surprised.................I believe this is like 3 or 4 months in a row and a minimum of 2.

    Go Nintendo Wii.............I LOVE MINE. XBox 360 rocks though, no doubt.

    I have noticed though that Nintendo game 'play out' a bit quicker than PS or XBox. Maybe because I'm 35 and appreciate the realistic nature of the big boys toys. Violence too.............did I mention I love video game violence? I do!!!

    13.6.2008 17:47 #6

  • lynchGOP

    "Sony continued to beat out Microsoft, selling 208,709 PlayStation 3 units compared to 186,500 Xbox 360 units sold."

    --Good to know I guess but not news at all. Xbox already obtained their market share. Now they're just riding the gaming(software) wave.


    13.6.2008 17:52 #7

  • chaos_zzz

    Us Economy is not in it's very best shape, and well it's showing off since ppl r going after cheap stuff ...

    I had the wii thought, for a week, got bored a week after. Nintendo should have added this controller to the gamecube and stayed working on the next deal. it isn't worth the 250$ tag

    13.6.2008 17:56 #8

  • lynchGOP

    Originally posted by chaos_zzz: Us Economy is not in it's very best shape, and well it's showing off since ppl r going after cheap stuff ...

    I had the wii thought, for a week, got bored a week after. Nintendo should have added this controller to the gamecube and stayed working on the next deal. it isn't worth the 250$ tag

    Good thing that opinions are only "like stinky objects".

    13.6.2008 18:19 #9

  • Paladore

    well i think its ridiculous. I bought the wii and i agree it was fun and all then i got a xbox, man that blew my mind. I NEVER touch my wii anymore cept for smash bros and mario kart. I just got a ps3 and i am VERY disapointed with their exclusive library. MGS 4 is pretty bad ass but the system pretty much sucks compaired to xbox. I cant wait till god of war 3 comes out, then maybe i'll justify spending the money on this "blu ray" player.

    13.6.2008 21:11 #10

  • ooZEROoo

    I'm curious as to what the June numbers will look like for next month. PS3 has it's powerhouse Metal Gear Solid 4(which if you own a PS3 and haven't played it then you need a good slap to the face). The Xbox has Ninja Gaiden 2. You talk about AAA titles well there you have them.

    14.6.2008 00:56 #11

  • NexGen76

    Originally posted by ooZEROoo: I'm curious as to what the June numbers will look like for next month. PS3 has it's powerhouse Metal Gear Solid 4(which if you own a PS3 and haven't played it then you need a good slap to the face). The Xbox has Ninja Gaiden 2. You talk about AAA titles well there you have them.
    I'm pretty sure its not going to be close.....I will be shocked if it is.

    14.6.2008 01:48 #12

  • Pop_Smith

    While I would agree the Wii has some great titles, I also wouldn't say Mario Kart Wii is a "AAA" game, its maybe AA/AA-. Its fun but it seems like a slightly updated version of "Double Dash" without the dual-rider ability.

    Originally posted by glassd: I'm a PS3 owner but I dont ever want to hear Sony brag about attach rates. Not to long ago, we got an ear full about attach rates with the HD-DVD player. It was a stupid argument then and is now.I would agree with that, between the attachment ratio being very slight (6% is pretty small!).

    I am wondering however, if the XBox 360 version out sold the PS3 version nearly 2:1 then why is Sony bragging about attachment rates for the game?

    14.6.2008 03:24 #13

  • o0cynix0o

    Quote:Originally posted by nobrainer: And the awesome & fun console sells more than the others, is this news if innovative products sell more than rehashes of the same games with the same interface, and the only selling point is improved graphics?

    resident evil 4 wii edition, zelda, mario cart, mario galaxy. any other AAA titles out there?
    No Offense but have you played Mario Kart Wii?, Not so AAA.

    Hey on offense but screw you I happen to like Mario Kart. If I want the newest graphics I'll buy a new computer. And Zelda kicks a$$, since I can't get it for any other console I guess Nintendo has a hook in my mouth.

    stupid are you this read you if

    14.6.2008 03:26 #14

  • nobrainer

    Originally posted by bomber991 :
    You're right though, for the 360 and ps3, improved graphics is the only selling point as far as gameplay goes. Blu-ray movies and a media center extender is just an added bonus with the ps3.

    The graphics on the wii are pretty craptastic when compared with the ps3 and 360 though, basically they really don't even look better than old original xbox graphics.
    blu-ray is just meh and crippled by drm and has already lost to up-scaled DVD's. The media abilities of both the 360, wii and ps3 completely suck when you think that not even the java or flash is anywhere near upto date and can display only a fraction of on-line content.

    then you have this!

    The Conduit displays Xbox 360-like graphics on Wii Originally posted by hyperlink: Despite a lack of pedigree, long-time developer High Voltage Software piqued the interest of dissatisfied Wii owners over the weekend by showing an impressive-looking first-person Wii exclusive.

    The Conduit trailer, released on Saturday, displays graphics that rival that of early Xbox 360 games by some standards, including advanced lighting, environmental memory, and detailed level design. The exclusive shooter, still without a publisher, uses the proprietary Quantum3 graphics engine, which was built from the ground up to achieve better-looking Wii games.

    "Most of the games on Wii look like crap," said High Voltage's Eric Nofsinger in an interview with IGN last month. "We want to change that, so we've invested heavily in our Wii tech over the past year."

    High Voltage founder Kerry Ganofsky added: "We believe that third-party developers need to step up to the plate and deliver. The Wii platform is capable of a lot more than what consumers have seen so far. We're hoping to raise a new bar."

    In an effort to quickly cash-in on early Wii success, many publishers have released undercooked or lazily ported games with PS2-like graphics on Wii, even though the system was quoted as being 50 percent more powerful than the last-gen GameCube.

    While The Conduit may look impressive as an unfinished Wii game, it should be noted that High Voltage Software has a reputation for releasing poorly-rated games on multiple platforms since the developer opened its doors in 1993.
    video via hyperlink.

    The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!

    14.6.2008 03:37 #15

  • SProdigy

    I have to agree with alot of the comments. I bought my Wii at launch, and loved Zelda, but was I bit disappointed with it and got a 360 a few months later when I bought an HDTV and I was blown away by the graphics. I played games like Madden, Halo 3, Crackdown, Bioshock, etc. but the novelty of Xbox Live (and paying for it) eventually wore off.

    Now I find myself playing the Wii exclusively while my Xbox collects dust. (Sorry, I bought GTA IV, but I can't get into it.) Games like SSBB and Mario Kart drew my attention back to the system, but I find myself playing Boom Blox, Dr. Mario Online, and until I beat it, Lost Wind.

    The funny thing is, my girlfriend, and even her mom, will play me at those games on the Wii, but they've never even shown interest in things like Gears of War, for instance.

    The only games they could get into on the 360 were Tetris, Uno, or maybe old schoolers like Pacman CE. The big difference is that with the Wii, we can all play together, whereas Uno and Pacman are a single player experience, unless you wire up the headset and listen to voice masked brats on Live.

    I think the multiplayer options on Wii, plus the variety of games, reach out for a broader audience. It's easier to say "shake the controller this way" then "press the C button" which will get you a response such as "where is that button again?"

    The learning curve is minimal, especially the games that utilize it properly. Nintendo just went back to the basics that made the 2 button controlled NES games so appealing: they were easy to pick up and play, plus they were fun!

    Unfortunately, I must say I agree with the Mario Kart reviews. It's not AAA, but how can I say this: the game is still good, it hasn't lost a step, but it really hasn't added any new depth or ground breaking features. Playing online is a plus, but it's also a pain in the rear compared to the ease of Live. Like someone said: Double Dash without dual riders. For a great Mario Kart experience, pick up the DS version, which is AAA+.

    And my last rant: I really hate the lack of advertisement the Wii gets. For instance, it's blatantly obvious the lack of space it gets in circulars for a store like Best Buy. Best Buy always wants to cater to a wide audience, but their weekly ad looks like a giant advertisement for everything Sony.

    Look how many pages, especially full page, or prominent front/back pages that Sony products take up. Typically the PS3 is featured on at least 2-3 pages.

    Best Buy is smart enough to know that the Wii has a larger installed base, and caters to the casual crowd, but it is virtually missing from their pages every week, even with a game like Wii Fit out.

    Not sure it's said this way, but when Sony pays for 5 pages of product placement, I'm sure it's "difficult" to make room for Nintendo. (And it was no different when Toshiba was pimping HD-DVD.)

    14.6.2008 08:15 #16

  • i1der

    I heard a quote couple days ago, that says "Mom's are the one putting Nintendo on the lead of this Gen System race", and i think it make plenty of sense. Have you ever seen any teenager or mid age person buying a Wii? I bought mine, i would buy it anyway (cause i just love gaming and got all 3).

    But every time i go in some stores i always see Grammy and Mommy's buying it. Its was a brilliant idea make a system that would be more friendly and call moms attention, cause they will have to buy the games and system, they know we all play games and the only way to get along is buying something they would enjoy...

    Just brilliant!

    Wii - Play best in 10 min gameplay and along with gaming haters
    Xbox360 - Great graphics, Great controller, Cheapest HighDef gaming
    PS3 - Same as Xbox360 but with old controllers, Best value with Xtras

    14.6.2008 09:05 #17

  • blueroad

    Originally posted by i1der: I heard a quote couple days ago, that says "Mom's are the one putting Nintendo on the lead of this Gen System race", and i think it make plenty of sense. Have you ever seen any teenager or mid age person buying a Wii? I bought mine, i would buy it anyway (cause i just love gaming and got all 3).

    But every time i go in some stores i always see Grammy and Mommy's buying it. Its was a brilliant idea make a system that would be more friendly and call moms attention, cause they will have to buy the games and system, they know we all play games and the only way to get along is buying something they would enjoy...

    Just brilliant!

    Wii - Play best in 10 min gameplay and along with gaming haters
    Xbox360 - Great graphics, Great controller, Cheapest HighDef gaming
    PS3 - Same as Xbox360 but with old controllers, Best value with Xtras
    im sorry but i couldnt have said it better myself..except that yiu also failed to mention that PS3 pretty much lacks in games as opposed to the Xbox

    14.6.2008 10:08 #18

  • ChiknLitl

    Quote:Quote:Originally posted by nobrainer: And the awesome & fun console sells more than the others, is this news if innovative products sell more than rehashes of the same games with the same interface, and the only selling point is improved graphics?

    resident evil 4 wii edition, zelda, mario cart, mario galaxy. any other AAA titles out there?
    No Offense but have you played Mario Kart Wii?, Not so AAA.

    Hey on offense but screw you I happen to like Mario Kart. If I want the newest graphics I'll buy a new computer. And Zelda kicks a$$, since I can't get it for any other console I guess Nintendo has a hook in my mouth.
    Consider me screwed! I also am not a graphics whore. Like you, I bought my Wii for Zelda and Mario. Period. I LOVE the Mario Kart series. I have had every iteration from its inception, from SNES to present (including the DS version). I took the Wii version home and played for 4 hours straight and won EVERY race! I'm not that good at this game! It didn't seem challenging or as fun to me as previous versions, just a re-hash of several old courses. Some of which are not the best from their respective games in the series. Even EGM game it a "C" rating so I know I'm not alone in this.

    14.6.2008 12:56 #19

  • SProdigy

    Quote:Consider me screwed! I also am not a graphics whore. Like you, I bought my Wii for Zelda and Mario. Period. I LOVE the Mario Kart series. I have had every iteration from its inception, from SNES to present (including the DS version). I took the Wii version home and played for 4 hours straight and won EVERY race! I'm not that good at this game! It didn't seem challenging or as fun to me as previous versions, just a re-hash of several old courses. Some of which are not the best from their respective games in the series. Even EGM game it a "C" rating so I know I'm not alone in this.Yeah, but Mario Kart Wii doesn't look that bad on an HDTV in 480p (w/component cables.) Honestly, that's all the better DVD's look if you don't have an upconvert player. Anyhow, I too have played all of the Mario Karts, and this one does seem like a rehash. Even the new courses seem too much like ones from the past, and the past courses weren't that exciting.

    Making the dash automatic sucks too, and I have yet to play the game with the Wii Wheel, opting to use the nunchuck route which seems more consistent with the old games.

    Honestly, it's a must play for those who love the franchise, and it may be enjoyed more by newbies. The only thing going for it is the Wii Wheel gimmick, otherwise everything else has been done before. (Although the new Rainbow Road is really tough!)

    Boom Blox is the most unique game out right now, makes awesome use of the motion controls, and it definitely needs more attention, because I want a sequel already! It's the most fun I've had playing a game with friends since Goldeneye/Perfect Dark.

    14.6.2008 15:01 #20

  • phade3

    The Wii's price is very family friendly for those on a budget not to mention it's fun to play. I own a PS3 and a Wii and I find myself playing my Wii way more than I play my PS3. I love Wii sports, Wii Fit, Boom Blox, Mario Kart and Super Mario Galaxy. The Wii seems to be more female friendly more so than 360 or PS3 !

    15.6.2008 00:11 #21

  • o0cynix0o

    Consider me screwed! I also am not a graphics whore. Like you, I bought my Wii for Zelda and Mario. Period. I LOVE the Mario Kart series. I have had every iteration from its inception, from SNES to present (including the DS version). I took the Wii version home and played for 4 hours straight and won EVERY race! I'm not that good at this game! It didn't seem challenging or as fun to me as previous versions, just a re-hash of several old courses. Some of which are not the best from their respective games in the series. Even EGM game it a "C" rating so I know I'm not alone in this.
    Don't really care what EGM thinks...I am a subscriber by the way. I think the whole point of the Wii version is the new interface and fan service, a lot like the new Smash Bros.

    stupid are you this read you if

    15.6.2008 00:12 #22

  • borhan9

    Quote:Sony continued to beat out Microsoft, selling 208,709 PlayStation 3 units compared to 186,500 Xbox 360 units sold.Sadly this is going to be the case for Microsoft due to the fact that HD DVD is going to be or is already a dead format, The playstation and the Nintendo Wii are going to leap miles ahead unless Microsoft does not make the blu-ray an add on for their console.

    16.6.2008 01:06 #23

  • wetsparks

    Quote:Originally posted by bomber991 :
    You're right though, for the 360 and ps3, improved graphics is the only selling point as far as gameplay goes. Blu-ray movies and a media center extender is just an added bonus with the ps3.

    The graphics on the wii are pretty craptastic when compared with the ps3 and 360 though, basically they really don't even look better than old original xbox graphics.
    blu-ray is just meh and crippled by drm and has already lost to up-scaled DVD's. The media abilities of both the 360, wii and ps3 completely suck when you think that not even the java or flash is anywhere near upto date and can display only a fraction of on-line content.

    then you have this!

    The Conduit displays Xbox 360-like graphics on Wii Originally posted by hyperlink: Despite a lack of pedigree, long-time developer High Voltage Software piqued the interest of dissatisfied Wii owners over the weekend by showing an impressive-looking first-person Wii exclusive.

    The Conduit trailer, released on Saturday, displays graphics that rival that of early Xbox 360 games by some standards, including advanced lighting, environmental memory, and detailed level design. The exclusive shooter, still without a publisher, uses the proprietary Quantum3 graphics engine, which was built from the ground up to achieve better-looking Wii games.

    "Most of the games on Wii look like crap," said High Voltage's Eric Nofsinger in an interview with IGN last month. "We want to change that, so we've invested heavily in our Wii tech over the past year."

    High Voltage founder Kerry Ganofsky added: "We believe that third-party developers need to step up to the plate and deliver. The Wii platform is capable of a lot more than what consumers have seen so far. We're hoping to raise a new bar."

    In an effort to quickly cash-in on early Wii success, many publishers have released undercooked or lazily ported games with PS2-like graphics on Wii, even though the system was quoted as being 50 percent more powerful than the last-gen GameCube.

    While The Conduit may look impressive as an unfinished Wii game, it should be noted that High Voltage Software has a reputation for releasing poorly-rated games on multiple platforms since the developer opened its doors in 1993.
    video via hyperlink.
    I sorry, I just couldn't pass this up. The Wii CANNOT produce 360/ps3 level graphics, though a developer with zero pedigree looking for attention for a new IP can lie about it. What I do love though is that Wii fan boys will go on and on about how graphics don't matter but hype this game up because of graphics, "Look, our system can make pretty pictures to!"

    19.6.2008 14:07 #24

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