The statement said "Panasonic's Tru2way-enabled VIERA HDTV is in the certification process at CableLabs. Panasonic expects to deliver Tru2way-enabled VIERA HDTVs to the market in time for the holiday season."
Of course saying they expect it isn't the same as actually delivering. But even if the number of problems reported on June 10 by a blogger at IP Democracy is accurate it also doesn't necessarily mean it won't be available later this year either. Of course they apparently didn't say they were expecting it for this year's holiday season.
Tru2Way is the successor to CableCard which allows interactive features like Video On Demand to work. CableCard works fine for simply tuning and decrypting channels, but doesn't work with interactive features that require information to be sent to the cable company's head end.
Written by: Rich Fiscus @ 14 Jun 2008 3:27