iPhone launch affected by activaction and upgrade server problems

iPhone launch affected by activaction and upgrade server problems
If you bought one of the new iPhone 3G's that were officially launched today you may have been unpleasantly surprised to find that it couldn't be activated due to Apple's servers being overwhelmed. Perhaps this shouldn't come as any surprise considering the same thing happened last year when the original iPhone launched. No doubt many had assumed that experience would have guaranteed Apple would have taken measures to avoid it this time around.

And the issue isn't limited to new phones either. Owners of the original version who decided to take advantage of the free upgrade to the new software version in order to use the new iTunes App Store are also having problems. Like the new phones they must be activated after installing the update, turning a number of iPhones already in use into significantly less useful iPaperweights.

For those who didn't download the update early this morning it's proving difficult to even download it. When I tried to purchase the update for an iPod Touch I received the following error (about 50 times over the course of a few hours).

Apple was aware of the problem, as is evidenced by the email I received from their support team saying "The new update software 2.0 released today '07/11/08' because of this our server is busy and not everyone is able to connect to download." The support email also reassured me that I would "be able to download this shortly."

Apparently their definition of shortly is a little different than most. I've stopped getting errors trying to download my iPod update, but it's still not downloading anything. That's using the links from the Apple webpage. iTunes is now telling me that I already have the most recent version.

As I've been writing this I see that Engadget has been told by AT&T the activation servers are back up, but my iPod update problems continue.

Written by: Rich Fiscus @ 11 Jul 2008 18:05
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  • prodigy42

    this is F*N great...

    11.7.2008 19:22 #1

  • rvinkebob

    Wow, did I read this right?

    11.7.2008 20:07 #2

  • blueroad

    god apple are f*in capitalistic pigs they had the problem the first time..youd think that with all the billions they have and are making of this phone theyd place a backup server for the launch..no instead they sit around knowingly that their server wont handle the load..its too bad you cant REALLY flame a company on these forums..if ever a company deserved it...

    11.7.2008 20:40 #3

  • pensfan12

    "Apple...It Just works"

    11.7.2008 21:53 #4

  • 1bonehead

    Originally posted by prodigy42: this is F*N great...

    ^^^^, like prodigy said, not good.

    The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!

    11.7.2008 23:25 #5

  • rvinkebob

    Anyway, I just heard it on G4 and some news too. Good job Apple. You've finally made frontline news.

    12.7.2008 00:57 #6

  • iluvendo

    Originally posted by rvinkebob: Anyway, I just heard it on G4 and some news too. Good job Apple. You've finally made frontline news.

    This kind of front page news , nobody needs.

    If it wasnt for bad luck, Id have no luck!
    "The flimsier the product,the higher the price"
    Ferengi 82nd rule of aquisition

    12.7.2008 06:06 #7

  • simpsim1

    Yeah, o2 are having bother too. Nearly 36 hours after getting my phone I still have no phone service. 2 to 3 days they're saying now. Grrrr!

    12.7.2008 13:17 #8

  • jetyi83

    honestly i love apple for this move. Maybe people will start to see how much apple sucks.

    people wait for the samsung i900, it smokes the apple. It is everything the apple has plus 5mp camera, replaceable battery, universal video and music formats, 16 gig internal and sd memory, and more im forgetting.

    definitely worth the wait, and you dont have to use the crappy apple software to put on music or use the phone.

    12.7.2008 15:23 #9

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