No PS3 price drop coming, says Sony

No PS3 price drop coming, says Sony
In a meeting with investors, Sony Japan chief financial officer Nobuyuki Oneda has said that the company has no plans to drop the price of its PlayStation 3 console.

Oneda also notes that the company's strategy remains the same, to bring profitability to the games division.

"Our strategy is not to sell more quantity for PS3 but to concentrate on profitability,"
said Oneda. "Our plan is to not reduce the price."

The latest comments come just ahead of Microsoft's expected announcement of an across the board price drop on its rival Xbox 360 console.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 11 Jul 2008 14:14
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  • Vr0cK

    PS3 sales are steadily growing so I'd understand and see no point in a price drop. But as a consumer, keep dropping the price til its free! XD

    11.7.2008 14:41 #1

  • 7thsinger

    As long as it stays competetive i doubt there will be a price drop. And with the most recent blockbuster (MGS4) it's still selling.

    11.7.2008 16:00 #2

  • emugamer

    Drop the price of games!!! Man, if PS3 games were $15 cheaper than their MS counterparts, it would boost profitablility, because people would spend the little extra up front for the console, knowing that they will save in the long run.

    11.7.2008 16:59 #3

  • 7thsinger

    Between the addition of in-game ads and trying to stay competitive, i wish the price of games would come down. I don't see it happening, but it would be nice.

    11.7.2008 17:16 #4

  • mrklean

    Sony already loses around $240 per console if I remember correctly. Why would they drop it more to lose more money? Games are priced so high to make up for that loss, but according to the 3.3billion dollar loss sony reported, I don't think its quite working.

    11.7.2008 17:27 #5

  • NexGen76

    Sony Just had two price drops last year.You can expect them to drop it again around the holiday season for sure.

    11.7.2008 17:36 #6

  • ZeusAV

    Sony breaks even on the 40GB now. The $240 loss is what they were taking on the 60GB version at launch. Looks like they're going to try to continue pushing it for $399 unless the 360 starts outselling it again.

    11.7.2008 18:18 #7

  • SDF_GR

    I just dont believe that neither Sony, neither MS are loosing so much money.
    Sony have lost 3billion$ for what? Just to keep the name up? I dont think so.
    There is something more in there, laundry, media games (we loose money we cant have a price cut), taxes and more that we cant know.

    I think tho that they will drop the price at Christmas for sure.

    11.7.2008 18:37 #8

  • 1bonehead

    Quote:I think tho that they will drop the price at Christmas for sure.
    All Right !!!!

    The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!

    11.7.2008 20:19 #9

  • blueroad

    well bottom line is sony really is losing money and its obvious their strategy is NOT either needs a major pricecut in games or the console or both or come up with a major add to its console and im not only talking bout games...the wii's trademark is the Wiimote xbox's trademark was always the Live concept..whats the PS3s trademark? the damn blueray playability? the fact is that for now its not worth buying cause it hasnt been hacked you pay and pay and pay and you get annoying adds and updates that brick your better have something good for PS3 this E3 or there is no future for the game dun make a console (MGS4)

    11.7.2008 20:33 #10

  • 1bonehead

    Quote:well bottom line is sony really is losing money and its obvious their strategy is NOT either needs a major pricecut in games or the console or both or come up with a major add to its console and im not only talking bout games
    Where did this info come from ?

    The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!

    11.7.2008 21:01 #11

  • PantherM

    Quote:Quote:well bottom line is sony really is losing money and its obvious their strategy is NOT either needs a major pricecut in games or the console or both or come up with a major add to its console and im not only talking bout games
    Where did this info come from ?
    I'm wondering the same thing. Fact or opinion?

    11.7.2008 22:44 #12

  • lxhotboy

    Fact or Fiction.....

    Easily fact. Sony cant afford to drop the price untill they can find more ways to produce units at lower cost. Blueray and new cell technology has is pros and cons. Blue ray is great but i guess the more consoles they sell the further in the hole they go. Blueray is great for us as the consumers but cost sony and i really cant say i have seen anything spectacular from the PS3 having the BR and Cell technology yet. The PS3 exclusive games havenot shown be a huge difference in graphics as most games are very comparable for the PS3 and Xbox360. Sony needs to get the cell figured out so they can show everyone that it can wipe the floor with the xbox360 in graphics and power as they say it can. As of now they are holding true to the past when they would exxagerate the power of their consoles.

    12.7.2008 00:33 #13

  • osteotome

    Originally posted by lxhotboy: Fact or Fiction.....

    Easily fact. Sony cant afford to drop the price untill they can find more ways to produce units at lower cost. Blueray and new cell technology has is pros and cons. Blue ray is great but i guess the more consoles they sell the further in the hole they go. Blueray is great for us as the consumers but cost sony and i really cant say i have seen anything spectacular from the PS3 having the BR and Cell technology yet. The PS3 exclusive games havenot shown be a huge difference in graphics as most games are very comparable for the PS3 and Xbox360. Sony needs to get the cell figured out so they can show everyone that it can wipe the floor with the xbox360 in graphics and power as they say it can. As of now they are holding true to the past when they would exxagerate the power of their consoles.

    Thank you for the link and excellent comment !

    "Sony Rocks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    12.7.2008 01:25 #14

  • iluvendo

    Does ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this mean no price cut for Christmas ? :(

    If it wasnt for bad luck, Id have no luck!
    "The flimsier the product,the higher the price"
    Ferengi 82nd rule of aquisition

    12.7.2008 05:59 #15

  • 7thsinger

    Originally posted by iluvendo: Does ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this mean no price cut for Christmas ? :(I'll tell you in december. :)

    12.7.2008 09:20 #16

  • SDF_GR

    i still dont believe it, they may loose money from PS3, but they must have great incomes from from games and peripherals.
    As long PS3 isnt hacked i dont think that Sony have anything to worry, especially the income from games must be enormous, 3bills must be the incomes just from GT5P and MGS4.

    12.7.2008 13:29 #17

  • Hunt720

    The risk of failure for an Xbox 360 is basically common knowledge now. By the time I quit working at GAMESTOP (YES I QUIT THAT PIECE OF S#!T) most parents were catching on to the failure rate of the 360 as that console was by far more popular at the time, and thus they had heard from other parents/kids about the faulty-ness (even a word??) of the console.

    My Point:

    The PS3 doesn't have to defend its console's reliability, and while the initial cost may be higher, it seems like a better longterm purchase as it will only grow in capabilities instead of being limited by a number of things the 360 has to deal with.

    I'M NOT TRYING TO RAG ON THE 360! I want to stop the flame there. I am stating what I have experienced by owning a 360 (first) and then the PS3 after my 2nd RROD. I know the failure rate is below 20% now (14-18% depending on who you cite/ask) but to me, that is still like playing russian roulette with a six-shooter. You still can't argue with anyone about the # of games for the console though! Xbox Live is very well built (despite the cost) and I found it easier to hook up with friends on Live... I'm still not sure if that was because my friends had 360's, or if it was actually easier. I still enjoy playing Halo 3 online with friends at their house, but for me to risk buying another 360, I would also have to have incentive like a significant price cut.

    12.7.2008 20:04 #18

  • lxhotboy

    I would have to agree with you on that one. If I get burned by the RROD and my warranty is out i would probably not invest in another one.

    12.7.2008 22:41 #19

  • blueroad

    Quote:Quote:Quote:well bottom line is sony really is losing money and its obvious their strategy is NOT either needs a major pricecut in games or the console or both or come up with a major add to its console and im not only talking bout games
    Where did this info come from ?
    I'm wondering the same thing. Fact or opinion?

    thxs man though i read another atricle..


    well you see my friend great income from games has to come from a large amount of people that own the console then take into account that the same number of people dont like the same type of games and even so if they like a type that the console features 2 kickass games thats only 2 more games per person who likes that sorta type of games..theres alot of propabilities in that and the only 2 that arent reffering to the consumer is the number of consoles sold and the number of games-prefferably exclusive games and as we know sony ent got alot of either as opposed to both its counterparts

    13.7.2008 06:22 #20

  • Hunt720

    Quote:well you see my friend great income from games has to come from a large amount of people that own the console then take into account that the same number of people dont like the same type of games and even so if they like a type that the console features 2 kickass games thats only 2 more games per person who likes that sorta type of games..theres alot of propabilities in that and the only 2 that arent reffering to the consumer is the number of consoles sold and the number of games-prefferably exclusive games and as we know sony ent got alot of either as opposed to both its counterparts
    There are more than just 2 "kick ass games" on the PS3. Maybe your opinion is that only 2 are kick ass, but for many people there are much more. I don't wanna try and bust your balls here.. but in my opinion there are a number of stellar titles on the system. Not to mention the majority of cross-platform titles are 2-3 gigs larger in size on the PS3 due to the available optical disk space. The downloadable games like Warhawk are great too, especially when its constantly updated with various expansion packs and the like.

    I did like the article you posted though.

    13.7.2008 11:21 #21

  • blueroad

    mate that was a typological number (2/5/50/100) meaning it could be any number i just wanted to express the low diversity rather than the high as nither of the console have been out long enough to brag with a high buff of games and im not talking bout the PS3 only here..and assuming you didnt refer to anything else i suppose you agreed with the other points i made a whole ill say again what i said above-in order to get on the fast track sony needs that certain something that will make people go "hey man forget xbox's live or the wii's gizmo controller im getting me a PS3! you seen that new ... that came out for it?" and im not talking about games here man sure a good game (MGS4) can make alot of people buy the console...and either think of buying other games OR let it collect dust after the game is, games are like fads and fads are everchanging and developing.halo is the best example being one of the bestselling games of our time yet still the tide has not changed by that much when you talk about all 3 consoles..and history has taught us that some games start out as exclusives but eventually reach other consoles-not many but still a select few.that is why sony needs more than a game and more than the DRM riddled supposedly future proof bluray it needs something to help boost up sales and keep it steady and it needs it sooner than later. the sooner they realize what they are doing is wrong the better the chances of the PS3 recovering will become an of cource our benefit as consumers

    13.7.2008 16:55 #22

  • Hunt720

    cool. you might want to let them in on your marketing strategies. ;P

    13.7.2008 22:49 #23

  • fergus100

    ps3 has to become profitable SOON if it does not it will be a lost cause devs will not bother with it as a result ms and sony haveto head to head so that the consumer gets the plus side of it PRICE CUTS due to competition each side tries to make there console more atrractive with new content more inovations and the exclusive devs for each party pushing the engine to its limits if there is an overall winner in this the consoles will become stagnant as the corporation that wins sit back and watch the money come in competition is good for the consumer not not buisness

    16.7.2008 13:06 #24

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