Piracy has 'tragic' impact on US society, says BSA

Piracy has 'tragic' impact on US society, says BSA
The Business Software Alliance released a new report yesterday claiming that software piracy in the United States has cost the industry $11.4 billion USD and lost the government $1.7 billion in taxes.

The group did however note that piracy is relatively low in the United States compared to the rest of the world and that the average of the 50 states is about 20 percent. The group did call the 20 percent of counterfeit material a "tragic" loss of revenue for the industry.

Had that software not been pirated, the BSA claims 25,000 police officers could be hired each year to patrol New York, Florida, California and Nevada as well as have 100 new middle schools created for children.

“The United States may have the lowest PC software piracy rate in the world, but still, one out of every five pieces of software put into service is unlicensed,”
said BSA anti-piracy and general counsel veep Neil MacBride.

“Not only is this a problem for the software industry, but piracy also creates major legal and security risks for the companies involved.

“The most tragic aspect is that the lost revenues to tech companies and local governments could be supporting thousands of good jobs and much-needed social services in our communities."

The report also directly pointed at eight separate states, those that had "significant variations" from the national average.

The BSA-sponsored IDC study, available here (pdf), pinpointed eight US states in the report. It found significant variations from the national piracy figure of 20 per cent. California and Nevada led the pack with over 25 percent while Florida and New York lagged behind at 18 percent.

For an "interesting" read, please read the entire study which is available from the BSA: Piracy IDC Study

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 22 Jul 2008 18:23
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  • ivymike

    TOO F***ING BAD!!

    22.7.2008 18:32 #1

  • geestar20

    Quote:Piracy has 'tragic' impact on US societyTragic indeed! I guess millions or billions of dollars of useless scientific projects is justified?

    22.7.2008 18:50 #2

  • varnull

    I smell that old familiar smell.. yeah that's right.. BS

    the only people losing here are the mega rich, and they won't notice seeing as they have more than they could ever spend anyways.

    So who uses pirated material.. people who CAN'T AFFORD THE OVERPRICED CRAP IN THE FIRST PLACE!! .. Tax the rich properly, take some of the disgusting profits from the mega corporations.. ooooo.. way more than 11 billion there.. the oil companies alone make more than a billion in excess profits every DAY!!

    My heart bleeds for these fat cats, it really does.. hiding behind their paid politicians and security fences guards and dogs..

    20 years fat cats.. before you get strung up by the starving masses you lord it over now.

    22.7.2008 18:53 #3

  • xSModder

    Quote:Had that software not been pirated, the BSA claims 25,000 police officers could be hired each year to patrol New York, Florida, California and Nevada as well as have 100 new middle schools created for children.
    who was paying for that supposedly?
    government or the corporations?

    that's more than a little f*cking exaggerated.

    point the finger all you want, it won't save you from yourselves.

    22.7.2008 19:20 #4

  • Pop_Smith

    Quote:Had that software not been pirated, the BSA claims 25,000 police officers could be hired each year to patrol New York, Florida, California and Nevada as well as have 100 new middle schools created for children.Ha! Sure, that can be the dollar equivalent in officers from the $1.7 billion in taxes but we all know the majority of those tax dollars wouldn't end up in the hands of cops or used to build schools.

    22.7.2008 19:41 #5

  • ugc

    These studies do not show the truth. Fact is, most people that pirate would not buy it to start with. So, no money is lost from sales.

    22.7.2008 20:33 #6

  • defgod

    The one word in that whole thing that stands out is could. There could be this there could be that. Hell there could be a lot of things. If Originally posted by varnull: Tax the rich properly, take some of the disgusting profits from the mega corporations.. ooooo.. way more than 11 billion there.. the oil companies alone make more than a billion in excess profits every DAY!!Then and only then could those things happen. But it never will because the large corporations/rich pretty much control the government. They pay for their campaigns and a lot of other things. Hell they pretty much keep them in office. In turn then politicians put little provisions in the laws and bills that help the corporations/rich.

    22.7.2008 20:39 #7

  • casemodd

    Originally posted by ugc: These studies do not show the truth. Fact is, most people that pirate would not buy it to start with. So, no money is lost from sales.I agree why buy when you can download :) All i buy is bulk blank dvds

    22.7.2008 20:43 #8

  • nonoitall

    I can play this game too.

    Had resources been spent to stop this software piracy:
    - 100,000 police officers would have had to be diverted to work solely on catching pirates
    - 2,000 middle schools would have computers without any software on them
    - 70% of Americans would be stuck with out-dated software, hence susceptible to security breaches, identity theft and fraud

    Even though I just made up my figures, I bet they paint a more accurate picture of the situation than the BSA's.

    22.7.2008 20:48 #9

  • H_Seldon

    The problem with all this ranting by the media losers is that none of their facts and figures take this into account: Many people who are downloading are downloading alot of material that they would never buy. If these people were unable to download at all, they would NOT BUY most of the material they are downloading.

    And Mr. Media Mogul / record company executive / distributor of mostly crappy movies with left wing plots and no talent,
    We wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't been gouging us for ridiculous amounts of money for your CDs with only one good song and your poorly written left wing movies.
    I remember when you were charging over $100 for the latest Video (VCR) release, I remember when you were charging over $30 for the same DVD and I remember when you were charging over $20 for a CD with one good song on it.

    It's all becoming free on the net now anyway - with some sidebar advertising - so all you media moguls can Fu#$ right O$$.

    To summarize for my fellow dawners:
    Remember fellow dawners, all these figures don't include the fact that most of the stuff being downloaded would never be purchased anyway - especially at the stupid ass prices they've tried to extort from us.

    22.7.2008 21:22 #10

  • Jlhfit

    I call bullshit! Hey government dont worry bout the taxes, your making it up with gas prices! As far as 11.4 billion bucks lost,Its called buisness. Now I get to say what every boss tells their employee who complains and hates his job.. "GET THE F*CK OVER IT or Get another job!!!"

    Actually the only people that are complaining is the OVER-PAID Actors! "OMFG! Instead of $18m for a movie deal, Im only getting $9m??? WTF?" Give me that once and Ill be happy... Ill never understand why our society has made "lieing" the highest paid job in the world!! Hell pay me for lieing, Ill even be happy if you give me half what an average actor is paid! I really hate to tell everyone against piracy,but its never going to stop.. The only way to even remotely control it, is though the use of site that pay a low fee to download their media.

    22.7.2008 22:02 #11

  • windsong

    Um..."Business Software Alliance"? Who the F is that? Rejects from the Pee Wee Herman Fan Club?


    22.7.2008 22:04 #12

  • ZippyDSM

    To you I give a big old arm pumping nazi HEIL!, I discount the numbers and statistics you poo out of your collective anus, the big corps will never be hurt by it and the smaller ones will be feasted upon by the larger ones thus thos that make content gerneally get paid for it in some way.

    And to decry you are not getting money from a media project from sales after the production has ended when you already got paid for it is kinda silly not many "small people" get royalties in a mostly commission driven industry....

    and BTW if you do not want your work being seen then get another job, whats more important being known for goof work or being paid for bad?

    22.7.2008 23:22 #13

  • iluvendo

    I read the whole paper. In a peer reviewed chemistry or biological science scientific paper, there exixts a part, in chemistry it is called "experimental", whereas in the biological science papers it is "methods and materials". These areas explain to all reading the papers, how the researchers did the experiment, and what their methods were.

    Here, all I saw was "surveyed data" or BSA believes........
    This is like saying " we surveyed attendees at a major league baseball game and found out a great majority of the attendees like baseball"

    No kidding, as even a child knew that.

    Or surveying McDonalds at lunchtime and asking "Why are you patronizing McD's, Is it because it it your favorite ? (it is obvious a patron at McD's prefers McD's, or at the outset that is the only fast food place nearby)

    The BSA then concludes most Americans prefer McD's over all other fast food chains, yet never surveyed anyone at Burger King.

    The BSA never mentions their methodology, making their data gathering methods suspect. Their conclusions are also at best suspect and at worse specultative.

    From the BSA report

    Arizona’s consumers accounted for only 34% of PC shipments, but 55% of the state’s installed base of PCs. IDC [b][i]believes
    these two factors had the biggest effect on nudging the piracy rate to 21%, above the[/i][/b]

    Notice that the operative word is believes

    That is equal to saying that Santa Claus exists because our evidence is there are presents under the tree on Christmas day, and none the night before when we went to sleep

    Please get reaL BSA. With methods such as your, you would not graduate college, as this kind of work is not college level or quality, even at a JC.

    22.7.2008 23:54 #14

  • H_Seldon

    Fascinating iluvendo.

    I just want to say to these media pigs, Let's get real.

    You're never going to stop it as long as you're being unreasonable and foolish at the same time.

    We're not stupid. We know the prices of DVD's and CD's are so unreasonable that most of us can understand why many choose to download. We know the data is conjured up by these left wing media freaks who ironically can't make enough money out of their substandard and often recycled products.
    Until they face the FACTS that their business is going to change whether they like it or not, they're going to put themselves (not us- we don't give a shit) through a whole lot of needless worry and pain.

    Give us a CD for under $10 (or less than 50 cents per song) with more than one decent original song on it.
    Give us a DVD for under $10 (cause we're only gonna watch the crappy thing once), because it's been years since your writers have written an original screenplay.
    And don't try and protect everything even when the artists are dead.
    Be reasonable.

    Stop telling the public stupid facts and figures we all know are lies.
    Stop acting like a left wing fu##ing fool with all your propaganda any idiot can see through (this isn't the 1970's or 1980's anymore - we're not buying your left wing crap).

    Stop trying to lie to us you stupid fu##s!

    Then we might think about it.

    23.7.2008 00:14 #15

  • Y_Eater

    I pirate because of high gas prices

    23.7.2008 00:36 #16

  • spydah

    All i can say is those who think piracy is a issue are either greedy billionaire's who could careless how all their money comes in. If they are so concerned:

    1. Stop selling blank CD-R/RW, DVD-R/+R/RW.
    2. Write accessible hard drives, flash drives, memory sticks, and etc.
    3. DVD burners, CD burners.
    4. Video Camera's.
    5. Shutdown the internet that's the root of all evil (sarcasm)..
    6. My list can go on and on about things we use daily.

    Now to conclude my sarcastic rant. If the media items i mentioned above mixed in with the users who use them for their intended purposes, then why in the hell is their fault for using a product the was developed to be used.

    23.7.2008 00:46 #17

  • DXR88

    hahaha, thats a knee slapper, ah. keep up the good BSA. with statistics like these you might just graduate from Pre-K.

    BSA=Bullsh*t Statistics Association.

    23.7.2008 02:18 #18

  • windsong

    Ive NEVER been able to grasp why it is that big corporations despise piracy yet THEY are the ones that provide the tools to do so. Best Buy sells dvd writers for dirt cheap. I see Blu-Ray discs at NewEgg are 10 bucks each now. What the hell do LG, Panasonic, Sony and the like think we do with blank blu-ray media? Store 25 gigs worth of family photos on them??

    Incompetent, greedy boobs. All of them.

    23.7.2008 02:39 #19

  • iluvendo

    Originally posted by windsong: Ive NEVER been able to grasp why it is that big corporations despise piracy yet THEY are the ones that provide the tools to do so. Best Buy sells dvd writers for dirt cheap. I see Blu-Ray discs at NewEgg are 10 bucks each now.

    Quote:What the hell do LG, Panasonic, Sony and the like think we do with blank blu-ray media? Store 25 gigs worth of family photos on them??

    Incompetent, greedy boobs. All of them.

    The BSA believes we all come from veeeeeerrrrrrrryyyyy BIG families

    If it wasnt for bad luck, Id have no luck!
    "The flimsier the product,the higher the price"
    Ferengi 82nd rule of aquisition

    23.7.2008 03:18 #20

  • DoomLight

    lol i really dont feel guilty.

    how the hell are they gonna expect a poor college student to shell out 500 bux for msoft offic3 2007 to complete a homework assignment
    of course they are gonna get it pirated if it means their grade...

    sorry no sympathy here.

    send me another stimulus check plz. ty

    23.7.2008 03:29 #21

  • stuntman_

    haha I am proud to be apart of something that puts less cops on our streets

    23.7.2008 04:35 #22

  • grkblood

    Originally posted by Y_Eater: I pirate because of high gas prices

    23.7.2008 07:52 #23

  • rayals

    As I recall these same Bussniess that are loosing profits to piracy have used pirated sofware as well. Sometime back AD had an article about a New York Company (I think it was Sony) that got caught using bogus software on thier computers.

    There is no clear evidence that the taxes that COULD have been missed, would have been used by the Police or School systems. The BSA is just trying to use marketing methods on the government.

    Most of the software that I see that has been pirated is overpriced anyway.Honestly, how can a PC game be released for $60 and within 6 months go down to $20? Knowing that the maker is ALWAYS going to make a profit on a retail sale, as well as the retailer, what is the ACTUAL cost of a game?

    Get real. Quit manipulating the public and the government for your own personal pocket book.

    23.7.2008 07:55 #24

  • atomicxl

    I think the real tragedy is that piracy has caused my generation and the ones after me to totally devalue all forms of art. Someone said DVDs and CDs cost too much. Come on. A movie is like $14.99 and about $9.99 a few months later. You can buy a song for $1... a cd on amazon for $8.99. People don't even think a song is worth a dollar.

    You can listen to and enjoy a song for the rest of your life, but people put the value of that around the same price as a Snicker bar. I think thats the sad thing. The value of all art tops out around 50 cents.

    I think in the future stuff like that will move us toward the big brother society everyone rants against far quicker than anything the government has done.

    23.7.2008 09:19 #25

  • ookami

    Here's the tragedy. Doubletalk and misleading information.

    Here's what they lump into the "piracy" umbrella.

    1) Software downloaded online - yes, this is piracy. It's a VERY small percentage of people. VERY small.

    2) Counterfeiting - oversea sweatshops use professional equipment to duplicate media and documentation so that you can barely tell the difference. They then flood the market with it and some even makes it to the US. This IS the "piracy" that funds terrorism and is supposedly causing the huge loss in revenue. It makes up the lion's share of their statistics.

    3) Multiple Loads - People who load a legitimate purchased software on multiple computers. It includes the artist who loads his one copy of PHotoshop on his laptop and his desktop. (OMG!) This is the 2nd largest "piracy" issue in the US.

    But they take all of this and lump it into the "piracy" umbrella and make people who download a copy of software or load their application on two PCs look just guilty as the people mass producing counterfeit copies of the software and using the profits however.

    23.7.2008 10:18 #26

  • ikari

    Originally posted by atomicxl: I think the real tragedy is that piracy has caused my generation and the ones after me to totally devalue all forms of art. Someone said DVDs and CDs cost too much. Come on. A movie is like $14.99 and about $9.99 a few months later. You can buy a song for $1... a cd on amazon for $8.99. People don't even think a song is worth a dollar.

    You can listen to and enjoy a song for the rest of your life, but people put the value of that around the same price as a Snicker bar. I think thats the sad thing. The value of all art tops out around 50 cents.

    I think in the future stuff like that will move us toward the big brother society everyone rants against far quicker than anything the government has done.
    Agreed. Sometimes, extreme opposing comments and actions help your opponent more than hurts them. Have you ever heard a yelling screaming person argue with a calm and relaxed person?

    23.7.2008 10:28 #27

  • DXR88

    in other news DXR88's Farting has a 'tragic' impact on U.S. Society.

    My Mother has a 'tragic' impact on U.S. Society.

    My dog has a 'tragic' impact on U.S. Society.

    No rain in Florida has a 'tragic' impact on U.S. Society.

    Rising gas prices has a 'tragic' impact on U.S. Society.

    the fall of the U.S. dollar has a 'tragic' impact on U.S. Society.

    cutting down the rain forest has a 'tragic' impact on U.S. Society.

    Chinese manufactured imported goods has a 'tragic' impact on U.S. Society.

    Terrorism has a 'tragic' impact on U.S. Society.

    FireArms have a 'tragic' impact on U.S. Society.

    of course i could go on all day

    23.7.2008 10:28 #28

  • Gnawnivek

    Thanks for the laughs guys/gals... BSA is BS to start with, lol. Anyway, the money will not make to schools and police departments. So, why even bother making statements like COULD hire enough cops to patrol XXX and COULD build schools enough to educate YYY.

    23.7.2008 10:43 #29

  • DXR88

    i forgot the most important one.

    BSA has a 'tragic' impact on U.S. Society.

    kk im done

    23.7.2008 10:51 #30

  • goodswipe

    Originally posted by defgodThen and only then could those things happen. But it never will because the large corporations/rich pretty much control the government. They pay for their campaigns and a lot of other things. Hell they pretty much keep them in office. In turn then politicians put little provisions in the laws and bills that help the corporations/rich.: The NWO is upon us my friend....

    "hey locoeng i need your help ive been sign up to ad since 2004 or 05 but i really havent posted so im still a newbie could you do anything and move my rank up ill be great if you could make me a senoir member. Because ive probably read every post since i joined." - embo22000

    23.7.2008 11:28 #31

  • mspurloc

    Someone like this empty suit needs to experience real tragedy, like coming home to find his family dead.

    Scum like this cheapen the word by associating it with their greed.

    23.7.2008 11:29 #32

  • suntreker

    I was reading this article while leaning over my keyboard,such a sad tale all those company's are getting quite poor and not being able to pay more taxes to the government. I broke down and flooded my keyboard with tears. I think we should all send a donation to the business software alliance. Please make sure that your donation is in a leak proof container so the smell wont get out.

    23.7.2008 12:14 #33

  • Joshewah

    "Had that software not been pirated, the BSA claims 25,000 police officers could be hired each year to patrol New York, Florida, California and Nevada as well as have 100 new middle schools created for children."

    LOL... suuuuuure it would have been used to hire more cops and educate children. *cough*bullshit*cough*

    23.7.2008 12:52 #34

  • emugamer

    Originally posted by atomicxl: I think the real tragedy is that piracy has caused my generation and the ones after me to totally devalue all forms of art. Someone said DVDs and CDs cost too much. Come on. A movie is like $14.99 and about $9.99 a few months later. You can buy a song for $1... a cd on amazon for $8.99. People don't even think a song is worth a dollar.

    You can listen to and enjoy a song for the rest of your life, but people put the value of that around the same price as a Snicker bar. I think thats the sad thing. The value of all art tops out around 50 cents
    I'll spend $17 on a CD if it's from an artist whom I enjoy and has proven himself time and time again. I'll spend full price for a DVD or a bluray movie that had a huge impact on me. And I'll make the bold statement that most people feel the same way. "Piracy" normalizes the value of the artist in that artists make exactly what they should. Of the millions of songs that have been "pirated" over the years, how many have been deleted because the "Pirate" just didn't care for them? How many "Pirates" developed a liking to specific artists and purchased their music? How many "Pirates" were exposed to different genres and purchased a new type of music? And on the flip side, how many "Pirates" just download and hoard terabytes of material without contributing to society? I haven't seen a study on that yet. The only studies I've seen are biased since they are from organizations that are somewhat tied to big media.

    As for software, if every average person (not a business) had no choice but to purchase software to do anything at all, you would see the number of PC sales plummet. Just as a random example, The average person cannot afford the high price of software just to mess around occasionally. Neither can most college students, even at a discounted price. If I purchased all of the software I wanted to occassionally mess around with over the years, I'd have to sell my home.

    You see, these numbers are all one-sided. Every "study" that comes out is one-sided. It assumes that all people who download are greedy thieves that hoard free stuff. The problem is, there is no data to prove otherwise, and I doubt a group like the BSA is going to carry out that study. We've heard from the BSA, now how about we hear from the consumers? It's easy to win a case with absurd statements and claims when nobody responds or fights back. We need a Pirated Media Association, that can counter absurd claims with their own absurd claims, just to show how ridiculous this all is.

    I'm not for or against piracy, mainly because I don't even recognize the label or what it stands for. I feel that the label "Piracy" is legitimate when it comes to people profitting from physical sales of copies, otherwise it's just a marketing gimmick employed to evoke feelings of guilt and shame, all for the benefit of greedy Corporate America. If a true study was conducted that took into account all sides and all of the effects of file sharing, and it turned out that it did indeed have a negative impact....and if solutions were provided that did not involve severley punishing the poor and middle class, then I would be more inclined to take the side for what was "right." But what is actually "right" is too skewed by corrupt, greedy individuals that will tell you anything to get your money.

    Solution - keep buying what you want and don't buy what you don't want. Don't be influenced or fooled. Hopefully, someone will bring these scare tactics into question.

    23.7.2008 12:52 #35

  • mspurloc

    Originally posted by atomicxl: I think the real tragedy is that piracy has caused my generation and the ones after me to totally devalue all forms of art. Someone said DVDs and CDs cost too much. Come on.I agree somewhat, but you're in the music business, so you're partial.
    I can also see it from a college student's point of view, where they've only got so much cash to spread around.

    23.7.2008 13:20 #36

  • jetyi83

    Originally posted by stuntman_: haha I am proud to be apart of something that puts less cops on our streetslol//

    even if this were true which its not at all, its still 1.5 billion in taxes. Big deal we spend that every day on war. Start telling people that one less day in iraq could hire 1000 police officers and feed thousands of grade schoolers. It could save 10 kittens per hour and give baby deer their inoculations.

    No one cares. Pirate all day every day. cant stop wont stop

    23.7.2008 13:33 #37

  • H_Seldon

    My point is that if the freaks who've taken over the entertainment business were not "unreasonable" with the prices they charge, and were not "foolish" with these studies, they'd have already reached the solution WE WILL FORCE UPON THEM.

    My point is that if they were reasonable and set the price at about 50 cents per song ($1 a song isn't cheap enough - it makes many CDs exceed $20), putting say 20 songs on a CD would cost $9.99. A LOT FEWER people would bother to download.
    Buying a movie on DVD shouldn't cost 2-5 times more than it costs for a theatre admission ticket.
    It's extremely cheap to press CDs and DVDs. Their profits are exorbitant.
    You can argue all day about whether a song is worth 'only' 50 cents or only $1. That's what the media pigs do.
    If you want to get people buying CDs and DVDs and becoming collectors again, sharing covers and liner notes etc..., then the price has got to be good. IMO, $15 to $20 isn't good enough.

    My second point is that if they were sensible and stopped commissioning biased studies that don't take into account the number of people who would NOT BUY the product anyway even if they couldn't download it, either because a) they can't afford it (as emugamer said) or b) because they really don't want it that much, then perhaps they'd stop speaking in doublespeak and start talking real real (not drug real).

    And I'd like to add another point many of us are aware of. In addition to the crazy prices of CDs and DVDs, they have a way of packaging audio and video, so that it isn't always easy to get everything. If you want everything with a specific artist, it's often easier to look around.

    Finally fellow dawners, the entertainment freaks are NOT right wing suits who look like VP Cheney. No, they're left wing freaks who look like Adam Sandler. They'd be hanging out with many of us, if they didn't get the jobs they got and if they weren't sitting on their boats drinking Pina Coladas and conspiring against us - their fellow brothers and sisters.
    Everytime I see someone use the term "corporate" whatever, I think of the old image of the people who used to control the entertainment business. Those people are long dead and gone or retired. The business has been taken over by yuppies and GenXers. And they don't wear "suits". Only the lawyers they hide behind wear suits.
    No fellow dawners, these fucks are people who used to be just like us - and would still be if they hadn't been given the jobs they have. And because we won't pay $25-30 for a movie or $15-20 for a CD, these left wing fucks are stabbing us in the back.

    I totally agree with emugamer's solution: keep buying what you want and don't buy what you don't want. Don't be influenced or fooled. Hopefully, someone will bring these scare tactics into question.

    And I would add, if we all make the benchmark 50 cents per song for music, and $5 per hour for video - everyone can be a winner (the artists, the distributors who rape them anyway, and most importantly us who I think they've forgotten).

    H. Seldon

    Incremental Liberalism is change without informed consent.

    23.7.2008 13:56 #38

  • c1c

    I think another addition besides CD-R and DVD-R are the DVD players that play Divx and Xvid. I mean kmon, what other purpose would there be to having one of these players other than downloading those 700mb movies and burning a bunch on a DVD.

    23.7.2008 14:15 #39

  • blueroad

    Originally posted by DXR88: hahaha, thats a knee slapper, ah. keep up the good BSA. with statistics like these you might just graduate from Pre-K.

    BSA=Bullsh*t Statistics Association.
    hmm how bout BSA-Bullsh*t Spreading A$$h**es?

    23.7.2008 15:06 #40

  • beanos66

    lies, dammned lies, statistics and statistics made up by the bsa

    23.7.2008 15:28 #41

  • domie

    Quote:Had that software not been pirated, the BSA claims 25,000 police officers could be hired each year to patrol New York, Florida, California and Nevada as well as have 100 new middle schools created for children. and of course if piracy didn't exist - that absolutely would happen wouldn't it ? ( snicker )

    how about diverting Barrack Obama's, Hillary Clinton's and John McCain's electoral campaign funds to the third world and eliminating poverty, disease and hunger in 2 weeks ?

    23.7.2008 18:41 #42

  • craftyzan

    Some bright lights in the entertainment industry have figured out that bittorrent is a no-cost marketing tool. Nine Inch Nails is deliberately leaving songs out on the web for download and for fan remixing.

    23.7.2008 19:32 #43

  • susieqbbb

    This is messed up.

    Let me explain you are saying the businesses are losing money when in fact i see more businesses while working on there servers using pirated software themself's so explain to me if a business is using pirated software and a company isn't willing to spend 35,000 dollers for a microsoft license then pretty much you leave no choice to business owners but piracy this is why i am a mac user.

    Even if mac has the highest rate of piracy they give you the opertunity to try out the software and see if you like it before you purchase it where microsoft doesn't do this unless you are a it tech kinda lame.

    I see so much piracy it is insane company's need to learn if it only cost 30.00 in one country it should cost the same in all the others at least them people will buy instead of pirate.

    24.7.2008 01:43 #44

  • area_51

    phuck em

    24.7.2008 16:14 #45

  • varnull

    heres how it works in China.. People can't download western music and films easily, but they can buy a cd or dvd.. so 1 person buys it, and then makes 20,000 copies which they sell on markets and street corners and openly in shops at not much more (to them) than the cost of the materials... these people get rich quickly.

    I can get all the latest mp3's (weekly mp3 disk) and films for £1 a go from the same people who sell smak crack tobacco alcohol and guns.. I make from them by using my cluster to master to dvd the avi's they get through their criminal connections.

    I used to just download what I wanted, which I would never buy anyway.. but now I help the drug dealing gangsters with their criminal empire.. and do you know what.. it feels freakin good getting paid £50 per dvd master disk when I can churn out 4 an hour....

    Since the UK threatened clampdown our disk sales are up 300% and rising.. more money for guns and drugs and piracy.. What a great idea.. If we make enough millions WE will be able to buy politicians just like a south american country.. roll on the future, still run by criminals.. just honest ones for a change.

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work. Get off my beach before I burn down your village!

    24.7.2008 16:29 #46

  • pippincp

    What a laugh!!

    Do we have to believe that the company or even the government would hire that many officers?? and as for the rest I'm still rolling on the floor!!!!

    Had that software not been pirated, the BSA claims 25,000 police officers could be hired each year to patrol New York, Florida, California and Nevada as well as have 100 new middle schools created for children.

    28.7.2008 19:24 #47

  • rayhigh

    What always blows me away about this line of "reasoning" is the notion that if people weren't able to d/l music/software/video without paying, they would buy same at full retail price. I just don't see it. For my part, I'd guess that about 90% or more of the music I d/l I would not purchase. I rarely d/l films. The tv shows I d/l are mostly available over the air. As to the software, I would long ago have made the shift to Linux over Winblows, if I couldn't get it for free. Christ, M$ should pay me for using Vista on that one desktop. (Note: I had a system crash, needed an emergency machine, bought one fully built instead of building one from scratch as usual. It came with Vista. It really is as bad as is generally said. Ye Gods!)

    28.7.2008 21:46 #48

  • avoidz

    More bull$hit propaganda from the big corporations...

    And the War in Iraq costs, what, $720 million per day? Give us a fu*king break.

    28.7.2008 22:47 #49

  • bobalay

    The BSA should not forget that without piracy there would be no need for the BSA.

    28.7.2008 23:35 #50

  • Mez

    atomicxl, what have you been sniffing or are you part of the media mafia???

    New DVDs are over $20 and get down to $10 MAYBE a year later.

    Maybe you think I should be thrilled to buy a DRMed low quality tune that I have already bought once as vinyl and again as a CD. Much of that music was bought for next to nothing of which millions were made selling at 4 per $ when it was on vinyl. At least vinyl was an expensive process compared with CDs and now mp3s. The industry was spoiled when they started selling the way cheaper CDs for way more money. Now that they could sell digital for nearly pure profit they need to make a bigger killing. Oh yes make the music 1/10 the quality for more money and be sure to DRM the mucic so you will need to buy it again soon.

    atomicxl, should worship those morons that could have made a killing by selling high quality tunes for 4/$? I blame those morons for piracy not the public. The public has reacted to that lunacy by cutting them out of the picture. I guess you have been out voted.

    My dog has a 'tragic' impact on U.S. Society by pissing on a tree. It will probably cause earthquakes in China! We might have to pay a dollor more for most goods. (Good one DXR88)

    rayhigh, what line of reasoning? My dog pissing on the tree has better resoning. At least he knows what he is going and is acomplishing something.

    29.7.2008 10:15 #51

  • hermes_vb

    Flatulence has a 'tragic' impact on U.S. Society.

    29.7.2008 11:51 #52

  • VidJunkie

    I believe that they are inflating the loss figures by ignoring the fact that a large proportion of the "pirated" software would never have been purchased if that were only option. Also, since pirated software is quirky, not the most recent release, and comes with no support users who decide they truly need the software may end up purchasing it anyway, if the price is reasonable.

    29.7.2008 14:08 #53

  • Mez

    I am sure they figure everyone would be buying several of each product at at least list price. They don't have any numbers so the make up numbers to suit themselves. I wish I could just make up stuff for my job!

    29.7.2008 21:34 #54

  • vudoo

    Well for starters if some software wern't so damn expensive such as Zoomtext for the visually impaired $500 (If you want speech) there would not be a need for software piracy

    Here is something else to put in your pipe and smoke:
    Thanks to the linux nerds you now have open source Windows software in which is FREEWARE and legal to Download. I'll give you some examples:

    Abi Word- This program does almost exactly the same thing as did Microsoft Word in Office 2000 (which many of us Pirates have been using and sharing). Now when I help a friend get their computer set up instead of having to find my Pirated copy of Office 2000, I head over to the net and simply Download Abi Word for them and tell them to save all their documents to the .doc format. This way if they ever have to use the document in school, it would still load in MS word and they don't have to buy anything from the fat cat Bill Gates.

    Winamp Pro fans there is a FREEWARE open source version of that too called Aimp. Does almost the same thing. I use to head over to the crack sites weekly to check for updates of Winamp. Now I just use Aimp and I don't have to worry about cracking anything.

    And finally ConvertXtodvd Again an open source FREEWARE called DvD Flick. Does the same damn thing as the expensive alternative. And you want to know something else to trip your trigger? I learned about the FREEWARE clones on none other than a Pirate web site ha ha ha so now the Pirates are now Programmers and they do what they do best and that is Sharing because its caring.

    Pirate in my heart, Pirate in my soul. Download All and Share it ALL.

    3.8.2008 11:18 #55

  • pav376

    25,000 cops that could be and 100 middle schools is a load of crap. the money would probably go into buying another multi-billon dollar killing machine. Some of the planes and the bombs on board are worth a couple billion. If they're worried about 1.4 billon dollars they could not built a couple fighter jets costing well over a billion dollars.

    22.8.2008 12:34 #56


    The government just made 8$ off my 50 pack of Singapore Verbs DL purchase today. (There's my contribution)

    Premium 360 Benq 1.3
    XBOX 1.4- Zenium Chipped 300 Gb Maxtor

    23.8.2008 05:48 #57

  • Mez

    I just heard a new flash. Pirates are responcible for the energy crisis! Yes! If we beat the crap out of them they will give us back all the oil they pirated and gas will be a dollar/gal.

    vudoo, thanks for being helpful. I never did understand why something like Office has doubled in price after all meaningful had already been made. The upgrades now only put junk into it to make it more bloated and less stable. Now they changed the interface. That is kind of like changing ther national language, just because. They charge extra for that stupidity!

    26.8.2008 07:39 #58

  • LukeWiggy

    well if it were that bad why dont the ISP block sites and shit? noobz

    http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/681986 <--GUIDE FOR CWCHEAT FOR VSERSIONS 3.90 M33 TO 4.01 M33
    http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/569423 <--DOWNGRADE GUIDES FOR ALL FIRMWARES
    http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/682865 <--NOKIA PHONES WHICH CANT BE UNLOCKED
    http://forums.exophase.com/showthread.php?t=7674 <--1.50 Kernel Addon for fat 4.0.1 m33-Download
    http://forums.exophase.com/showthread.php?t=7675 <--4.01M33-2 (Updated)

    26.8.2008 07:53 #59

  • Mez

    Do not mention that or you may get what you wished for. They have always had that ability but it was stupidly applied. They are paying the programmers more money have have gotten a smarter batch. ISPs are experimenting with it in isolated nodes in various parts of the world. Both sides are working on the problem. There are places where the ISPs have got it right. Soon the ISPs will have the upper hand and private sites will lose lots of members.

    I would get it while I could.

    26.8.2008 08:25 #60

  • Winddog

    Hi, no one has ever said any thing about how much revenu is lost at the retail stores because of people are stealing DVD's and CD's. It probaly exceeds what is Pirated. That is true Piracy.

    17.5.2009 20:58 #61

  • Mez

    Winddog, No that is theft. That is a true loss. The store bought the material and then it was stolen. Much of the piracy loss is wishful thinking. A person will pick up a pirated version for free which they would never buy in a million years. It is complete foolishness to say that if a person couldn't pick up the copy for free they would have bought it.

    18.5.2009 07:18 #62

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