UK retailers dropping the price of Xbox 360

UK retailers dropping the price of Xbox 360
Although it was announced last week that Microsoft was cutting the price on the 20GB model Xbox 360 in North America and Australia, there was not word on whether there would be a similar move for Europe.

A couple of UK retailers however have dropped the price on the same model, most notably e-tailers and Amazon which have dropped the price of the console to GBP 169.99 and 179.99 respectively. The lower price represents a £30 savings off the MSRP.

Microsoft spokespeople have said however that the situation must be "their own deal...It’s nothing to do with us.”

Industry insiders however see the price cut as foreshadowing for an official price cut coming at the Game Convention in Leipzig this August. There is also the possible introduction of a 60GB model just as in North America.

We will keep you updated.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 22 Jul 2008 15:53
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  • DXR88

    There moving the older consoles to make room for the newer one's. i'm sure MS gave the word, just not on official terms.

    22.7.2008 16:01 #1

  • blueroad

    hmm even with the not-too-noticeable price cuts i dont see why one would consider an xbox360..its like a russian roulette if you consider the risk of the RROD..i dunno bout you but i wouldnt pay 400$ for a frying pan (btw theres even a youtube vid with sum guy making scrambled eggs on it..if it breaks down mod it as a junior oven for the kids..)

    22.7.2008 17:11 #2

  • lecsiy

    Quote:hmm even with the not-too-noticeable price cuts i dont see why one would consider an xbox360..its like a russian roulette if you consider the risk of the RROD..i dunno bout you but i wouldnt pay 400$ for a frying pan (btw theres even a youtube vid with sum guy making scrambled eggs on it..if it breaks down mod it as a junior oven for the kids..)Dude why? Why try and start a flame war? Just leave it and people just ignore this stupid comment.

    22.7.2008 17:18 #3

  • DXR88

    mmm yeah let me tell you. xbox is a junior grill, but the ps3 is the master grill.

    22.7.2008 17:44 #4

  • bdoggie08

    Quote:Quote:hmm even with the not-too-noticeable price cuts i dont see why one would consider an xbox360..its like a russian roulette if you consider the risk of the RROD..i dunno bout you but i wouldnt pay 400$ for a frying pan (btw theres even a youtube vid with sum guy making scrambled eggs on it..if it breaks down mod it as a junior oven for the kids..)Dude why? Why try and start a flame war? Just leave it and people just ignore this stupid comment.He ain't starting a flame war, its true. Xbox 360s are junk. They have good games, but the console sucks.

    22.7.2008 17:49 #5

  • SDF_GR

    Originally posted by DXR88: There moving the older consoles to make room for the newer one's. i'm sure MS gave the word, just not on official terms.^Agree.
    If i am not mistaken Q4 2008 isnt the time that RROD-Proof 360's will arive? Lets see if this will drag elite ver down, and then i may get an elite360.
    Originally posted by DXR88: mmm yeah let me tell you. xbox is a junior grill, but the ps3 is the master grill.HAHAHA nice pic, I need an advice tho, i have 2 PS3's a 40gb and a 60gb, witch one is better for that kind of job? My money is on 60gb but it may make them a bit overburned.
    Originally posted by bdoggie08: He ain't starting a flame war, its true. Xbox 360s are junk. They have good games, but the console sucks.Ok it does suck, is the worst console ever made.Satisfied?

    22.7.2008 18:14 #6

  • lecsiy

    Quote:He ain't starting a flame war, its true. Xbox 360s are junk. They have good games, but the console sucks. Yes he is, and so are you. Were not discussing whether the 360 is good or not. Were discussing the price cut to be. This is whats wrong with theese forums. If this was xbox 360 vs ps3 then your comments would be ok, but its not. So leave it out!

    22.7.2008 18:16 #7

  • bdoggie08

    Quote: This is whats wrong with theese forums. If this was xbox 360 vs ps3 then your comments would be ok, but its not. So leave it out!
    First off, then don't post here, don't post in afterdawn. If you find that these forums aren't up to your standards start your own, or better yet, become a moderator.

    Second, I didn't say anything about the PS3, did I? I stated my opinion about a console in the thread about Microsoft's "RROD"Box 360.

    22.7.2008 19:02 #8

  • varnull

    ^^^ caught us a troll guys.. typical junior member of the paid sony troll group.

    leicsy isn't a moderator, but he is a senior and respected member unlike you trollboy.

    I suggest you crawl back in the ass of your mentor blueroad.. another well known paid sony troll and leave these price cut discussions to the grown ups.

    We had a price cut topic the other day.. It's the usual summer sale tactic by retailers to get people into the shops. You can get just about anything (apart from crappy hollywood movies and riaa music) cut price for the next couple of months.

    It's known as summer.. and they have always had sales in summer. They use them to clear out the half year old stock so the distributors can restock for the impending silly season when you will all pay 20-50% over the odds for that "must have" hyped up POC the media tells you you need. This year it doen't show so much because the retailers are desperate.. so a probably normal and planned sale tactic gets all this attention.

    Another thing people always forget is electronics tends to get cheaper through the lifetime of the product.. normal retail economics to entice those who will not pay the full release price to buy sooner or later. I remember setting a price of £35 on a ps1.. the day they dropped to that I bought 2. Lots of people do the same.. expect a small rush to grab these reduced price consoles for the first couple of days then tailing off again until the next price cut. That's how high street retailing works.

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work. Get off my beach before I burn down your village!

    22.7.2008 19:14 #9

  • bdoggie08

    OOh big guy. You want me to counter and get angry with you don't you? Good one. I don't play games, but I do know that I didn't say anything about Sony, did I? Where do you go off, making false accusations? RROD is enough proof to me and many other console owners. I get a lot of my information from these forums and from this website. So where do you get off saying crap like this? Oh a Senior member, that posts in these forums that complains about Afterdawn's forums doesn't make sense by saying flame war because of an opinion about a system. And as far as that goes, you are a Senior member as well, so why don't you display that (if you want respect).

    22.7.2008 19:23 #10

  • lecsiy

    Quote:OOh big guy. You want me to counter and get angry with you don't you? Good one.No, no one wants you to counter. No one wants you to do anything. Just stop posting useless crap on our forums.

    22.7.2008 20:09 #11

  • DXR88

    Originally posted by bdoggie08: OOh big guy. You want me to counter and get angry with you don't you? Good one. I don't play games, but I do know that I didn't say anything about Sony, did I? Where do you go off, making false accusations? RROD is enough proof to me and many other console owners. I get a lot of my information from these forums and from this website. So where do you get off saying crap like this? Oh a Senior member, that posts in these forums that complains about Afterdawn's forums doesn't make sense by saying flame war because of an opinion about a system. And as far as that goes, you are a Senior member as well, so why don't you display that (if you want respect) don't play game's. Do you have an xbox360. i will have you know with proper care RROD is preventable. i have a launch Xbox360 and the only problems i have had was the drive magnets, which i have replaced myself.

    is the xbox360 the best built console, not by far.

    22.7.2008 20:44 #12

  • DXR88

    back to topic. Varnull i don't believe this is a summer sale. i believe there trying to move the older Xboxs with the 90nm & the 65nm processors, for the the new 45nm 60gig Xbox SKU.

    22.7.2008 20:58 #13

  • blueroad

    omg i say one lil thing and you people get mad thinkin im trying to get you fighting? i was just stating a fact and it just so happens that its a fact the console itself suck(risk wise) because of the RROD and its fact that for now MS arent going to replace it and also in my opinion the xbox has the best lineup of games right now...jesus dude i dont care for console wars and since E3 ive been seriously racking my brains out to figure which console im gonna buy (yup all this time and no next gen) and after i buy a console i wont be in general favor towards it cause im aware of all of the consoles flaws and merely flactuating between Wii and PS3 because i ,unlike other people, dont feel like taking a 400$ risk with a heating pad..write xbox death on youtube and see how many videos there are of people that loved their xbox and it died short of the alleged decade it was suppose to last..PS3-great console yet unacked and blueray is DRM riddled and Wii is a fun and simple thing with the risk of eventually getting bored out of it with nuthing but the innovative games (theres so much you can do with waving your hands without eventually throwin the controller at someone

    23.7.2008 00:16 #14

  • DXR88

    Originally posted by blueroad: omg i say one lil thing and you people get mad thinkin im trying to get you fighting? i was just stating a fact and it just so happens that its a fact the console itself suck(risk wise) because of the RROD and its fact that for now MS arent going to replace it and also in my opinion the xbox has the best lineup of games right now...jesus dude i dont care for console wars and since E3 ive been seriously racking my brains out to figure which console im gonna buy (yup all this time and no next gen) and after i buy a console i wont be in general favor towards it cause im aware of all of the consoles flaws and merely flactuating between Wii and PS3 because i ,unlike other people, dont feel like taking a 400$ risk with a heating pad..write xbox death on youtube and see how many videos there are of people that loved their xbox and it died short of the alleged decade it was suppose to last..PS3-great console yet unacked and blueray is DRM riddled and Wii is a fun and simple thing with the risk of eventually getting bored out of it with nuthing but the innovative games (theres so much you can do with waving your hands without eventually throwin the controller at someoneNot mad at ya, like i said its not the best built console, but with proper care it will not RROD, mines a launch box. according to youtube it shouldn't Work, but it does.

    23.7.2008 01:49 #15

  • blueroad

    Quote:Originally posted by blueroad: omg i say one lil thing and you people get mad thinkin im trying to get you fighting? i was just stating a fact and it just so happens that its a fact the console itself suck(risk wise) because of the RROD and its fact that for now MS arent going to replace it and also in my opinion the xbox has the best lineup of games right now...jesus dude i dont care for console wars and since E3 ive been seriously racking my brains out to figure which console im gonna buy (yup all this time and no next gen) and after i buy a console i wont be in general favor towards it cause im aware of all of the consoles flaws and merely flactuating between Wii and PS3 because i ,unlike other people, dont feel like taking a 400$ risk with a heating pad..write xbox death on youtube and see how many videos there are of people that loved their xbox and it died short of the alleged decade it was suppose to last..PS3-great console yet unacked and blueray is DRM riddled and Wii is a fun and simple thing with the risk of eventually getting bored out of it with nuthing but the innovative games (theres so much you can do with waving your hands without eventually throwin the controller at someoneNot mad at ya, like i said its not the best built console, but with proper care it will not RROD, mines a launch box. according to youtube it shouldn't Work, but it does.mate i never said all xbox's are prone to fail but just go to amazon and check -xbox has the most 1/5 and 2/5 stars rating product out of all three and the stuff people write there...after that the Wii but not a big wow as the Wii doesnt cost that much and has longer warranty and just so you know remember the launch? the day you got yours? well 360 launched 1mil at the actual launch date and belive it or not they had 1 mil consoles spare at launch to use for exchange of bad consoles -thats 100% of the launch consoles set aside *just in case* the 360 breaks down..hmm it plainly shows you how much trust MS had for the happy for you that your xbox is doing good hell my sisters husband has an xbox that still functions grerat and he also has a Wii i played gears of war on the xbox and wii sports on Wii and liked both..i just want to make it clear im not in favor of ny console and im actually dissapointed in this gen to say the least..too many disadvantages..the mobine consoles hav more to offer (i.e PSP NDS)

    23.7.2008 02:05 #16

  • killalot

    My sons had his Xbox 360 now for about 2 years and hasn’t been a problem must admit though his not a die hard gamer only plays on it a couple times a week for a few hours at a time so the bitch doesn’t get chance to get hot so my advice if you are a die hard gamer take out the extra warranty the Xbox is a good system and has some excellent games but its problems with “PROD” is personally shit you pay your money you expect it too at least get a few years service out of it to be fair to Microsoft they have extended the warranty to 3 years. Now have a playstation 3 as well and happy with it so if you don’t like the Xbox or the plastation 3 personally couldn’t give a flying “Fck” it’s your opinion so why every ones bitching is beyond me and I’m a senior member and like I said it’s only a opinion :)

    23.7.2008 05:46 #17

  • johnflash

    Originally posted by varnull: ^^^ caught us a troll guys.. typical junior member of the paid sony troll group.

    leicsy isn't a moderator, but he is a senior and respected member unlike you trollboy.

    I suggest you crawl back in the ass of your mentor blueroad.. another well known paid sony troll and leave these price cut discussions to the grown ups.

    Hey dude, whoa! That's kinda crappy what you said about somebody. Who are you to go and start something like this? Oh wait, your a "Senior" member, sounds like you should display some "Seniority" then huh? I really appreciate reading opinions by fellow afterdawners, but I don't appreciate a "Senior" member cutting somebody down like that.

    23.7.2008 16:29 #18

  • bdoggie08

    ^^dude its not that big of a deal. let it go..

    23.7.2008 16:48 #19

  • susieqbbb

    OK i look at it as this all consoles have there flaws.

    Sony's ps3 has a huge failure rate due to the fact they not only place a heatsink on all the processors but the fact that they place the same heat sink to save money on all the processors leading the console to overheat and fail time and time again.

    Nintendo's issues are a little more intense graphic card failures a internet connection that can be compared to dog do do and games that freeze or crash or force you to update.

    Microsoft's issues

    To save money Microsoft decided to hire cheap labor to assemble the consoles how ever the company's they hired didn't assemble the consoles correctly and we ended up with a bunch of first gen xbox 360's with the red ring of death and did microsoft fix the issue no they still hired cheap laber and we still get the red ring of death.

    So like i said all consoles have there problems there is no need to get into a $%#@ waving contest here over consoles

    And before you state i don't know what i am talking about i own all three consoles and all three have had to be sent into repair

    So drop this crap argument

    23.7.2008 22:50 #20

  • 13thHouR

    the hate brigade don't get moderated at afterdawn then i take it.


    sry only ps3/sony threads get moderated, is there a pro sony bias here or something?

    24.7.2008 03:32 #21

  • Hunt720

    Umm... I'm going to post something about the actual article if thats ok:

    I'm glad to see a price drop on any console. I think it instigates competition and I agree that it is probably to make room for the 60gig models of the 360.

    If the price drop continues... and the failure rate is resolved (not with a warranty, but with a substantial hardware update) I would be interested in a 360 again. I let mine go after the 2nd RROD. Its not that I hate the console so much, but more that I like some of the exclusive titles.

    24.7.2008 07:49 #22

  • 13thHouR

    Hunt720, i agree that price cuts = competition = better for consumer, but ppl will flame whatever bit of hardware gets a cut in price because they love their brand.

    manufacturers in this industry try to monopolise which is why "exclusive" titles suck for consumers as it's a way to either inflate prices, or keep them artificially high.

    24.7.2008 08:58 #23

  • johnflash

    Originally posted by susieqbbb: OK i look at it as this all consoles have there flaws.

    Sony's ps3 has a huge failure rate due to the fact they not only place a heatsink on all the processors but the fact that they place the same heat sink to save money on all the processors leading the console to overheat and fail time and time again.

    Nintendo's issues are a little more intense graphic card failures a internet connection that can be compared to dog do do and games that freeze or crash or force you to update.

    Microsoft's issues

    To save money Microsoft decided to hire cheap labor to assemble the consoles how ever the company's they hired didn't assemble the consoles correctly and we ended up with a bunch of first gen xbox 360's with the red ring of death and did microsoft fix the issue no they still hired cheap laber and we still get the red ring of death.
    MMkay...Where’s the proof with the PS3 issue, I know of a 3-5% failure rate with the PS3, but with the Xbox 360 I hear that it’s a 33% failure rate, but with the Nintendo, I don’t understand where you went wrong, my Wii works just fine. I don’t hear of a high failure rate in the Wii at all, being since they sell them faster than any other system out right now.

    24.7.2008 16:23 #24

  • lxhotboy

    Oh lord. I see some members posting here and bragging about the "SENIOR" being beside your screenname but yet and still they seem to be losing their cool,using foul language and the namecalling (TROLLBOY) oh its really mature. LOL To those of you who i a referring how bout trying to post in a different way. Cursing and name calling really isnot necesary to get your point across and what good comes out of it?? That is what starts a lot of the flames and its just like tossing gasoline with you already have a few post that have gone south. Even if you bleep the words out with #$** marks we still know what you meant. Please... show that you are better than that to all and especially you SENIOR members....

    On topic, i think the price cut is great and very well needed for the xbox360 with the PS3 steadily gaining momentum.

    24.7.2008 17:09 #25

  • johnflash

    ^^Yea agreed. Varnull gets angry over a M$ Xbox comment. Holy crap. What next, someone getting angry because someone hosted their opinion about a faulty pencil they used today. Grow up.

    24.7.2008 18:42 #26

  • fergus100

    the x box is a good console when its working but god the amount of time you waist getting it repaired is a joke ps3 might be en oven but at least it does not have red ring of death

    ps im not a ps3 fanboy i love games in general i have a wii xbox and ps3

    26.7.2008 04:00 #27

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