Popcorn Hour A-110 and B-110 unboxed and compared

Popcorn Hour A-110 and B-110 unboxed and compared
We just received our review samples of Popcorn Hour A-110 Networked Media Tank and Popcorn Hour B-110 Mini-ITX motherboard. Both units came neatly packed in nice, sleek black boxes and included everything you need to get started.

You can find details of A-110 from our previous article.

While we go about testing the devices (including the previous, A-100 model), please enjoy the following unboxing pictures along with side-by-side comparisons with A-100. The differences are small, but perhaps significant to many. I personally welcome the switch from PATA to SATA.

If you can't see the slideshow above, you can view the gallery at:


Please click the images or visit the gallery for larger versions of the pictures.

Written by: Jari Ketola @ 12 Aug 2008 11:08
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  • zdiggler

    $200+! no too bad if it work good.

    Somebody hack the Ruko box already!

    12.8.2008 22:46 #1

  • eandtc

    Do you guys think they could make the text any harder to read with 50% transparency against that kind of background?

    13.8.2008 00:42 #2

  • Ketola

    Originally posted by eandtc: Do you guys think they could make the text any harder to read with 50% transparency against that kind of background?Unfortunately that's the only way the Picasa slideshow works. You can read the captions and view larger pictures by clicking on any of the slides.

    13.8.2008 01:47 #3

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