iPhone firmware update set to fix bugs

iPhone firmware update set to fix bugs
In response to mass consumer complaints about overall "sluggishness" of their iPhone 3G handsets, Apple has released firmware update 2.1 which adds new features as well as "fix many bugs" that consumers have complained about.

The update should improve "the accuracy of the 3G signal strength display, as well as decrease the number of dropped calls." The last point so much of a complaint that it even led to a lawsuit against Apple. CEO Steve Jobs has said that the problems only affect "a few percent" of iPhone users however.

Other users complained of their phone crashing after downloading applications from the App Store but Apple says that it should no longer be a problem as the update will make the App Store more reliable and installations of the apps quicker.

IW adds that "users with the updated firmware should have a reduced time backing up the handset before syncing with iTunes. Additionally, contacts and searches should load quicker, and the virtual QWERTY keyboard is supposed to be much more responsive."

Apple also added that email reliability and speed would be enhanced, most notably with POP accounts. Security got a slight upgrade giving users the option to have their sensitive data wiped after 10 consecutive failed password attempts.

The update also brings the "Genius" playlist to the iPhone which automatically creates playlists based on the song you are playing at the time. It will not create music based on the iTunes store however, just on the music you have on the handset.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 12 Sep 2008 17:50
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  • philipman

    I thought the last update was going to "fix" everything, I will be holding my breath on this update.

    12.9.2008 20:34 #1

  • bass_hit

    All of a sudden after the update, I have 4 bars of 3G service in my apartment that usually only gets about 2 bars and EDGE... but only for about a minute. As soon as I try to load anything, it stops, thinks about it, and switches to EDGE.

    Thanks AT&T.

    12.9.2008 20:39 #2

  • 21Q

    I have to say I am impressed with the update. There are some graphical changes like the 3G symbol and in the ipod feature where it shows the artist and album name under the song name.. I have 3g most of the time now and full signal in my house when it would be at 2 or 1 bars. I haven't noticed a difference in the keyboard though. And backing up still takes an incredibly long time. I no longer see the lag in opening applications that I saw before and have only had one app crash so far, but only once. I'm satisfied with the update I suppose. I can't imagine what users with a 16gb iphone must face with backup times though.

    When I use the ipod a bit more I'll tell you how the genius playlist is.

    13.9.2008 15:39 #3

  • borhan9

    This is why i still will wait awhile before i would even look at the apple iphone.

    15.9.2008 17:48 #4

  • salsa36

    The 3G is a paper weight (cool looking one).

    No matter what software they or anybody install, it will not fix a deffective piece of hardware!!!!!!!!

    The bars trick is just that a different way to show a low signal, it is a trick!!!!!

    Apple is heading to a class action lawsuit.

    My Iphone 3G still sucks.

    15.9.2008 19:02 #5

  • bass_hit

    Originally posted by salsa36: The 3G is a paper weight (cool looking one).

    No matter what software they or anybody install, it will not fix a deffective piece of hardware!!!!!!!!

    The bars trick is just that a different way to show a low signal, it is a trick!!!!!

    Apple is heading to a class action lawsuit.

    My Iphone 3G still sucks.
    I've determined that the iPhone 3G works great with the new software: It's just that AT&T 3G coverage is a lie.

    According to the coverage viewer, my area has full 3G penetration but it's just a lie. The iPhone is a fantastic device. Even without the phone functionality, the WiFi works great and it does more then any other phone I have ever had. I guess It's just wishful thinking that I would have 3G in my home at this point. If I walk down the street though I do have good service with good 3G coverage.

    If anyone is getting sued, it should be AT&T. Not Apple.

    15.9.2008 21:06 #6

  • salsa36

    Quote:I've determined that the iPhone 3G works great with the new software: It's just that AT&T 3G coverage is a lie. HOW??????

    Bass_hit you are missing the point, the "phone" part is the one that does not work, the I touch (that you mention it is nice), but many people now need a reliable PHONE to be in touch with their companies, business, patients, etc....

    I am complaining over the fact that a Duo (also 3G) in the same location works 10 times better than my Iphone 3G. Therefore the problem is caused because Apple sold me a deffective product and they should be sued, moreover the advertisement is false as well.

    Do you own an Iphone 3G or an I touch? maybe neither?

    15.9.2008 22:02 #7

  • bass_hit

    Quote:Quote:I've determined that the iPhone 3G works great with the new software: It's just that AT&T 3G coverage is a lie. HOW??????

    Bass_hit you are missing the point, the "phone" part is the one that does not work, the I touch (that you mention it is nice), but many people now need a reliable PHONE to be in touch with their companies, business, patients, etc....

    I am complaining over the fact that a Duo (also 3G) in the same location works 10 times better than my Iphone 3G. Therefore the problem is caused because Apple sold me a deffective product and they should be sued, moreover the advertisement is false as well.

    Do you own an Iphone 3G or an I touch? maybe neither?
    First off, I have owned both the first gen iPhone and iPhone 3G. Both call wise have been fine. My problem is not with making calls. It's with connecting to the internet while away from a WiFi access point. And my complaint isn't with every location. It's just in my apartment building. I accept that now. The phone has been reliable for making and receiving calls. Everywhere outside my apartment I have 3G. I can stream internet radio via 3G down the intrastate fine and make calls without a problem.

    And another thing, I would never call the iPod Touch an "I Touch". It's one of the dumbest things people mislabel right after calling an Apple Retail Store "The iPod Store". It's ignorant. I don't have an iPod Touch because I have an iPhone that works fine for making calls. Just not making calls and surfing the internet on the cell towers at the same time ONLY in my apartment.

    If people think that it is the iPhone that is to blame, then switch back to your precious duo. Frankly, I have never been impressed with any cellphone carrier's service.

    Careful buddy, your newbie is showing.

    16.9.2008 12:06 #8

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