Lost your job? Blame a pirate

Lost your job? Blame a pirate
Several times a year we see lobbyists and legislators in Washington trying to sell the Department of Justice on the idea of a so-called Copyright Czar. Such a position would essentially create a staff of pro bono lawyers to litigate what are currently civil cases for copyright holders (ie the music, movie, and software industries). Now they're getting heat from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which sent a letter to President Bush claiming IP infringement "has already caused the loss of an estimated 750,000 American jobs."

That's right. Of the 9.5 million Americans who are unemployed, nearly 8% have apparently been put out of work by pirates. At least if you believe the Chamber of Commerce figures.

Of course you'd be hard pressed to confirm that since the letter doesn't bother to list any sources for that figure. Nor does it explain exactly how it "poses a severe health and safety risk to consumers."

The letter was sent in support of a bill known as PRO-IP, or the "Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act,” which is just the latest version of legislation that gets proposed annually and shot down just as routinely in one or both houses of Congress.

Written by: Rich Fiscus @ 7 Oct 2008 18:48
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  • Hunt720

    Rediculous. Even console flame wars cite sources.

    7.10.2008 20:11 #1

  • Wanpa-Kun

    lol, at least I get a laugh from such absurdity.

    7.10.2008 20:12 #2

  • varnull

    Is this a legitimate use of your taxes?.. elections are soon.

    7.10.2008 20:14 #3

  • Faugs

    haha hunt that was great

    7.10.2008 20:45 #4

  • iluvendo

    Originally posted by Hunt720: Rediculous. Even console flame wars cite sources.

    7.10.2008 20:47 #5

  • slickwill

    I'm pretty sure someone out there will write an article stating that piracy is increasing the number of job available.

    7.10.2008 21:13 #6

  • SProdigy

    Perhaps they are talking about the REAL pirates hijacking ships in the lawless waters off the coast of Somalia. YARRRRR!

    7.10.2008 22:05 #7

  • AlmostOz

    lol it creates black market jobs.

    Pretty sure pirates had crews.

    Next piracy will be resposible for the usa/world economic downturn

    7.10.2008 22:08 #8

  • o0cynix0o

    I for one didn't start selling movies until gas & food prices went threw the roof.

    stupid are you this read you if

    7.10.2008 22:22 #9

  • o0cynix0o

    Originally posted by slickwill: I'm pretty sure someone out there will write an article stating that piracy is increasing the number of job available.Isn't increasing the number of jobs available to people a good thing???

    7.10.2008 22:25 #10

  • defgod

    Originally posted by slickwill: I'm pretty sure someone out there will write an article stating that piracy is increasing the number of job available.Actually to a small point you might be right. At least for the small business that might use hacked/unlicensed versions of OS's and all kinds of other software. With those small businesses not paying the inordinate prices for certain software. They might be able to pay an employee a while longer. Especially with the rising cost of business licenses for certain software.

    7.10.2008 23:21 #11

  • bhetrick

    Just think how many unfortunate Chineese we'd put out of work if we quit buying blank media.

    So what... it's o.k. for our government to put U.S. citizens out of work by sending our jobs over there, but it's wrong if we (U.S. citizens) help out by keeping them employed. :)

    7.10.2008 23:35 #12

  • ripxrush

    Quote:bhetrick (AfterDawn Addict) 7 October 2008 22:35 _
    Just think how many unfortunate Chineese we'd put out of work if we quit buying blank media.

    So what... it's o.k. for our government to put U.S. citizens out of work by sending our jobs over there, but it's wrong if we (U.S. citizens) help out by keeping them employed. :)
    ha i was gonna say almost the same thing!
    so people copying a movie, game or music is putting people out of jobs because the record label exec still wants his $5+ million a year?! wow!
    I wish i could be that greedy! oh wait i guess i am every time i copy summin! (cause of course i have the $ barely paying all my bills n all)

    8.10.2008 00:38 #13

  • AlmostOz

    Originally posted by bhetrick: Just think how many unfortunate Chineese we'd put out of work if we quit buying blank media.

    So what... it's o.k. for our government to put U.S. citizens out of work by sending our jobs over there, but it's wrong if we (U.S. citizens) help out by keeping them employed. :)
    Yeh if we stop downloading we stop needing blank dvd's and new hard drives, which will put those workers out a job.

    8.10.2008 03:54 #14

  • miltex

    Originally posted by Hunt720: Rediculous. Even console flame wars cite sources.
    LOL !

    When the chips are down, you can count on miltex !

    8.10.2008 04:13 #15

  • emugamer

    Politicians are ridiculous. Just look at the current debates. A quick fact check on most of their important accusations and you can see how each one twists facts to make the other look bad - stating absurd numbers that don't take into consideration all of the facts - blatantly taking things out of context. But the goal is to put a bug in the ear of people who don't do the research in order to sway them. It always bugs me how someone can look you in the face and tell you something that they know is a complete stretch.

    This piracy claim is just another example of twisted facts to support their agenda - their millions in stock in Corporate America.

    8.10.2008 12:20 #16

  • 7thsinger

    Quote:Of course you'd be hard pressed to confirm that since the letter doesn't bother to list any sources for that figure. Nor does it explain exactly how it "poses a severe health and safety risk to consumers."

    In other news Pirates are now being held responsible for Global Warming, Grandma's hair turning blue, and the funky smell that won't leave locker rooms.

    8.10.2008 12:35 #17

  • tavek

    Next we are going to hear how Sarah Palin thinks those "gosh darn pirates" need to be delt with for the good of good because thats what good americans do to bad people? rofl. I can hear it now. She may be hot but dam is she backwards.

    So let me get this straight, if a pirate dubs a movie or a game, say worth $30, and only cost him $5 to burn , isnt that a BARGAIN SHOPPER?
    Last I checked America was about capitalism and free market, yet becuase someone downloads something its bad due to copy rights its a crime? Ok what if a pirate sells it, CITING its a DUBB from WB, or SONY, isnt that making it legal , cause I thaught copyright was just stealing without promoting source? Yeah you can make it a law but dont make government enforce it, make the government tax newsgroups, comon sense.

    Dont make me laugh telling me thousands or millions lost jobs, when several pirates took you out of business. Maybe these so called BUSINESS men should learn from a pirate about Econ 101.

    Greed is a path to the darkside.

    8.10.2008 12:53 #18

  • beanos66

    if piracy didn't exist all those programmers at securom would be out of a job.

    I like to feel I'm doing my bit :)

    8.10.2008 14:15 #19

  • numscull

    So THAT'S what caused the recent world economic crisis. Piracy. A bailout for the entertainment industry is needed immediately! How many millions do you want? Or maybe a billion? PEOPLE ERASE LIMEWIRE FROM YOUR COMPUTERS NOW BEFORE THE REMAINING FEW WHO ARE STILL WORKING JOIN THE GROWING RANKS OF THE UNEMPLOYED!!!!!

    8.10.2008 15:06 #20

  • iluvendo

    Originally posted by 7thsinger: In other news Pirates are now being held responsible for Global Warming, Grandma's hair turning blue, and the funky smell that won't leave locker rooms.I believe you forgot to mention why gasoline prices are so high too !

    If it wasnt for bad luck, Id have no luck!
    "The flimsier the product,the higher the price"
    Ferengi 82nd rule of aquisition

    8.10.2008 15:15 #21

  • DRokKer

    Originally posted by beanos66: if piracy didn't exist all those programmers at securom would be out of a job.

    I like to feel I'm doing my bit :)

    thats THE best reason ive ever read to stop pirating ;o)

    8.10.2008 15:21 #22

  • cousinkix

    Quote:So THAT'S what caused the recent world economic crisis. Piracy. A bailout for the entertainment industry is needed immediately! Didn't you know that the bailout legislation included a bunch of corporate welfare for those Hollyweird movie studios?

    8.10.2008 16:29 #23

  • cousinkix

    Quote:So THAT'S what caused the recent world economic crisis. Piracy. A bailout for the entertainment industry is needed immediately! Didn't you know that the bailout legislation included a bunch of corporate welfare for those Hollyweird movie studios?

    8.10.2008 16:29 #24

  • varnull

    I been watching the news.. lets watch OUR money vanish into the pockets of the rich through massive salaries and bonuses while we struggle to survive in the shrinking economy..
    Then who will we vote for.. more of the same..

    Very interesting figure thrown into the mix on national news last night.. and maybe nobody picked up on it..

    "the government have guaranteed deposits up to £50,000.. that covers 98% of all savers, but it only covers 50% of the money...

    Soooo.. 50% of the total wealth of the UK is in the hands of 2% of the population... sheesh.. I bet there is a more equitable distribution of wealth in Zimbabwe.

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work. The flower of carnage-shura no hana

    8.10.2008 16:42 #25

  • defgod

    The one thing I find quite interesting. Is the fact that the so called "pirates" are prosecuted and persecuted. Yet the large corporations that use so called "DRM" on some software and disks are essentially malware/spyware. Especially the ones that can cause harm to hundreds or thousands of personal/business PC's. Now if myself or any other small business/private person were to do the same thing we would be prosecuted. Now when these large corporations do this they are just handed a slap on the wrist and told not to do it again (if it even comes to that). Now this scenario is one of the problems that we have with the economy right now. Not just in the U.S. anymore. It boils down to accountability. The CEO's/executives of these large corporations don't need to worry about this. 1 They have the large companies to protect them to a point. 2 Even if they get fired It's usually just a cover up and are still receiving some kind of income from their employer. 3 Even if they are completely cut of from their previous employer there is some kind of avenue they can pursue to create an income of some kind. Yea there are the small amount of instances where this isn't the case. Enron is the most recent and largest that comes to mind. Even for those executives that did make the news there are many others that didn't.

    8.10.2008 17:54 #26

  • westbrom

    my job was to sail a ship then a pirate knicked it.... duh, jobs are being lost to the money trouble every one in the world is having, nothing to do with ppl making a few copies of films or downloading music, next it will be war breaks out due to piracy

    9.10.2008 11:10 #27

  • ThePastor

    Let us not forget that a downloaded song does NOT equal a lost sale.
    It may equal a percentage of a sale but by no means does each downloaded song represent a song that would have otherwise been purchased.
    People download songs and movies as "collections" and they only do so because the price is right. There is no way someone would build up a 20gig song library if they had to pay full price for all that music.

    These guys need to realize that the current technology sets up a system where the user gets to be his own disk jocky and they listen to their music like one would listen to XM radio. You have songs on your Ipod that you'll NEVER listen to, or maybe just once. It's there because it was free and there is no way you would have it if you had to buy an entire CD to get it. Even $1 is a bit pricy for most songs for most people. At least when it comes to building libraries.
    The cost of a song should be the same as if you were a radio station, which I think is 6cents per song per play. They aren't even close to that.

    I promote torrents mainly because I think it's a good way to break down the system so that something more fair can be built. Obviously, free music for everyone at all times cannot stand forever, but the current system does not work either. Something new must be created and nothing new can be made until the current system is destroyed.

    9.10.2008 17:14 #28

  • Mez

    Well, I think the media mafiaa only deserve a few hundred BILLION dollar bail out. They didn't bribe the elected officials nearly as much as the bankers did. That is really the only factor that counts these days.

    Both morons running for the top office are worried about jobs now. Last year they both voted to take 200,000 more professional jobs from US citizans and give them to aliens, along with 96 other crooked senators. Why aren't the only 2 senators that voted for the public running for the office? No money!

    It is so bad... I was talking with a pair of old grandparents who were real conservative (Republicans) about the impenting bail out. They blew me away with their answer. Only a violent march on DC would have ANY benificial effect.

    During our last local election, things were so bad with our local government 12 out of 12 crookes were voted out of office. We had only one honest politician out of 13. After the election we discovered we got worse than we had before. There are crooks waiting in line to get into into any office, a license to steal. They are the only ones with money!

    10.10.2008 08:29 #29

  • Tashammer

    Has anyone noticed if the cost of pirates has given an increase to the cost of shipping AND how can the DRM be stretched to cover the entertainment industry.

    Is the entertainment industry paying royalties to the Somali pirates and, if not, then why not?

    Urmm, along the same thread, do people who appear in news stories get appearance money? Why not? Is there a market opening for agents in this field? How would an agent sign up the entire population of a flood?

    (Sanity is what OTHER people suffer from).

    14.10.2008 21:10 #30

  • plazma247

    lol i cant belive no ones said this, maybe no one was bold enough or im just stupid enough :-p either way i cant belive that they havnt yet put out the statement...

    "Our war on terror is long and hard fight and now we have to extend this war to the pirates of this world who are costing our American econemy and undermining or way of life with their talibani dvds and video games"

    The thing that strikes me is that, always being told it under mines your way of life, who decides that, it sure isnt you, its funny how the establishment can tell you how bad some one else is making it whist with the other hand outlining how they want it to be for you ..... which maybe really equates to how much they can screw you for and get pissed when they dont get a peice o the pie, or maybe im worng.

    Im sure it wont be long before they fabricate, cough sorry I mean find another tape with osama or someone waving a DVD RW drive to keep people sucked in.

    As for the satistics do you think they ever bothered to calculate it properly the first time.... maybe it was so low they decided to double it 20 - 30 times and then add a few to make it look better... or do you suppose that they couldnt even be bother and just pulled a big ol number out the air and declaired the meeting over as it was seriously cutting into golf and nap time.

    15.10.2008 02:50 #31

  • mrbellso

    I get a lot of music from my local Fm station. They announce all week the album they will play entirely on Sun. nite. I set my software accordingly and wahla, i've got my album. What's the difference?

    15.10.2008 04:47 #32

  • langy72

    Originally posted by mrbellso: I get a lot of music from my local Fm station. They announce all week the album they will play entirely on Sun. nite. I set my software accordingly and wahla, i've got my album. What's the difference?
    Exactly. It's just like recording onto cassette tape from the radio, or VHS from the TV. Labels and stuff really don't give a rats ass if you're only doing it for personal use. Like when people get caught, and sued, over using P2P. It's not the downloading that's the problem (well, it sort of is), it's the UPloading, re-distributing, and selling. It's only THEN that the organisation loses.

    15.10.2008 11:12 #33

  • Mez

    More precisely, making copies including downloading is protected by law. It is uploading that is a grey area. YES grey. When the law was made they did not want someone to copy a book then publish it without an agreement. Making a profit is not part of the law.

    No P2P user has been successfully sued. The only case that went to court was won at the bottom level but was successfully appealed at the state level. It is unlikely it will go to the Supreme Court because if the music industry loses, there 60,000 persons will be counter suing them. They were the persons that settled out of court.

    The crux of the matter is having a file in an upload folder may not be distributing as the copyright law defined it. That is like making a personal copy for yourself and leaving in a non secure place like your porch. If someone takes your copy were you distributing it? No they took it. The defense successfully argued that P2P essentially is putting a copy in a place accessible to the public which does not constitute distribution. Right or wrong that is where it stands very much in the grey area. I do not believe the music industry is pressing the issue. Instead they are working (bribing congress) to pass a law expressly forbidding P2P. If you research the judiciary committee you will find the top 10 contributors for all committee members are anti piracy entities.

    15.10.2008 13:31 #34

  • kiego

    If you were the type of person to spend 20 bucks on a movie when it was first released, or willing to buy an entire cd cause it had that one song on it you wanted, then one day stopped buying them even though you had money to spend on them, and downloaded it. You may have participated in job loss. Just maybe.

    If your like me on the other hand. I won't pay for a dvd over 7.50, I still occasionally buy vhs tapes cause their cheaper and I went so many years without rewinding tapes that I actually kind of missed it in a sick way. With music cd's, well let's say cd, because I have only bought one cd in my lifetime and I didn't download a music file till I was 22. Buying per song is okay, still kinda pricey but still better that 12 bucks for a cd that is mostly useless. I do not download movies because they usually have poor quality and I like deleted scenes and whatnot sometimes.

    Let's look at the good I do for something I wasn't going to pay for anyway. Especially if I'm just going to have to replace it with a blu-ray disc later.

    I rent a movie. That pays the local clerk or netflix employee, whatever your method may be.
    I buy blank media. pays the cashier at the local store.
    I use my computer to burn it. Wear and tear leads to replacement parts sooner. Local computer store gets a little more income. Especially in dvd burners.
    electricity to power my computer. If thats not a local income in the community then you've gone green.
    watching the dvd. I can't watch it over and over if I wasn't going to buy it in the first place, which means more electricity is used. Also wear and tear on tv and speakers and of course, dvd players. need replacing sooner.

    I think I am doing what I can to support my local community and strengthen our overall economy by copying movies.

    8.1.2009 21:20 #35

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