Netflix raises rates for Blu-ray subscriptions

Netflix raises rates for Blu-ray subscriptions
Netflix has announced that they will be raising subscriber rates for consumers who want to receive Blu-ray discs by $1 USD beginning next month.

Netflix has been testing such a price increase on certain markets since August but the hike will go official to all Netflix consumers who want Blu-ray on November 5th.

Netflix currently has 800 Blu-ray titles available but says that less than 20 percent of subscribers order the titles. The company is "is raising Blu-ray access prices to make up for this significant cost difference" added Jessie Teitz, VP of marketing at Netflix.

The company also reiterated that its video streaming service would be available to Mac owners by the end of year.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 12 Oct 2008 11:33
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  • bomber991

    A dollar more for netflix service with bluray doesn't sound like a bad deal at all.

    12.10.2008 16:05 #1

  • H0bbes

    Even if they raised it by $3 or $4 a month, I'd be happy. Blu-rays do cost more to make [for now any way], and it beats the heck out of paying $25-$40 a disc at retail. Netflix's price value has yet to be beat.


    12.10.2008 16:28 #2


    1$ is way 2 cheep and very generous. That can't last to long cause they could go as high as 5$ and they still wouldn't lose that many customers over blue ray rentals.

    Premium 360 Benq 1.3
    XBOX 1.4- Zenium Chipped 300 Gb Maxtor

    13.10.2008 04:14 #3

  • TSRSteve

    Wow, I've never seen people actually happy about a price hike before now. And then say they'd be happy if it went higher.

    13.10.2008 09:54 #4

  • BludRayne

    Only a $1 price hike? Fabulous. I wish Redbox would offer blu-rays, there's not enough new stuff coming out to justify paying for a whole month.

    13.10.2008 12:14 #5

  • emugamer

    Fair. Just make sure the selection and quantity is there and I don't get jacked up discs. I'll pay $3 more to ensure that doesn't happen.

    14.10.2008 12:31 #6

  • Gnawnivek

    Same here, fair raise, but still, my BD queue is not moving fast enough, i have to feed the queue with DVDs. I'm gonna give it few months with the new raise, just to check the $1 is doing anything positive. If not, well, time to cancel, because NFX just stole few bucks from me for doing nothing.

    15.10.2008 12:54 #7

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