Xbox 360 adds PBS content

Xbox 360 adds PBS content
Microsoft has announced that it has struck a deal with PBS to have some of the broadcaster's TV series available for download on the Xbox Live Marketplace.

XBL users can download Ken Burns' Jazz and America series as well as "Wired Science" and "Scientific American." PBS added that XBL users will have access to over "8,500 hours of programming from 45 content producers."

"Non-fiction programming has performed very well on Xbox Live,”
Ross Honey, general manager of Microsoft's media and entertainment group, added. "The addition of a premiere brand such as PBS will not only enhance our overall video offering but will strengthen a content category that our users demand."

Microsoft has been adding more and more media content to its Marketplace over the past six months including a huge deal with Netflix and another large deal with NBC-Universal.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 12 Oct 2008 12:58
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  • windsong

    PBS, aka Palestinian Broadcasting Station

    12.10.2008 14:07 #1

  • muccione

    Also know as....Plain and Boring Station....It may have been the stuff back when we only had 13 channels of $hit to choose from....Not any more

    12.10.2008 14:11 #2

  • windsong

    I always preferred Discovery Channel HD to anything on PBS. Every once in a great while PBS will have something interesting on Nova (think its on PBS) but then immediately afterward have a show saying that all the fish in the oceans are "disappearing". I was like..WTF did they just say??


    12.10.2008 15:32 #3

  • mspurloc

    Yeah, I'm afraid I have to agree with the rest of you.
    Why do we need PBS, now that they're just another Obama propaganda channel?
    Frankly, their programming's either nauseatingly political or just plain dull, dull, dull.
    As soon as I heard the hate Bill Moyers was spreading, I stopped contributing and watching.

    12.10.2008 18:31 #4

  • DXR88

    Well PBS is A free channel, Like a socialist network more or less.

    Other than not being the one to hammer you by what you can and cannot do on there network, its really not interesting. PBS has seen its share of Shit in one life. just leave it well enough alone...

    12.10.2008 23:34 #5

  • muccione

    Well now M$ wants to get paid for the free TV

    13.10.2008 03:23 #6

  • ripxrush

    2 shows! DR. Who! & Red Dwarf! not the new Dr who either

    13.10.2008 03:23 #7

  • BludRayne

    So, do we have to pay MS for content that's meant to be free?
    PBS is superior to stuff on the Discovery channel. Shows on Discovery are for the attention deficit that are looking for entertainment. Stuff on PBS is for people that want to learn something. That's a generalization, but it's true for the most part.

    13.10.2008 12:09 #8

  • DXR88

    Your using Xlive network, so yeah you have to pay for it. Shitty tactic isn't it.

    Ah, O'well ether it catches on or it doesn't, More or less it won't catch on, since most bought the Xbox to game on, not to watch Public Broadcasting Service AKA, PBS.

    13.10.2008 14:49 #9

  • mspurloc

    Originally posted by DXR88: Well PBS is A free channel, Like a socialist network more or less.

    Other than not being the one to hammer you by what you can and cannot do on there network, its really not interesting. PBS has seen its share of Shit in one life. just leave it well enough alone...
    Socialism isn't free, and neither is PBS.
    People who work for a living pay for both.

    14.10.2008 02:59 #10

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