Canadian convicted of filming in movie theater

Canadian convicted of filming in movie theater
Richard Craig Lissaman of Calgary has become the first Canadian convicted under new movie pirating legislation for his decision to film the movie "Sweeney Todd" at a local movie theater last year.

Lissaman pleaded guilty on Friday and was sentenced to 12 months probation and a large fine of $1500 CAD.

The guilty party is now also banned from going to any movie theater as well as from owning video recording equipment (including a cell phone with the capability) while he is on probation.

Judge Skene said that Lissman's crime was comparable to someone shoplifitng a cart of meat knowing that they will resell it for a profit.

"You can say he and his pals will watch the movie, but he has an item that is more supportive of taking something to be used to make a profit,"
said the judge.

"It's not a simple theft of an item for personal consumption."

The motion picture industry was delighted by the ruling and admitted they spent six months investigating before having the authorities arrest Lissaman.

"Canada is a hotbed of movie pirating, which is a billion-dollar loss to the movie industry,"
Mark Christiansen, executive vice-president of operations for Paramount Picture's motion picture distribution.

"The perception is that Hollywood stars are the only ones hurt by this, but it affects everybody who works in theatres."

Virginia Jones, director of policy and legal affairs for the Canadian Motion Picture Distributors Association, added, "We would have liked to see jail time, sending a stronger message. We hope this is just a starting point."

"But under old copyright laws, it was difficult to prove what had occurred."

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 16 Nov 2008 20:30
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  • lindy41

    "billion-dollar loss to the movie industry"
    MY A**. That is the biggest lie ever. They aren't losing a dime off of cams. The real problem is dvdrips Not CAMS and if the movie industries had any sence they would use better encyptions on dvds!

    17.11.2008 11:27 #1

  • pyrite

    I don't know why people bother filming in the cinema, the cams are nearly always really bad quality and nobody wants to watch them!

    17.11.2008 11:32 #2

  • BobL

    The punishment seems a little odd.

    How are they going to enforce the ban on not letting him go to the movies during his probation? Do they have a blacklist of moviegoers in Canada and everyone has to show their ID upon entering the theater? And what purpose does banning him from having video equipment serve? How is that related to disallowing him from video taping his friends and family?

    17.11.2008 11:39 #3

  • slickwill

    A really funny story would be someone getting convicted for camming a movie at the Dollar Theater. The irony being that movie is probably already out on DVD.

    17.11.2008 12:52 #4

  • SSSJDanny

    filming in the cinema.... amateur

    17.11.2008 13:22 #5

  • Icanbe

    Originally posted by pyrite: I don't know why people bother filming in the cinema, the cams are nearly always really bad quality and nobody wants to watch them!I agree, seen a couple of cam films, horrible quality and sound.
    I really don't see the point in even watching them.

    17.11.2008 13:29 #6

  • varnull

    disclaimer "reasonable cams are available.. they may save you paying a fortune for the whole family to see a turkey"

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work. The flower of carnage-shura no hana..

    17.11.2008 13:41 #7

  • Toshibot

    As someone pointed out in another thread:

    "I'd rather be waterboarded" ... than watch a cammed movie on my 52-inch plasma.

    17.11.2008 13:47 #8

  • gnovak1

    Quote:Originally posted by pyrite: I don't know why people bother filming in the cinema, the cams are nearly always really bad quality and nobody wants to watch them!I agree, seen a couple of cam films, horrible quality and sound.
    I really don't see the point in even watching them.
    Yet you'll still get idiots who will buy this crap. There's a guy that comes to the bowling alley selling these movies and people flock to him. He makes great business. He charges $8.00 a video. For another 8 you can get the dvd which has WAY better quaity. I sit there watching these people buy these films shaking my head. Are these people nuts??

    So long as there is an audience, these people will still film.

    17.11.2008 14:04 #9

  • lynchGOP

    Oh brother!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyone that would watch a cammed movie of a movie is a tasteless loser. I mean, how much money could be made on that anyway? I'm guessing not much.....

    17.11.2008 14:30 #10

  • windsong

    I downloaded a cam of Batman once just to see what all the fuss was about. Blurry picture..buzzing sound..people getting up an blocking the echo-like sound. I read the .nfo and it said "smoke em if ya got em".

    Yeah, I guess if youre high, you wont really care that the film looks like complete shit.

    17.11.2008 14:38 #11


    "Canada is a hotbed of movie pirating, which is a billion-dollar loss to the movie industry,"

    Here we go again! we're a hotbed of piracy! give me a f*cking break! They should be going after the REAL pirates say like in Russia maybe?

    Oh but I forgot they don't have the BALLS to do it! It's easier to just go after Canada because we can download anything and keep it for personal use, which is perfectly legal btw and they call it piracy?

    Get your heads outta your ass you morons! The only way you can get that dollar figure is if you go after all the pirates world wide, and get convictions!

    Camcording a movie in the theater is just so n00bish it's hilarious! Just like script kiddies, they (the people who camcord in theaters) should be scorned just as badly if not worse!

    17.11.2008 18:11 #12

  • DXR88

    Hey guys grab your guns and bring a thermos full of blackpowder.

    and lets have some fun at 1330 Connecticut Ave. NW, Ste. 300.

    17.11.2008 20:11 #13

  • drlmg

    I can't believe the comment by Virginia Jones, director of policy and legal affairs for the Canadian Motion Picture Distributors. "We would have liked to see jail time, sending a stronger message. We hope this is just a starting point." Oh yeah, this man and his video camera is a dire threat to society. Lets let some of the rapists, murderers, child molesters, and drug dealers out of jail so we will be sure to have room for those despicable bums who dare defy the copyright laws. I think we need to clear out Guantanamo and give those people citizenship and ship those movie pirates over there where they can't terrorize our theaters. At least the terrorists have the decency to refrain from filming inside our theaters and copying music and videos.

    The motion picture industry is so full of $#**. They are not losing anything, to lose something you must have it first. They do not lose the cost (whatever they make) of a DVD every time someone copies one. Maybe they would be more credible if they were honest or not as ignorant whatever the case may be. If they truly felt that way why not lower the price? Make it not worth the time and effort it takes to acquire their trash illegally. If prices were lower, the people that truly wanted to see their recycled, stereotypical, rip-offs of either older films or foreign films, the people would pay for it. The MPI is the equivalent to the dead head thinking of government and taxes. Would it not make more sense to drop the price by 50% and sell 3 times the number of DVDs? This would also serve to make pirating not as worthwhile. I don't think for a second that everyone who sees a pirated DVD WAS going to go buy the DVD and aren't going to after seeing it.
    This is me speaking as a consumer....
    1) I think most movies released now are either rip-offs of older movies or foreign films, recycled - like full of cliches where it is the same story rewritten or so predictable that you know what is going to happen beforehand, or a story that is so lame or lacking of substance that it is an insult to the intelligence of most viewers.
    2) If I do watch a pirated film and it is half-way decent I buy it. Unfortunately though most aren't. With me, I buy more DVDs as a result of watching them (pirated) than I would if I didn't see the pirated version first.
    3) I would buy a lot more if the prices were lower.
    4) A lot of actors are such a joke. Totally ambivalent to the real world and so hollow and fickle. So full of hubris and contemptuousness thinking that they and their industry is vital to future of mankind. To see one of those morons in a movie doing something admirable is just sickening.
    5) RIAA and MPI are absolutely despicable, treating people like garbage and asking for outrageous compensation from people even with a few copied CDs or DVDs. Going after people with scare tactics threatening with jail time and huge fines even if they suspect wrongdoing. Guilty till proven innocent. Using their virtually limitless funds to hire hardcore attorneys that will either bankrupt the offender with ongoing litigation or scare them into settling for an outrageous amount of money. They are like unscrupulous debt collectors who bully the elderly with threats whether they are sure they have the right person or not, as long as they get money they could care less about who pays it.

    Alright, I guess if you are still reading this you get the point. I could rant on but I will stop here. I am not anti-capitalist and understand that people have a choice to take it or leave it as far as purchasing CDs, DVDs, etc. However, no one should be subjected to the gestapo tactics of these thugs.

    17.11.2008 20:42 #14

  • 1411

    Quote:Quote:Originally posted by pyrite: I don't know why people bother filming in the cinema, the cams are nearly always really bad quality and nobody wants to watch them!I agree, seen a couple of cam films, horrible quality and sound.
    I really don't see the point in even watching them.
    Yet you'll still get idiots who will buy this crap. There's a guy that comes to the bowling alley selling these movies and people flock to him. He makes great business. He charges $8.00 a video. For another 8 you can get the dvd which has WAY better quaity. I sit there watching these people buy these films shaking my head. Are these people nuts??

    So long as there is an audience, these people will still film.

    like seriously did you realy cuz you can go on thepirate and download hte dvd version free dont even have to register and you it be in a couple days max on a slow connections so y pay 16 for the video anyways like you can get the the movie new for 20 wth like come on yeah i download so wat i aint selling or disturbiting if it a good movie i will go buy it for hte bonus content alone

    18.11.2008 12:36 #15

  • tin23uk

    Quote:The motion picture industry was delighted by the ruling and admitted they spent six months investigating before having the authorities arrest Lissaman.
    hmm wonder how much that six month investigation cost, the motion picture industry is likely spending more on investigations than it is losing to piracy, and its not like the court rulings and enfocement is scaring people away from piracy. its not working and they need to realise that, why not invest that money into finding a way to solve the problem of profit loss to piracy rather than trying to rule with an iron fist.

    18.11.2008 12:52 #16

  • Leningrad

    How can you be delighted that someone is convicted for recording some flick? My brain is like a camcorder it records the thing when i watch it! so am i breaking a law?. The motion picture and RIAA organizations are obviosley bordering justice and barbarism, and they wish the pirate had jail time. Do they have any empathy for other people?

    18.11.2008 14:48 #17

  • SProdigy

    Ugh. Yes, cams are ridiculous, so why bother?

    I agree with the above poster. I probably end up buying more movies as a result of watching them either:

    a) full price in theater (gotta be A+ blockbuster film)
    b) discount price at theater (still has to be something I want to see, but not at $9 a ticket)
    c) Redbox/Netflix rental (damn near not paying for it)
    d) HBO, TNT and then Network Television (the crap has sifted to the bottom!)

    If I want to own, I wait for the price to come down before I do nab the movie for my personal collection.

    I see a lot of people at flea markets, corner stores, etc. selling copied movies, whether they are CAM, TS, DVDRip, Screener, Divx, you get the picture. It's dumb. It's also wrong. I don't understand why people pay them for a cheap burned disc written on with marker.

    Let me take you to my morally justified mind... if I have a DVD, I will end up lending it to a family member or two to watch. Does that make me a pirate? Are those lost sales for the MPAA? Do I deserve jail time?

    18.11.2008 16:39 #18

  • tin23uk

    Originally posted by SProdigy:
    Let me take you to my morally justified mind... if I have a DVD, I will end up lending it to a family member or two to watch. Does that make me a pirate? Are those lost sales for the MPAA? Do I deserve jail time?
    in the eyes of the mpaa yes you would deserve jailtime for lending someone your copy of a movie, you would probably also deserve jailtime if you were caught having your buddies over to watch a movie you just bought.

    19.11.2008 11:14 #19

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