Next Metal Gear headed to Xbox 360, Wii?

Next Metal Gear headed to Xbox 360, Wii?
Thanks to a new cryptic splash screen posted on the Konami website, the Internet is abuzz with rumors that the blockbuster smash hit game Metal Gear Solid is headed to the Xbox 360 or possibly even the Wii.

The splash screen shows off green symbols and a seemingly cryptic math equation. (A screenshot is posted after the article)

Although it is clear that a new project is in the works, it remains a curiosity as to whether the new project will be headed to a new console or whether MGS 4 will get its much hoped-for Xbox 360 debut. The game is a PlayStation 3 exclusive currently.

Another promising argument is that the game could be headed to the iPod Touch or the Nintendo DSi.

It would be inappropriate at this time to make any guarantees as to what the message means but it is very interesting to say the least. We will keep you updated.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 5 Dec 2008 21:55
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  • Sazy

    The upside down exclamation mark is that of the Metal Gear Acid logo.

    The regular exclamation mark is that of the original alert symbol in Metal Gear on NES.

    Im hoping that the green light circle is the Ring of Light on 360. I feel lost not having MGS. I have XB360 due to short finances :(

    5.12.2008 22:05 #1

  • khmernize

    That would be an awesome move for konami even though the game is a few months old. In Japan, there are many owners who already own 2 or 3 of the system console. Imagine the if a quarter of the owner bought this game for one of the system and it still generate millions.

    5.12.2008 22:09 #2

  • Oner

    i = iPhone or DSi
    ! = Metal Gear Ac!d
    Power symbol = well a power symbol

    MGST = Metal Gear Solid Touch

    That is what the consensus seems to be.

    5.12.2008 22:17 #3

  • lxhotboy

    This would be great for MGS fans who only own an Xbox360 but I was wondering what does a company gain from keeping a title exclusive? lets say Microsoft pays konami X amount of dollars for an exclusive title. Wouldnot Konami actually make more money if they released it multiconsole and told microsoft no thanks keep your money. Look at Madden series that has made so much money always releasing a version for each major gaming console on the market. Just a question. Any thoughts?

    6.12.2008 00:06 #4

  • xnonsuchx

    Originally posted by lxhotboy: ...I was wondering what does a company gain from keeping a title exclusive? lets say Microsoft pays konami X amount of dollars for an exclusive title. Wouldnot Konami actually make more money if they released it multiconsole and told microsoft no thanks keep your money...Any thoughts?
    That would depend on the specifics. Sometimes one company has an exclusive because they paid for the development of the title. Other times, they pay a large enough licensing fee to have it exclusively...or at least initial exclusivity where it's not released for competing consoles for 6+ months.

    If this were MGS4 for the 360, it would be a cut-down version (maybe just w/o the long cut scenes?) unless it was gonna come on 5-6 used up almost the whole 25GB of a single-layer BD on the PS3 and still had some of it heavily compressed. It also would be a port from another Konami dev team since Team Kojima said THEY wouldn't be doing a 360 version.

    6.12.2008 01:22 #5

  • Vr0cK

    Quote:Originally posted by lxhotboy: ...I was wondering what does a company gain from keeping a title exclusive? lets say Microsoft pays konami X amount of dollars for an exclusive title. Wouldnot Konami actually make more money if they released it multiconsole and told microsoft no thanks keep your money...Any thoughts?
    That would depend on the specifics. Sometimes one company has an exclusive because they paid for the development of the title. Other times, they pay a large enough licensing fee to have it exclusively...or at least initial exclusivity where it's not released for competing consoles for 6+ months.

    If this were MGS4 for the 360, it would be a cut-down version (maybe just w/o the long cut scenes?) unless it was gonna come on 5-6 used up almost the whole 25GB of a single-layer BD on the PS3 and still had some of it heavily compressed. It also would be a port from another Konami dev team since Team Kojima said THEY wouldn't be doing a 360 version.
    Actually MGS4 for PS3 used a dual layer BRD and almost used up the whole 50GB.

    6.12.2008 01:26 #6

  • SSSJDanny

    Honestly i thought it meant something like positive plus negative equals power.

    I herd they were already Trademarked the name "Metal Gear Existence" in my Game Informer Magazine.

    6.12.2008 03:19 #7

  • nuttin_88

    Metal Gear AC!D for the ipod touch. Konami is so fucking lame for doing this. They want us to get all hyped up for nothing. Give people what they want which is MGS4 for 360.

    6.12.2008 03:33 #8

  • core2kid

    Metal Gear Solid 2 went over to Xbox. All the rest were PlayStation exclusive. I personally would like Metal Gear Solid to stay a PlayStation exclusive but it may be heading over to Xbox 360.
    There should be no exclusives, all games for all consoles except for games made by the console manufacturers (MotorStorm, Halo, Mario, Etc.)

    6.12.2008 10:22 #9

  • fgamer

    We obviously know they wouldn't have used that symbol with the circle and exclamation point if the 360 was not someway involved in an upcoming game (more than likely some form of Metal Gear). Last I checked that circle has more meaning as being of relation to the Xbox 360 than anything else (it's on the power button of the 360). I find some of these comments funny that a few people leave the Xbox 360 out of the equation!

    And MGS4 is more than capable on the 360, it'll just need a few more disk. Unless they release something like Metal Gear Solid 4:Lite

    6.12.2008 11:50 #10

  • core2kid

    It could be that only Metal Gear Online is being released on the 360. There were news articles going around saying that Metal Gear Online was being released as a separate game.

    6.12.2008 13:03 #11

  • kikzm33z

    'A next Metal GEAR is...'

    As long as it's not Metal Gear Solid , it's OK. (yes, a little bit of fanboyism.)

    BTW guys, 'i' and '!' could possibly mean Wii. Power symbol exact same as Wii.

    6.12.2008 13:36 #12

  • Hunt720

    the power symbol is on MANY electronics including the ps3. Green is also the led color generally used to indicate a device is on. Yes the 360 has that symbol, but so doesn't the vast majority of consumer electronics.

    The ! And the "i" are more significant imo due to the presence of apple products in mgs4

    6.12.2008 13:41 #13

  • AXT

    They should just let Solid Snake die in peace. Don't ruin this franchise by bringing to the mainstream public and younger audiences that will never know the joys of the original MGS.

    STOP milking MGS konami. It is OVER.

    And if you have never played the games leading up to MGS4 then please refrain from playing this jewel.

    6.12.2008 14:56 #14

  • MasterHan

    I'm normally against console exclusivity however in this case they need to keep it PS3 only. If you were a true MGS fan you would have had a PS3 as soon as you knew the game was coming out.

    XB360 is trash anyways. I'm sure you'll all have your arguments but come back in a couple of years and see if you can still support it. PS3 is on it's way up. They are still developing ways to use it to it's full potential. 360 is already maxed out. It's not getting any better than what it is which is honestly not that good to begin with.

    Basically I hope that this is for a new MGS on the PS3 system and not just some port of MGS4. Don't waste my time konami.

    6.12.2008 15:10 #15

  • MasterHan

    BTW if you re-arrange the letters in "a next metal gear is" you can get "A galena extremist". Wasn't galena air force base where the awacs were coming from in Metal Gear Solid? I'm sure there is no significance but I thought it was interesting.

    6.12.2008 15:20 #16

  • fgamer

    Once again, only ones trying to ignore the fact that the symbol represents the 360 more than anything, are obviously fanboys and in denial. Face the fact that the symbol is a clear indication of it going to 360, and probably other systems. I doubt they'd release a cryptic message if it was anything but making a release on something like the 360 and or Wii. In fact Konami pushed for MGS4 to be on the 360, but it was Kojima himself that was being a Sony fanboy wanting exclusivity. So Konami is looking more at it as being a money maker than exclusivity. That symbol is a CLEAR indication that it's 360 bound. And there are many other colors to choose than "green" people, don't lie to yourselfs!!

    A next Metal Gears is....coming soon!

    6.12.2008 16:24 #17

  • Oner

    Originally posted by fgamer: Once again, only ones trying to ignore the fact that the symbol represents the 360 more than anything, are obviously fanboys and in denial. Face the fact that the symbol is a clear indication of it going to 360.Hhmm Really? I thought because if I am not mistaken this symbol

    is unilaterally known for POWER ON. And nothing more. Oh and it's even on the PS3 & Wii (they even have a little green light to go with them too!)

    There is no way you ABSOLUTELY 100% know it is for the 360. I too can't say it is or isn't but to say the "symbol" which denotes simply "power" equates it's for the 360 is laughable! Plus with the knowledge that there has already been talk about an AC!D game going to the iPhone or DS(i) for a while now. Lastly what about all the Apple products that where in MGS4 and the jokes that where made about how MGS was not suited to DVD9? If it does go to the 360 that's great for Konami but there is way too much information AGAINST it to be so...

    6.12.2008 17:04 #18

  • fgamer

    Last I checked the ONLY one out of those pictures..oh wait, you purposefully left out the Xbox 360's acutal glowing button which actually illuminates green. The PS3 button DOES NOT glow GREEN. The Wii button DOES NOT glow GREEN (and no that little green dot on the wii's button is not similar in any way). The only button that glows green is...the Xbox 360's power button. And why the hell release a cryptic message for a iPhone game? LOL, for real man.

    They chose that symbol and the color green for a reason..if you're seriously ignoring that, then you're an sad individual, and not very good at solving a damn thing. Plain and simple, it's obviously something to do with the 360...PERIOD! So please post a picture of the 360's button like you did all the other consoles...hiding something?

    6.12.2008 17:48 #19

  • Hunt720

    the 360 symbol is broken into quadrants anyhow, if they really wanted to imply the 360 as the next platform that would be more accurate ... Otherwise you are still purley speculating at best.

    6.12.2008 19:03 #20

  • rvinkebob

    Originally posted by fgamer: Once again, only ones trying to ignore the fact that the symbol represents the 360 more than anything, are obviously fanboys and in denial. Face the fact that the symbol is a clear indication of it going to 360, and probably other systems. I doubt they'd release a cryptic message if it was anything but making a release on something like the 360 and or Wii. In fact Konami pushed for MGS4 to be on the 360, but it was Kojima himself that was being a Sony fanboy wanting exclusivity. So Konami is looking more at it as being a money maker than exclusivity. That symbol is a CLEAR indication that it's 360 bound. And there are many other colors to choose than "green" people, don't lie to yourselfs!!

    A next Metal Gears is....coming soon!
    And if and when it doesn't come to the 360....... BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    6.12.2008 19:55 #21

  • fgamer

    Actually I don't care if it is or isn't for the 360. Heck it may just be MGS Acid 3 for the iPhone or whatever, but I'm just saying the symbol being green and resembling the 360's power button more (like has said too) makes it seem more likely. But it could be made to look like it's the 360 they're talking about but be something completely different. Maybe it's to catch buzz (like what it's doing now, off of the fans wanting a 360 announcement) and then really be for the iPhone or PSP..I'm not rulling that out. I'm just saying it can't be ignored that the picture resembles the 360 more than anything. And many others agree with that too.

    Also, to the person that said the 360's button is broken into quadrants, the very center is NOT broken into quadrants and it's the EXACT same symbol glowing green. Since you don't own a 360 you obviously would say something so silly. Look up the 360 power button and you'll see what I and many others are saying.

    But of course randoms here on Afterdawn always come up with the most idiotic responses to help their fanboy views!

    6.12.2008 22:01 #22

  • Oner

    Originally posted by fgamer: But of course randoms here on Afterdawn always come up with the most idiotic responses to help their fanboy views!I guess you want a few days off then? Because it sure looks like you are in that same category from where I'm standing as you are the ONLY one here who is calling people names that I see. Plus can you 100% with out a question of a doubt say it is for the 360. Can you prove it if so? Nope, you can't. Neither can I for or against but you are very quick to put down others here for some odd power button, the color green and ! or whatever doesn't mean anything. We don't play that here. Please watch your words and how you speak to other members here at aD.

    6.12.2008 22:20 #23

  • fgamer

    Quote:Originally posted by fgamer: But of course randoms here on Afterdawn always come up with the most idiotic responses to help their fanboy views!I guess you want a few days off then? Because it sure looks like you are in that same category from where I'm standing as you are the ONLY one here who is calling people names that I see. Plus can you 100% with out a question of a doubt say it is for the 360. Can you prove it if so? Nope, you can't. Neither can I for or against but you are very quick to put down others here for some odd power button, the color green and ! or whatever doesn't mean anything. We don't play that here. Please watch your words and how you speak to other members here at aD.Yes because as we all know "IM" the only one on Afterdawn "calling people names" LOL, that's funny right there (compared to all the names I and many others have been called here with nothing happening). Go figure it would be a "Oner" taking offense to something rather than the actual people that my comment was NOT reflecting to in specific. It was more generalized than actually calling "SOMEONE" a name! But of course "a" mod will always feel the need to flex their power (so good one, ONER). So do what you gotta do. As always the minorty voice on the forums must meet an exit, no wonder half these forums/threads are lacking interesting discussions. And I was expecting YOU to show me the door anyways, seeming as I made a good point against your comment. Oh wait...mods think they're always right.

    7.12.2008 01:03 #24

  • Bigtx99

    I just do not see MGS4 for the 360 due to the logistics of the the compression and size that MGS4 was for the ps3. The ps3 version was almost 50 gigs as someone stated and that is roughly 5-6 dual layer dvds for the xbox.

    7.12.2008 05:36 #25

  • core2kid

    I'm not a fanboy or anything but MGS4 may be possible for the 360. GTA4 was and that game takes up 14GB on the PC (2 DVD DLs)

    7.12.2008 10:40 #26

  • kikzm33z

    Originally posted by core2kid: I'm not a fanboy or anything but MGS4 may be possible for the 360. GTA4 was and that game takes up 14GB on the PC (2 DVD DLs)If it was going on the 360 then some changes will be needed.

    First of all, when Snake uses the Mk 2, you see Snake using the Sixaxis. And during mission briefings, the easter eggs have a PS3 and PSP.
    *SPOILERS* During the fight with Physco Mantis (Praying Mantis) there's a little scene showing how the player had to change controller ports and memory cards etc and that's only on the PS1. There's an easter egg there too. And then there's a little part where Otacon says 'Snake, change the disc. Oh wait, no need, we're using Blu-Ray!'
    Those can be easily changed but it won't be MGS4, it would be MGS4 : Guns of the Patriots, RVBTIGOTT (Ripped Version Because This Is Going On The Three-Sixty.)
    Anyway there's some parts in the game where Sixaxis is used.
    EDIT : ...And there are more stuff in MGS4 where it's only for Sony/PS3.
    EDIT : The picture says Metal Gear. Not Metal Gear Solid.. It MAY be MGS, but it certainly won't be MGS4 as it says 'Next MGS is.. BLABLA'.
    Also, if it's going to be MGS5, 360 fans will miss out a lot since MGS4 is only for the PS3 (and chances are that it'll stay that way.)

    7.12.2008 13:36 #27

  • Oner

    Originally posted by fgamer: Quote:Originally posted by fgamer: But of course randoms here on Afterdawn always come up with the most idiotic responses to help their fanboy views!I guess you want a few days off then? Because it sure looks like you are in that same category from where I'm standing as you are the ONLY one here who is calling people names that I see. Plus can you 100% with out a question of a doubt say it is for the 360. Can you prove it if so? Nope, you can't. Neither can I for or against but you are very quick to put down others here for some odd power button, the color green and ! or whatever doesn't mean anything. We don't play that here. Please watch your words and how you speak to other members here at aD.Yes because as we all know "IM" the only one on Afterdawn "calling people names" LOL, that's funny right there (compared to all the names I and many others have been called here with nothing happening). Go figure it would be a "Oner" taking offense to something rather than the actual people that my comment was NOT reflecting to in specific. It was more generalized than actually calling "SOMEONE" a name! But of course "a" mod will always feel the need to flex their power (so good one, ONER). So do what you gotta do. As always the minorty voice on the forums must meet an exit, no wonder half these forums/threads are lacking interesting discussions. And I was expecting YOU to show me the door anyways, seeming as I made a good point against your comment. Oh wait...mods think they're always right.Seems you don't understand very well. You where warned for your actions, only to further press your luck. That is the truth. If you don't like the RULES here at aD you don't have to come back.

    7.12.2008 17:19 #28

  • Hunt720

    I still can't find the ! In the 360 power symbol.. (and yes I used to own one)

    I really do think the upside down ! Is the significant part of the equasion. Otherwise it's an added bit of misdirection for a 360 hint.

    7.12.2008 21:21 #29

  • lecsiy

    Quote:Actually I don't care if it is or isn't for the 360. Heck it may just be MGS Acid 3 for the iPhone or whatever, but I'm just saying the symbol being green and resembling the 360's power button more (like has said too) makes it seem more likely. But it could be made to look like it's the 360 they're talking about but be something completely different. Maybe it's to catch buzz (like what it's doing now, off of the fans wanting a 360 announcement) and then really be for the iPhone or PSP..I'm not rulling that out. I'm just saying it can't be ignored that the picture resembles the 360 more than anything. And many others agree with that too.

    Also, to the person that said the 360's button is broken into quadrants, the very center is NOT broken into quadrants and it's the EXACT same symbol glowing green. Since you don't own a 360 you obviously would say something so silly. Look up the 360 power button and you'll see what I and many others are saying.

    But of course randoms here on Afterdawn always come up with the most idiotic responses to help their fanboy views!
    With all the crap posted here on Afterdawn. You chose to ban this guy??
    With all the Fanboyish posts, with no information to back them up you chose this guy??
    Oner. I just lost a lot of respect for you.

    8.12.2008 06:45 #30

  • Oner

    Problem is none of the other posts directly insulted aD members (if I missed something please point it out I will take care of that too). But have you ever wondered why the console forums (as well as the others) here on aD don't have the problems other websites do? It's because of aD's rules and the way problems are addressed why we don't have real fanboy flamewars problems. Plus he was warned for his actions and decided not to heed it.

    8.12.2008 08:28 #31

  • Jemborg

    Originally posted by lecsiy: Quote:Actually I don't care if it is or isn't for the 360. Heck it may just be MGS Acid 3 for the iPhone or whatever, but I'm just saying the symbol being green and resembling the 360's power button more (like has said too) makes it seem more likely. But it could be made to look like it's the 360 they're talking about but be something completely different. Maybe it's to catch buzz (like what it's doing now, off of the fans wanting a 360 announcement) and then really be for the iPhone or PSP..I'm not rulling that out. I'm just saying it can't be ignored that the picture resembles the 360 more than anything. And many others agree with that too.

    Also, to the person that said the 360's button is broken into quadrants, the very center is NOT broken into quadrants and it's the EXACT same symbol glowing green. Since you don't own a 360 you obviously would say something so silly. Look up the 360 power button and you'll see what I and many others are saying.

    But of course randoms here on Afterdawn always come up with the most idiotic responses to help their fanboy views!
    With all the crap posted here on Afterdawn. You chose to ban this guy??
    With all the Fanboyish posts, with no information to back them up you chose this guy??
    Oner. I just lost a lot of respect for you.
    I agree, it is a strange over-reaction.

    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    9.12.2008 02:25 #32

  • Oner

    Amazing how ones who don't know what goes on behind the scenes are the ones who are most vocal. I guess his recent post history and attitude in other discussion mean nothing and have no bearing in how this happened huh? You guys have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and need to move on from administrative action "discussions".

    9.12.2008 08:47 #33

  • gareno

    i think that thing is just to hype up 360 fans so they think they get a metal gear game but then it ends up not being for them so they get owned in their face!

    9.12.2008 09:47 #34

  • Oner

    Please try to post something more constructive and less instigative.

    9.12.2008 10:09 #35

  • lawbuntz

    I think this can only mean that penguins will fly out of my ASS!!!

    I can't wait for another Metal Gear Acid...that is the most satisfying strategy game I've ever played...high quality d*pe!! peace y'all and melli kalikimaka!

    9.12.2008 19:56 #36

  • Jemborg

    Originally posted by lawbuntz: I think this can only mean that penguins will fly out of my ASS!!!

    I can't wait for another Metal Gear Acid...that is the most satisfying strategy game I've ever played...high quality d*pe!! peace y'all and melli kalikimaka!
    I have a tendency to agree, as much as I'd like it to be a 360 version, looks like a Metal Gear Acid game to me.

    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    9.12.2008 20:46 #37

  • Jemborg

    Originally posted by Oner: ... But have you ever wondered why the console forums (as well as the others) here on aD don't have the problems other websites do? It's because of aD's rules and the way problems are addressed why we don't have real fanboy flamewars problems...Really? I have been the subject on occasion of intense incoherent unprovoked personal flaming here, and neither you or any other Mod choose to step in at the time. Lol.

    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    9.12.2008 22:28 #38

  • Oner

    Sometimes that happens, we can't be everywhere at all times. If you have an issue please feel free to PM any moderator and we will be more than happy to help resolve it. We appologize for any inconvenience you may have encountered though.

    10.12.2008 08:42 #39

  • canuckerz

    Kojima must really enjoy playing head games. At first it looks like the 360 but when you look into other things you open a whole confusing can of worms, which result in all this fighting and bickering between people loyal to their respective consoles.

    Also besides just the symbols and colors involved you have to also take into account the equation. It just gets more and more confusing the more you look into it.

    10.12.2008 20:38 #40

  • Oner

    Not a 100% confirmation just yet but it looks to be that "A Next Metal Gear Is" be on N-Gage (more info here and here )

    12.12.2008 20:58 #41

  • core2kid

    Originally posted by Oner: Not a 100% confirmation just yet but it looks to be that "A Next Metal Gear Is" be on N-Gage (more info here and here )
    I wish Verizon had cool Nokia, Sony, Apple phones. Verizon has no cool phones.

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    12.12.2008 21:26 #42

  • Oner

    Looks like even that earlier info was wrong. It is actually MGS for iPhone. I was right about the MGST = Metal Gear Solid Touch$1255357.htm

    17.12.2008 10:20 #43

  • kikzm33z

    Originally posted by Oner: Looks like even that earlier info was wrong. It is actually MGS for iPhone. I was right about the MGST = Metal Gear Solid Touch$1255357.htm

    It actually looks quite good. Any chance that the DS can get this? I'd love to play a crap version of MGS4 portably. << Funny thread saying how nice the 360 fan boys are (ROFL)

    17.12.2008 12:03 #44

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