ISPs to become piracy police in UK

ISPs to become piracy police in UK
According to a draft report by Lord Carter of the UK, ministers in the region plan to pass regulation that would force ISPs to inform customers that they are suspected of illegally downloading movies and music and should stop.

The service providers would also be required to collect data on repeat offenders which then must be turned over to copyright holders or the record labels if they need them.

A new regulating body called the Rights Agency would be created from levies given by the trade groups and the ISPs and will be in charge of the "new code of conduct."

The report also notes that the government sees this action as the 'preferred solution' and that the ISPs, as well as the music and film industries have failed to sort out their own problems in a timely matter.

Apparently the proposals have already gained “widespread support.”

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 17 Jan 2009 22:09
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  • mike.m

    I got one of those "Copyright Infringment" Emails from Telus. Now I switched to Shaw, haven't got one of these pathetic letters, and have a way faster service. "Rights Agency" yeah right, what happened to everyones right to privacy? It has come and gone out the window my friend. Thank God I live in Canada.

    17.1.2009 23:06 #1

  • DXR88

    There fighting in all the wrong places, P2P can be made to look just like normal browsing. Routers and a Physical firewall and make it next to impossible to determine where that traffic is coming from.

    if they want war take a pair of cable strippers strip the end off and stick the copper end into a power outlet mmm toasty. :)

    18.1.2009 00:41 #2

  • ads

    I got one of thouse emails from telus.. and I sent a letter back saying you dont have a warrent to check my traffic and if this action doesnt seace I will be filling a lawsuit over invasion of privacy...

    Now.. I know I didnt download what they were saying I did so I send a big f u back to them.. They phoned latter and apoligiesed and it was someone else they ment to send the email too.. O so now you admit to spying on other custmers..Its Illegal what they are doing

    18.1.2009 01:08 #3

  • DXR88

    of coarse its illegal, but it not the IP's you should be shaking you fist at (or gun). its the RIAA, they have put themselves and there actions above the government.

    its doable, right a nice fat check and give it to all your bribe able politicians wallah. immunity to every one and everything. in short they are there own government.

    the sad part is me,you,and the police force of America can do nothing except sit back and watch these bloodsuckers sue every last dollar out of everything.
    if my house ever did it raided by the RIAA i would take up arms. the first thing i learned how to do is use a gun, the second thing i learned was the internet.

    18.1.2009 01:29 #4

  • mike.m

    Originally posted by ads: I got one of thouse emails from telus.. and I sent a letter back saying you dont have a warrent to check my traffic and if this action doesnt seace I will be filling a lawsuit over invasion of privacy...

    Now.. I know I didnt download what they were saying I did so I send a big f u back to them.. They phoned latter and apoligiesed and it was someone else they ment to send the email too.. O so now you admit to spying on other custmers..Its Illegal what they are doing

    Good for you man. In my letter they said they received a report from someone else, most like RIAA or one of those groups. I think there was an article a month or two ago about them teaming up with ISP's. Yeah if they ever try to sue someone for just downloading music or movies, (which was most likely why the sent the email to me), then you can just bring up the fact that evidence(s) they have against you are to be void, because they invaded your privacy to get it. It's like "break and enter" instead it's on the web.

    18.1.2009 01:41 #5

  • chinpark9

    It is my humble view, for what it's worth, that, the only way to redress these various grievances, is through their pocket. I do not suggest marches on their headquarters or anything like that, but if we were to keep out of the cinemas and dvd shops for something like a month, or even longer, I am certain there would be some results. Maybe even they would take the public to court for not attending the cinemas or purchasing their dvds.

    18.1.2009 06:47 #6

  • jeff_2

    Now i want to know does this include Northern Ireland?

    I should explain Northern Ireland is part of Ireland's land mass but politically it belongs to Britian but sometimes they forget to put us in the same law brackets as us e.g. water charges

    what happened to my right to pirvacy? ISPs are private business, why would they want to go after private individuals, spending their money chasing possible criminals? I can only see ISP going after major internet pirates who are actually making money from piracy, if this regulation is ever past I cannot see the teenagers using limewire and torrent clients in Britian ever being affected by this, due to a lack of interest from the ISPs, they have better things to do like making money

    18.1.2009 07:30 #7

  • SpeedTest

    Since when was the UK a region?

    I can't stand the way that my Country is being disenfranchised by the back door by these sort of labels - it's just another way of getting the message into the psyche.

    18.1.2009 07:36 #8

  • jeff_2

    Originally posted by SpeedTest: Since when was the UK a region?

    I can't stand the way that my Country is being disenfranchised by the back door by these sort of labels - it's just another way of getting the message into the psyche.
    i wouldnt find that offensive (because a region is " A large, usually continuous segment of a surface or space; area" which Britian is) and im in Northern Ireland we have the shittest deal of all so don't complain about it

    18.1.2009 07:40 #9

  • SpeedTest

    So by that definition every country in the world should be referred to as a region - I don't think so. And as for Northern ireland I couldn't agree with you more, the Northern Irish have had the bad end of the deal.

    18.1.2009 07:51 #10

  • jeff_2

    Well I just got it from I never thought of it like that prehaps they should redfine it lol, there are probably a lot of people wondering who are these 'Northern Irish' people we have never heard about lol

    18.1.2009 07:54 #11

  • SpeedTest


    18.1.2009 08:10 #12

  • varnull

    Northern Ireland = Ulster .. a big mistake from history.

    All this isp nonsense is because the state ran across a few voters who can put together a coherent argument against using public taxes to reinforce the profits of foreign interests. We aren't frightened of their undemocratic methods of enforcing a surveillance control state. Some of us know the lessons from history.. and are prepared to actually stand up for election on a pro-p2p and pro-privacy soapbox.
    The last thing the vested interests want is somebody like me.. standing up and rabble rousing against the "hated yankee imperialists" buying our politicians and asset stripping our country and citizens in the name of overseas rich business men and profits.. (lessons from history.. the Nazis blamed the jewish bankers for exactly the same thing in the 20's and 30's.. and where did that eventually lead? I'm a hell of a public speaker.. I watched Hitler manipulate the people by telling them whet they wanted to hear coming from somebody they could vote for... somebody who dared to voice what they thought they believed.. and which they could see ((wrongly, but it was plausible as a reason)) with their own eyes....)
    I could win elections for the British Nazi Party (BNP) using that soapbox.. very easily in the current economic crash and floods of illegal immigrants taking money directly and visibly from the pockets of the normal working people.... it's too easy.

    FYI.. I haven't downloaded anything in ages.. lost interest, but I am aware that everything I type here, my emails and everything else I do either with my phone or computer is being logged and stored without my consent or permission.. They tried to hide the fact, but we caught them and made it public. The big mistake the politicos made was passing a law exempting themselves from these laws... One law for them.. another for everybody else.. and where is democracy when there is an elected elite who put themselves above the law by abusing their position and privilege? Nowhere.. that's where.. Vive la Revolution.

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work.
    I would rather you hate me for who I am than love me for what I am not.
    Welcome to the other side of the looking glass Alice

    18.1.2009 08:16 #13

  • pieman

    Am I bothered?They couldnt organise a piss up in a brewery

    18.1.2009 16:34 #14

  • varnull

    Who couldn't.. the UK government??.. they managed to blow up a few trains and a bus a few years ago XD

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work.
    I would rather you hate me for who I am than love me for what I am not.
    Welcome to the other side of the looking glass Alice

    18.1.2009 16:54 #15

  • wanttono

    Guys this is the start .... we complain, bitch, but never do anything, get involved somehow some way I don't know how, any of you have ideas ? legal of course .. class action ? long fight ahead .. we can help support a grope err i mean group ...

    18.1.2009 17:23 #16

  • DXR88

    Originally posted by wanttono: Guys this is the start .... we complain, bitch, but never do anything, get involved somehow some way I don't know how, any of you have ideas ? legal of course .. class action ? long fight ahead .. we can help support a grope err i mean group ...
    cant fight illegal with legal.

    Frank do you draw in an average 3 billion a year if so we could buy are own personal politician's, Mabey even a judge and a jury.

    even then you do realize they are protected by the people that are the law(or at least they think), so the only real way to get back is to be unlawful raise hell, shoot a few round into em. otherwise your just fighting a losing battle

    18.1.2009 17:36 #17

  • atomicxl

    Originally posted by mike.m: "Rights Agency" yeah right, what happened to everyones right to privacy?I don't know about Canada, but in the US... if I saw you committing a crime and reported you, you couldn't hide behind a "right to privacy".

    Thats literally what ISPs do. People pay them for access to commit crimes and then they pretend like they don't have a clue whats going on so that they can continue to collect money from these people.

    In the US, thats aiding and abetting a criminal mixed with profiting directly from criminal acts. Very illegal stuff.

    The internet is like the wild west right now. You can do anything you want and as long as you've got the biggest guns, you never have to worry about the long arm of justice. One major difference though is that criminals back then knew they were criminals. They didn't parade around like robbing banks was their god given right and that it was immoral for banks to protect themselves. They didn't care that it was illegal, but they did recognize that they were indeed breaking the law.

    Looks like in the UK they trying to make it more of a civilized society.

    18.1.2009 19:05 #18

  • joe777

    Zoology is the lesson today children.
    Now who can spot the troll^^^^^

    18.1.2009 19:42 #19

  • Blackjax

    Quote:Originally posted by mike.m: "Rights Agency" yeah right, what happened to everyones right to privacy?I don't know about Canada, but in the US... if I saw you committing a crime and reported you, you couldn't hide behind a "right to privacy".

    Thats literally what ISPs do. People pay them for access to commit crimes and then they pretend like they don't have a clue whats going on so that they can continue to collect money from these people.

    In the US, thats aiding and abetting a criminal mixed with profiting directly from criminal acts. Very illegal stuff.

    The internet is like the wild west right now. You can do anything you want and as long as you've got the biggest guns, you never have to worry about the long arm of justice. One major difference though is that criminals back then knew they were criminals. They didn't parade around like robbing banks was their god given right and that it was immoral for banks to protect themselves. They didn't care that it was illegal, but they did recognize that they were indeed breaking the law.

    Looks like in the UK they trying to make it more of a civilized society.

    OK so let's use your analogy. I pay for a service such as a phone. I can use it to commit crimes. Then to catch me the laws must be followed. Court orders such as subpeona's must be issued with due cause shown that I am commiting an illegal act. Then on to a trial and if I did indeed commit a crime, a conviction and punishment. Hence a civilized society using a process is to catch and punish a criminal.

    SO let me extract what you are saying with your analogy. It's OK to illegaly monitor someone's comminucations albeit digital instead of analog and it's OK with you that this is done? It's OK for someone to be accused and convicted without a civilized process.

    SO what you are saying is your OK with just one person or entity being judge, jury and executioner.

    OR are you what joe777 was stating.....

    a troll.

    Oh and BTW cowboy read up on the Ole' West padna. Lots of the lawmen there WERE criminals at one time.


    19.1.2009 02:09 #20

  • Interestx

    I look forward to them locking down all supposedly 'illegal' file sharing.

    .....and when the truth is that still no-one is buying the sh!te they pump out what will their excuse be then?

    Why our Govs have allowed themselves to wreck the internet and turn it into one great big pointless shopping mall (at a time when less and less are buying) to satisfy big businesses just defies comprehension.

    The sooner someone stands up and tells those evil greedy b@stards to go f*ck themselves the better.

    19.1.2009 12:11 #21

  • joe777

    Originally posted by Interestx: I look forward to them locking down all supposedly 'illegal' file sharing.

    .....and when the truth is that still no-one is buying the sh!te they pump out what will their excuse be then?

    Why our Govs have allowed themselves to wreck the internet and turn it into one great big pointless shopping mall (at a time when less and less are buying) to satisfy big businesses just defies comprehension.

    The sooner someone stands up and tells those evil greedy b@stards to go f*ck themselves the better.

    19.1.2009 14:46 #22

  • Guyy

    cant fight illegal with legal.

    ex turpi causa non oritur actio

    19.1.2009 16:40 #23

  • DXR88

    "from a dishonorable cause an action does not arise"

    That card works both ways, even if you did plead that. The System is so manipulated it wouldn't matter.

    19.1.2009 17:30 #24

  • atomicxl

    Quote:Quote:Originally posted by mike.m: "Rights Agency" yeah right, what happened to everyones right to privacy?I don't know about Canada, but in the US... if I saw you committing a crime and reported you, you couldn't hide behind a "right to privacy".

    Thats literally what ISPs do. People pay them for access to commit crimes and then they pretend like they don't have a clue whats going on so that they can continue to collect money from these people.

    In the US, thats aiding and abetting a criminal mixed with profiting directly from criminal acts. Very illegal stuff.

    The internet is like the wild west right now. You can do anything you want and as long as you've got the biggest guns, you never have to worry about the long arm of justice. One major difference though is that criminals back then knew they were criminals. They didn't parade around like robbing banks was their god given right and that it was immoral for banks to protect themselves. They didn't care that it was illegal, but they did recognize that they were indeed breaking the law.

    Looks like in the UK they trying to make it more of a civilized society.

    OK so let's use your analogy. I pay for a service such as a phone. I can use it to commit crimes. Then to catch me the laws must be followed. Court orders such as subpeona's must be issued with due cause shown that I am commiting an illegal act. Then on to a trial and if I did indeed commit a crime, a conviction and punishment. Hence a civilized society using a process is to catch and punish a criminal.

    SO let me extract what you are saying with your analogy. It's OK to illegaly monitor someone's comminucations albeit digital instead of analog and it's OK with you that this is done? It's OK for someone to be accused and convicted without a civilized process.

    SO what you are saying is your OK with just one person or entity being judge, jury and executioner.

    OR are you what joe777 was stating.....

    a troll.

    Oh and BTW cowboy read up on the Ole' West padna. Lots of the lawmen there WERE criminals at one time.

    The police can tap your phone if there is suspicion of you breaking the law. How is this any different? Judge, jury and executioner... lol, now who's talking crazy.

    If you are suspected of breaking the law, I think people should have the right to investigate. If they find evidence, its totally ok imo for them to press charges against you. This isn't some crime committed in the fog where the only witness was drunk. Theres a clear cut undeniable trail. It'd be an open and shut case against you.

    You can call me a troll if makes you feel like one of the cool kids, but i'm not saying anything crazy.

    You guys hate any large corporation, but I think that no matter who you are, if there are people committing crimes against you, you have a right to go after them. ISPs are the gatekeepers of this information. The criminals pay for access from ISPs and the ISPs turn a blind eye, collect their checks and pretend that NOTHING is happening. I think that should stop.

    21.1.2009 09:03 #25

  • varnull

    we have a right to privacy.. we also have the right to CHOOSE to break the law..

    That right is being taken away by this new method of considering every single person a criminal before the fact and tapping ALL our communications.

    Just because I walk past a bank does not mean I am considering robbing it... but that is exactly where this new world order is coming from.

    You may be happy with that.. but I am certainly not.

    Obviously our troll here doesn't live in the UK and see the abuses by the state and police of basic human rights on a day to day basis. We have even had an opposition MP's office raided and searched by police... for just doing what he is fully and legally entitled to do, hold certain papers for discussion and inspection under the laws of the land... When a state begins to get that out of control it starts to be not a democracy but government by dictat.. and that is a dangerous place to live, believe.

    How would our yankee friends like it if they were overheard on the phone saying about Obama being bad, and he should be impeached or something.. when they return home from work their house is being raided and searched because some "threat to national security" has been logged against them.... and all from an innocent.. and legal.. comment.

    "Piracy" is the excuse.. the real fact of the matter is finding an excuse to justify the removal of all our rights.....

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work.
    I would rather you hate me for who I am than love me for what I am not.
    Welcome to the other side of the looking glass Alice

    21.1.2009 09:21 #26

  • FredBun

    Apparently the proposals have already gained “widespread support.”
    You have got to be s#$t$#g me.

    And I agree with DXR88, if the riaa came over my house somebody deffinatly is getting smacked, if I have to go to jail, it will be for a bigger reason than the riaa's bullcrap rules.

    25.1.2009 12:40 #27

  • hugolove

    This is all empty discussion - you all know for a fact that they are never going to stop until all freedoms have been stripped from us, leaving us to choose between only those options they allow us.

    You cannot advise using the law to get out of this - the law can and has been changed on many occasions to suit the needs of big business. This is no different. Those in charge wish to remain in charge, and will scratch each other's backs endlessly to make sure this occurs.

    It is not that they will not listen to the voice and decisions of the common people - it is that they hold that voice of such people in complete disregard. They want only to control you, your minds, your actions, and harness you to the wheel of their industry.

    They stupify you with "their" culture - Pop Idol, Gladiators, celebrity marriages and breakups, compelling you to work in their sweatshops in order to earn their valueless currency.

    Even your home, the roof over your head, the most basic necessity of human survival, must be bought at such a high cost that we cannot afford it without taking out an immense loan, repayable over 25 years, keeping us in bonded slavery as long as it exists.

    The economy is a lie - just whom exactly do we and our American and European brethren owe our national debt too? Why, the very same super-rich elite who, it is claimed, have engineered this whole situation. These, my friends, are our enemies.

    Direct not the brunt of your anger at our politicians or police, for they too are mere pawns. Some indeed have no clue whatsoever how this state of affairs came into being, and are merely pig-headed fools. Others are weak men who have allowed themselves to be bought with promises of wealth or power to come, and should be pitied as much as they are despised.

    No, my friends, these are not our true enemies. They are merely the least amongst us.

    The rich. Or, more accurately, the super-rich. In all manner of criminal investigations, one looks to see who benefits from the crime in order to find the purpetrator. Where, my friends, does the money go? From whose stained and scaly chin are we stealing the breadcrumbs of Piracy?

    For it is mere breadcrumbs we remove from the plate of the great purveyors of music - indeed there is evidence to suggest that piracy has in fact increased record sales in recent years, due to the explosive proliferation of musical availability Piracy has engendered. These breadcrumbs, therefore, cannot be said to be the reason for the immense legal upheaval we are currently experiencing.

    No, my friends, the issue is control. We have dared to buck our oppressor, to show him we have a will of our own, and now he would crush that will. To remain silent is to submit yourself to his dominance; to attempt to use his own system against him will only result in that system being ammended to his satisfaction. We have only one recourse...


    I was recently reminded that Anarchy does not mean chaos, it means "no leaders". I, my friends, am an Anarchist, and I invite you to join my cause in any way you see fit.

    I thank you for reading...


    25.1.2009 18:39 #28

  • FredBun

    hugolove, Thats some heavy stuff your throwing out there, some points are true some are debatable, regardless it's big time political, some hairs will be raised with that on AD.

    There's a lot more to becoming an anarchist than just talking about it, the sad part is one point is true, we the little guy if things keep going the way they are, run out of ways to support ourselves our families and loved one's the crap will hit the fan, when we finally have nothing more to lose is when people that are use to comfort will fight back, otherwise we stay still and just watch.

    This ISP thing that really is pushing it though, I would love to see a huge public outcry on it, probably will not happen unfortanatly, but so true, these big guys just keep pushing, power rules all, greedy power never last's forever, as stated above, the crap will always hit the fan, by anarchy, revolution who knows, I'm to old more than likely to ever see it, and hope my children never do, the moguls sure are pushing it though.

    I enjoy my peacfull debates, thoughts and learning things on AD, they won't allow you to continue a political discusiion here on AD, your points are well taken, but if you want to start a cause I'm afraid your gonna have to find a political Forum, you won't find one at AD, but don't be discuraged, you made some good points, get on a good poli forum and I'm sure you'll get a good debate and maybe even some support, good luck.

    25.1.2009 20:46 #29

  • DXR88

    One has no need for a leader, but rather a goal of common interest.

    That is how many countries started, a presidents job was to protect those common goals, to relay the names of those who dare defy the common goal of the nation as a whole.

    those days ended when we the people stopped listening,and the men sworn to protect those goals, fight and squabble over the now used and worn title President.

    how could men turn from hero's defenders of the people and the nation to nothing more than a pincushion, for those that would do harm to that common goal.

    there are theories, idea's, guesses, but no truths.

    nor will there ever be.


    25.1.2009 22:54 #30

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