Wii to outsell PS2 over lifetime, says firm

Wii to outsell PS2 over lifetime, says firm
According to the analyst firm Venture Beat, the Nintendo Wii is well on its way to passing the Sony PlayStation 2 as the most successful console of all time, and should do so by 2014.

The PlayStation 2 has sold roughly 140 million consoles over its lifespan but the firm is predicting the Wii will hit 154 million units sold by 2014.

Comparatively, for its first 26 months of availability in the US, the Wii is leading the PS2 by 10 percent; 17.5 million units sold to 15.9. Overall the Wii has sold over 40 million consoles worldwide.

The report also noted that the current-generation Sony PlayStation 3 has sold 7 million units in the US so far, comparable to the initial sales of the Gamecube. The PS3 is expected to have a much longer lifespan however.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 21 Jan 2009 22:37
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  • Morreale

    The PS2 will always be a better console... The games just do not compare (for now anyways). My Wii just collects dust, even with the Homebrew Channel installed :/

    21.1.2009 23:13 #1

  • hikaricor

    I'd rather play PS2 than flail around the living room all day using both hands to play with my wii.

    21.1.2009 23:28 #2

  • Morreale

    Originally posted by hikaricor: I'd rather play PS2 than flail around the living room all day using both hands to play with my wii.I don't mind that, it's just there are like no good games to do that with...

    22.1.2009 00:13 #3

  • lamain

    I love the idea that Wii brings to games like golf and boxing. Just explain to me why the best game out there is still Wii sports. I am much more a computer person but you give me a good and I mean good boxing game for the Wii and I will bow down to the console gods.

    Realy for the games the Wii is good for and this would include a lot of sports games it shows immense possibility for a new way to enjoy a gaming session.

    I would like to see a sword fighting game now that could be interesting.

    22.1.2009 04:20 #4

  • iamgq

    Ofcourse Wii is going to out sell PS3
    -Wii is equal to a Ford Focus or Kia that a teenager received as a gift from getting a new drivers liscence.
    -PS3 is a Hummer with 24 inch rims and all the bells-wistles that cant be afford by everyone.
    2014-Who thinks that far about sh*t like this?
    Sony im sure will have their stuff together by then.

    22.1.2009 06:03 #5

  • pensfan12

    Originally posted by hikaricor: I'd rather play PS2 than flail around the living room all day using both hands to play with my wii.
    So true.
    Whilst playing the wii you just get this hunger to play a real console with real games (i cant even play a decent hockey game).

    And I always thought the point of a video game was sit down and relax.

    22.1.2009 08:38 #6

  • DVDBack23

    Originally posted by iamgq: Ofcourse Wii is going to out sell PS3
    -Wii is equal to a Ford Focus or Kia that a teenager received as a gift from getting a new drivers liscence.
    -PS3 is a Hummer with 24 inch rims and all the bells-wistles that cant be afford by everyone.
    2014-Who thinks that far about sh*t like this?
    Sony im sure will have their stuff together by then.
    This article is about the PS2 :P

    22.1.2009 10:12 #7

  • ZippyDSM

    uhg I see fanboys!

    They seem to hate the wWII from it selling more hardware to it selling more software(unit sale X attach rate) they want to whine about its games when frankly the games on the PS360 are as devoid of creativity and polish because the whole industry is making disposable forgettable mass market games, just becuse they make them for the 13-17+ crowd dose not make them better products at the end of the day....

    Gaming is dead long live mainstream entertainment....and there was.....much rejoicing......yyyyaaaaaayyyyy......... >>

    22.1.2009 12:02 #8

  • emugamer

    If this analysis is close to being true, then I guess Nintendo has no plans to enter the ring with a new console until 2014. Or maybe they will follow in Sony's footsteps and keep selling the Wii simultaneously with a new HD system. I guess that's not too far fetched. I hope so. HD still isn't mainstream. It may penetrate the majority of households in the next couple of years, or more, depending on how the economy does. Not sure I agree about the Wii surpassing the PS2 though. Only because we would be closing in on the point where the more expensive consoles become cheaper and cheaper to manufacture, and Sony and MS will be making more of a profit, so you may eventually be getting better technology for a price much closer to the Wii (hopefully in the not sao distant future). The 360 is already stripped down enough to compete with the price of the Wii. And it's not like Wii games are much cheaper than their next-gen counterparts.

    But the Wii is all about fun, right? So who cares about HD and power when you can have tons of fun?!?!? Well, at least I do. I don't find it fun, and games look like crap on my HDTV. I've actually been surprised by the number of families I know who are foregoing the more expensive consoles for a Wii. The kids love it, and that's all that really counts. Of course, they are all middle school and younger. I personally don't know any High School students or young adults who purchased a Wii. Mostly 360's. And the older people I know (around my age) mostly have PS3's.

    Go figure :P

    22.1.2009 12:31 #9

  • redux79

    Originally posted by lamain: I love the idea that Wii brings to games like golf and boxing. Just explain to me why the best game out there is still Wii sports.A friend of mine just picked up a wii recently and I have to admit that wii sports is rather fun... but only when playing with other people. There’s probably a half dozen games for the wii that can stand alone in single player, mario and zelda come to mind. However the majority of the games are focused on competition between friends and playing them alone just seems odd.

    This is basically why I see the wii as an arcade machine and not technically a console. The wii is a great "party console" meaning that when friends come over you break out wii sports instead having one or two people glued to the tv playing an FPS while the rest watch on.

    In the end the wii's greatest strength is that it isn't a console. It's almost an optional add on to a 360 or ps3. While the wii may not get played as much or have the highest attach rate it serves its purpose and appeals to both ps3 and 360 owners.

    22.1.2009 12:37 #10

  • lamain

    for me the computer take the role of a ps3 and a 360 it will do everything and more. but the Wii is something different. It will fill a role that a computer can't or hasn't. Sure I would like better graphics but seeing as no other system has done what the Wii has done I will have to live with the bad graphics.

    22.1.2009 12:51 #11

  • rvinkebob

    Originally posted by lamain: for me the computer take the role of a ps3 and a 360 it will do everything and more. but the Wii is something different. It will fill a role that a computer can't or hasn't. Sure I would like better graphics but seeing as no other system has done what the Wii has done I will have to live with the bad graphics.You can technically hook up a Wiimote to your PC. I've never searched on what it can work with, but I guess it could work with some of the newer PC games so long as there's an application to set up axis and stuff. I might look into it myself cause it sure as hell beats paying $250 for something I'll use for about a week.

    22.1.2009 14:12 #12

  • iamgq

    Quote:Originally posted by iamgq: Ofcourse Wii is going to out sell PS3
    -Wii is equal to a Ford Focus or Kia that a teenager received as a gift from getting a new drivers liscence.
    -PS3 is a Hummer with 24 inch rims and all the bells-wistles that cant be afford by everyone.
    2014-Who thinks that far about sh*t like this?
    Sony im sure will have their stuff together by then.
    This article is about the PS2 :P

    Oh, lol Thanks for pointing that out.
    Well then Wii is being compared to real good bench player that scores triple doubles daily and that will make it to the finals... No argument there.
    Wii is still equal to a Ford Focus or Kia that a teenager received as a gift from getting a new drivers liscence.

    22.1.2009 14:33 #13

  • SProdigy

    Originally posted by emugamer: If this analysis is close to being true, then I guess Nintendo has no plans to enter the ring with a new console until 2014.This article is based on the opinion of an analyst firm on the sales of the Wii vs. PS2. I doubt that Nintendo will hold off releasing a new console for 5 years!

    Originally posted by emugamer: Or maybe they will follow in Sony's footsteps and keep selling the Wii simultaneously with a new HD system...HD still isn't mainstream.Sounds logical to me. We're seeing HDMI as a connectivity option in newer laptops already, and they've been in HDTV's for years.

    Originally posted by emugamer: Only because we would be closing in on the point where the more expensive consoles become cheaper and cheaper to manufacture...Logically you would think so, but we are already seeing suppliers phase out hardware, such as the 20gb HDD for the 360, as the 20gb are being replaced with larger capacity drives (this also holds true for the PS3.) The "new" parts are equivalent in price to the "old" parts. I can see the PS3 dropping at bit more, as Blu-Ray lasers become more common, but the 360 may have hit the pricing wall already.

    Originally posted by emugamer: But the Wii is all about fun, right? So who cares about HD and power when you can have tons of fun?!?!? Well, at least I do. I don't find it fun, and games look like crap on my HDTV. I've actually been surprised by the number of families I know who are foregoing the more expensive consoles for a Wii. The kids love it, and that's all that really counts. Of course, they are all middle school and younger. I personally don't know any High School students or young adults who purchased a Wii. Mostly 360's. And the older people I know (around my age) mostly have PS3's.

    Go figure :P
    I did go figure. I'm "older" being 27 years of age, and I own a 360 and Wii. The Wii was my first next gen console, and my 360 rarely sees the light of day. Most of my "older" bretheren either own a Wii or have not taken the plunge into the next generation of consoles. Call me picky on pointing this out, but I really hate generalized comments with no facts to back it up (which for age demographics, I have yet to see sales/demo stats.)

    I disagree that the Wii looks like crap on an HDTV. I am connected with a component cable set for 480p EDTV and Widescreen. Yes, some games do look like crap (I'm pointing my finger at you NCAA and Madden!)

    However, that would be akin to saying my standard DVDs look like crap on my HDTV, which they don't. Quite a few Wii games look fine, even to the point where I don't realize it's a Wii game (Mario Galaxy for example.)

    And to address the "good" games issue, every console gets the same template of crap, which includes spotty sequels, bad tv/movie/kiddie show licensing, or terrible ports. If you're a fan of crying into "kill, kill, kill" into your headset, then granted, the Wii is not your system of choice. Otherwise, give games like World of Goo a chance; they are quite fun and don't require flailing your arms like a bird! (Also MegaMan 9 for those of us old-schoolers, but it is multiplatform, so you non-Wii gamers can get in on it too.)

    BTW, none of this is directed towards you emugamer, I just liked to counter some of your points made with some of my own opinions. You know what they say about opinions... right? ;-)

    22.1.2009 15:09 #14

  • SProdigy

    Quote:Originally posted by lamain: for me the computer take the role of a ps3 and a 360 it will do everything and more. but the Wii is something different. It will fill a role that a computer can't or hasn't. Sure I would like better graphics but seeing as no other system has done what the Wii has done I will have to live with the bad graphics.You can technically hook up a Wiimote to your PC. I've never searched on what it can work with, but I guess it could work with some of the newer PC games so long as there's an application to set up axis and stuff. I might look into it myself cause it sure as hell beats paying $250 for something I'll use for about a week.Yeah, but it can't be "fully" used, right? Or did they figure out how to get the pointing, used w/the infrared bar, to work on the PC too?

    22.1.2009 15:11 #15

  • emugamer

    Quote:BTW, none of this is directed towards you emugamer, I just liked to counter some of your points made with some of my own opinions. You know what they say about opinions... right? ;-)That's cool. In no way was I trying to pass anything off as fact. These topics are always interesting because everyone's opinion really contributes to the big picture.

    22.1.2009 16:55 #16

  • Globe08

    Originally posted by ZippyDSM: uhg I see fanboys!

    They seem to hate the wWII from it selling more hardware to it selling more software(unit sale X attach rate) they want to whine about its games when frankly the games on the PS360 are as devoid of creativity and polish because the whole industry is making disposable forgettable mass market games, just becuse they make them for the 13-17+ crowd dose not make them better products at the end of the day....

    Gaming is dead long live mainstream entertainment....and there was.....much rejoicing......yyyyaaaaaayyyyy......... >>
    Your nuts dude. The wii's games are insanely worse than even the worse games pumped out by the 360 and the ps3. Not only do the wii's games suck you have to get physically involved in a shitty game with substandard graphics,plot and so forth. You seem out of touch with gaming in this day and age, yes its a dissapointment but its not as bad as you make it seem. I mean i just got done playing dead space which is amazing, i now have the option to play ne of the cod series which are hella fun,gears,madden,gta,bioshock,f.e.a.r,condemned 1 or 2,resident evil to be out soon,watch netflix or plain old dvds,dowload high def tv shows or movies. Those are some of the great games or just really fun and then theres the ones that are just decent and those arent just for the 360. The ps3 has its own gems i dont own it so im not taking the time to reel them off. But come on you lose credibliltiy when you say the wiis games are just as bad the ps360 or whatever you call it.I agree that the market is flooded with games for the masses but thats everything and thats the way its going to be since its making money for them i dont have htem stopping ne time soon. People dont hate the wii for its sales they hate the wii for what it represents, an easy way out for devs. You thought they didnt have to make good games before, wow now they can reel out this kiddy,party mom and pop starbucks muthasucking crap games to all those listed.90%percent of the people who have it never play it, it a social gaming system. I havent heard of a single person who bought it to play competitive gaming or just "game". What you say is partially true but you could use a dose of optimisim, you dont have to be a naive 13 yr old to like todays gaming market.Not everyone who likes todays gaming world is a prodcut of consumerism or however you seem to view it. the way you spin things puts a tone to it that gamers today are dumb consumers who are just cattle heared to play the worse games of all time and do it with a smile...sigh

    22.1.2009 17:29 #17

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Originally posted by ZippyDSM: uhg I see fanboys!

    They seem to hate the wWII from it selling more hardware to it selling more software(unit sale X attach rate) they want to whine about its games when frankly the games on the PS360 are as devoid of creativity and polish because the whole industry is making disposable forgettable mass market games, just becuse they make them for the 13-17+ crowd dose not make them better products at the end of the day....

    Gaming is dead long live mainstream entertainment....and there was.....much rejoicing......yyyyaaaaaayyyyy......... >>
    Your nuts dude. The wii's games are insanely worse than even the worse games pumped out by the 360 and the ps3. Not only do the wii's games suck you have to get physically involved in a shitty game with substandard graphics,plot and so forth. You seem out of touch with gaming in this day and age, yes its a dissapointment but its not as bad as you make it seem. I mean i just got done playing dead space which is amazing, i now have the option to play ne of the cod series which are hella fun,gears,madden,gta,bioshock,f.e.a.r,condemned 1 or 2,resident evil to be out soon,watch netflix or plain old dvds,dowload high def tv shows or movies. Those are some of the great games or just really fun and then theres the ones that are just decent and those arent just for the 360. The ps3 has its own gems i dont own it so im not taking the time to reel them off. But come on you lose credibliltiy when you say the wiis games are just as bad the ps360 or whatever you call it.I agree that the market is flooded with games for the masses but thats everything and thats the way its going to be since its making money for them i dont have htem stopping ne time soon. People dont hate the wii for its sales they hate the wii for what it represents, an easy way out for devs. You thought they didnt have to make good games before, wow now they can reel out this kiddy,party mom and pop starbucks muthasucking crap games to all those listed.90%percent of the people who have it never play it, it a social gaming system. I havent heard of a single person who bought it to play competitive gaming or just "game". What you say is partially true but you could use a dose of optimisim, you dont have to be a naive 13 yr old to like todays gaming market.Not everyone who likes todays gaming world is a prodcut of consumerism or however you seem to view it. the way you spin things puts a tone to it that gamers today are dumb consumers who are just cattle heared to play the worse games of all time and do it with a smile...sigh

    Yes I enjoy my insanity well*lick*

    Haze,Jericho Kane and lynch and a dozen others here is a trend of disposable mass market gaming, I am sorry to awaken to the fall of gamedom but its crumbling before us all the while the CEOs and 13's eyar olds are dancing in vigor over the crap that's churned out.

    Fanboys hate the wii for everything, others dislike it for not having enough "games" and I say non of the systems have enough "games" to amke them worth the price of ownership.

    The WII dose sale titles other wise EA would not port down to it and that's a step others are not willing to take as their "products" can barely rake up enough to pay for basic overhead..
    I can't just see the roses on the manure pile I see it all.

    22.1.2009 20:03 #18

  • Globe08

    Quote:Quote:Originally posted by ZippyDSM: uhg I see fanboys!

    They seem to hate the wWII from it selling more hardware to it selling more software(unit sale X attach rate) they want to whine about its games when frankly the games on the PS360 are as devoid of creativity and polish because the whole industry is making disposable forgettable mass market games, just becuse they make them for the 13-17+ crowd dose not make them better products at the end of the day....

    Gaming is dead long live mainstream entertainment....and there was.....much rejoicing......yyyyaaaaaayyyyy......... >>
    Your nuts dude. The wii's games are insanely worse than even the worse games pumped out by the 360 and the ps3. Not only do the wii's games suck you have to get physically involved in a shitty game with substandard graphics,plot and so forth. You seem out of touch with gaming in this day and age, yes its a dissapointment but its not as bad as you make it seem. I mean i just got done playing dead space which is amazing, i now have the option to play ne of the cod series which are hella fun,gears,madden,gta,bioshock,f.e.a.r,condemned 1 or 2,resident evil to be out soon,watch netflix or plain old dvds,dowload high def tv shows or movies. Those are some of the great games or just really fun and then theres the ones that are just decent and those arent just for the 360. The ps3 has its own gems i dont own it so im not taking the time to reel them off. But come on you lose credibliltiy when you say the wiis games are just as bad the ps360 or whatever you call it.I agree that the market is flooded with games for the masses but thats everything and thats the way its going to be since its making money for them i dont have htem stopping ne time soon. People dont hate the wii for its sales they hate the wii for what it represents, an easy way out for devs. You thought they didnt have to make good games before, wow now they can reel out this kiddy,party mom and pop starbucks muthasucking crap games to all those listed.90%percent of the people who have it never play it, it a social gaming system. I havent heard of a single person who bought it to play competitive gaming or just "game". What you say is partially true but you could use a dose of optimisim, you dont have to be a naive 13 yr old to like todays gaming market.Not everyone who likes todays gaming world is a prodcut of consumerism or however you seem to view it. the way you spin things puts a tone to it that gamers today are dumb consumers who are just cattle heared to play the worse games of all time and do it with a smile...sigh

    Yes I enjoy my insanity well*lick*

    Haze,Jericho Kane and lynch and a dozen others here is a trend of disposable mass market gaming, I am sorry to awaken to the fall of gamedom but its crumbling before us all the while the CEOs and 13's eyar olds are dancing in vigor over the crap that's churned out.

    Fanboys hate the wii for everything, others dislike it for not having enough "games" and I say non of the systems have enough "games" to amke them worth the price of ownership.

    The WII dose sale titles other wise EA would not port down to it and that's a step others are not willing to take as their "products" can barely rake up enough to pay for basic overhead..
    I can't just see the roses on the manure pile I see it all.
    Exactly why i love me some Zippy. You take it for what it is. You dont get mad,you dont whine, you just stick to discussion and debating. Too many people get hella bent out of shape and forget were talking about videogames.Much love to ya Zippy. But back to the point at hand, its not that the wii doesnt have enough "games" its the games that they do have facutally arent for the majority of "gamers". this is something you as a gamer should know... as far as the wii selling titles/ Just cause they sell dont mean they are good, they can sell because its cheap to hire 10 yr olds to make these games. No seriously they could be cheap because they suck and production costs are next to nothing. And lastly if sales=qualiity then you wouldve conceded the wii is Great, which you dont like ne of the 3 so we know thats not the case cause then youd be just one of us dumb consumers

    22.1.2009 21:07 #19

  • ZippyDSM

    heheeheheh :P

    I don't "hate" and much as when I go thinking about how much money is spent it feels like mew balls are chained to a drag car ready to go from zero to 260 in 60 seconds.

    The trouble from my point of view is for every Metal Gear Solid for every Resistance for every Halo for every Metroid Prime or Solid Mario/Zelda title you have at least 2 dozen of generic rushed crap targeted to witless gamers who are to stupid to know they are being had.

    Yes liking what you like and enjoying is all well and good but thats not the point at least not the one I am whining for I want people to wake up and take a hard look at how bad things are doing and try and shake up the industry some so we can get back to soem level of standardized quality...fat chance I know...and it only makes me more whiny :P

    The sales number is a misnomer(you sale 3B units and software to 40% gamer/60%random consumer, as a whole you are bringing money to teh industry and more to self but you are not supporting no one part of the industry other than self) but I so love its fanboy baiting potential but still the suits are watching and without any worth while shepherds in the industry/consumerism the sheeple are begin lead off the cliffs in mass.... things would not be so bad if they realized quality would not cost them but they are lowering quality daily to widen their bottom line...and frankly I have gone green(from not bathing) and started to smoke(anything thats not nailed down) FCK THE MAN...mmaannnnn (FYI hippie joke).

    Even to this day I call the WII a insane fad, the 360 is more the correct crown wearer for the PS2 and for now the PS3 holds the Xbox "jewls" if you will...eeewwww....royal's and their "family ties".

    The WII is a interesting anomaly that's printing money for those in the higher ranks involved with it, for us gamers we got some things a evolution of control even if its shobby, real BWC, A polished premium emulation store to play and buy roms from even if its over priced and and lacks features of normal emulation programs, its a start the Xbox/360 has live dismiss it all you want its a great service that should be free now adays, even if you can dissmiss the fail60s ahrdware....the Frankenstein lives and dose all of its odd jobs as well as it can with all the shackles and chains attached to it, PSN is so so but making strides the best things about the PS3 fall to its media capabilities.

    All in all we don't have 1 well polished game machine in this generation and this tears not as much as the games or the play control mind you but then I am becoming a control freak in my old age....any way I do not see a system worth 400$, I'd rather get a laptop so I can write and muse(and watch videos and play emulators,and play mp3s) anywhere I go 0-o...and a 200$ casio keybaord..... ... yes I know I think I can write

    and even music... lyrics >>


    Well I fail only a tad more than most modern artists that are making living selling their crap.... even if I can not "sleep" my way into publication..... besides the voices in my head need a release....

    22.1.2009 21:40 #20

  • pomelo

    I got a Wii and never play it. I think I got caught up with the hype of the Wii.

    23.1.2009 04:04 #21

  • SProdigy

    Ah, I forgot about another "killer" app for Wii... COD World at War. Seriously, if you play this version, the control scheme is FPS, but reminds me of old House of the Dead titles on the Dreamcast, sans the "rails" experience. Plus the graphics are excellent. Sure it's not 1080p output, but it doesn't look like an N64 or PS1 title either!

    I don't get the "hate" that the Wii gets. I think there would be less excuses for the haters if the Wii were HD capable, maybe played DVDs. But for what it's worth, you can still browse the net, play online, etc. It has strengths, just like the 360 or PS3.

    I happen to find the multimedia capabilities of the 360 and PS3 intriguing, but honestly, you can get more out of a PC or laptop hooked up to the network, and you don't have to worry about support, since a PC can already browse the net, play movies in any format, etc.

    In fact, XBMC does all of that for and has for years, it's just lacking the HD aspect, but that's no different than my DirecTV service for the most part. Logically, I can't see why everyone gets so bent out of shape over everything!

    23.1.2009 08:18 #22

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by SProdigy: Ah, I forgot about another "killer" app for Wii... COD World at War. Seriously, if you play this version, the control scheme is FPS, but reminds me of old House of the Dead titles on the Dreamcast, sans the "rails" experience. Plus the graphics are excellent. Sure it's not 1080p output, but it doesn't look like an N64 or PS1 title either!

    I don't get the "hate" that the Wii gets. I think there would be less excuses for the haters if the Wii were HD capable, maybe played DVDs. But for what it's worth, you can still browse the net, play online, etc. It has strengths, just like the 360 or PS3.

    I happen to find the multimedia capabilities of the 360 and PS3 intriguing, but honestly, you can get more out of a PC or laptop hooked up to the network, and you don't have to worry about support, since a PC can already browse the net, play movies in any format, etc.

    In fact, XBMC does all of that for and has for years, it's just lacking the HD aspect, but that's no different than my DirecTV service for the most part. Logically, I can't see why everyone gets so bent out of shape over everything!
    The trouble is main stream devs/pubs are only intrested in the consoles due to the high but limited high volume sale window it offers thus why alot of games are on the PS360 they offer both the shortsighted graphics power niche they are aiming at as well as the generalized target audience, They mostly don't target the wii for those things and the fact they hate spending on things they hate spending money on so something as simple as porting it down takes away from profits to much for them to bother to port to it... and they know their main draw is looks without that their products are shtty....

    23.1.2009 11:32 #23

  • Globe08

    Originally posted by Morreale: The PS2 will always be a better console... The games just do not compare (for now anyways). My Wii just collects dust, even with the Homebrew Channel installed :/
    As much as i agree with you i dont understand why you purchased a wii if its only going to collect dust.Money like that to spend 250+ and never touch the thing? Thats the thing that gets me is a majority of wii owners say the same but yet it stills snags the next unsuspecting victim. Part of it is parents dont feel bad buying it for the kids, it has a better image than ps3 and 360 as far as not being overly viloent and rotting kids brains out.For what its worht i dont htink it will outsell the ps2 in its lifetime seeing as the ps2 is still selling units as we speak.The wii too the ps2 is not even a fair comparison, the ps2 has equal if not better graphics,better game selection of all types(wii just mass produces bad kid games), better overall versatility.

    25.1.2009 09:05 #24

  • varnull

    The ps2 is obsolete.. it may have thousands of games, but that's only because it has been on the market for years and years and years....

    The only units they are selling now are to people with a large collection of games who don't want to see all that investment go down the drain when the old ps2 (if it's a slimline they have been lucky to get 12 months out of it) craps out on them.

    Typical fanboy sentence from globe at the end of that post... The graphics on the wii are last gen, but the ps2 graphics are exactly the same.. last gen.. and on lots of old games considerably worse.. they can't be any better.. that's just fanboy eyes seeing something that just isn't there..

    Now the wii might actually outsell the ps2.. if it stays on the market for 4 or 5 years after any sensible company would discontinue it.. That just shows how desperate $ony are for peoples cash, not what a great piece of hardware the ps2 is... If the ps3 had sold more that 12 units worldwide I bet $ony would have discontinued the ps2 like a shot, and done a M$ and dropped all games and support for it immediately. XD

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work.
    I would rather you hate me for who I am than love me for what I am not.
    Welcome to the other side of the looking glass Alice

    25.1.2009 09:19 #25

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by varnull: The ps2 is obsolete.. it may have thousands of games, but that's only because it has been on the market for years and years and years....

    The only units they are selling now are to people with a large collection of games who don't want to see all that investment go down the drain when the old ps2 (if it's a slimline they have been lucky to get 12 months out of it) craps out on them.

    Typical fanboy sentence from globe at the end of that post... The graphics on the wii are last gen, but the ps2 graphics are exactly the same.. last gen.. and on lots of old games considerably worse.. they can't be any better.. that's just fanboy eyes seeing something that just isn't there..

    Now the wii might actually outsell the ps2.. if it stays on the market for 4 or 5 years after any sensible company would discontinue it.. That just shows how desperate $ony are for peoples cash, not what a great piece of hardware the ps2 is... If the ps3 had sold more that 12 units worldwide I bet $ony would have discontinued the ps2 like a shot, and done a M$ and dropped all games and support for it immediately. XD
    Not much of a gamer are we? The PS2 has a solid mix of innovative and creative games despite having more crap titles it has more good games than the 360,PS3 and WII put together this is why some say Sony sht on themselves when they dropped PS2 support.

    If they sold the PS3 for 300-400 a shot they would have sold 20M units by now(hey they are just 150K away from the 20M mark). I still say they should have bite the bullet spent 2 or 3 B more and rebuilt the brand as it is they are the new Xbox with the 360 taking the PS2 title, the WII is a anomaly that has to be looked at separately.

    I don't bear a grudge on the WII for graphics nor the less than precise control, its the games I am annoyed with becuse of that its not worth much more than a PS2 to me.

    25.1.2009 12:31 #26

  • Globe08

    Originally posted by varnull: The ps2 is obsolete.. it may have thousands of games, but that's only because it has been on the market for years and years and years....

    The only units they are selling now are to people with a large collection of games who don't want to see all that investment go down the drain when the old ps2 (if it's a slimline they have been lucky to get 12 months out of it) craps out on them.

    Typical fanboy sentence from globe at the end of that post... The graphics on the wii are last gen, but the ps2 graphics are exactly the same.. last gen.. and on lots of old games considerably worse.. they can't be any better.. that's just fanboy eyes seeing something that just isn't there..

    Now the wii might actually outsell the ps2.. if it stays on the market for 4 or 5 years after any sensible company would discontinue it.. That just shows how desperate $ony are for peoples cash, not what a great piece of hardware the ps2 is... If the ps3 had sold more that 12 units worldwide I bet $ony would have discontinued the ps2 like a shot, and done a M$ and dropped all games and support for it immediately. XD
    Simmer yourself down with that nonsense of calline me a "fanboy". For much as its a banned term people sure use it a lot.

    25.1.2009 17:51 #27

  • Oner

    Originally posted by Globe08: Simmer yourself down with that nonsense of calline me a "fanboy". For much as its a banned term people sure use it a lot.It's not fun when you get personally attacked for no valid reason huh? Next time please use the Report an offensive post function or PM a Moderator to address the situation.

    25.1.2009 18:14 #28

  • Globe08

    Quote:Originally posted by Globe08: Simmer yourself down with that nonsense of calline me a "fanboy". For much as its a banned term people sure use it a lot.It's not fun when you get personally attacked for no valid reason huh? Next time please use the Report an offensive post function or PM a Moderator to address the situation.Nah i could care less but just want the rules to be universal not bias/playing favorties like were in gradeschool. I feel you on the adressing higher ups but thats proven to be ineffective. I wrote the feedback section a couple weeks ago and got a drab thank you response which shows no personaliztion to the matter.Its not that i felt attacked for no reason its that i know that if i responded in the same way he did it would land me in bad graces. Lastly the "huh" puts a how does it feel tone to it. either saying ive done it to you or your a repeated victim of it by others not sure which one but either way i dont get the point of it.At any rate i apprectiate the attention to this particular situation.

    25.1.2009 18:25 #29

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Quote:Originally posted by Globe08: Simmer yourself down with that nonsense of calline me a "fanboy". For much as its a banned term people sure use it a lot.It's not fun when you get personally attacked for no valid reason huh? Next time please use the Report an offensive post function or PM a Moderator to address the situation.Nah i could care less but just want the rules to be universal not bias/playing favorties like were in gradeschool. I feel you on the adressing higher ups but thats proven to be ineffective. I wrote the feedback section a couple weeks ago and got a drab thank you response which shows no personaliztion to the matter.Its not that i felt attacked for no reason its that i know that if i responded in the same way he did it would land me in bad graces. Lastly the "huh" puts a how does it feel tone to it. either saying ive done it to you or your a repeated victim of it by others not sure which one but either way i dont get the point of it.All sites have favorites(look at me I haz not beenz banned.... yet) LOL

    I have learned from begin half troll don't fall for the bait rather rebuke them in a polite fashion.

    I myself am a fanboy but of games, quality games not the rushed over priced crap we have now.

    25.1.2009 18:28 #30

  • Globe08

    Quote:Quote:Quote:Originally posted by Globe08: Simmer yourself down with that nonsense of calline me a "fanboy". For much as its a banned term people sure use it a lot.It's not fun when you get personally attacked for no valid reason huh? Next time please use the Report an offensive post function or PM a Moderator to address the situation.Nah i could care less but just want the rules to be universal not bias/playing favorties like were in gradeschool. I feel you on the adressing higher ups but thats proven to be ineffective. I wrote the feedback section a couple weeks ago and got a drab thank you response which shows no personaliztion to the matter.Its not that i felt attacked for no reason its that i know that if i responded in the same way he did it would land me in bad graces. Lastly the "huh" puts a how does it feel tone to it. either saying ive done it to you or your a repeated victim of it by others not sure which one but either way i dont get the point of it.All sites have favorites(look at me I haz not beenz banned.... yet) LOL

    I have learned from begin half troll don't fall for the bait rather rebuke them in a polite fashion.

    I myself am a fanboy but of games, quality games not the rushed over priced crap we have now.
    Words of wisdom from Zippy which i shall employ from this point forward...LOL.I see it as im a movie goer and i pay the 10:50 or whatever it is per ticket at night for movie i think would be enjoyable. So with that thought process in mind if i see a game out there thats going to give me 10 plus hours of fun and is interactive and may have replay value im not as harsh and do the math and it all works out for me. Maybe i need to work on being more frugal,I just bought a townhouse and im freshly 24 so im not too bad off.

    P.S point of reference i wrote to staff or what have you about the whole news section not going towards posts count. Im a 360 fan and not a modder and thats ALL thats spoken of in that section so it just doesnt make sense.

    25.1.2009 18:35 #31

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Quote:Quote:Quote:Originally posted by Globe08: Simmer yourself down with that nonsense of calline me a "fanboy". For much as its a banned term people sure use it a lot.It's not fun when you get personally attacked for no valid reason huh? Next time please use the Report an offensive post function or PM a Moderator to address the situation.Nah i could care less but just want the rules to be universal not bias/playing favorties like were in gradeschool. I feel you on the adressing higher ups but thats proven to be ineffective. I wrote the feedback section a couple weeks ago and got a drab thank you response which shows no personaliztion to the matter.Its not that i felt attacked for no reason its that i know that if i responded in the same way he did it would land me in bad graces. Lastly the "huh" puts a how does it feel tone to it. either saying ive done it to you or your a repeated victim of it by others not sure which one but either way i dont get the point of it.All sites have favorites(look at me I haz not beenz banned.... yet) LOL

    I have learned from begin half troll don't fall for the bait rather rebuke them in a polite fashion.

    I myself am a fanboy but of games, quality games not the rushed over priced crap we have now.
    Words of wisdom from Zippy which i shall employ from this point forward...LOL.I see it as im a movie goer and i pay the 10:50 or whatever it is per ticket at night for movie i think would be enjoyable. So with that thought process in mind if i see a game out there thats going to give me 10 plus hours of fun and is interactive and may have replay value im not as harsh and do the math and it all works out for me. Maybe i need to work on being more frugal,I just bought a townhouse and im freshly 24 so im not too bad off.

    Movie 1.30 Hour long(averaged out) price lets say 11 for DVD or film .Games average about 8 to 10 hours lets say 10 as some can watch a movie ten times and not be bored and some can play a game for 70 hours and not get bored. So gaming is about 8.5 times or so longer than film so that's about 80$ a game or closer to 90$, the trouble is much like with film I don;t see 10+ dollar movies much anymore and I sure as hell don't see many 40+ games.

    I really think gaming has gotten to costly and by not lowering the price harshly they are losing their footing in the media market...but I read recently gamming minus hardware sales has outsold DVD and blu ray...so I dunno.... perhaps the disposable mindset of the youthful consumer is ripe for a killing....

    I just do not see quality in gaming much anymore...

    25.1.2009 18:46 #32

  • Oner

    Originally posted by Globe08: Lastly the "huh" puts a how does it feel tone to it. either saying ive done it to you or your a repeated victim of it by others not sure which one but either way i dont get the point of it.At any rate i apprectiate the attention to this particular situation.It is intended as to how does it feel to be personally attacked/insulted instead of the person trying to attack the post to prove/disprove the content. Whereas the usual action is directed TOWARDS a person. But you should also take it as you have done the same. Even if indirectly in your posts as well as directly. But I think that is as far off topic we should go in here. PM me if anything else.

    25.1.2009 19:33 #33

  • Globe08

    These topics are funny i mean its one of those time based things and this specifically has a long wait to for the dust to settle. Its like saying a player whose in their 3rd year in the nfl is going to be a hall of famer. I say he wont you say he will, now lets wait oh lets say 10 years and see...hows that work 10 years later when the guy retires we wait some more to see if hes inducted and then when it appears clear he wont make it i hit you with the infamous "I told you so SUCKA" LMFAO. We are a crazy species ...

    25.1.2009 21:36 #34

  • Globe08

    Edited content for violation of forum rules.

    26.1.2009 09:07 #35

  • Morreale

    That really is a wall of text :O

    I'd do the same lol

    26.1.2009 11:15 #36


    All I can offer is this quote by Ted Nugent, found in Vurbal's sig.

    Quote:Freedom of speech is ultra important so stupid people will make their stupid statements so we know how stupid they are.

    - Ted Nugent

    26.1.2009 11:22 #37

  • spamual

    how long did it take the PS1 to be dropped after the PS2 came out?

    sony actualyl teak care of their customers, their after sales is superb, though i am speaking on my behalf from the UK, so i dont think they would have dropped the PS2 if the PS3 was doing better.

    as for the WII and the games, IMO they bore me, but then thats IMO, its not fact. its a great console to get people who dont play games into playing games, but its a shame that the people that avidly play games only get a handfull to play with.

    26.1.2009 18:23 #38

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by spamual: how long did it take the PS1 to be dropped after the PS2 came out?

    sony actualyl teak care of their customers, their after sales is superb, though i am speaking on my behalf from the UK, so i dont think they would have dropped the PS2 if the PS3 was doing better.

    as for the WII and the games, IMO they bore me, but then thats IMO, its not fact. its a great console to get people who dont play games into playing games, but its a shame that the people that avidly play games only get a handfull to play with.
    The WII is not meant for gamers and that makes it a anomaly...then again "gamers" are not not quite what it use to be....

    Fallout 3 has stole my soul, for about 30 hours till the paint wore off.... even if its a action focused FPS RPG, at least its a FPS RPG not a under deved shooter like Bioshock!

    26.1.2009 22:04 #39

  • jaysastra

    Quote:Originally posted by ZippyDSM: uhg I see fanboys!

    They seem to hate the wWII from it selling more hardware to it selling more software(unit sale X attach rate) they want to whine about its games when frankly the games on the PS360 are as devoid of creativity and polish because the whole industry is making disposable forgettable mass market games, just becuse they make them for the 13-17+ crowd dose not make them better products at the end of the day....

    Gaming is dead long live mainstream entertainment....and there was.....much rejoicing......yyyyaaaaaayyyyy......... >>
    Your nuts dude. The wii's games are insanely worse than even the worse games pumped out by the 360 and the ps3. Not only do the wii's games suck you have to get physically involved in a shitty game with substandard graphics,plot and so forth. You seem out of touch with gaming in this day and age, yes its a dissapointment but its not as bad as you make it seem. I mean i just got done playing dead space which is amazing, i now have the option to play ne of the cod series which are hella fun,gears,madden,gta,bioshock,f.e.a.r,condemned 1 or 2,resident evil to be out soon,watch netflix or plain old dvds,dowload high def tv shows or movies. Those are some of the great games or just really fun and then theres the ones that are just decent and those arent just for the 360. The ps3 has its own gems i dont own it so im not taking the time to reel them off. But come on you lose credibliltiy when you say the wiis games are just as bad the ps360 or whatever you call it.I agree that the market is flooded with games for the masses but thats everything and thats the way its going to be since its making money for them i dont have htem stopping ne time soon. People dont hate the wii for its sales they hate the wii for what it represents, an easy way out for devs. You thought they didnt have to make good games before, wow now they can reel out this kiddy,party mom and pop starbucks muthasucking crap games to all those listed.90%percent of the people who have it never play it, it a social gaming system. I havent heard of a single person who bought it to play competitive gaming or just "game". What you say is partially true but you could use a dose of optimisim, you dont have to be a naive 13 yr old to like todays gaming market.Not everyone who likes todays gaming world is a prodcut of consumerism or however you seem to view it. the way you spin things puts a tone to it that gamers today are dumb consumers who are just cattle heared to play the worse games of all time and do it with a smile...sigh
    i totally agree with you mate.
    i myself dont own a wii, and quite frankly will never waste au$300 on a system thats not worth au$20.
    one of my mates has a wii and was showing me wii sports and bowling.
    wii sports was made so cheaply that the charcters dont even have arms!
    wii bowling is pathetic too, all you do is move your arm backwards and forwards! wheres the fun/challenge in that?

    i am quite sick of people saying that wii has bought something to gaming that playstation and xbox cant/havent...
    im not sure about xbox, but ps2 has eyetoy.
    all nintendo have done is taken the concept of eyetoy and made a console based entirely on that idea.

    another thing that really peeves me is nintendos blatant rip off with their games and hand held consoles.
    gameboy, gameboy slim, gameboy colour, rah rah rah
    with every little change they made to the gameboy, they released the very same games with tiny, if any changes.

    its exactly the same with their consoles.

    if your a 5 year old who finds even the easiest of games challenging, go for the wii.

    if your a single guy/young couple, the xbox range might be a chioce for you.

    if you have a family and need a huge range of games for the entire family, go for the playstation range.
    the ps2 would be the best bet at the moment, as most of the games available on ps3 are mostly aimed at the age range of the majority of gamers, teens/30s, but it wont be long before the ps3 range is as comprehensive as the ps2 range.

    3.4.2009 18:14 #40

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:i totally agree with you mate.
    i myself dont own a wii, and quite frankly will never waste au$300 on a system thats not worth au$20.
    one of my mates has a wii and was showing me wii sports and bowling.
    wii sports was made so cheaply that the charcters dont even have arms!
    wii bowling is pathetic too, all you do is move your arm backwards and forwards! wheres the fun/challenge in that?

    Because they are simple fun games for everyone, you might no longer play with toys in a figurative sense but alot of people still do.

    Plus the aeration that the bog boy are soemone better made/qaulity is kinda funny from game after game you have issues with generic and unfinished mechanics, limited elvel layouts not to confuse or fustrat twitch gam..."players" and a design focus on shine shine and more shine, Bioshock, Halo 3 and Fallout 3 are both under deved and unfinished titles.

    The industry can not maintain the top heavy nature of supposed hard core gaming without imploding from the cost of overhead. The WII at elast allows for real profit to be made by bringing in the non gamers..
    i am quite sick of people saying that wii has bought something to gaming that playstation and xbox cant/havent...
    im not sure about xbox, but ps2 has eyetoy.
    all nintendo have done is taken the concept of eyetoy and made a console based entirely on that idea.

    Well the WII conceptually is a PC/Console hybrid, the motion sensing setup is not new, but what the WII dose better than anyone else is make a profit by offering games to the majority of the public how are non gamers.

    The WII has brought a more loosely refined way to interface with games, that's a good thing the down side its loosely refined but the PSX didn't even have analog sticks on it when it first came out and they are working on making the motion sensing more sensitive as to make more normal gaming experiences better.

    NIN had to reinvent gaming from the ground up and for their effort have made more money than the PS360 combined, but at the cost of reinventing the wheel so that any idiot can use it.

    You say the WII is filled with crap titles well I say the industry is filled wit crap titles because of mainstramization(IE watering stuff down) and the rush to get stuff to market before its due.
    another thing that really peeves me is nintendos blatant rip off with their games and hand held consoles.
    gameboy, gameboy slim, gameboy colour, rah rah rah
    with every little change they made to the gameboy, they released the very same games with tiny, if any changes.

    But they had the best selling portable and tried to update the line as they went along,plus they all had BWC but the DS and GBC or older titles, the DSI I think is not GBA compatible but the PSP2 wont have UDM so tis the price of innovation though I'd like a UDM something on it so I can play older games on it without having to hack the SOB....

    Besides the PSP has a slim and at least 2 revisions on the main unit that are almost like 2 different models so they all do it...

    Quote:its exactly the same with their consoles.

    if your a 5 year old who finds even the easiest of games challenging, go for the wii.

    if your a single guy/young couple, the xbox range might be a chioce
    for you.

    if you have a family and need a huge range of games for the entire family, go for the playstation range.
    I enjoyed the WII more when I had it than the annoying,bloated and frustratingly inept setups offered in the PS360, I am a south paw and the cookie cutter layouts and udnerdeved over priced games are simply not worth it anymore.

    The WII is a bit better but still not worth it I like my DS and PC more, planning on getting a PSP I might get a WII instead since its easy to hack and I would have GC and WII games to pick from.

    Quote:the ps2 would be the best bet at the moment, as most of the games available on ps3 are mostly aimed at the age range of the majority of gamers, teens/30s, but it wont be long before the ps3 range is as comprehensive as the ps2 range.Ya the best spread is the PS2 with PSX compatibility it can have the most games, alot of pretty bad but their are some good ones in their.

    The WII has GC compatibility and through the VC you can get NES, SNES and new games unless graphics/new is everything to you its a good choice if you already have a PS2.

    Out of the PS3 and 360 I;d say the 360 is a bit better choice more titles better prices but the hardware will forever be fail, high fail rate mixed with questionable build job the franken60 is a solid but annoying console that requires you to pay(5$/mo) for online play.

    The PS3 has a slightly more polished setup going but its not without issue its older titles are paulged with optimization issues, the hardware is abotu 150$ more but it offers blu ray movie support.

    PSN is maturing well enough online is free and becoming as stable as Live by the month, it has a mix of titles but not nesserily enough to keep you playing.

    I am more a PC gamer due to I can configure button mapping and what not but that's been reduced for the sake of multi platfomr speed launches with no real polish on any one version.

    I'd say the the PC is the best bang for the buck as for as choices go with emulation and the PC library it offers a mix of old and new.

    Pick your poison and hope the games you play don't burn you out on lulzy modern game design.

    3.4.2009 18:49 #41

  • jaysastra

    Originally posted by varnull: The ps2 is obsolete.. it may have thousands of games, but that's only because it has been on the market for years and years and years....

    The only units they are selling now are to people with a large collection of games who don't want to see all that investment go down the drain when the old ps2 (if it's a slimline they have been lucky to get 12 months out of it) craps out on them.

    Typical fanboy sentence from globe at the end of that post... The graphics on the wii are last gen, but the ps2 graphics are exactly the same.. last gen.. and on lots of old games considerably worse.. they can't be any better.. that's just fanboy eyes seeing something that just isn't there..

    Now the wii might actually outsell the ps2.. if it stays on the market for 4 or 5 years after any sensible company would discontinue it.. That just shows how desperate $ony are for peoples cash, not what a great piece of hardware the ps2 is... If the ps3 had sold more that 12 units worldwide I bet $ony would have discontinued the ps2 like a shot, and done a M$ and dropped all games and support for it immediately. XD
    the ps2 had thousands of games because of its success, which in turn made it a good choice for developers.
    the ps1 lived for 10years, and sonys aim was always 10years for the ps2.
    sony have in the past plainly said that they will not cease making games for their old consoles just because they have a newer console out. this is a good thing for those who bought a ps1/ps2 late into the consoles life.
    this is also the reason behind bwc. if sony only cared about profits, they would scrap bwc completely, but no, even to this day sony are still working on making every ps2 game bwc with ps3.
    sony look after their customers.
    nintendo sell the same old games rehashed for each of their own consoles.
    take a look at pokemon mario zelda etc etc, and you will see exactly what i mean.
    nintendo dont want to spend the money/time on making their console better.

    back when ps1 first came out, i was in highschool and a classmate was arguing that sony would never make it, and that sega would dominate. where is sega now?

    nintendo survived the war because sega had what? sonic...
    nintendo have what? mario...
    sony have what? crash, spyro, jak , ratchet... (yep i know nin have spyro, but lets face it, its not as good and sony have the whole series)

    nintendo will soon have to make a difficult decision, catch up with the other consoles, or drop out of the war and continue their rehashes of mario etc, but for other consoles. personally i think they will drop out. i dont think it will happen next gen, but it will happen.

    nintendo stopped trying to create better consoles/graphics after the nintendo 64. after that they realised they had lost and started concentrating on the kids market.
    gc was a flop, which is why they really had to do something different with wii.
    when the wii was released, if sony had of released eyetoy at the exact same time, and if game shops had both playable demos displayed side by side, nintendo would be looking at much lower sales.

    yeah sure im a sony fanboy,
    but i am one for many very good reasons.

    i really shouldnt bother making points, because most of the wii defenders are probably nin fanboys anyway.
    my guess is their older brother/sister or uncle or aunt had one and they remember fun times were had playing on a nintendo.
    i feel sorry for them playing 2nd rate games which are basicly remakes of games from older gen nintendos.

    3.4.2009 19:29 #42

  • jaysastra

    Quote:Quote:i totally agree with you mate.
    i myself dont own a wii, and quite frankly will never waste au$300 on a system thats not worth au$20.
    one of my mates has a wii and was showing me wii sports and bowling.
    wii sports was made so cheaply that the charcters dont even have arms!
    wii bowling is pathetic too, all you do is move your arm backwards and forwards! wheres the fun/challenge in that?

    Because they are simple fun games for everyone, you might no longer play with toys in a figurative sense but alot of people still do.

    Plus the aeration that the bog boy are soemone better made/qaulity is kinda funny from game after game you have issues with generic and unfinished mechanics, limited elvel layouts not to confuse or fustrat twitch gam..."players" and a design focus on shine shine and more shine, Bioshock, Halo 3 and Fallout 3 are both under deved and unfinished titles.

    The industry can not maintain the top heavy nature of supposed hard core gaming without imploding from the cost of overhead. The WII at elast allows for real profit to be made by bringing in the non gamers..
    i am quite sick of people saying that wii has bought something to gaming that playstation and xbox cant/havent...
    im not sure about xbox, but ps2 has eyetoy.
    all nintendo have done is taken the concept of eyetoy and made a console based entirely on that idea.

    Well the WII conceptually is a PC/Console hybrid, the motion sensing setup is not new, but what the WII dose better than anyone else is make a profit by offering games to the majority of the public how are non gamers.

    The WII has brought a more loosely refined way to interface with games, that's a good thing the down side its loosely refined but the PSX didn't even have analog sticks on it when it first came out and they are working on making the motion sensing more sensitive as to make more normal gaming experiences better.

    NIN had to reinvent gaming from the ground up and for their effort have made more money than the PS360 combined, but at the cost of reinventing the wheel so that any idiot can use it.

    You say the WII is filled with crap titles well I say the industry is filled wit crap titles because of mainstramization(IE watering stuff down) and the rush to get stuff to market before its due.
    another thing that really peeves me is nintendos blatant rip off with their games and hand held consoles.
    gameboy, gameboy slim, gameboy colour, rah rah rah
    with every little change they made to the gameboy, they released the very same games with tiny, if any changes.

    But they had the best selling portable and tried to update the line as they went along,plus they all had BWC but the DS and GBC or older titles, the DSI I think is not GBA compatible but the PSP2 wont have UDM so tis the price of innovation though I'd like a UDM something on it so I can play older games on it without having to hack the SOB....

    Besides the PSP has a slim and at least 2 revisions on the main unit that are almost like 2 different models so they all do it...

    Quote:its exactly the same with their consoles.

    if your a 5 year old who finds even the easiest of games challenging, go for the wii.

    if your a single guy/young couple, the xbox range might be a chioce
    for you.

    if you have a family and need a huge range of games for the entire family, go for the playstation range.

    I enjoyed the WII more when I had it than the annoying,bloated and frustratingly inept setups offered in the PS360, I am a south paw and the cookie cutter layouts and udnerdeved over priced games are simply not worth it anymore.

    The WII is a bit better but still not worth it I like my DS and PC more, planning on getting a PSP I might get a WII instead since its easy to hack and I would have GC and WII games to pick from.

    Quote:the ps2 would be the best bet at the moment, as most of the games available on ps3 are mostly aimed at the age range of the majority of gamers, teens/30s, but it wont be long before the ps3 range is as comprehensive as the ps2 range.Ya the best spread is the PS2 with PSX compatibility it can have the most games, alot of pretty bad but their are some good ones in their.

    The WII has GC compatibility and through the VC you can get NES, SNES and new games unless graphics/new is everything to you its a good choice if you already have a PS2.

    Out of the PS3 and 360 I;d say the 360 is a bit better choice more titles better prices but the hardware will forever be fail, high fail rate mixed with questionable build job the franken60 is a solid but annoying console that requires you to pay(5$/mo) for online play.

    The PS3 has a slightly more polished setup going but its not without issue its older titles are paulged with optimization issues, the hardware is abotu 150$ more but it offers blu ray movie support.

    PSN is maturing well enough online is free and becoming as stable as Live by the month, it has a mix of titles but not nesserily enough to keep you playing.

    I am more a PC gamer due to I can configure button mapping and what not but that's been reduced for the sake of multi platfomr speed launches with no real polish on any one version.

    I'd say the the PC is the best bang for the buck as for as choices go with emulation and the PC library it offers a mix of old and new.

    Pick your poison and hope the games you play don't burn you out on lulzy modern game design.i agree with you on almost everything you said there mate.
    im not much of a pc game player, so i dont know...
    yeah if the wii gets non gamers to play games, then thats great,
    ive managed to get a few non gamers to become gamers with eyetoy/singstar/buzz.

    i might be wrong but yeah games seem unfinished nowadays, they seem shorter... and my way of thinking is the br discs can hold more info..
    yeah sure the graphics take up more room, but surely theres enough room to make the games longer too.

    re; nin creating gaming from scratch for the wii,
    i still think they took the eyetoy idea and added to it. to me the only real difference is with the wii you have a controller in your hand.
    wii is only 3 axis? why not 6 axis like ps3? im just curious...

    3.4.2009 19:50 #43

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:the ps2 had thousands of games because of its success, which in turn made it a good choice for developers.Well because like the 360 it came out at a good time to build up its library and like the Genisis or SNES or even turbo graph it made enough sales so developers would come to it.

    Quote:the ps1 lived for 10years, and sonys aim was always 10years for the ps2.sony have in the past plainly said that they will not cease making games for their old consoles just because they have a newer console out. this is a good thing for those who bought a ps1/ps2 late into the consoles life.
    But games were not devloepd for the PSX for 10 years, the PS2 has a couple more years before it hits ten and only random games are still ported to it or even made for it.

    Quote:this is also the reason behind bwc.

    if sony only cared about profits, they would scrap bwc completely, but no, even to this day sony are still working on making every ps2 game bwc with ps3.
    sony look after their customers.
    nintendo sell the same old games rehashed for each of their own consoles.
    Nd then dumped BWC when it became evident that they cocked up the PS3 and needed something to cut, even the 360 had to do away with normal BWC because they could not afford it.

    Quote:take a look at pokemon mario zelda etc etc, and you will see exactly what i mean.
    nintendo dont want to spend the money/time on making their console better.
    And sony has their franchises that are boring and out of touch half the time, your point?

    Quote:back when ps1 first came out, i was in highschool and a classmate was arguing that sony would never make it, and that sega would dominate. where is sega now?
    Sega screwed up lost some money ontop of bad choices about console releases and design.
    nintendo survived the war because sega had what? sonic...
    nintendo have what? mario...
    sony have what? crash, spyro, jak , ratchet... (yep i know nin have spyro, but lets face it, its not as good and sony have the whole series)

    Nintendo survived because of sheer brand power(like sony with the PS3) and at the time they had a normal level of qaulity you did not find in most games and Spyro was on the PSX.

    And half the series you mentioned are 3rd party which has become more important than the first party titles.
    nintendo will soon have to make a difficult decision, catch up with the other consoles, or drop out of the war and continue their rehashes of mario etc, but for other consoles. personally i think they will drop out. i dont think it will happen next gen, but it will happen.

    Why? They have made more profit than the 360 and PS3 have made combined at this point and time, they have made enough money to build a high end console and start up the 8th generation of gaming whenever the hell they want.

    The only choice they have is to focus more on gamers and "real games"
    or keep at making games the world wants. Sucks to be in a minority eh?

    Quote:nintendo stopped trying to create better consoles/graphics after the nintendo 64. after that they realised they had lost and started concentrating on the kids market.
    gc was a flop, which is why they really had to do something different with wii.

    The 64 did well enough but had issues such as the cart base that really set them back, the GC held its ground being more powerful than the PS2 and less so than the Xbox.

    Nin realized that power is not everything and comes at a ehavt price. Hell MS went into billions of debt on the Xbox and live and it took the frist few years of the 360 to settle that up.

    Quote:when the wii was released, if sony had of released eyetoy at the exact same time, and if game shops had both playable demos displayed side by side, nintendo would be looking at much lower sales.
    No because the Eyetoy is a full on gimmick that can never control a full game, the WII control setup with numb chuck is far more refined and advanced in comparasion. The trouble is the industry is very gimmicky and clings hard to things that sell well and frankly they also hate polishing up controls, so most of the WII based issues are every much part of the industry wide mindset on gaming. Only the WII has managed to capitalize it and funnel it into massize profits.
    yeah sure im a sony fanboy,
    but i am one for many very good reasons.

    I am a fanboy of games, system come and go and we would be better off without them, universal hardware that's updated every few years backed by a less top heavy software industry that dose not lose money on licensing fees... but then pipe dreams are for a smokein....

    i really shouldnt bother making points, because most of the wii defenders are probably nin fanboys anyway.
    my guess is their older brother/sister or uncle or aunt had one and they remember fun times were had playing on a nintendo.
    i feel sorry for them playing 2nd rate games which are basicly remakes of games from older gen nintendos.
    Different games for different people, currently the PS3 and 360 are tied for RPGs and action titles though the 360 has more FPSs such as they are now adays... but Sony has made so many errors devs are still jumping onto the 360 first. Though I will admit once the PS3 stops teething in a couple more years and gets its coding and price issues dealt with everyone will be coming back to it.
    i agree with you on almost everything you said there mate.
    im not much of a pc game player, so i dont know...
    yeah if the wii gets non gamers to play games, then thats great,
    ive managed to get a few non gamers to become gamers with eyetoy/singstar/buzz.

    re; nin creating gaming from scratch for the wii,
    i still think they took the eyetoy idea and added to it. to me the

    Motion senseing mice have been around since the mid/late 90s sony and nin took 2 completely different directions with control the eye toy was meant to be a gimmick for a unique line of games, like gun games are unique. Nin took the basics of hand held motion senseing and put it into a basic controller (which is still basic to to this day.... :P). And they went one step further they saw that they could not fight a war based on power and come out a winner so they reinvented modern gaming just as the Xbox did before it. I say that because I think the Xbox for better or worse changed the nature of console and PC gaming, if not for the Xbox you would not have the hard mainstreamization of the industry because without MS pulling titles to their console you'd have more standard console/PC lines of development.

    The WII made gaming fun again for the masses like it did in the NES/SNES days only with the mainstream effect and modern design and sale tactic you have alot more crap to deal with, think of it like this if the N64 had motion senseing would it be a lulz filled waste land like the WII kinda is?
    only real difference is with the wii you have a controller in your hand.
    wii is only 3 axis? why not 6 axis like ps3? im just curious...

    Ya but you can do more movements that feel more natural on the WII with numbchuck, its still a imperfect pad and I hope they overhaul it in time.

    I wish they would make a split dual shock pad, you got your dual motion senseing and movement combinations, 2 analog sticks/nubs a couple of triggers and face buttons with the start and select buttons.

    Quote:i might be wrong but yeah games seem unfinished nowadays, they seem shorter... and my way of thinking is the br discs can hold more info..
    yeah sure the graphics take up more room, but surely there's enough room to make the games longer too.

    My friend you are not wrong, every FPS and every other action or RPG I have played since 01 or 02 is short, under developed and unpolished but for a handful of titles. Modern game design is about visuals, level design and mechanics get a back seat to what is safe to sell and then its rushed to get it out to market ASAP.

    Even square dose this look at the International releases of FF and see how much stuff was added and polished...I'd be happy to buy a copy in English for 100$ save me the trouble of buying the beta US release and the JP finished version..... gaming is not for enthusiasts any more, not for people who enjoy good game design and implementation. Its for the masses who enjoy being trolled without knowing it then claiming their game/system is best(the new definition of hard core gamers) or people who enjoy simplistic games anyone can easily play(IE non gamers) and and FF12 was a broken mess....

    So you have the zombies and the casuals, or simply the casuals as thats what has become of gaming. It was not always this bad 10+ years ago the hard core crowed got a steady stream of games made by and for them but like the film industry its the teen flicks and action block busters that bring in money anything with wit or a brain is ignored, belittled or called quaint.

    Even so I call myself a gamer nazi, I am a nit picky SOB and unafraid to say so I can find some balance in a game if there is any to find but when a game has broken AI,limited weapons,iffy sandbox pacing and missing features(deaf,near sighted,limited weapon mods,lulzy sand box you can be anything setup) I am referring to Bioshock more than Cryisis FYI but both haz issues or a game that most dev time was spent on level design which is a rarity but time was not spent on equipment, bugs, skills... dailog was nice but broken like most games that rush things..but Fallout 3 is such a let down...I thought they could do better than that.... and that is the analogy for the industry IE "60% is enough".

    Sorry for the long rant but I needed the release :P

    3.4.2009 20:26 #44

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