Disney to start own online video service?

Disney to start own online video service?
Disney CEO Bob Iger has noted this week that the company is considering starting its own online video service, a subscription-based model that could be similar to Netflix's model of offering DVD mailings and online downloads.

It is still unclear as to whether the service would be streaming and full downloads but it is clear that the service would be limited to Disney's own deep catalog of TV shows and movies.

The note was just that, a note, so it is not clear whether the studio is strongly considering the service and how it would resolve any potential conflict of interest with Apple-run iTunes. Apple CEO Steve Jobs is a board member for Disney and has used his strong influence to strike deals placing ABC and Disney content on iTunes.

ABC, a sub-brand of Disney, also currently streams its TV programming online for free (ad-supported) and even streams some shows in HD.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 4 Mar 2009 21:36
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  • garyinps

    Well it's all nice that these companies are getting on the streaming bandwagon. They are all going to hit a major road block if the cable companies have their way of capping bandwith. We know it's coming. Cable companies a'int gonna allow this. Why subscribe to the Disney Channel when I can see the movie i want any time I want. Only pay for what I use.
    I am very supportive of the idea of streaming, I love the Roku box but, as Eliza Dolittle once said in "My Fair Lady", "just you wait Henry Higgins".

    5.3.2009 00:57 #1

  • cptnvideo

    Collecting fees in advance of expenditures should be and is illegal unless the funds are held in trust and released as service is given (cost of service obviously exceeds fees!!!!) . None of these services are doing this which will lead to a need for more subscribers to finance the existing services or a large base of subscribers who do not use the service for some reason or another. These numbers are built into the scam with no refunds. Huge bonuses to managers also require a constant flood of new subscribers to fill the expense side. What happens when the expenses and CEO bonuses start to exceed new funds. Pyramid? Ponsi? Investors and subscribers beware!!!!!!

    5.3.2009 10:07 #2

  • atomicxl

    Arghh!!!!! This is not the way to go at it. In 10 years theres going to be like 50 billion companies with subscription services and there will be no one stop shop like how cable is where you can get everything from one place.

    Rather than make a knock off version of Hulu and Netflix, why not just sell your content to them or partner with them?

    5.3.2009 16:25 #3

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