New BlackBerry Storm coming soon?

New BlackBerry Storm coming soon?
According to new reports, RIM is preparing to make a new updated BlackBerry Storm as soon as Septmeber that will completely refresh the phone while adding Wi-Fi.

SlashGear has added that the unnamed sources have "given their assurances that the BlackBerry Storm 2 would have WiFi, and would be an even better pro-consumer device than the first Storm."

There was not too many other details revealed, but a September release would kill off the first generation Storm in under 10 months, a clear admission of failure on RIM's part.

Sources talking to TBG, add that "a new type of screen will come with the BlackBerry Storm 2, improving the screen enormously and making typing really pleasurable." There may also be the addition of a 5 MP camera.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 8 Apr 2009 16:23
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  • Pop_Smith

    I would definitely buy a Wi-Fi-enabled Storm.

    I almost bought the current Storm a week ago because I'm on Verizon (Which means no iPhone thanks to LG) but upon looking at the specs of it the lack of Wi-Fi killed the deal and I kept my Voyager.

    8.4.2009 17:55 #1

  • ydkjman

    Does any one know if its going to be exclusive to Verizon? I wonder because that's something Verizon has always made sure that wasn't in any of their phones right? Wi-fi that is. They want to milk us for all we are worth when it comes to getting on the net and having to use their service.

    9.4.2009 01:29 #2

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