Judge delivers guilty verdict in Pirate Bay trial - watch video

Judge delivers guilty verdict in Pirate Bay trial - watch video
A Stockholm court has found the four founders of The Pirate Bay BitTorrent site guilty of making 33 specific files accessible for illegal sharing through the site. The four were found guilty of assisting distribution of illegal content and were sentenced to a year in jail. They also must pay a fine of $3.6 million to 17 different music and media companies including Sony BMG, Universal, EMI, Warner, MGM and 20th Century Fox.

The case was brought against TPB, which claimed 22 million concurrent users in February, by an International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI)-led consortium of media companies. All four defendants have pledged to appeal the decision. "Stay calm – nothing will happen to TPB, us personally or filesharing what so ever. This is just a theatre for the media," said Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi.

He continued: "Really, it's a bit LOL. It used to be only movies, now even verdicts are out before the official release." On the other side the reaction was a mixture of relief and delight. "We're very pleased at the verdict of what was a very important case for us," said John Kennedy, chairman and chief executive of IFPI. "It would have been very difficult to put on a brave face if we had lost, but this verdict sends a strong educational and deterrent message."

Supporters of the The Pirate Bay held a street party in Moscow last night, saying the companies behind the trial were, "motivated only by their greed and inertia, want to prevent people sharing music, movies, or anything, on a purely altruistic basis". The trial began on February 16 in Stockholm, and by the second day the original charge of "assisting copyright infringement" was dropped and replaced with a lesser charge of "assisting making available copyrighted content", after the prosecutors failed to convince the Judge that illegally copied files had been distributed by the site itself.

Below you can view the Pirate Bay press conferences.

Written by: James Delahunty @ 17 Apr 2009 8:21
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  • EnigmaCM

    Oh knows, TPB guilty.What are we to do?....lol
    Seriously, this is messed up for TPB but, unfortunately, it was just a matter of time. Besides, if the site were to go down permanently there will just be another ready to replace it. Now, IMO, WTF is up with the over 3 million fine? How can they even come up with a figure like that? Were they charged by the item downloaded as a whole or per individual downloads? You see the astronomical numbers we are talking about, with so many TPB users with downloads and uploads, this number would be rather high and could have been more/less money depending how it was calculated. Sad Day for TPB

    17.4.2009 08:29 #1

  • varnull

    *yawn* .. beat you to it XD


    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work.
    I would rather you hate me for who I am than love me for what I am not.
    Soon to be everybodys antipodean sex goddess.. actually only one persons.. but thats not the point. Move over Minogue.. midgets cant compare XD

    17.4.2009 08:34 #2

  • EnigmaCM

    Originally posted by varnull: *yawn* .. beat you to it XD

    " target="_blank">http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/765578

    Damn you!!!...lmao, touche', my hat tips to you.

    17.4.2009 08:52 #3

  • jeff_2

    The site and trackers are still alive though :S

    17.4.2009 09:10 #4

  • Zoner

    I wonder how much they paid the judge?

    17.4.2009 09:37 #5

  • chinpark9

    I ask this in all humility. Are all judges, everywhere, beyond reproach? Is there not, at least one, who will be open to the wiles of the RIAA and the other reptiles who inhabit the media circus?

    17.4.2009 09:50 #6

  • ZippyDSM

    Can you say rigged trial?

    They will win on re trail since the trail was a joke...

    17.4.2009 10:13 #7

  • luckybleu

    limewire, mini nova next, yes more will pop up , but I think new founders will be alot more hesitant now that the founders of the pirate bay have to do a bullet in the slammer.Maybe its now time to get behind some legal sites that have spent the money and time to offer consumers free legal music ;see spotify and qtrax two sites worthy alternatives to stealing ,where copyright holders are properly paid for their works.

    17.4.2009 10:31 #8

  • bc12

    I see the piratebay is still up can you download from it or is it unsafe.

    17.4.2009 10:35 #9

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by luckybleu: limewire, mini nova next, yes more will pop up , but I think new founders will be alot more hesitant now that the founders of the pirate bay have to do a bullet in the slammer.Maybe its now time to get behind some legal sites that have spent the money and time to offer consumers free legal music ;see spotify and qtrax two sites worthy alternatives to stealing ,where copyright holders are properly paid for their works.THey should focus on running non profit organizations with the mission statement of spreading information and fighting against "distribution" as the end all phrase and mindset in copy right and focus it on profit and illicit profit as "distribution" blocks half the world from gaining access to information on a regular basis.

    17.4.2009 10:37 #10

  • SgtDavis

    Hardly a win for the RIAA and other entertainment/media companies. Its too bad for TPB & crew. But even if they erased the site and its founders from existence its just drops in the bucket. And why they hell haven't they gone after Google for not blocking search results for illegal torrents? I can find a hell of a lot more stuff on there than on TPB.

    17.4.2009 10:40 #11

  • ivymike

    They're not sending that cute blonde lady in (TPB press video above)to prison, are they?

    She's too cute to "do time" LOL.

    17.4.2009 11:06 #12

  • louispq

    We could almost say that this is the new mafia of the 21st century. The media companies are obviously corrupting our respective governments and they force our governments to then protect them

    17.4.2009 11:34 #13

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by louispq: We could almost say that this is the new mafia of the 21st century. The media companies are obviously corrupting our respective governments and they force our governments to then protect themSine government is made of noblemen that are either partners with or owners off....

    17.4.2009 11:40 #14

  • 21Q

    Until the main variable of torrents, the free aspect, I don't think there will ever be a true deterrent.

    17.4.2009 11:49 #15

  • IguanaC64

    Keep appealing until you get a judge with a differing interpretation.

    Quote:The trial began on February 16 in Stockholm, and by the second day the original charge of "assisting copyright infringement" was dropped and replaced with a lesser charge of "assisting making available copyrighted content", after the prosecutors failed to convince the Judge that illegally copied files had been distributed by the site itself.This judge was was wrong in his interpretation. If his interpretation stands then every Internet search engine is guilty of copyright infringement.

    17.4.2009 11:53 #16

  • machacker

    TPB guilty what about Google it brings up thousands of torrents to download copyrighted material.

    Trial is a total JOKE

    17.4.2009 12:10 #17

  • ak472009

    gonna get a whole bunch of stuff tpb , before they go down

    17.4.2009 12:13 #18

  • JAYMES71

    They base their ridiculous fines on what they claim would have been sales for the movie/record company had the consumers not downloaded them illegally. Yeah right. If a car thief hadn't been able to steal the car, he would have went to the nearest car lot right away!

    At least that's how they tried to pursue a case against me this past two years, but I had a damn good lawyer, so eff 'em all. Still, the whole ordeal cost me well over $20,000, which is far more than their losses, I guarantee you.

    The RIAA, MPAA, COPS and all the judges in these instances are complete morons. Hell, most everyone laughed at my charges! Trust me folks: the aforementioned gang of THUGS are merely bought and paid for.


    17.4.2009 13:14 #19

  • Jemborg

    Originally posted by SgtDavis: Hardly a win for the RIAA and other entertainment/media companies. Its too bad for TPB & crew. But even if they erased the site and its founders from existence its just drops in the bucket. And why they hell haven't they gone after Google for not blocking search results for illegal torrents? I can find a hell of a lot more stuff on there than on TPB.Most likely so. But I always appreciated TPB for the comments that people left... I enjoyed it's community.

    17.4.2009 13:16 #20

  • tefarko

    the TPB guys should do something safer than maintaning a tracker, like invading other people's countries to steal oil, torture innocent people in secret prisons or steal billions in Wall Street...

    17.4.2009 13:54 #21

  • Mr-Movies

    The blonde is hot, a phone number please... If they haven't shutdown the site it maybe that they want to go after people using the site so I'd think twice before using TPB.

    17.4.2009 14:16 #22

  • LordV

    To everyone that said that, if TPB goes down another will come up:

    Yes they will, but it will be one of those lame ass shitty trackers like sumetorrent and all them and will never be as fully established with respectable torrents at TPB. For a public tracker, TPB is hands down the best for general torrents.

    17.4.2009 14:17 #23

  • eLeCTR0n

    Quote:Really, it's a bit LOL. It used to be only movies, now even verdicts are out before the official release..


    17.4.2009 15:47 #24

  • badkrma

    Originally posted by tefarko: the TPB guys should do something safer than maintaning a tracker, like invading other people's countries to steal oil, torture innocent people in secret prisons or steal billions in Wall Street...yep, I agree, do something that people don't make money on and here comes hell...

    17.4.2009 16:35 #25

  • domie

    Quote:Originally posted by badkrma:
    yep, I agree, do something that people don't make money on and here comes hell...
    TPB is one of the biggest internet sites in the world, 25 million users, widespread advertising on its pages - you think they don't make money ? LOL

    17.4.2009 17:22 #26

  • Tutuca

    I say: BOICOTE THE MOVIES IN THEATERS! This will make the greedy moguls to think twice before doing trials like this. Wait for the DVD come out, wait another two months for them to be weekly, rent them cheap and enjoy the products. Their profits will disappear. No better punishment than this.

    17.4.2009 18:23 #27

  • ilikefree

    Never pay for another movie again go to sites like mininova another torrent site.

    shit doesn't just happen there's always an arsehole involved

    17.4.2009 19:17 #28

  • bomber991

    Originally posted by Tutuca: I say: BOICOTE THE MOVIES IN THEATERS! This will make the greedy moguls to think twice before doing trials like this. Wait for the DVD come out, wait another two months for them to be weekly, rent them cheap and enjoy the products. Their profits will disappear. No better punishment than this.Better yet, just wake up and realize that a majority of the movies coming out of Hollywood is just the same crappy story over and over. Start watching independent films with real stories.

    Instead of listening to RIAA music, start supporting your local bands. It's cheaper, the music is better, and the worst person to get their hands on your money is the owner of the bar where the band will be playing instead of a bunch of RIAA suits in Hollywood.

    17.4.2009 19:26 #29

  • ilikefree

    Back in the '60's I had a Sony twin tape deck now Sony want to have people who provide links to copy things jailed.Is anyone going to have the people who make these things charged or is it just the smart ones that don't need to buy their toys that get charged.This is not about copy protection its about money. Buy their toy and you can copy their shit.Apple,Sony,and a heap of others are not worth looking at anyway.

    shit doesn't just happen there's always an arsehole involved

    17.4.2009 20:28 #30

  • p13man

    I'd like to publicly thank these four very brave people who didn't run away and cower in the face of threatened legal action but who defied unjust laws and did so on behalf of all internet users, computer users and software users everywhere.
    The face of big business wears a self-serving grin today but it's not going to be there for long because, as each day passes, more and more people see through the lies and deceptions and see that this is nothing friendly about this face; that smirk is held in place by nothing more than plain old greed.
    This prosecution was taken with a single purpose, to scare the owners of TPB and other similar sites and hope that their fear will rub-off on us - because it's us they are really after. If the reported 30% drop in internet activity today in Sweden is true, which I doubt, then they have succeeded, but only for today!
    No singer or song writer, lyricist or recording engineer will get anything from today's result. Despite what they would have you believe, this action is not about copyright infringement, not about protecting the intellectual property of those who work in the music business, it's about control. Control over you and me, what we read, watch, listen to and play. They want us to pay - not to BUY - but to licence our entertainment. They know that if we were to stop and think for a minute, we'd realise their fraud for what it really is - making us pay for something but not actually giving it to us - where I come from, that is called stealing. But to distract us from feeling their hands picking our pockets, they shift the blame - to us. First they called us pirates, now they call us thieves ("Piracy is theft" - ring any bells?), next, who knows?
    But it won't work if we aren't scared. If we follow the example of the Pirate Bay Four. There are people out there who have bought movies, music, software and books and who want to share their stuff with you and me. Remember, the big business corporations only win if we stop giving and receiving what we have bought and what is rightly ours - despite the laws passed by the puppets in authority saying otherwise. I like to share things - my parents told me that was a good thing - it does not make me a thief and I refuse to feel even a jot of guilt.
    Don't let them scare you into thinking sharing is wrong. Go and upload or download something right now and enjoy the pleasure of giving. Hoist the Jolly Roger and wipe the smile off their lying faces.

    17.4.2009 20:29 #31

  • davidrose

    Originally posted by p13man: I'd like to publicly thank these four very brave people who didn't run away and cower in the face of threatened legal action but who defied unjust laws and did so on behalf of all internet users, computer users and software users everywhere.
    The face of big business wears a self-serving grin today but it's not going to be there for long because, as each day passes, more and more people see through the lies and deceptions and see that this is nothing friendly about this face; that smirk is held in place by nothing more than plain old greed.
    Don't let them scare you into thinking sharing is wrong. Go and upload or download something right now and enjoy the pleasure of giving. Hoist the Jolly Roger and wipe the smile off their lying faces.

    Heart felt ~realy well said!~ In my opinion anyway

    18.4.2009 08:09 #32

  • zorb43

    Originally posted by bc12: I see the piratebay is still up can you download from it or is it unsafe.Please don't forget what happened to the young man that downloaded that song ... and his family bless his soal ! Of course why anyone would want to hear that horrible tune is beyond my understanding ... Thanks ...

    21.4.2009 15:17 #33

  • Byron9

    Originally posted by tefarko: the TPB guys should do something safer than maintaning a tracker, like invading other people's countries to steal oil, torture innocent people in secret prisons or steal billions in Wall Street...

    22.4.2009 20:23 #34

  • Byron9

    Quote:Originally posted by tefarko: the TPB guys should do something safer than maintaning a tracker, like invading other people's countries to steal oil, torture innocent people in secret prisons or steal billions in Wall Street...If you really want to make money open a centeral bank and loan every country in the world it's own money like what is being done in the world right now. The United States Federal Reserve Bank is a private organization. The interest being paid by the taxpayers on the trillions of dollers of debt being generated with such apparent calm is being paid to handful of private people . Google "Jekyll Island" and and see what I'm talking about.

    22.4.2009 20:47 #35

  • Byron9

    Originally posted by p13man: I'd like to publicly thank these four very brave people who didn't run away and cower in the face of threatened legal action but who defied unjust laws and did so on behalf of all internet users, computer users and software users everywhere.
    The face of big business wears a self-serving grin today but it's not going to be there for long because, as each day passes, more and more people see through the lies and deceptions and see that this is nothing friendly about this face; that smirk is held in place by nothing more than plain old greed.
    This prosecution was taken with a single purpose, to scare the owners of TPB and other similar sites and hope that their fear will rub-off on us - because it's us they are really after. If the reported 30% drop in internet activity today in Sweden is true, which I doubt, then they have succeeded, but only for today!
    No singer or song writer, lyricist or recording engineer will get anything from today's result. Despite what they would have you believe, this action is not about copyright infringement, not about protecting the intellectual property of those who work in the music business, it's about control. Control over you and me, what we read, watch, listen to and play. They want us to pay - not to BUY - but to licence our entertainment. They know that if we were to stop and think for a minute, we'd realise their fraud for what it really is - making us pay for something but not actually giving it to us - where I come from, that is called stealing. But to distract us from feeling their hands picking our pockets, they shift the blame - to us. First they called us pirates, now they call us thieves ("Piracy is theft" - ring any bells?), next, who knows?
    But it won't work if we aren't scared. If we follow the example of the Pirate Bay Four. There are people out there who have bought movies, music, software and books and who want to share their stuff with you and me. Remember, the big business corporations only win if we stop giving and receiving what we have bought and what is rightly ours - despite the laws passed by the puppets in authority saying otherwise. I like to share things - my parents told me that was a good thing - it does not make me a thief and I refuse to feel even a jot of guilt.
    Don't let them scare you into thinking sharing is wrong. Go and upload or download something right now and enjoy the pleasure of giving. Hoist the Jolly Roger and wipe the smile off their lying faces.

    I agree with what you say. However, it isn't just this ... it's everywhere.
    The very money we use to pay for their licenses is being lent to us at interest that Income tax payers pay to private individuals... the owner of the Federal Reserve Bank in USA.
    The G-20 is a group of countries that all have Central Banks.
    Central Banking is Private Banking concerns loaning Various Countries their own money and charging them interest on the money that their country's Treasury prints.
    Google “Jekyll Island” then after reading that Google ‘The U.C.C. Connection by Howard Freeman’. Then continue researching.
    If you follow this research journey you will never see things the same again.

    22.4.2009 21:46 #36

  • Jemborg

    Originally posted by LordV: To everyone that said that, if TPB goes down another will come up:

    Yes they will, but it will be one of those lame ass shitty trackers like sumetorrent and all them and will never be as fully established with respectable torrents at TPB. For a public tracker, TPB is hands down the best for general torrents.
    Hear hear.

    23.4.2009 01:59 #37

  • p13man

    Quote:Google “Jekyll Island” then after reading that Google ‘The U.C.C. Connection by Howard Freeman’. Then continue researching.
    If you follow this research journey you will never see things the same again.
    I too recommend these sources and would like to add Ellen Brown's very readable, "Web of Debt - The Shocking Truth About Our Money System".

    For any doubters of the facts - that the global economy benefits only those who have so much wealth that they could never spend it all in a thousand lifetimes, while millions must go hungry and are forced out of their homes in order to provide this useless abundance - examine the facts and discover the reality for yourselves. The evidence is there and it speaks plainly, but it won't come to you unbidden, you have to make the effort to seek, read and think for yourself.
    The time for being passive and tolerant is really over. History shows us time and again that the way to achieve change is by collective action - massive public action is therefore the only thing that those who continue to enrich themselves on the graft of others are truly afraid of.
    Now, more than at any other time in our history it is WE, THE PEOPLE - not our elected representatives - who are the only hope for our brothers and sisters, our children and grandchildren in our immediate family and throughout the world. The guys at TPB know that and have acted, now it's our turn.

    Oh and @Zorb43, you write, "I see the piratebay is still up can you download from it or is it unsafe". You are the only person who can decide upon this but in my opinion it's a hell of a lot safer than eating a Big Mac or smoking a Marlboro.

    23.4.2009 14:11 #38

  • nimd4

    Originally posted by JAYMES71: They base their ridiculous fines on what they claim would have been sales for the movie/record company had the consumers not downloaded them illegally. Yeah right. If a car thief hadn't been able to steal the car, he would have went to the nearest car lot right away!
    After they have ILLEGALLY convicted TPB, they could change the laws and imprison us further.

    26.4.2009 15:03 #39

  • varnull


    site down as of the time of this post.

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work.
    I would rather you hate me for who I am than love me for what I am not.
    Soon to be everybodys antipodean sex goddess.. actually only one persons.. but thats not the point. Move over Minogue.. midgets cant compare XD

    26.4.2009 20:17 #40

  • Jemborg

    Originally posted by varnull: http://torrentfreak.com/pirate-bay-ips-assigned-to-prosecution-lawyers-090426/

    site down as of the time of this post.
    Interesting Varnull, I wonder how that might affect a retrial.

    Not down when I went there but a link to "Operation Baylout" (on another linked article) was inaccessible, hmmm...

    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    27.4.2009 16:19 #41

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