ESA criticizes 'gaming addiction' study

ESA criticizes 'gaming addiction' study
A recently reported study that suggested large numbers of young gamers exhibit signs of addition to videogames has come under scrutiny from the Entertainment Software Association (ESA). The trade group sent a letter to Dr Robert Kail (editor of Psychological Science), citing a blog by ABC News' director of polling, Gary Langer, which called into question the claim that the results can be applied to the broader population.

The study, carried out by Professor Douglas Gentile, used data from Harris Interactive through an opt-in online survey. The survey itself actually reads, "because the sample is based on those who agreed to participate in the Harris Interactive panel, no estimates of theoretical sampling error can be calculated."

Gentile responded to this discovery by admitting making a mistake. "I'd assumed they had gathered the population initially as part of a random probability sample, I missed that when I was writing this up. That is an error then on my part." Michael Gallagher, CEO of The ESA, wrote in his letter to Dr Kail: "The concern arises from the fact that the sample group for the study was not randomly chosen… It was a 'convenience' sample of individuals who agreed to participate in the survey."

"As you are likely aware, such a sample is not truly representative of a national population group. Thus the results cannot be projected onto the broader population of children in this country. And the sampling error of plus or minus 3 per cent that Dr Gentile cited in the study is also meaningless," he wrote. "Based on the public comments of both Dr Gentile and Harris Interactive, we are requesting that any references to the study in your publication and on your website, clarify the methodological flaws in Dr Gentile's study and inform your readers how those flaws affect the accuracy of the study."

Written by: James Delahunty @ 28 Apr 2009 21:23
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  • cyprusrom

    Quote:A recently reported study that suggested large numbers of young gamers exhibit signs of addition to -should read "signs of addiction"

    28.4.2009 22:24 #1

  • lxhotboy

    I noticed that too "Addiction". This is really a meaningless survey. Anything can be addicting. Whether it is mentally or chemically addictive. Videogames does not have a chemical dependence. It's not like i have an IV stick in my arm while i am playing Resident Evil5 that cause me not to be able to put the controller down. Sex can be addictive, playing basketball, weightlifting, pornography, hell just about anything. But is a chemical or mental addiction. I know that certain things we do that make us happy do release certain hormones and chemicals in our body but that is still not a chemical addiction. Some people have an adrenaline rush addiction. But they still have the chose of what they do or dont do. Test prove that cigarettes, (Nicotine) is just as addictive if not more than crack. Why dont these guys worry about something else like a survey and study to help find other alternative fuel sources and how to fix our rocky economy. Their time would be a lot more valuable in other areas.

    Here is a survey the need to conduct. "If the government made laws and forbid any company that is originally based in the U.S. from moving factories and production to another country just to cut production cost would this save jobs and help or failing economy?"
    It would probably help some but lets remeber that some companies have an influence in what laws are passed b/c some people allow money to slide underneath the table and tighten up their pockets for their own personal gain. Or how bout how much money is wasted by allowing government and others to sporatically waste tax payers dollars by using credit card for unecessary spending such as, a business dinner or hotel stay costing 2 or 3 thousand dollars or whether or not an indivdual should be held accountable for using our tax dollars to buy his wife diamond braclets and other gift using a credit card supposedly for work related expenses. Wouldnot that be a nice survey to make? Lets see what the people think.

    29.4.2009 08:57 #2

  • hendrix04

    Go look at any mmo... i can almost guarantee half the people playing them are addicted... Heck, I even lost a girlfriend over one once (many years ago and lots of maturing since then).

    29.4.2009 08:58 #3

  • emugamer

    If I only had a cardboard box to play with growing up, I probably would have become addicted to cardboard boxes.

    29.4.2009 12:29 #4

  • Hopium

    im addicted to cigarettes and homemade iced tea

    29.4.2009 12:46 #5

  • emugamer

    I'm addicted to Samoa girlscout cookies....darn those girl scouts!

    29.4.2009 14:18 #6

  • DXR88

    Originally posted by emugamer: I'm addicted to Samoa girlscout cookies....darn those girl scouts!Samoa's Rock, best dame cookies ever i don't care if there $3.50 a box.

    29.4.2009 21:22 #7

  • lxhotboy

    Quote:Originally posted by emugamer: I'm addicted to Samoa girlscout cookies....darn those girl scouts!Samoa's Rock, best dame cookies ever i don't care if there $3.50 a box.Dang! Look at all these addicts. You guys may want to seek some help. LMAO.....

    29.4.2009 22:15 #8

  • DXR88

    Quote:Quote:Originally posted by emugamer: I'm addicted to Samoa girlscout cookies....darn those girl scouts!Samoa's Rock, best dame cookies ever i don't care if there $3.50 a box.Dang! Look at all these addicts. You guys may want to seek some help. LMAO.....Its too late to help me...

    29.4.2009 22:35 #9

  • emugamer

    Quote:Originally posted by emugamer: I'm addicted to Samoa girlscout cookies....darn those girl scouts!Samoa's Rock, best dame cookies ever i don't care if there $3.50 a box.Dude, my wife came home with Samoa ice cream last week. HOLY CRAP AMAZING!

    30.4.2009 08:03 #10

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