New PSP will be called 'PSP Go!'?

New PSP will be called 'PSP Go!'?
We recently reported that Sony will be releasing an updated PSP handheld before the holiday season this year, one that will add significant hardware changes.

The updated handheld will remove UMD, add a sliding screen, and will come in two models, with either 8 or 16 GB of built-in flash memory.

A new report from 1UP suggests that after talking to inside sources, that the new PSP will not be called the PSP-4000 as would be assumed, but instead be called PSP Go!.

The company will unveil the handheld at the E3 event in June and will release the console in September in Japan and hit the US in early November.

Along with the release of the handheld, Sony will have over 100 classic and new titles available for download at launch. Previous reports expect a few blockbuster games will be coming later this year including Little Big Planet, MAG, Heavy Rain and Shadow of the Colossus.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 29 Apr 2009 22:08
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  • bobiroc

    PSP Go. Kind of redundant. Playstation Portable already implies it is on the go.

    29.4.2009 22:35 #1

  • Pnub

    In all seriousness, how many people are contemplating throwing away all their UMD's, or new customers going "oh yeah the psp, it has the same basic capabilities as when it came out 5 or 6 years ago, sounds awesome"

    29.4.2009 22:37 #2

  • Moomoo2

    Once I hacked my PSP, I didn't really use my UMDs anyways. Then, of course, I dropped it in a sink full of water, and it stopped playing UMDs, so it kinda was a moot point.

    I wish the new PSP would have a second analog stick

    29.4.2009 22:42 #3

  • DXR88

    Originally posted by bobiroc: PSP Go. Kind of redundant. Playstation Portable already implies it is on the go.not at all GO has a new meaning. its part of what you'll be screaming at Sony

    29.4.2009 22:52 #4

  • ZippyDSM

    the PSP go is the competition for the DSI both have locked and anal retentive hardware, I went with a DS lite and a M3 beats them both to a pulp....

    29.4.2009 23:16 #5

  • abond

    Lets see: No second analog stick, no UMD's (not that I have that many). If that's all there is, then Sony should call it the "No Go"...

    29.4.2009 23:37 #6

  • AuWolf

    I imagine the layout of the buttons would make it more difficult to play games, are the games going to be improved graphically or length wise?

    They should just release some ports of the Final Fantasy games, eg VII, VIII. It would make them a tonne of money.

    30.4.2009 04:06 #7

  • pcrazy99

    I'd have to agree with a lot of these posts. No second analog stick means no upgrade for me.

    30.4.2009 05:27 #8

  • bomber991

    Yeah Sony, hello you guys there? If you're going to go through the trouble of removing the UMD drive, you might as well go through the trouble to add a 2nd analog stick. It's not like there's any classic games for the old PSP that people are going to still want to be playing when your PSP go comes out.

    30.4.2009 07:28 #9

  • xblade132

    This'll be sweet. I played few games on my PSP3000. Mainly used it as MP3 and MP4 playback so I'll pick this up. I can do without a second analog stick so its no big deal for me. Did just fine without it the past years with the 1000, 2000, and 3000.

    As far as classic games for download, if Metal Gear Acid! or MGA!2 was available, I'd buy them.

    30.4.2009 09:53 #10

  • vic_x51

    i like the design, but they REALLY should of added a 2nd analog, theres room now just move over the start and select buttons.

    also can anyone confirm if you can insert memory stick duos into this still? or is it only internal memory now?

    30.4.2009 12:52 #11

  • MightyOne

    There are other reasons people hacked their units, not just for free games.

    The cap on the volume control was an issue

    Not being able to play avi files at FULL resolution is another.

    If no external slot is available...that will be another issue.

    Sony should do a survey. See what we want. Give us what we want, just short allowing pirated games being played...and they will be a much happier. Those that refuse to pay for games and want to play will still hack it when they can. You will never stop that, but u can stop it for the other reasons. looking at the design in the appear that it will be difficult to hold and play with the controls where they are. Your fingers would get very sore holding up the weight of the unit while it hangs outwards....mmmmmmmmmm.....

    30.4.2009 16:51 #12

  • DXR88

    With that button placement i wouldn't be able to play it at all i suffer from Big Head Big Hand Big Feet syndrome.

    30.4.2009 17:55 #13

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by DXR88: With that button placement i wouldn't be able to play it at all i suffer from Big Head Big Hand Big Feet syndrome.Oh the ladies must love you!! I suffer from it too...but they dun like me...... everything is big...but where it matters >>

    30.4.2009 17:57 #14

  • core2kid

    To compete with the DSi, I can see it getting a GPS/Camera. It makes sense since the addons for the original PSP were not released in the US. If there is no UMD drive, I can see either cartridge based media (2GB SD cards are dirt cheap now) or internal memory for downloadable games. I can also see a significantly improved battery life and an improved or larger screen. There may some software preloaded such as video/photo editing, better internet browser, maybe some preloaded games, etc. A second analog stick is inlikely but maybe a R2,L2 could be added. A touchscreen may be there.

    Without all these things or better, the DSi is clearly the better choice. I have a PSP and DS Lite. I play my DS Lite more than my PSP. I have gotten bored of the small choices for games on the PSP and its huge focus in RPGs.

    30.4.2009 18:43 #15

  • AuWolf

    Originally posted by core2kid: I have gotten bored of the small choices for games on the PSP and its huge focus in RPGs.Huge focus in RPGS? There's hardly any! What are you talking about? There needs to be more RPGS not less!

    30.4.2009 21:39 #16

  • core2kid
    There are 5 pages of RPGs

    30.4.2009 22:03 #17

  • AuWolf

    Most of those games on that list were the same titles. Besides they were action RPGs. They weren't really console style. Apologies for not mentioning my bias earlier. But wow. In America games are so cheap.

    30.4.2009 22:10 #18

  • core2kid

    Originally posted by AuWolf: But wow. In America games are so cheap.
    We may get cheaper games but we are still waiting for the PSP GPS, PSP Camera and PS3 in colors.
    Most of those games I showed earlier were preowned too which makes them cheaper

    30.4.2009 22:34 #19

  • DXR88

    Quote:Originally posted by AuWolf: But wow. In America games are so cheap.
    We may get cheaper games but we are still waiting for the PSP GPS, PSP Camera and PS3 in colors.
    Most of those games I showed earlier were preowned too which makes them cheaper
    4 of those same rpg's are remakes 3 of which are turn based

    1.5.2009 00:30 #20

  • inagasake

    Originally posted by ZippyDSM: the PSP go is the competition for the DSI both have locked and anal retentive hardware, I went with a DS lite and a M3 beats them both to a pulp....You can use DSi flash carts with a DSi to play DS Roms. Whether these flash carts will play DSi roms, when they start releasing DSi games, that's another story. :D Either way, I think it's a smart move to stick with DS Lite for now. If you don't already have a GBA SP, you might as well buy a DS Lite anyway since having the GBA library on the go is nice. I literally got my DS Lite a day before the DSi was announced (for Japan) but I decided against returning it because I like playing GBA Roms and I had no idea how much the DSi cost at the time. Now we know it's $170 US/$200 CDN. Which is pretty steep for a Nintendo handheld given their previous launch price history. Considering that there are no real DSi games besides the DSiware stuff, it would not make sense to buy a DSi now. There will probably already be a price drop by the time there are real DSi games for it.

    As for PSP, it has some nice titles, including the jrpg genre I like but I seriously don't have time for too many platforms. That goes the same for a potential PS3 or Wii purchase. A 360 and a DS is more than enough to keep me covered. And then there's the PC as well. How do triple-platform owners (Wii, 360 and PS3) find the time to play all those games? Gaming would have to be your only hobby in order for that to work and even that might not be enough.

    1.5.2009 11:06 #21

  • RusSnajp


    kind of not-well-thought name

    1.5.2009 12:23 #22

  • blueroad simply didnt learn their lesson. how can you expect to launch a remake almost every year and expect people to upgrade? first time it happened the PSP actually got a few upgrades in it! the 3000 was a freakin joke with ppl sayin their screen sucked playback probs etc and now this..u got console designers that are stoned while designing the thing you got no regard to customer needs AT ALL and to top it all off you actually belive your making a good buisness move..your losing core gamers by the minute and as you should already know time is money youve wasted this year doing almost nothing for the PSP software and add-ons and instead you just release more stupid revamps just so we will have to work on cracking a new mobo..
    im really starting to lose faith in sony altogether..instead of paying your cracky head designers cash for new designs pay people to log on sites like afterdawn PSP forums anything. hear the voice of the people and give us something good for a change and not a ****ing new shiny paperweight

    3.5.2009 09:43 #23

  • MonoSoft

    Will the removal of the UMD format make the loading times reduced? even so the games need to improve along with the console for it to make any sales. And ofcourse, the obvious; it needs to have more analogue sticks to be dealing with customer demand.

    On the upside, it does look very good, still not a competitor to the DS or the iPhone, which is what it's trying to compete with. If the appearance isn't up to scratch, and the games aren't then the update is almost void as almost everyone who wanted a PSP already has one.. why fork out another 160 GBP (200 USD) for something that can be achieved by around £40 (16gb memory) and a simple downgrading program.
    Quote:PSP Go. Kind of redundant. Playstation Portable already implies it is on the go.
    I agree...Stupid update, and a stupid name.. Verdict: pointless

    7.5.2009 04:02 #24

  • Edgewise

    as said before,
    no second analog stick = fail of epic proportions.

    28.5.2009 21:09 #25

  • 21Q

    I already see many of these things being broken in half and dropped because it's top heavy.

    28.5.2009 21:44 #26

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