Circuit City online store now re-opened

Circuit City online store now re-opened
Last month we reported that the PC retailer Systemax, which has recently purchased Tiger Direct and CompUSA, was planning to buy the Circuit City name, brand and website, for $14 million USD.

The company has now completed the aquisition and has already revised and relaunched the Circuit City website. You can read more about the site, from the Systemax CEO here: Circuit City relaunch.

The new site has 24/7 customer service, more advanced search functions and more importantly photo and video galleries for every product in the store.

Along with the purchase of the website domain and all branding, Systemax was given "customer lists and information" and a "share of revenue generated over the next 30 months."

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 25 May 2009 22:40
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  • ntense69

    must say the new store layout looks awesome? so they going to open the local stores too or just open the site?

    26.5.2009 02:57 #1

  • SupremeRe

    They will not be reopening any stores.

    26.5.2009 23:30 #2

  • locobrown

    Its only a change a name. The same that thing happened the SBC. SBC bought ATT and changed SBC to ATT.

    27.5.2009 21:19 #3

  • olyteddy

    It's actually TigerDirect in a sleazy new wrapper.

    27.5.2009 21:30 #4

  • nchantim

    Same way that CompUSA still has a website - it's basically yet another online storefront for TigerDirect. I'm sure they bought CompUSA website rights for just the name recognition - same with CircusCity.

    28.5.2009 10:06 #5

  • gripe68

    I'm so glad to se Circuit City again, it might be now online only, it might look like Tiger Direct and Compusa, but it will be much better than that HH Gregg people.
    I just hope they open some stores, like they did with CompUsa.

    28.5.2009 12:48 #6

  • pmshah

    I was at one of their NJ outlets in October last year while on a visit to US. It did not surprise me that they went out of business. Most of the sales persons were so stupid it was not funny. They had ZERO product knowledge about absolutely anything.

    Systemax would be well advised not to go into brick and mortar store unless they plan not to hire any prior employee.

    28.5.2009 16:52 #7

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