'PlayStation Home' downloaded over 6.5 million times

'PlayStation Home' downloaded over 6.5 million times
PlayStation Home Director Peter Edward has made comments this week that the application has hit a "tipping point" of momentum recently, hitting 6.5 million downloads.

"We do have a profit and loss on Home, and obviously revenue is an important part of it, just like with anything else. But our belief is that if you make the community happy, and get good content on to the platform - if you get a platform that people want to keep coming back to - then the monetisation aspect of it will almost take care of itself,” says Edwards.

"It's certainly not something that should be the driving force - not something that's the driving priority at this stage of development.”

"That's not to say that we don't want to monetise the platform and that we don't have plans to do so," Edward continued. "But it's definitely a kind of consequence of getting all the other factors right, rather than being a driving force. We're not in it to make a quick buck from Home, and then move onto the next thing - Home is a strategic platform for PlayStation, and as such we're developing it."

Edwards also noted that profitability "is not the driving force" behind PS Home, but instead, user interaction.

"We went to open beta in December and since then we've had something like 6.5 million downloads. We've got a very healthy active user base, and we're finding as well that people aren't just churning, they're returning - which is obviously key for something like this,"
he continued.

"We're at the point now where we're starting to see our active user base go up, and we're getting more people coming back than are leaving, so we're at the tipping point of where the platform starts to gain momentum."

"That's really nice for us, because until that happens, you're hoping that it will happen, but you need the reassurance - so in that sense it's nice."

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 30 May 2009 17:47
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  • ak472009

    this is good feature //but i need some more games to consider buying ps3

    30.5.2009 20:54 #1

  • SgtDavis

    Downloaded by a few million, used by a few thousand. This article is very misleading when it comes to Home's popularity. It was low before and only crept up a little bit with the launch of Xi. Other than that, this thing is still sitting in the dry dock.

    31.5.2009 01:48 #2

  • Morreale

    I just went on a couple days ago after many months and they've added and improved a bunch of things since the last time I played, and people are actually buying stuff from the store :P

    I like Home cause it's a good place to meet strangers from everywhere and have funny convos with :)

    31.5.2009 03:04 #3

  • PantherM

    Home is useless...

    I don't ever use it....nor do a I see a need to use it. I can't believe people pay real money for fake clothes and furniture.

    1.6.2009 20:04 #4

  • SgtDavis

    Originally posted by PantherM: Home is useless...
    No it's not. If you like to stalk female avatars and collect fish pellets in a 2 dimensional fish tank, Home is amazing.

    2.6.2009 09:02 #5

  • canuckerz

    Yeah I'll admit it sucks now for the most part mostly due to the lack of promised features, but it is technically still in the beta. That being said they're taking stupidly long periods of time with updating the core features. Still waiting on picture frames and those TV's we could stream our own video's off of.

    2.6.2009 15:14 #6

  • ToxicFish

    Hey, Home is the bomb!

    I am on home atleast 3 times a week for a few hours. If you don't try and make friends, you are just spinning your wheels. The cool kids glitch btw...

    The only thing that I don't like about home is that there is definately an elitist mentality. If you see someone with a cool hat or doing something you've never seen before, good luck finding out how and where they got it. Even if you look on the web, people like to stay hush hush about the cool stuff. Oh well.

    5.6.2009 10:00 #7

  • ToxicFish

    Oh, I almost forgot...

    SirFishouse: Ship 7

    5.6.2009 10:01 #8

  • KillerBug

    Home is still very problematic...the spaces are designed for maybe 100 people at a time, and there are always more people than that. I still have not been able to try chess or any of the games in the EA comples...the tables are always in use. The redbull arena is kinda fun, but without the ability to actualy race or to kamakazi, it gets boaring very fast. It is a great place for clans.

    6.6.2009 06:35 #9

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