Next Nintendo console will be HD-compatible

Next Nintendo console will be HD-compatible
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has said this week that he believes that although high definition video has no "significant meaning" to users of the extremely popular Wii, the next Nintendo console will certainly be HD-compatible.

"If we have an opportunity to make a new console, it will probably support HD because it is now common throughout the world," Iwata says. "However, as far as the Wii is concerned, we have not found a significant reason to make it HD-compatible at this time.

"What is the significant meaning to the users? I don't think we should do it unless we find that reason. If we decide for other reasons to make new hardware, then HD is one of the things we would naturally add."

Iwata also spoke out about the new Sony and Microsoft motion-based control systems.

"We don't have any information about when they would introduce these things and at what kind of price," he added. "Until we know exactly what they will do, it's harder to understand what we would need to do.

"What Nintendo has to do is make software that takes advantage of the Wii MotionPlus and make efforts to make the public understand the benefits of the Wii MotionPlus controls. As the pioneer of motion-sensing technology, what Nintendo has to do is provide new surprises in the next and two years from now."

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 8 Jun 2009 22:21
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  • nketlk

    i would hope so

    8.6.2009 22:31 #1

  • SgtDavis

    lol must have been a slow news day for tech.

    8.6.2009 23:24 #2

  • Morreale

    I wonder if Nintendo would use DVD-9s for their next console or use something like Blu-Ray... They always seem to be different from the rst in terms of the media they use...

    8.6.2009 23:27 #3

  • KillerBug

    It's nintendo...I am sure they will find something stupid and useless that offers rather low quality...maybe they will pick up UMD once Sony drops it.

    8.6.2009 23:43 #4

  • xblade132

    This is what Nintendo should've done with the Wii and have better games but whatever Nintendo shits out, people will buy it because its branded with "Nintendo" on the box.

    8.6.2009 23:52 #5

  • ZippyDSM

    HD DVD would be cheaper to sue than BR and be worth while at 30-50GB max a disc though I think it would be cheaper to use BR.

    And I would say that you could bring in a decent profit by sholving out HD videos on the WII, if you could, don't be silly there's so alot of disposable income there.

    Price range should be 300-600, hopefully they will develop the motion control system where it dose not need a sensor bar, I hope they polish the split controller design as well, it would not take much to make it wireless and easily connect with each other to make one control pad.

    IMO split motion design is the best new control design yet even if the WII is still very unpolished, I'll take precise wrist/arm movement over dcking with a thumb stick anyday!

    9.6.2009 00:10 #6

  • ROMaster2

    Thank GOD for competition

    9.6.2009 00:22 #7

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by xblade132: This is what Nintendo should've done with the Wii and have better games but whatever Nintendo shits out, people will buy it because its branded with "Nintendo" on the box.Have you seen the shite Sony and MS have been dumping on the public?
    Hell there's a reason hardcore game(like oblivoin, bioshock and halo) are new casual trends...... because perhaps its casual...

    9.6.2009 00:25 #8

  • xblade132

    Quote:Originally posted by xblade132: This is what Nintendo should've done with the Wii and have better games but whatever Nintendo shits out, people will buy it because its branded with "Nintendo" on the box.Have you seen the shite Sony and MS have been dumping on the public?
    Hell there's a reason hardcore game(like oblivoin, bioshock and halo) are new casual trends...... because perhaps its casual...
    Found it far more entertaining than the crap Nintendo produces.

    9.6.2009 00:38 #9

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Quote:Originally posted by xblade132: This is what Nintendo should've done with the Wii and have better games but whatever Nintendo shits out, people will buy it because its branded with "Nintendo" on the box.Have you seen the shite Sony and MS have been dumping on the public?
    Hell there's a reason hardcore game(like oblivoin, bioshock and halo) are new casual trends...... because perhaps its casual...
    Found it far more entertaining than the crap Nintendo produces.
    Crap in crap out that's the motto of gaming these days, and nintendo just took what the industry was doing(making everything casual) and did it better tho still....war teh gamez!?!?!?.
    New mario ok I like,New zelda might not suck, 3rdp super melle adventure metorid...WTF?!!?!?

    Still its only as bad as halo ep 3(6-8 hour SP campaign),Fo"I'm unfinished" 3, Bio"casual"shock and the other casual unfinished crap pooing out on over priced hardware and games.....*NERD RAGE!!!!!!*

    /rant >>

    9.6.2009 00:49 #10

  • Railroad5

    I'll never understand the fanboy rants that go on. I can't understand calling something complete crap when so many people like it. Nintendo certainly doesn't suck at making money. So they put something on the market that everyone can enjoy playing, not just regular gamers. Why take that so personal?

    9.6.2009 01:43 #11

  • elbald90

    what nintendo needs to do is release some decent games if i hadnt modded my wii i would only have about 5 games as that is all the good ones on the system

    9.6.2009 04:39 #12

  • iamgq

    Wii gets boring, quick... Waiting for God Of War 3!

    9.6.2009 04:54 #13

  • Sion32

    Originally posted by Railroad5: I'll never understand the fanboy rants that go on. I can't understand calling something complete crap when so many people like it. Nintendo certainly doesn't suck at making money. So they put something on the market that everyone can enjoy playing, not just regular gamers. Why take that so personal?Why take it personal? I'm no fanboy by a longshot, I'm just a fan of games period, but if I give a company 250 bucks for a console in the good faith that i'll be able to use that console to play good games with only to find out that after a year or so only a few halfway decent games have been made for it and the rest is just a bunch of rinky-dink shovelware made for little girls and grandmas and grandpas, well, yeah i'm gonna get a little mad when i realize that the console has nothing to offer me and i'm out some money when i turn around a sell it. Britney Spears doesn't suck at making money either but, well . . .

    9.6.2009 13:23 #14

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Originally posted by Railroad5: I'll never understand the fanboy rants that go on. I can't understand calling something complete crap when so many people like it. Nintendo certainly doesn't suck at making money. So they put something on the market that everyone can enjoy playing, not just regular gamers. Why take that so personal?Why take it personal? I'm no fanboy by a longshot, I'm just a fan of games period, but if I give a company 250 bucks for a console in the good faith that i'll be able to use that console to play good games with only to find out that after a year or so only a few halfway decent games have been made for it and the rest is just a bunch of rinky-dink shovelware made for little girls and grandmas and grandpas, well, yeah i'm gonna get a little mad when i realize that the console has nothing to offer me and i'm out some money when i turn around a sell it. Britney Spears doesn't suck at making money either but, well . . .Frankly...I'd rather pay 250 and 30-40$ a game for half decent than 400+ and 50+ for half decent.....

    9.6.2009 13:36 #15

  • xblade132

    Quote:Frankly...I'd rather pay 250 and 30-40$ a game for half decent than 400+ and 50+ for half decent.....Ok...

    I guess some people see my logic more than others.

    9.6.2009 15:48 #16

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Quote:Frankly...I'd rather pay 250 and 30-40$ a game for half decent than 400+ and 50+ for half decent.....Ok...

    I guess some people see my logic more than others.
    I dunno the Wii has more people playing and has more game sales total, the whole thing is murky.

    My point is mass market production has watered everything down, manure might be more useful but its still sht when they turn a reasonably good product into sht(PS3.....360.....WII....PSP...DS...DVD...Blu ray....) do not keep on buying crap....people wonder why shallowness persists its because they keep supporting the broken and corrupt system....

    ggaaa I know I can't stay shutted up ><

    9.6.2009 15:57 #17

  • xblade132

    Originally posted by xblade132: whatever Nintendo shits out, people will buy it because its branded with "Nintendo" on the box.

    9.6.2009 20:03 #18

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Originally posted by xblade132: whatever Nintendo shits out, people will buy it because its branded with "Nintendo" on the box.
    Which can be said about anything with a brand name.....

    9.6.2009 20:04 #19

  • shaffaaf

    Quote:Originally posted by xblade132: whatever Apple shits out, people will buy it because its branded with "Apple" on the box.

    10.6.2009 00:27 #20

  • blueroad

    i luv iut when one guy said nintendo is good at making money..well yeah your right they're good at drawing new audiences. but as much as they like the concept of wishful thinking ,believing they can the 50% or so of the western world who dont play games become gamers, they still much rely on the core gamers. and people who believe (past tense required) in their products. but when you see comments like these from the president Quote:as far as the Wii is concerned, we have not found a significant reason to make it HD-compatible at this time.
    in other words we dont really care about you, we care about the money so if you buy now then we get rich if not then we get new console out with new features and eventually MAYBE we will give you the finished product.
    same happened with DS. sales were slow in japan so they get a new console..this time with an SD slot! what a f***ing revolution we only had external memory in PSP for few years now..same will happen with the wii eventually. jus a side note i hate what sony is doing as well takin out new PSP every year but thats another story that doesnt concern this article..
    in conclusion if your a none core gamer or a possible zelda lovin samus huggin mario kissing fan boy, then go with nintendo.
    if you like real hardcore games with stunning graphics HD content and much more go with either sony or xbox. both are going to have a great year with their coming line up.

    i am in no way a fanboy.i dont own either console yet my brother in law has all 3 so i experienced all of them. i hate nintendo for what they stand for for the last few years despite good games like metroid and SSBB ,on the other hand both sony and xbox have ALOT to offer you,while as it is just my opinion xbox would be nicer cause its got great games and you can get it at a very low price.
    think hard before you part with your hard-earned cash.

    10.6.2009 02:25 #21

  • KillerBug

    Nintendo just wants to sell lo-res activity-based games for very young children and very old adults. Even if the wII was HD, no serious gamer would bother with such a limited selection of games or such a weak CPU. Most of the wII games I have seen would have worked with the N64 if it just had the tilt sensors and a controler that looks like a TV remote...

    Yes, this does make them money...lots of it. No need for return customers with such large no need for quality or features.

    10.6.2009 05:44 #22

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by KillerBug: Nintendo just wants to sell lo-res activity-based games for very young children and very old adults. Even if the wII was HD, no serious gamer would bother with such a limited selection of games or such a weak CPU. Most of the wII games I have seen would have worked with the N64 if it just had the tilt sensors and a controler that looks like a TV remote...

    Yes, this does make them money...lots of it. No need for return customers with such large no need for quality or features.
    Ya? Any game that's not a modern watered down 'hardcore' fan boy would have all 3 consoles because that's what real gamers do there little difference in the PS3 and 360 pick one get a wii or get all 3.

    And the WII is on the heels of the 360 power wise since it dose not output to HD it dose not have to waste power trying to keep up appearances...hell if power is everything drop the 360 for a pS3 or a PS3 for PC...wake up.....

    Also the split controller motion control pad is better for anything in FP than an antiquated thumb stick that can't be swapped correctly half the damn time....

    10.6.2009 11:11 #23

  • Morreale

    Isn't a PS3 technically more powerful then a PC? Cause of the Cell processor or something?

    I though I read that somewhere...

    10.6.2009 12:55 #24

  • xsammi

    Cheap Nindento DS Lite, Pink*******

    10.6.2009 13:11 #25

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by Morreale: Isn't a PS3 technically more powerful then a PC? Cause of the Cell processor or something?

    I though I read that somewhere...
    To many bottle necks and software optimization issues, this is why the 360 can go toe to toe and beat it half the time(visuals/textures).

    10.6.2009 13:23 #26

  • Morreale

    Yea but once everything is smooth and optimized and and game devs get off their lazy asses (EA), PS3 has far more potential then 360 right? Again people say that 360 is like already maxed out while PS3 is neck and neck with it and it still has a long way to go...

    10.6.2009 15:46 #27

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by Morreale: Yea but once everything is smooth and optimized and and game devs get off their lazy asses (EA), PS3 has far more potential then 360 right? Again people say that 360 is like already maxed out while PS3 is neck and neck with it and it still has a long way to go...
    More potential sure but the 360 could easily keep up with it if they went with a higher capacity disc, hell a model 2 360 with a 6X blu ray drive could really easily be on par with eh PS3 for the new 5 years, but with the space issues there's not much more they can really improve.

    The PS3 has less potential than it had since alot of the hardware has been debuged, its still the most powerful(but under optimized) console but its also the most costly.. all in all PS3/360 tie while the WII runs circles around them......soemone needs to shotgun its knees....sirosly....with the non gamer support the WII is nothing....

    10.6.2009 15:56 #28

  • DoomLight

    yay the Wii's lousy graphics at 720p...

    while the other consoles evolve to 4054805p the wii will STILL be using old technology.


    nintendo has become the "lets wait and see company"

    10.6.2009 22:48 #29

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by DoomLight: yay the Wii's lousy graphics at 720p...

    while the other consoles evolve to 4054805p the wii will STILL be using old technology.


    nintendo has become the "lets wait and see company"
    Not really they took a chance on doing a minor upgrade from the GC which cost alot and while more powerful than the PS2 it did not do so well, now they have done alot with less power, this means the next console with be competitor with whatever current generation is at hand, and if the PS3 lasts until 014 or so they can come out with a equivalent cheaper system in 013-015.

    11.6.2009 00:04 #30

  • inagasake

    Quote:Originally posted by Morreale: Yea but once everything is smooth and optimized and and game devs get off their lazy asses (EA), PS3 has far more potential then 360 right? Again people say that 360 is like already maxed out while PS3 is neck and neck with it and it still has a long way to go...
    More potential sure but the 360 could easily keep up with it if they went with a higher capacity disc, hell a model 2 360 with a 6X blu ray drive could really easily be on par with eh PS3 for the new 5 years, but with the space issues there's not much more they can really improve.

    The PS3 has less potential than it had since alot of the hardware has been debuged, its still the most powerful(but under optimized) console but its also the most costly.. all in all PS3/360 tie while the WII runs circles around them......soemone needs to shotgun its knees....sirosly....with the non gamer support the WII is nothing....
    I don't think disk capacity is an issue for the 360. I could be wrong but multi-disc 360 games are not that common. Those that are multi-disc usually have excessive pre-rendered HD cutscene videos (ie. Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Star Ocean: TLH, Infinite Undiscovery, The Last Remnant). The majority of the space in a PS3 game is taken up by those cutscenes as well. More cutscene video instead of regular cutscenes isn't going to make games better so I don't see how disk space is an issue. Blu-Ray is not necessary. In the "next gen", it probably will if developers focused on using that extra space for improving the games instead of just adding more fancy video cutscenes.

    I don't understand why all the hate for the Wii just because it's not HD. Madworld and No More Heroes are in SD. Does that mean they aren't quality? Wii's problem is not that it's not HD. If you're really into graphics that much, get a gaming rig. The real problem is that the Wii has comparatively less quality games for it than the Xbox 360 and PS3. The Wii has so much potential with third-party developers who can't afford to splurge out HD-development budgets for their games. But those developers aren't putting in the effort to make quality games and that's the problem. The DS (and the PSP to a lesser extent) have thrived from low-budget third-party development but the devs just aren't giving the Wii a chance.

    11.6.2009 01:04 #31

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Quote:Originally posted by Morreale: Yea but once everything is smooth and optimized and and game devs get off their lazy asses (EA), PS3 has far more potential then 360 right? Again people say that 360 is like already maxed out while PS3 is neck and neck with it and it still has a long way to go...
    More potential sure but the 360 could easily keep up with it if they went with a higher capacity disc, hell a model 2 360 with a 6X blu ray drive could really easily be on par with eh PS3 for the new 5 years, but with the space issues there's not much more they can really improve.

    The PS3 has less potential than it had since alot of the hardware has been debuged, its still the most powerful(but under optimized) console but its also the most costly.. all in all PS3/360 tie while the WII runs circles around them......soemone needs to shotgun its knees....sirosly....with the non gamer support the WII is nothing....
    I don't think disk capacity is an issue for the 360. I could be wrong but multi-disc 360 games are not that common. Those that are multi-disc usually have excessive pre-rendered HD cutscene videos (ie. Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Star Ocean: TLH, Infinite Undiscovery, The Last Remnant). The majority of the space in a PS3 game is taken up by those cutscenes as well. More cutscene video instead of regular cutscenes isn't going to make games better so I don't see how disk space is an issue. Blu-Ray is not necessary. In the "next gen", it probably will if developers focused on using that extra space for improving the games instead of just adding more fancy video cutscenes.

    I don't understand why all the hate for the Wii just because it's not HD. Madworld and No More Heroes are in SD. Does that mean they aren't quality? Wii's problem is not that it's not HD. If you're really into graphics that much, get a gaming rig. The real problem is that the Wii has comparatively less quality games for it than the Xbox 360 and PS3. The Wii has so much potential with third-party developers who can't afford to splurge out HD-development budgets for their games. But those developers aren't putting in the effort to make quality games and that's the problem. The DS (and the PSP to a lesser extent) have thrived from low-budget third-party development but the devs just aren't giving the Wii a chance.
    One of the reasons games are not using more space is due to the 360 that's a pillar of game sales is stuck using last gen disc tech, which may be a good thing at the end of the day, during the start of this generation but now its more of a small hindrance that with other issues places more on the 360 to retire.

    But what is really wrong with the 360 from an over all standpoint you can nit pick disc size and fail rate but it has vast consumer and developer support so what gives....nothing really its just old and old trends die miserable deaths in the sun when they should be lead into more shady places to die quietly.

    All in all unless MS starts drinking again I doubt there will be a new Xbox for 3 or 4 more years.

    Both the PS3 and 360 are monolithic beasts in their capabilities and support, though I would say its far more shallow than it needs be if you shine the light of day on the process that brings us half baked 'munchies' no one seems to really rail against... but alas such is all things mass consumer. The PS3 haz 2 faults price and some games just are not optimized well the network really is to most of XBL standards only without the inane whiny..oh no it has them as stereo even ...LOL. But really you can nit pick at it and find 3 or 4 things against it same for the 360 and that brings me to the wii.

    The wii is a trend starter and thus will be a magnet for hate, it also is not an 'uber mech' more hate, its cute more hate, the control system is both the best and worst for FP based games EVEN MORE HATE, I don't think the casual issue is such a problem not with all the woefully watered down and thoroughly casual hardcore trend.

    I think between the lack of focus for normal games(real/casual aside) and precision interface are the 2 main focal points of the hate over graphics, I mean if the WII had a solid BOF 6,Mega man legends, Perfect dark Adventure FPS,more FP metroid,Another Donkey Kong game, A true Turok FPS.Revitalized Castlevina series, Just N64/Nintendo classics in 3D that had some toothy/meaty gameplay no one could complain but hard core fan boys who have sever love hate and abandonment issues with their WII...I mean Nintendo WII..........I mean Nintendo >>

    No I do not suck like a boss


    11.6.2009 02:09 #32

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