PlayStation 2 is still the most played console

PlayStation 2 is still the most played console
As was the case earlier this year, the Sony PlayStation 2 remains the most played console by gamers, despite the fact that the Nintendo Wii has been the best selling console for over 2 years.

According to the latest Nielsen figures, the PS2 accounted for just over 22 percent of all minutes gamers spent playing video games in April followed closely behind by the Microsoft Xbox 360 which accounted for 21 percent. The Wii lost month-on-month, falling from 21 to 18 percent. The PS3 lagged behind at 11 percent.

In terms of games, World of Warcraft on the PC continues to dominate, accounting for 44 percent of all total minutes played in the month. In second place is the popular game Second Life, which accounted for only 6 percent of minutes. Warcraft gamers also averaged about 10 hours of playing time a week for the game, says Neilsen, second only to Lord of the Rings: Shadows of Angmar, where gamers spent on average 15 hours per week playing.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 17 Jun 2009 3:17
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  • kikzm33z

    Does this show how popular games consoles are how lifeless some people can be?

    Funny how Xbox 360 is just behind the PS2.

    17.6.2009 05:13 #1

  • D00mer

    Ps2 is overrated pice of shit IMHO

    17.6.2009 06:02 #2

  • stuntman_

    Originally posted by D00mer: Ps2 is overrated pice of shit IMHOthey were built so crappy, one of the worst and most over rated consoles ever

    17.6.2009 10:36 #3

  • Shinraboy

    Quote:Ps2 is overrated pice of shit IMHOQuote:they were built so crappy, one of the worst and most over rated consoles everAnd yet they're STILL being played. They may have been built badly but there are SOOOOO many good games for it. That and the controller isn't some girly bitesized purple snack like the Game Cube or some obese slob that you'd have to have certain psysical requirements to hold like the xbox.

    For me the three last gen systems were like Goldilocks and the PS2 was always "just right"

    17.6.2009 10:41 #4

  • kyo28

    Quote:Originally posted by D00mer: Ps2 is overrated pice of shit IMHOthey were built so crappy, one of the worst and most over rated consoles everIn my opinion the trophy for worst console design still goes to the Xbox360. Mine is still working (knocks on wood) but it's a Falcon and isn't played much in a row. My launch PS2 is also still fine by the way.

    17.6.2009 12:01 #5

  • Morreale

    I still play my PS2 games from time to time... Usually on the PS3 but I use the PS2 for Action Relay, San Andreas lol

    I thought the PS2 was a great console, tons of GOOD games and me nor my friends have ever had issues with the consoles breaking or anything...

    17.6.2009 12:02 #6

  • ammad123

    Originally posted by Morreale: I still play my PS2 games from time to time... Usually on the PS3 but I use the PS2 for Action Relay, San Andreas lol

    I thought the PS2 was a great console, tons of GOOD games and me nor my friends have ever had issues with the consoles breaking or anything...
    I'l second that!
    PS2 ftw <!>
    Brilliannnnnt games! The console that earned its place in history !

    17.6.2009 12:35 #7

  • jookycola

    Both my launch PS2 and newer Slim work flawlessly. And have a huge fun library of games that are still fun to play. was it built cheaply? Yes but so is the Xbox 360.
    Tons of fun games, cheap built peice of crap, low cost to own. sounds like Microsoft took a page right out of the Sony hand book for the 360. except Sony's PS2 never melted down like the 360. little issues here and there, but nothing as massive fail as 360's RROD. That and the 360 doesn't pack 10 years worth of quality technology, it's barely even next gen.

    PS2 had what it takes to go 10 years, and the overpriced as it is does too. It's not overrated. And this just still proves...the PC is still king of gaming machines.

    17.6.2009 12:46 #8

  • D00mer

    Quote:Quote:Ps2 is overrated pice of shit IMHOQuote:they were built so crappy, one of the worst and most over rated consoles everAnd yet they're STILL being played. They may have been built badly but there are SOOOOO many good games for it. That and the controller isn't some girly bitesized purple snack like the Game Cube or some obese slob that you'd have to have certain psysical requirements to hold like the xbox.

    Did you know that there were other colors than purple? As well ps2 controller dont fit my hand at all, like come on, why they still cant swap left analog stick and d-pads position? it hurts when I use left analog, so at most time, I play with d-pad(yes, I owned ps2 after year when it was relased in european, though it broke in about 6 months ago, now I have gamecube). Also gamecube was only console in last gen, that controller fits to my hand

    17.6.2009 13:29 #9

  • Shinraboy

    Quote:Did you know that there were other colors than purple? As well ps2 controller dont fit my hand at all, like come on, why they still cant swap left analog stick and d-pads position? it hurts when I use left analog, so at most time, I play with d-pad(yes, I owned ps2 after year when it was relased in european, though it broke in about 6 months ago, now I have gamecube). Also gamecube was only console in last gen, that controller fits to my handActually I did. My favorite GC is that spice orange one. I'm boiling it down to basics. Of course the PS2 Control isn't for EVERYONE but it suits many. The GC control felt REALLY tiny and the XBOX control was just an abomination (i'm aware that they revised it later) There's also many third party controllers for the PS2 that are smaller for people in the same situation that seem to work for them just fine but it varies.

    In terms of build the slim PS2 SUCKS!!! I had the big one for almost 8 years with no problems, that is until I screwed up opening it to change the shell for a swapping one. I bet my savings it would still be running just fine ^_^

    17.6.2009 13:37 #10

  • emugamer

    Ughh...bury the console already....

    17.6.2009 17:54 #11

  • svtstang

    The ps2 will always be king. Mine gets more attention than the the 360, Wii (the console one at least) and the handhelds.

    Quote:Does this show how popular games consoles are how lifeless some people can be?Can you translate this please?

    17.6.2009 17:56 #12

  • Oner

    My PS2 doesn't get much attention any more since I have 2 backwards compatible PS3's. But even then I don't really use it for PS2 titles, if I was to play I would use my launch day modded PS2 that is still kicking perfectly...and it also reads 8+ year old Princo 2x DVD-R's burned @ 4x with nary an issue!

    Whereas I just fixed my 360 (just today as a matter of fact) for what, the 4th+ time now I think? It's been out of commission for almost 2 months and after the last RROD/RLOD I just about gave up but said F it and gave it one last try by doing another 2 more NEW mods, 1 old trick & redid the Xclamp + thermal compound to get it working again....for now. This is the list so far for all I have done to try and keep this damned console alive ~

    1) Towel Trick
    2) Artic Silver 5 ~ re-application after 2 years or so
    3) Xclamp Mod ~ with forced re-tighten after overheat
    4) Llama's 8 Penny Mod
    5) Llama's +4 for a 12 Penny Mod
    6) +6 for the current 18 Penny Mod (my own mod on 2 additional areas)
    7) Llama's Aluminum Foil over 1/2 GPU Mod
    8) Llama's 12v Fan Mod
    9) Llama's Proper Overheat GPU/CPU Trick
    10) Softmod Drive

    17.6.2009 20:13 #13

  • Shinraboy

    Quote:1) Towel Trick
    2) Artic Silver 5 ~ re-application after 2 years or so
    3) Xclamp Mod ~ with forced re-tighten after overheat
    4) Llama's 8 Penny Mod
    5) Llama's +4 for a 12 Penny Mod
    6) +6 for the current 18 Penny Mod (my own mod on 2 additional areas)
    7) Llama's Aluminum Foil over 1/2 GPU Mod
    8) Llama's 12v Fan Mod
    9) Llama's Proper Overheat GPU/CPU Trick
    10) Softmod Drive
    Yeah. My point exactly. PS2 has a disc read error...Solution. RETURN TO STORE.

    XBOX 360 Problem? Solution=Figure it out your damn lonesome!

    17.6.2009 20:42 #14

  • Ofnir1

    Originally posted by D00mer: Ps2 is overrated pice of shit IMHOthey were built so crappy, one of the worst and most over rated consoles everIsn't it strange that even though the Xbox 360 has proven it's morbidly high failure rate, that people still defend it? At some point in life, there's lines that need to be drawn.

    The original Xbox is actually the most overrated console, end of story. Sure, if you really like First-Person Shooters all that much, then the console is worth it. I, however, prefer variety, and personally don't care about a 12% increase in graphics. Many great games are missed by those who judge what's on the surface.

    And BTW, if all the games that were on PS2 were on the original Xbox, then I'd have the Xbox. Since they are on the PS2, guess what, I have the PS2 :D

    18.6.2009 06:57 #15

  • salsa36

    There are still awesome PS2 games that you can't get in any of the new consoles. I guess you could play them on the PS3 but is still a PS2 title. Example Tekken Tag.

    18.6.2009 12:27 #16

  • Shinraboy

    Not to mention God of War, Kingdom Hearts, Soul Calibur II (arguable of the three versions because there was no gimmicky character from a different universe that stood out like a sore thumb), Final Fantasy X and X-2, Katamari Damacy, Devil May Cry, Different things...The big argument from most of my friends was the better graphic but I think the most important thing about a game system is's games. PSP VS. DS i have and love both but there's very few games I play on my PSP.

    18.6.2009 13:20 #17

  • SuperXL

    it doesnt matter if it was built horribly, or with crappy parts. if it has the games you want to play then you won't have any real issues. i've had mine since '03 or something, and played it the most because there was variety, and the GAMES I WANTED TO PLAY, were on it.

    i just recently got an xbox given to me by my cousin, almost 2years ago. i havent modded it yet, i havent even bought any games for it... mostly because i dont know what's really good for it. apparently halo is/was the best thing smoking, but i'm not really into fps games.

    18.6.2009 20:49 #18

  • gargong

    my ps2 worked great until about my 7th year of ownage, where i had to open it to reconnect a wire, and after that it all went downhill. Had to reconnect it again on seven other occasions and than i had to blow on the fan to even start a game (if that did work at all) and pretty much, it went to working every few hundred tries and i gave up and chucked the thing in the trash. The controllers where always fine, the wires where just annoying but could be easily fixed with a new wireless controller. I have a PS3 now and it works brillianty. The only problem is my parents got talked out of buying an 80 gig so i cant play any of my old games which really sucks... but i just sold them and bought new ones :D

    19.6.2009 01:26 #19

  • XeroLaw

    Just out of sheer curiosity, but what's built so poorly about the PS2? I have an old v4 and it works 100%. I have 1 game that won't play for some reason (TimeSplitters (1) (It's a purple disc)) and the tray bezel is off because I broke it. My PS2 has been kicked, walked on, dropped over 4 feet, thrown, and mildly beat and works. It has scratched a few disc before, that too was my fault though; between stomping and accidentally pulling it off the shelf and tipping it over when it was vertical.

    Off Topic
    Anything pertaining to PS2 Memory Card Exploit would be under soft-mod, correct? I was referred here to read one via another forum, yet I am unable to find it.

    I'm sorry for going off topic, and thank you for any help with that. BTW, what console has the most extensive library of games?


    22.6.2009 01:48 #20

  • SuperXL

    Originally posted by XeroLaw: Just out of sheer curiosity, but what's built so poorly about the PS2? I have an old v4 and it works 100%. I have 1 game that won't play for some reason (TimeSplitters (1) (It's a purple disc)) and the tray bezel is off because I broke it. My PS2 has been kicked, walked on, dropped over 4 feet, thrown, and mildly beat and works. It has scratched a few disc before, that too was my fault though; between stomping and accidentally pulling it off the shelf and tipping it over when it was vertical.

    Off Topic
    Anything pertaining to PS2 Memory Card Exploit would be under soft-mod, correct? I was referred here to read one via another forum, yet I am unable to find it.

    I'm sorry for going off topic, and thank you for any help with that. BTW, what console has the most extensive library of games?
    yeah... that was a poorly built console since it will not play that ONE game. but other than that minor setback, i still dont see why people say it's poorly built. maybe they had a bad system, or didnt abuse it properly.

    for your off-topic question, you should try or, maybe even and do a search for "FMCB tutorial". you are supposed to be able to find pretty much all that you need. worst case, ask for help on one of those sites... someone might be able to take care of you.

    PS2 v7 39001 + 64MB MC
    200GB Seagate oem
    Retail HDA (HDL Fully Patched)
    boot = Launchelf 3.4b
    exploit = Codebreaker 8.1 method

    22.6.2009 02:02 #21

  • bulldog44

    ps2 were good when they came out i had one but they didn't last that long i was playing mine for about 10 mins and the fan blew up and compared to the xbox 360 and ps3 the graphics are just bad but they were good when they lasted.

    22.6.2009 05:23 #22

  • SuperXL

    Originally posted by bulldog44: ps2 were good when they came out i had one but they didn't last that long i was playing mine for about 10 mins and the fan blew up
    that's why i said about that other guy might have just had a bad unit. mine has been working for over 6 years and going strong. i'm finally catching up on the games that i missed out on when it first came out since i didnt get it until recently.

    Originally posted by bulldog44: and compared to the xbox 360 and ps3 the graphics are just bad but they were good when they lasted.
    of course the graphics dont compare. they're next gen systems. last gen graphics should NEVER be better than next gen. NES < SNES < N64 < GC < Wii. but it's not about the graphics. it's about the GAMES. it's about the quality and variety of games. more variety, and exclusive blockbuster games came out for ps2. if the ps3 and 360 had great backward compatibility, then they'd be getting played more because of the last gen game library. and not because they look pretty.

    22.6.2009 11:17 #23

  • Smorgan77

    The PS2 just had some really fun games on it, and a really wide range of them, and therefore its still being played. Plus, some of the later games utilized the graphics capabilities really well, to the point that those games don't look all that dated in comparison to newer consoles.

    25.6.2009 12:08 #24

  • MichaelJcksnForever (unverified)

    I had a 360. Within a year, broke on me 3 or 4 times. If it wasn't one problem (RROD) it was another. My PS2, has been kicked, stepped on, you get the picture and it never stopped working (KNOCK ON WOOD). And even if it did go, it gave me 9 years of NO PROBLEMS so I could retire it proudly.

    What was so crappy about it? 360 fanboys are like little girls running after the Jonas Brothers or Rob Pattison. Microsoft has to be shocked at the fact their product is still selling. Any other company would have gone belly up. But they were smart. They cornered the market on 3rd party and downloadable content (GTA IV anyone?). Thats why they stayed afloat.

    I still play NFL 2k5 because it (IMHO) was the best football game ever made. It didn't get to complex. It was just good plays and graphics. EA got scared and bought out the NFL video game contract. Which is what Microsoft did when Sony was about to unleash PS3. I still play that, Killzone, Star Wars Battlefront, and Timesplitters 3 among a few. This generation sucks plain and simple. Now that they've thrown us rinse and repeat/make your own fun so we dont have to come up with a real plot (i.e. too much emphasis on multiplayer) thats when I realized gaming has died.

    31.8.2010 23:13 #25

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