YouTube sued again over copyright infringement

YouTube sued again over copyright infringement
The French independent labels collecting society SPPF has this week filed a lawsuit against giant video sharing site YouTube, alleging copyright infringement.

The SPPF says that over 100 music videos from its artist catalog are available via the service in some form, and the group wants €10 million in damages.

YouTube refuted the charges however, adding that the "SPPF has not signed up to its Content ID technical measures to identify any infringement."

"We can't discuss a pending case but bear in mind that YouTube offers professional content creators and producers powerful and free tools to protect, promote and monetize their content by using Content ID,"
says Google. "Many indies as well as major music companies are using these tools to protect their content in France. The protection of copyrights is best achieved by joint efforts between creators and online platforms, not by lengthy and costly lawsuits. SPPF have not used Content ID to protect their content on the platform so far, although several independent labels do."

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 24 Jun 2009 3:32
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  • cisRULEZ

    wow, you think youtube has stop lawsuits with all the precautions they take. That sucks :/

    24.6.2009 15:23 #1

  • Marielmx3

    i dont think the sppf is winning this one

    25.6.2009 04:22 #2

  • XSilvenX

    You're telling me this corporation is JUST now noticing that some of their shitty music videos are appearing on Youtube..? A..... *gasp* "USER-RUN" site..? Are these guys edited by ddp retarded? Obviously they just want money, I honestly hope they lose...that's unreasonable. A million bucks say they knew about it all the time but purposely waited for a high enough number of videos to sue. Exactly how would Youtube know to delete their videos in the act of protecting copyright..? They would have to voice their concerns to YOutube and then they would be promptly removed. Going about it via lawsuit is just ridiculously stupid on their part. Wait for the embarrassment peoples, a low blow company is about to catch serious flak for this.

    26.6.2009 04:13 #3

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