Sony to bring backwards compatibility back to PS3?

Sony to bring backwards compatibility back to PS3?
According to a new Siliconera report, Sony has patented a new method that would allow the Cell processor of the PlayStation 3 to fully emulate the Emotion Engine, bringing full backwards compatibility for PSX and PS2 games.

The patent was filed in December of last year, and Spencer Yip adds: "Figure 2 from the patent is a schematic drawing of how the system works. Figure 3A is a drawing of the PlayStation 2's chipset. Figure 3B is the emotion engine. Figure 4 is where the whole story gets interesting!"It's 'an example of a host system based on a cell processor that may be configured to emulate the target system.' The target is figure 3B, the Emotion Engine." (Source and pictures at the end of the article)

Although the patent may end up being nothing, but it could also possibly mean that a new hardware model may include the backwards compatibility, possibly even the oft rumored PS3 Slim.

We will certainly keep you updated.

Siliconera report with original pics:

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 30 Jun 2009 15:10
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  • DVDBack23

    Queue Zippy in 5,4,3,2...:P

    30.6.2009 15:35 #1

  • 5fdpfan

    I have the older 60gb model so none of this matters to me.

    30.6.2009 15:50 #2

  • xyqo

    Originally posted by DVDBack23: Queue Zippy in 5,4,3,2...:P

    30.6.2009 15:57 #3

  • Hyasuma

    that be nice if they do. that means i can get rid of some of my systems. haha

    30.6.2009 17:23 #4

  • Run4two

    Originally posted by 5fdpfan: I have the older 60gb model so none of this matters to me.It very well could. If Sony accomplishes this with a firmware upgrade they would probably decide for all PS3s to use the cell emulation and disable all unnecessary hardware and other software emulations.

    30.6.2009 17:26 #5

  • 5fdpfan

    Well thanks for the warning then, as I will be pretty pissed if that were to happen. Why mess with that. If I have a model that can play older PS 1 and 2 games who cares. If Sony does'nt want people playing older games on the new console then they should have never allowed backwards compatibility to any of them in the first place. This makes no sense to me. F Sony's filmware upgrades then. I don't play much online any how.

    30.6.2009 17:33 #6

  • bomber991

    I'm just gonna throw this out there, but the lack of BWC was one of the main reasons I never got around to buying a 360 or a PS3. The second reason was the confusion from the multiple sku's.

    The 360 had it, but it only worked on certain games, and if I remember right when it first came out they wanted you to buy the more expensive model to have it. The PS3 had it, but first it was hardware emulation, then software emulation, then no emulation.

    I mean yeah, BWC isn't even used that much, but there were still a few PS2 games I wanted to play. The problem I had was that my memory card was full, and the ps3 lets you use the hd for memory card storage plus you got to use wireless controllers too.

    30.6.2009 18:22 #7

  • Run4two

    Best case scenario is that the cell emulation is near perfect and it won't matter that they have disabled what isn't necessary. Worst case is that it either won't work, might cause greater heat problems with an increase in YLOD, and cause lots of titles that used to work, but now won't. It should be seemless for us 60, 20, and special 80 Gig owners. If not, I'll be devistated. My wife bought lots of PS2 games when our local Blockbuster closed shop and my family plays them regularly. If and when this firmware becomes available, I'll wait for others to chime in before installing.

    30.6.2009 18:33 #8

  • zax808

    lets hope it looks a little better then the original backwards compatibility. i have the old 60GB model that has that and it looks FAR worse then playback on the ps2. blurry and unset aspect ratios. not even worth calling backwards compatibility.

    30.6.2009 23:29 #9

  • oneguy

    Good. Now I hope they can also add whatever to make vcd's and svcd's work!

    1.7.2009 00:09 #10

  • Morreale

    Where the hell is Zippy?

    1.7.2009 01:02 #11

  • Oner

    Originally posted by zax808: lets hope it looks a little better then the original backwards compatibility. i have the old 60GB model that has that and it looks FAR worse then playback on the ps2. blurry and unset aspect ratios. not even worth calling backwards compatibility.If you address/select different settings for the PS2 playback it can help.

    Originally posted by oneguy: Good. Now I hope they can also add whatever to make vcd's and svcd's work!Easy fix! Install Linux = Problem solved.

    1.7.2009 08:25 #12

  • DXR88

    The diagram 4 is flawed, its to redundant

    1.7.2009 14:24 #13

  • varnull

    yeah.. no zippy.. very strange .. and totally correct.. the linux based ps1 emulator runs like a star on that hardware... better than a ps1 in fact.

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    I would rather you hate me for who I am than love me for what I am not.
    “It is poor civic hygiene to install technologies that could someday facilitate a police state.” - Bruce Schneier

    1.7.2009 15:41 #14

  • djeazyg

    Quote:Originally posted by 5fdpfan: I have the older 60gb model so none of this matters to me.It very well could. If Sony accomplishes this with a firmware upgrade they would probably decide for all PS3s to use the cell emulation and disable all unnecessary hardware and other software emulations.I'm not sure what you’re talking about and feel free to correct me if I am misunderstanding you comment but if you already have a 20gb or 60gb PS3 (like I do) with the PS2 Emotion Chip in it, it’s not going to stop working simply because they figured out a way to make PS2 games work with the Cell Processor. Sony is not going to come to your house and steal your old Cell chip and put in a new one.
    Maybe your confusing the 60gb with the 40gb. The 40gb model had software emulation and Sony stopped supporting that a long time ago when they announced the 80gb model wouldn't have any backwards compatibility.
    If you have the 60gb PS3 your PS2 games will always work because it doesn’t rely on software emulation.

    1.7.2009 15:42 #15

  • zax808

    Originally posted by Oner: If you address/select different settings for the PS2 playback it can help.i know, thanks Oner. i have tried that, guess i just expected it to look better then it did on the ps2. being a next generation console and all...

    ive read a few forums saying that its the HDTV that throws it for a loop, and even when scaled and smoothed to 1080p. the natively rendered 480p looks WAY better.

    heres some photo comparison

    IGN Entertainment
    "There's going to be a lot of arguments about what setting is best, even on a game-by-game basis. Some folks will like the cinematic look of games when upscaled and smoothed, while others will prefer 480p when available or perhaps even upscaled but not smoothed. Most of us here happen to prefer sticking with 480p when possible, but we're still keeping our fingers crossed that Sony will one day release an update that actually renders the games in HD rather than just scaling the image"

    1.7.2009 17:21 #16

  • Oner

    Yeah it can be a pain in the butt as even I agree since I have to mess with either standard 480p, upscaled or both upscaled & smoothed on a game by game basis but for the most part as of late I just leave it on both as I don't utilize the PS2 BC function all that much to be bothered by it anymore. But I highly doubt the software BC option in this patent will improve anything...if anything it would probably get worse or stay at the level it's at if they even manage to get it right.

    1.7.2009 19:12 #17

  • lxhotboy

    Looking forward to full backwards compatability. Dang nabbit why did i get rid of all my and PS2 classics? Let me check the attic. Here boy!.... Here boy!...Come here my tekken 2. LOL

    2.7.2009 00:45 #18

  • borhan9

    i thought this could already be done. so atm i cant use old ps2 games in my ps3,

    I am sure its possible atm.

    3.7.2009 07:03 #19

  • Oner

    Depends on what version PS3 you have.

    20/60gb US/JP launch models have hardware x2 (EE & GS) BC
    60gb (or is it 80gb?) EU launch model has half hardware, half software BC
    80gb US/JP later models have half hardware, half software BC
    40gb model has no hardware, no software so no BC
    160gb model has no hardware, no software so no BC

    3.7.2009 10:33 #20

  • Gnawnivek

    I sold my original 60gb and got me a gunmetal PS3 and a white slim PS2 (upgrade or downgrade, depends how you look at it, i did end up paying extra cash). Anyway, my complaint is that the PS2 can't be hooked up to DVI/HDMI without some kind of converter, which is a pain (converters are hit or miss, i haven't try any yet).

    If the new PS3 is slimmer (less power consumption is always welcome) and have BC, i think i might buy another one :)

    3.7.2009 12:26 #21

  • Doomlord2

    Hmm, if this is true, I will most likely buy a PS3, works like this, sell my PS2, put PS3 in storage where PS2 was :D
    Then I'd have all 3 next-gen consoles

    5.7.2009 08:03 #22

  • Run4two

    To get a good converter will be more than the PS2 to begin with and won't give you that much improvement. Why bother? If you already have something to do it, than use it.

    5.7.2009 20:21 #23

  • ZippyDSM

    Well it seems I am missed :P

    been busy with yard work and the 4th of July and a bad back >>

    tried to post a few days ago but it wouldn't let me.

    So basically they had this from the start and put it off since they have been having trouble selling the PS3?
    I mean sure its doing well enough but if it was not fcked up from the start it would have sold twice as many!

    6.7.2009 12:59 #24

  • Morreale

    I'm sure they had the IDEA from the start, just like you can emulate like any system on a PC. They probably didn't have the money to put into designing the idea though since they were losing like $200 on every console sold lol

    6.7.2009 17:47 #25

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