Responding very quickly to user requests for it, the admins of the Pirate Bay have now added a "user deletion" option for those users who do not want any part of the new "legal" Pirate Bay.
Says the blog:
"We are going to build a user deletion interface later today. Many people have asked about having their account removed and we will not force anyone to stay on of course.
However, we also want to point out that we have no logs of anything, no personal data will be transferred in the eventual sale (since no personal data is kept). So no need to be worried for safety. We always care for that.
It also feels a bit sad to see the comments on the previous blog entry. We understand that you're upset. But we have reasons to do this that we cannot ignore. We need to keep the site going and this is the only working alternative. We cannot finance the growth of the site anymore and we cannot back down. The only way is up and this is the only route to that place.
The support we had, is support we still need. We've been fighting for years for you; and yes; you have supported us in that endeavor. We still need you, even if you abandon the site. The important thing is that you keep sharing and keep on saving the internets. We will try to do that, but right now, we need and deserve a break. Some things needs to be reborn and rebooted. Let's make this into something good!"
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 30 Jun 2009 18:03