Anti-piracy raids, court cases in Australia

Anti-piracy raids, court cases in Australia
The past two weeks in Australia has brought piracy of music and movies to the country's attention, starting with a case before the Superior Court in Australia - the first ever "physical piracy" case to be heard in the court. A man was jailed for six months by Judge Knox for importing counterfeit discs made in China and selling them to consumers. He was arrested in 2007 following investigations by MIPI and AFACT.

The raid turned up more than 16,000 discs of pirated movies and music, containing both discs that came from manufacturing plants in China and locally produced discs. "I do not think that a fine or a community service order is appropriate in terms of being a deterrent sentence, the proper penalty is one of a period of imprisonment," Judge Knox said before handing down the sentence.

Last week, another man was in court for selling pirate CD compilations which were packaged professionally and bought up by legitimate stores. The Judge in the case commented that, "Based on the bigger picture it's robbing the creators of the work of their livelihood, their efforts, their work is unrewarded," and that the message has to get out that you cannot rob artists of their work.

In another case, Victoria Police closed down a piracy operation on the outskirts of Melbourne after seizing 15,000 discs containing pirated movies and music, as well as four computer hard drives loaded with infringing content. The pirates sold portable hard drives loaded with music and movies on to consumers.

Market traders were also caught by police and music industry investigators selling thousands of illegal discs. "Industry groups have repeatedly demonstrated that they are prepared to work with market operators. However, today’s police raid confirms that criminal action will be taken if market traders continue to sell infringing discs," Dean Mitchell, Investigations Manager of MIPI, said.

Written by: James Delahunty @ 2 Sep 2009 19:55
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  • Blackjax

    Quote:Industry groups have repeatedly demonstrated that they are prepared to work with market operators.

    doing it again......

    and again.............

    and again.................

    3.9.2009 05:02 #1

  • thor999

    OMFG thats classic.

    3.9.2009 05:18 #2

  • heraldsun

    Originally posted by thor999: OMFG thats classic.not to sound to dunce :).....but why is this classic ?It's been going on for years,it's about time the authorities grew some manhood and started to do something about this!! and i wouldn't mind putting a small wager on that these people were of asian descent as well,you see them in at the markets all the time.

    3.9.2009 16:41 #3

  • Tristan_2

    At first I thought this was about the whole"File Sharing" thing but ok this I can agree is bad, but this is just..that is bad I mean sure burning a CD for your own personal use is fine but selling it as if the manufactures made it O_O geez that's pretty bad

    4.9.2009 11:31 #4

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