Newshosting ups data retention to 400 days

Newshosting ups data retention to 400 days
The Usenet provider Newshosting announced this week that they had upped binary retention to 400 days for all their service plans.

The new milestone is "made possible by recently implemented storage capacity upgrades to the Newshosting datacenters worldwide."

The company said they intent to continue building retention, "far above and beyond" 400 days.

Retention, in relation to newsgroups, is the amount of time a posted item remains posted. Newshosting also offers 2 years retention for text newsgroups alongside the 400 for binary.

You can check their site here: Newshosting

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 11 Oct 2009 20:43
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  • windsong

    Too little too late Newshosting. I switched because you saw fit to take orders from a foreign organization and start dropping/censoring groups.

    I hope you die a quick death. Usenet will be fine without you.

    11.10.2009 21:46 #1

  • bomber991

    Newshosting works fine for me and has been for the past few years. I wasn't aware they were dropping or censoring groups, I still seem to be able to get all my stuff I want to get just fine with them.

    12.10.2009 00:42 #2

  • hape

    And point of this news is what? Giganews and Astraweb are already far above 400 days, Astra even with a lower price (11$/month or 96$/year).

    12.10.2009 09:29 #3

  • newsadm

    Have used all three of these in the past. Now using an unlimited plan with Giginews has a unique discount program where I pay less each month based on the number of days my account is not used. I don't download every day, so the discount adds up quick. - $15/pm; Unlimited, 30 Conns, SSL included
    Plus, pay less each day you don't use your account.

    12.10.2009 12:37 #4

  • beanos66

    Originally posted by hape: And point of this news is what? Giganews and Astraweb are already far above 400 days, Astra even with a lower price (11$/month or 96$/year).
    " target="_blank">

    Astraweb unlimited DSL $15/pm
    Giganews diamond unlimited $29.99/pm
    Newshosting unlimited $14.95/pm

    nuff sed

    12.10.2009 13:28 #5

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