PSPgo has 'fundamental concept problems,' says Nintendo

PSPgo has 'fundamental concept problems,' says Nintendo
Nintendo America president Reggie Fils-Aime had a few words today for the PSPgo, even claiming the new handheld may have a "fundamental concept problem."

In an interview with the Washington Post, Fils-Aime says the PSPgo, which removes the UMD drive, has a "fundamental concept problem in terms of 'Who's it for?' and 'What's the benefit?' "

Continuing on, Fils-Aime makes sure to be respectful. "I have the utmost respect for all our competitors. But it's interesting to try and answer the consumer question of 'what's in it for me?' in that product."

Sony recently stated that overall PSP sales were up 300 percent since the launch of the Go, despite the fact that many retailers criticized the device and its effect on retailer margins.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 12 Oct 2009 14:05
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  • bullet159

    I cant stand it when people are always getting on somebody elses product, no the PSPgo is not for me but i can see that i could be right for other people.

    12.10.2009 14:22 #1

  • wiimatrix

    er and the DS recognises the word "blue" when you say it on a certain game!!!!.Even appeared on BBC TV due to so many complaints.

    12.10.2009 14:31 #2

  • 5fdpfan

    I see nothing wrong with the product. It just should have been released a long time ago. Retailers can just get over it. With the ease at which people can purchase things online nowadays, I'd rather have a pspgo delivered to my door. So much more convenient. Nintendo is allowed to have an opinion. The guy spoke his mind in a respectful manner so there's no controversy there.

    12.10.2009 14:36 #3

  • Morreale

    I think if Sony markets the PSPgo as a mediaplayer, like another one of their MP3 players, it'll do fine. I think that image for the device is fitting if the quality is there... Better then an iPod Touch if that's what you want imo

    12.10.2009 15:23 #4

  • jdurden

    Not putting in dual joysticks was a DB move. But the system still seems pretty sick.

    12.10.2009 16:06 #5

  • Morreale

    Originally posted by jdurden: Not putting in dual joysticks was a DB move. But the system still seems pretty sick.You do realize that having one PSP with dual analog sticks or whatever while no other model has that makes no sense right?

    12.10.2009 16:33 #6

  • bomber991

    Quote:Originally posted by jdurden: Not putting in dual joysticks was a DB move. But the system still seems pretty sick.You do realize that having one PSP with dual analog sticks or whatever while no other model has that makes no sense right?Very good point, but the same can be said about the UMD drive. The way I see it, since everyone who already has a PSP has no reason to upgrade to a PSPgo, due to the fact that they would have to repurchase all of their games on it, they should have just added the second stick anyway.

    The most common complaint with the PSP always seems to be "Add a 2nd analog stick", just like with the PS3 "Add backwards comparability"

    12.10.2009 17:45 #7

  • slickwill

    I seems like the PSPgo is marketed more towards a demographic that have never owned a PSP and tend to buy electronics devices for portability and aesthetics. No towards those who have owned a PSP from the get go. So for that marketed demographic, not having a UMD drive is no biggy b/c they own no UMD media. Also, not being able to swap out the battery is no major issue b/c the demographic does not play for a prolonged period of time, so I single charge a day is enough.

    Then again, this is what someone who wants to justify the short comings of this model would say.

    For the rest of us who have had a PSP before the GO and would have the urge to upgrade to the Go if not for it's short comings should rethink and cherish the current PSP that they own and convince themselves that what they have is good enough........unless the PSP Go get's hacked....then it's a different story entirely....LOL

    12.10.2009 20:47 #8

  • KillerBug

    There is a reason that so many people thought the PSPgo would be a phone as would be a lot more portable if it was able to take over the function of another device, thus eliminating the need to carry that other device.

    No one wants to carry a PDA and a cell phone...that's why blackberry, windows mobile devices, and the iPhone have done so well.

    No one wants to carry a calculator and a cell phone...that's why cell phones have calculators.

    No one wants to carry a phone and a camera...that's why most cell phones have cameras.

    I'd buy a PSP 3G if they made one...even if it was the size of the orriginal 'fat' PSP.

    13.10.2009 04:33 #9

  • bam431

    Everyone is hating on the PSPgo......including me boooo sony wheres my second anolog stick.

    13.10.2009 09:15 #10

  • Clownzill

    The PSPGo would of been a great idea if the PSP were not released. Now we are going to have some games only on the PSPgo and some only on the UMD based PSP all while Sony is trying to strengthen the PSP brand. This extra choice in systems is going to be bad for the consumer and bad for Sony.

    13.10.2009 11:45 #11

  • atomicxl

    Originally posted by Clownzill: The PSPGo would of been a great idea if the PSP were not released. Now we are going to have some games only on the PSPgo and some only on the UMD based PSP all while Sony is trying to strengthen the PSP brand. This extra choice in systems is going to be bad for the consumer and bad for Sony.I totally agree with the first sentence, but you're a little bit off on the second one. Sony has flat out said that they plan on doing a firmware update to allow old PSPs to access the downloadble content for the Go.

    But yeah, I don't get the go. It offers less than the 3000 for almost $100 more. It's like it's a device made purely for fanboys who will buy any Sony gaming device just to support the company so Sony downgraded the device and jacked up the price just for them.

    No UMD, smaller screen, equal battery life, you can buy 16gb of memory for a 3000 for less than the price difference with the go, and all of the downloadable apps and games will work with the older system.

    14.10.2009 13:12 #12

  • jdurden

    Quote:Quote:Originally posted by jdurden: Not putting in dual joysticks was a DB move. But the system still seems pretty sick.You do realize that having one PSP with dual analog sticks or whatever while no other model has that makes no sense right?Very good point, but the same can be said about the UMD drive. The way I see it, since everyone who already has a PSP has no reason to upgrade to a PSPgo, due to the fact that they would have to repurchase all of their games on it, they should have just added the second stick anyway.

    The most common complaint with the PSP always seems to be "Add a 2nd analog stick", just like with the PS3 "Add backwards comparability"
    Well, releasing an updated version of the old system, not making a new system with faster hardware, better graphics, dual joysticks, etc. makes way less sense. Who in their right mind is going to buy a new system that does less than the old, costs more, and has no real advantage to the consumer, other than the convience of downloading games, which significantly reduces costs for Sony. Pretty sure the Washington Post said it best, 'What's the benefit?'. How does this benefit the consumer? HIT ME UP.

    14.10.2009 14:15 #13

  • pspbarry

    Cant you see the reasons for the pspgo ? Sony are sick of people hacking the psp hence the built in hard drive, also they want a bigger cut of the pie (your money) so now you have to buy games from there network! buy it or dont buy! this is a taste of whats to come, no retail shops and if you want the new games there only going to be available to download.

    see if i am right in a few years...

    15.10.2009 16:08 #14

  • Gnawnivek

    I got my Go last week and i have to say, it's very slick. Looks like i'll be ditching my PSP 2000 (the slim). Who is the Go designed for? Well, gamers on the go! DSi is cool, but i like good looking GTA games (sorry, i hate cartoon-ish boobs).

    Damn the Minis, the price is higher than those Apps in iTune because of ratings? Sucks...

    15.10.2009 16:33 #15

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