Microsoft drops sponsorship of "Family Guy" special

Microsoft drops sponsorship of Family Guy special
Microsoft has walked away from sponsorship of the upcoming "Family Guy Presents: Seth & Alex's Almost Live Comedy Show". After seeing the show's live taping Microsoft executives decided they didn't want the Windows brand associated with it.

A Microsoft spokeswoman said "We initially chose to participate in the Seth and Alex variety show based on the audience composition and creative humor of 'Family Guy,' but after reviewing an early version of the variety show it became clear that the content was not a fit with the Windows brand."

It sounds like no one at Microsoft actually bothered to watch "Family Guy" before jumping at the chance to market to its audience.

Microsoft was paying to sponsor the show in full, making it ad free. In exchange Windows 7 promotions were written into the show itself.

Fox plans to find another sponsor, but they'll have to work fast in order to get replacement footage shot promoting a different product. The show is scheduled to air on November 8.

Other agreements to promote Windows 7 using "Family Guy" tie-ins remain in place.

Written by: Rich Fiscus @ 27 Oct 2009 3:25
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  • xnonsuchx

    Yay! ;-)

    27.10.2009 06:36 #1

  • Mysttic

    It kind of makes you wonder, what MS cut ups existed in that live recording to make MS decide to pull out? This could look very bad on them, as there was a delay to get the episode pushed out and now there could be a delay cause MS didn't pull through.

    Millions of people watch the show, and seeing how MS can't handle Family' Guys brand of humor after agreeing to let them slice it up, just shows how not serious MS is about their own brand. MS should have known better to even let this promotion exist if they knew there was any chance for them pulling out if they didn't like how they were being attacked.

    27.10.2009 07:32 #2

  • xnonsuchx

    Originally posted by Mysttic: It kind of makes you wonder, what MS cut ups existed in that live recording to make MS decide to pull out? This could look very bad on them, as there was a delay to get the episode pushed out and now there could be a delay cause MS didn't pull through.

    Millions of people watch the show, and seeing how MS can't handle Family' Guys brand of humor after agreeing to let them slice it up, just shows how not serious MS is about their own brand. MS should have known better to even let this promotion exist if they knew there was any chance for them pulling out if they didn't like how they were being attacked.
    M$ feels the need to not be too affiliated with NON-"family friendly" stuff.

    27.10.2009 08:27 #3

  • mystic

    If fox was smart they would cover the cost with Apple and show flaws in Vista and refer to MS pull out as releasing another patch operating system . and show the new apple comercals durning the breaks from the would add to the story line ..... its only a thought ....

    27.10.2009 09:02 #4

  • rvinkebob

    el o el?

    27.10.2009 12:35 #5

  • djeazyg

    Personally I would rather see Family Guy bash MS rather that helping them but.......... They didn't like how they were be attacked? Does MS realize how bad Family Guy is going to tear them apart after pulling out? History shows that Seth McFarlane doesn't care who he offends. Considering how popular Family Guy is this was not a good decision for MS.

    27.10.2009 12:50 #6

  • DVDdoug

    Originally posted by mystic: If fox was smart they would cover the cost with Apple and show flaws in Vista and refer to MS pull out as releasing another patch operating system . and show the new apple comercals durning the breaks from the would add to the story line ..... its only a thought .... :) That would be hilarious... But they can't go around offending advertisers. The viewers would love it, but the viewers don't pay the bills. They're getting rich off the advertisers, and if you offend one company other companies will shy away.

    You can offend some potential viewers and still retain an audience... And, it doesn't hurt Fox, since viewers who don't like Family Guy are probably watching the #1 news channel instead (i.e. Fox News). :)

    27.10.2009 14:39 #7

  • xnonsuchx

    Originally posted by djeazyg: Personally I would rather see Family Guy bash MS rather that helping them but.......... They didn't like how they were be attacked? Does MS realize how bad Family Guy is going to tear them apart after pulling out? History shows that Seth McFarlane doesn't care who he offends. Considering how popular Family Guy is this was not a good decision for MS.FAMILY GUY slammed the Zune a while back. Bill Gates is a guest at Mr. Pewterschmidt's mansion and Mr. Pewterschmidt walks up to him and says, "Hey, Bill Gates! Will you help me program my Zune? Oh wait! I have an iPod like the REST of the world." and walks away laughing.

    28.10.2009 01:14 #8

  • scum101

    yeah.. that was funny.. I'm waiting for when Bills heli turns up and Stewie shoots him down in flames with a SAM.. now that's even better XD

    *waits for 4 years to get UK airing.. no noid of bay.. damn.. no yankee tv for a while*

    I think why they really dropped it is explained in what I was reading in yesterdays Metro paper.. European broadcasters will not allow infomercials to be screened on normal broadcast channels unless they get paid at advert rates... and there are laws in Europe about advertising.. like warnings about "this is a paid commercial presentation by xxxxx company"
    Theres a more valid reason I think for dropping it... I don't have a link for that.. some of us still happen to read the newspapers we find on trains.

    28.10.2009 01:23 #9

  • borhan9

    Microsoft Screwing the pooch again. They should have checked everything before making the shows creators doing all the show with the MS crap in it. Goes to show you not to get involved with Microsoft.

    31.10.2009 16:50 #10

  • 360lifer

    I'm a fan of the show but I think this will bomb badly. It simply does not fit with the show. And sure, show some of those Apple commercials, they lie so much I'm surprised there isn't a shovel and a truck full of BS in the back ground. It's cool to hate on MS but have you ever tried to report a problem on Apple's forum? Bunch of Nazis.

    1.11.2009 21:40 #11

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