Boxee set-top box coming soon

Boxee set-top box coming soon
Media center app Boxee, which will head into beta on December 7th to much fanfare, has announced that they will be building a dedicated Boxee set-top box, which will be unveiled on the same date.

Says Boxee:

I am very happy to announce we have signed our first partnership with a CE company. At this point we can not say more about the partner or the specs of the device, but we can tell you we are working closely with them to make sure we deliver a great Boxee experience on it.

We will show mockups of the box and share more details at our upcoming Boxee Beta Unveiling event in Brooklyn, NY on Dec 7th. RSVP here.

Over the next few years there will be a great change in the way we consume entertainment on our TV. The Internet is (finally) coming to the TV and with it will come a whole new world of content, applications and innovations.

We are building Boxee as a platform that would:

* make it easy for users to consume and find content – no matter what the source
* give content owners, aggregators, and developers the tools to create unique experiences with a variety of business models
* enable CE companies to enhance their Connected devices

This will be the first connected device running Boxee, but the idea is to provide consumers with a way to get Boxee in their living rooms, no matter whether it’s on a Connected TV, game console, set-top box, BluRay player, computer, etc.

Check our review of Boxee in alpha here: Preview: Boxee

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 12 Nov 2009 14:34
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  • atomicxl

    This is worthless imo unless it costs less than $119, which is the price of this thing:

    Western Digital WD TV Media Player

    14.11.2009 13:46 #1

  • jaqafter

    This won't have a use for everyone, that is correct. I am quite happy with the setup I have now and won't be moving to a set top box anytime soon. But there is a lot of couch potatoes looking to get more out of their TV than channel surfing, perhaps this is aimed at them.

    Down with sigs.

    14.11.2009 14:23 #2

  • emugamer

    I've had my Popcornhour for 2 years now. This is a great upgrade. The XBMC-ish UI alone is worth the upgrade. I've tried the Western Digital. It's adequate at best. Buggy when I used it, but I'm sure firmware updates fixed those issues since then. The Western Digital UI sucks, just as the popcornhour UI sucks. They are functional. 2 years of just functinal is too long for me. Time for an upgrade. This Boxee unit is promising.

    8.1.2010 12:47 #3

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