California approves of new energy standards for HDTVs

California approves of new energy standards for HDTVs
California has approved of new energy efficiency requirements for TVs this week, rules that are applauded by environmentalists but were fought fiercely by manufacturers and the Consumer Electronics Association.

The California Energy Commission voted 5-0 in favor of the regulations, and the new rules will save the average household between $18 and $30 a year.

"With today's decision, Californians will still get that great 'hi def' picture without suffering the burden of skyrocketing electricity bills," added National Resources Defense Council senior scientist Noah Horowitz.

The new regulations state that all TVs up to 58-inches must use less than 183 watts by 2011 (a 33 percent reduction) and 116 watts by 2013, a full 50 percent reduction. There are currently over 1000 models that meet the new standards but most Plasma displays do not.

So far the regulations only have one TV manufacturer as a backer, the US' biggest seller of LCD TVs, Vizio.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 21 Nov 2009 21:06
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  • DXR88

    Saving the environment by making the consumers pay more. i thought idiots couldn't get any more Stupid. yet im proved wrong again.

    21.11.2009 22:15 #1

  • blueboy09

    Well stupid is what stupid does. If they think this is going to eleviate the state power grid of CA by even a little bit, they're wrong. There's other things, such as the fridge or even the washer that consume way more energy than some damned TV ever will. Good luck trying to save the state and the planet for that matter!! - BLUEBOY

    21.11.2009 22:34 #2

  • ydkjman

    Originally posted by blueboy09: There's other things, such as the fridge or even the washer that consume way more energy than some damned TV ever will.Especially since the Fridge for one is always on and running.

    21.11.2009 22:49 #3

  • DVDBack23

    Washers, refrigerators, etc, have about the strictest energy rules you could imagine.

    21.11.2009 23:30 #4

  • Morreale

    Originally posted by DXR88: Saving the environment by making the consumers pay more. i thought idiots couldn't get any more Stupid. yet im proved wrong again.Why would consumers pay more for TVs now when all companies will be forced to comply? It's not like a special feature to one-up others and for extra money...

    Ontario is currently looking into this and I hope it goes through...

    22.11.2009 01:04 #5

  • hendrix04

    the only thing this really affects is plazmas...

    22.11.2009 10:23 #6

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Originally posted by DXR88: Saving the environment by making the consumers pay more. i thought idiots couldn't get any more Stupid. yet im proved wrong again.Why would consumers pay more for TVs now when all companies will be forced to comply? It's not like a special feature to one-up others and for extra money...

    Ontario is currently looking into this and I hope it goes through...
    Because its harder to sell their full line in that region and since they are limited to a smaller portion of their line not only will they add to the already higher price of the item but the store itself will add more onto it to try and recoup lost sales.

    22.11.2009 11:19 #7

  • DXR88

    Quote:Quote:Originally posted by DXR88: Saving the environment by making the consumers pay more. i thought idiots couldn't get any more Stupid. yet im proved wrong again.Why would consumers pay more for TVs now when all companies will be forced to comply? It's not like a special feature to one-up others and for extra money...

    Ontario is currently looking into this and I hope it goes through...
    Because its harder to sell their full line in that region and since they are limited to a smaller portion of their line not only will they add to the already higher price of the item but the store itself will add more onto it to try and recoup lost sales.

    and lets not forget how much more money a energy efficiency costs,
    all one has to do is look at current trends.

    energy efficient light bulbs are a good 60 to 90 cents more, energy efficient appliances are 100 to 200 dollars more than there not so efficient counterparts.

    instead of passing these laws and forcing the consumer to comply they should hound the people that make the energy to make ways to maximize there energy output. Energy companys remind me of the cable companys there way of thinking is basically the same.

    22.11.2009 12:54 #8

  • llongtheD

    Score another one for the idiot enviornmentalists, and another loss for consumers. I'm absolutely sure the few bucks a year saved in electricity will halt the melting of the ice caps. Maybe if these idiot legislators in California worried about something worth while, they could save their state from bankruptcy. If they want to take up a cause, how about the cause of saving their state, and quit wasting the tax payers money.

    22.11.2009 21:01 #9

  • KillerBug

    To save them money? BS! This is the same state that de-regulated their energy prices and let enron buy all the electic companies to hold a monopoly. They then used this monopoly to drive prices into the sky, despite the fact that there were no problems. Some customers recieved bills in the thousands of dollars for less than 1000kW useage...and not they want to save people money by making their LCD TVs 20% more effiecent?

    I suspect that there will be TV (and possibly other appliances) stores set up about 20 feet accross the california border...selling affordable equipment.

    22.11.2009 22:58 #10

  • slickwill

    This is somewhat similar to the pollution law that was passed in California about the amount of emissions a car could give off. Long story short, the car manufactures didn't have to comply because they (the car company) were able to get that law revoked.

    So either the TV manufacture get this law revoked or make TV's that consume less power......

    23.11.2009 11:32 #11

  • creaky

    Originally posted by llongtheD: Score another one for the idiot enviornmentalists, and another loss for consumers. I'm absolutely sure the few bucks a year saved in electricity will halt the melting of the ice caps. You're psychic ~
    Global Warming Meltdown: Climategate!
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    23.11.2009 11:35 #12

  • Interestx

    My attitude to this is great.

    About time.

    Despite significant numbers in the USA now choosing to believe the right-wing TV & radio pundits and their faux science regarding climate change the fact is that the rest of the world will drive this forward anyways.

    Either we will produce the energy efficient goods ourselves and/or we will bar goods that do not meet the required standards.
    No matter which way around it is the rest of the world is making its view clear.

    Besides, energy is expensive and will only get more so over time so it makes sense to pressure the manufacturers to get ever more efficient - in all arenas of CE manufacture.

    Why the hell wouldn't anyone want goods that are cheaper to run - as well as being environmentally much more friendly?
    What sort of nut wants expensive to run goods that poison the places they are made in?

    (and what sort of nut imagines that the 3rd world will forever be content to allow the 1st world to export the poisonous & filthy horrible manufacturing processes and God-awful working conditions to their countrys?)

    CE goods are not getting more expensive to buy so whining that the consumer is going to be made to pay more is absurd.
    Energy efficient light bulbs are a very poor example.
    Of course they began (like most new techs) by being more expensive but they are now as cheap as the old tech bulbs (certainly in our supermarkets here in the UK).

    23.11.2009 14:28 #13

  • DXR88

    Originally posted by Interestx: My attitude to this is great.

    About time.

    Despite significant numbers in the USA now choosing to believe the right-wing TV & radio pundits and their faux science regarding climate change the fact is that the rest of the world will drive this forward anyways.

    Either we will produce the energy efficient goods ourselves and/or we will bar goods that do not meet the required standards.
    No matter which way around it is the rest of the world is making its view clear.

    Besides, energy is expensive and will only get more so over time so it makes sense to pressure the manufacturers to get ever more efficient - in all arenas of CE manufacture.

    Why the hell wouldn't anyone want goods that are cheaper to run - as well as being environmentally much more friendly?
    What sort of nut wants expensive to run goods that poison the places they are made in?

    (and what sort of nut imagines that the 3rd world will forever be content to allow the 1st world to export the poisonous & filthy horrible manufacturing processes and God-awful working conditions to their countrys?)

    CE goods are not getting more expensive to buy so whining that the consumer is going to be made to pay more is absurd.
    Energy efficient light bulbs are a very poor example.
    Of course they began (like most new techs) by being more expensive but they are now as cheap as the old tech bulbs (certainly in our supermarkets here in the UK).
    if you live in the UK that's fine in dandy, but in the US energy Efficiency costs us money, and when 60 percent of the US's middle class is going the way of New Orleans. no we cant afford this shit not right now.

    in America the energy efficiency lightbulbs do cost more.

    Quote:(and what sort of nut imagines that the 3rd world will forever be content to allow the 1st world to export the poisonous & filthy horrible manufacturing processes and God-awful working conditions to their countrys?) 90 percent of the stuff sold in America, is from third world countries with god awful working conditions, the best part is because of all the chemicals, the 8 year olds that are molding action figures for this Christmas wont get too see one, ever.

    23.11.2009 17:50 #14

  • Necrosaro

    They are not saving anything. The earth is in a cycle that has happened before and will happen again.

    I love how someone hacked into (cant remember the name) but a major global warming institute recently and released all of their emails etc showing how false global warming is.

    Originally posted by DXR88: Saving the environment by making the consumers pay more. i thought idiots couldn't get any more Stupid. yet im proved wrong again.

    30.11.2009 18:24 #15

  • creaky

    Originally posted by Necrosaro: I love how someone hacked into (cant remember the name) but a major global warming institute recently and released all of their emails etc showing how false global warming is.It's the CRU (Climatic Research Unit).

    Read All About it! Climate Depot Exclusive - Continuously Updated 'ClimateGate' News Round Up

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    Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
    Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS/WPA ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 4node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G v3.1, WRT54G2 v1, WRT54G v5. *** Forum Rules ***

    30.11.2009 19:01 #16

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