U.S. teens continually break law by texting while driving

U.S. teens continually break law by texting while driving
According to a new study, it appears that teenagers don't necessarily care if it is illegal to text while driving, and will still not care even if it is made into federal law.

Texting in general is up 1000 percent since 2006 and Americans will send an estimated 1 trillion messages in 2009. Officers say it is harder to cite drivers while texting, as compared to those speaking on their phone.

For example, the California Highway Patrol says they have handed out 163,000 tickets to drivers using phones to make phone calls since May 2008 but only 1400 texting citations.

"The handheld cell phone is relatively easy for us to spot, we can see when somebody has their phone up to their ear,"
adds CHP spokeswoman Fran Clader. "But with the texting it's a little bit more of a challenge to catch them in the act, because we have to see it and if they are holding it down in their lap it's going to be harder for us to see."

Currently, 19 states have banned texting while driving while 9 other states prohibit it for drivers under the age of 21.

One high school student, 17 year-old Anna Hauer, says she doesn't expect many people to stop texting even if the law goes federal. "By the time they pull you over, the chances are you are going to be done with your text anyway so they can't exactly prove that you were texting," she added. Of course the police can check the very obvious timestamps on the texts, but that would mean the officers would need to be able to secure the phone, which is likely an invasion of privacy.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 11 Dec 2009 15:32
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  • Amak

    NO DUH! Passing laws doesn't mean a damn thing. You need something to deter people. I bet if they played that British PSA here several times people will learn. Need something graphic.

    11.12.2009 17:02 #1

  • klassic

    No phone calls, no texting. What is next? No using a GPS. No changing the radio station. No drinking a beverage. No singing along to the radio. No radio. No talking.

    11.12.2009 17:14 #2

  • Amak

    Originally posted by klassic: No phone calls, no texting. What is next? No using a GPS. No changing the radio station. No drinking a beverage. No singing along to the radio. No radio. No talking.Dude, don't EVEN tempt California... I beg you:|

    11.12.2009 17:33 #3

  • borhan9

    Quote:Currentlt, 19 states have banned texting while driving while 9 other states prohibit it for drivers under the age of 21.I was taking this article seriously until i read this line and i started to laugh soo how do they come up with this kinda law how can they judge the difference for a 21 year old and others that are younger the fact is that drivers loose concentration across the board and age has nothing to do with it.
    Only in America
    LOL :)

    11.12.2009 17:35 #4

  • klassic

    I once formatted a computer and reinstalled Windows XP while driving.

    11.12.2009 17:46 #5

  • ROMaster2

    Originally posted by klassic: I once formatted a computer and reinstalled Windows XP while driving.
    This is alright, you can do things like that while driving.

    11.12.2009 18:03 #6

  • Ducky04

    personally i think texting is 100% STUPID. Why not just talk on the phone? People have been killed. Accidents have happened. Damn these stupid companies for not making a Voice 2TXT app.

    11.12.2009 18:11 #7

  • siber

    Anything that distracts you from paying attention while driving IS actually a problem...

    Texting, yakking on the phone, drinking, smoking dope, formatting your computer, obviously AT ANY AGE, are distractions. If you think they are not...get your lawmakers to pass a law that states it is legal for the pilots of any airline to fly an airplane you are a passenger in to do those kinds of things during take-off, landing, flight...I dare you.

    Picking your nose, listening to the radio, changing the radio station, eating a Taco, painting your nails, scratching your B... while driving are not that great either but they represent only a few of the things drivers have been noted to do. These are too difficult to regulate (for now...and possibly more easily done in California).

    11.12.2009 18:48 #8

  • ThePastor

    This is what you get when you continue to legislate stupididy.
    The law gets watered down to the point where no one respects it.

    This is a pretty simple matter. Making texting illegal obviously does not work so all you do is add texting to the list of "careless" or "neglegence". Then, when you KILL someone while driving and texting you get sent to PRISON, when you are convicted of MANSLAUGHTER for driving negligant. (with the added bonus that your parents get sued for all of theirs and yours and your future kids money!)

    And oh, I have a question about the whole "You are not allowed to talk on an electronic device while driving"...
    What about CB radios?? Are they illegal now?

    11.12.2009 18:50 #9

  • lxfactor

    i text everywhere.. i use t9 so it doesnt require alot of attention and i memorize the keys.. i roll up and smoke while driving with my knee on a manual RSX type S.. if u kno what ur doing nothing happens.. and i got my pot head friends with me so they look out for me if im about to crash or anything.. when i get pulled over i lock my fone and buckle up if im not already... they cant do a damn thang.. people download music and its a federal law.. we do what we want when we want.. down with NWO

    11.12.2009 19:16 #10

  • nintenut

    Originally posted by Amak: NO DUH! Passing laws doesn't mean a damn thing. You need something to deter people. I bet if they played that British PSA here several times people will learn. Need something graphic.
    Haven't these blasted kids seen Seven Pounds?

    11.12.2009 19:33 #11

  • LissenUp

    Then SECURE that damn phone and check the timestamps........NOT an invasion of privacy and too bad if it is. Teenagers are dumber than ever and much more so than when I was one and texting and driving CAN'T BE DONE........these are the same stupid-ass teens that will drink and drive and honestly say "I can drive better when I'm drunk".

    I say screw tickets and instant license suspension for 2 weeks if caught texting along with car impounding. Stupidity should be painful.

    Hey.....the roads are deadly enough that licenses are given to those under 18 (male and female) and even worse when it's given to WOMEN under 18 and triple worse to FOREIGN WOMEN under 18.............compound that with texting for all.........and the roads aren't safe.

    STOP TEXTING WHILE DRIVING.........jeez.......those that talk and drive are clearly worse. No signals, dumb and thoughtless acts, pulling out in front of people, etc, etc, etc.

    Kids suck, teens suck and both are equally dumber than a doorknob.

    11.12.2009 20:35 #12

  • LissenUp

    Originally posted by lxfactor: i text everywhere.. i use t9 so it doesnt require alot of attention and i memorize the keys.. i roll up and smoke while driving with my knee on a manual RSX type S.. if u kno what ur doing nothing happens.. and i got my pot head friends with me so they look out for me if im about to crash or anything.. when i get pulled over i lock my fone and buckle up if im not already... they cant do a damn thang.. people download music and its a federal law.. we do what we want when we want.. down with NWOYeah.....you're just as big a nincompoop as the rest that ALL SAY the same thing.........."I memorize the keys". First........T9 effectively works on the vocabulary 10% and doesn't account for abbreviations. 2nd, you may "know" where the keys are but you absolutely positively aren't texting without looking at the keyboard most of the time and 3rd..........if you're using a QWERTY then memorized or not.........you're using both hands so SHUT IT and don't bother defending yourself to most of us ADULTS. I'm guessing you're..........what............18?????????????????

    Definitely 21 or under. Your attitude and mentality says it all.

    As for pot head friends looking out for you.........HA HA HA............."pass the j man..........OH LOOKOUT!!!!!!"................CRASH.

    "Pot head friends looking out" is an oxymoron. Soon you'll be off the road and only your family and immediate friends will shed a tear..........the rest of us will be thankful that our lives are no longer in jeopardy as that's one more ninny down and off the road.

    11.12.2009 20:40 #13

  • slickwill

    The picture for the article might make some think that teens are texting with both hands while driving, instead of one. Unless, I'm mistaken and that some teens actually text with both hands while driving.

    11.12.2009 20:43 #14

  • crunk15

    some people do text with both hands slickwill but usualy the very few who have no choice like sidekick owners. lissenup i applaud you for recognizing the women thing but simply taking out on the younger generation is small minded on your part. everyone matures at a diff age and being under 21 doesn't change a thing, i can tell your smart but it sounds like you bare a grudge against anyone younger than you. texting while driving isnt a problem its peoples stupidity and lack of awareness, even a simple street sign or car can catch your eye and distract you. be smart about it if you need ur friends to help you from crashing then you shouldnt be at the wheel in the first place, just park at a dam corner smoke all u want then get back on the road when your good. being drunk doesnt make you a better driver your just more paranoid about crashing or getting pulled over so you pay more attention which is what we all need to do.

    11.12.2009 22:17 #15

  • Mysttic

    Just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you SHOULD. Just because you HAVEN'T crashed yet, doesn't mean you WON'T. Get it? I've seen more than my share of *bleep* accidents in my day from stupid reasons as "picking ones nose" to texting, to simply calling someones mother to say "coming home ma" then BAM.

    People believing that it couldn't happen to them are the ones it'll likely happen to it's only a matter of when. Now as far as law being more regulated to prevent any types of distractions, the real situation is, as long as people can do multi-tasking while driving, they'll always do it to save that extra minute of time. No amount of law enforcement is ever going to stop it, because when it comes to saving time, it will always take precedence over common sense and saving lives.

    11.12.2009 23:00 #16

  • xnonsuchx

    If they were only hurting themselves, good riddance to useless, stupid people! Unfortunately, they're often hurting others when things go awry.

    It also doesn't matter if you have laws and cops don't enforce them...talking on a cell phone is illegal while driving where I am and I see at least 1 driver every 10 vehicles or so who have their phone up to their ear, yet I rarely ever see cops pulling this idiots over.

    11.12.2009 23:22 #17

  • garmoon

    I was rear ended by an older man on a cell phone 2 years ago(no sexual overtones in that statement-LOL. My wife's neck still hurts. Every cell phone in a car should be automatically disabled as long as the car is in drive. You would be able to answer a phone and talk ten seconds before it would disabled itself. Pull over and park and all the phones would work again. Not perfect but safe.


    GPS is just another reason for breaking into your car and another distraction. If you can't find where you're going on your own, you probably shouldn't go.

    12.12.2009 00:50 #18

  • Xplorer4

    Originally posted by Ducky04: personally i think texting is 100% STUPID. Why not just talk on the phone? People have been killed. Accidents have happened. Damn these stupid companies for not making a Voice 2TXT app.
    Theres an app for that...no seriously. On the iPhone there is. Havent used it but if i recall it costs about $100 USD.

    Originally posted by garmoon:
    GPS is just another reason for breaking into your car and another distraction. If you can't find where you're going on your own, you probably shouldn't go.

    Yes, because some one relies on a gps system to get to there best friends wedding in a huge city that they have never been to, they shouldnt go. If they need GPS to go to a big city to go for a relatives funeral, they just shouldnt go. I think you get the idea in how many ways your logic is flawed.

    12.12.2009 02:02 #19

  • scum101

    statistically women are safer drivers than men.. they don't "show off" with their boy racer attitude and penis substitute cars.


    The plague of the phone while driving continues.. On Thursday waiting to cross the road I counted 14 cars where the driver was talking on the phone, and 12 of those were not wearing a seatbelt either. ALL men.

    Yes, we give you 100% free, no strings attached email! Just send us your address and we will send you as much free email as you could ever wish for

    12.12.2009 02:16 #20

  • xboxdvl2

    im in australia and if you get pulled over and the cop has seen you using a phone it doesnt matter if you were texting or talking they can still give you a fine of $300 or more and you can still lose 3 demerit points.People do what they want in there cars & most people that can afford luxury cars or even sports cars don't really care about the fines.As for driving under the influence whether it be pot or alcohol it is illegal and if you feel your not up to driving you shouldnt drive.Some people can drive good drunk or stoned but most people can't and if you think it makes you a better driver your an idiot.here in australia we have cops on the side of the road doing drug tests and if you get caught you get in more trouble than if you were drink driving.GPS systems are terrible im surprised we havnt heard about people crashing while looking at GPS systems.BE RESPONSIBLE ON THE ROADS AND IT WILL MAKE THE WORLD A SAFER PLACE.

    PS2 with 12 games.

    12.12.2009 06:14 #21

  • siber

    xboxdvl2, I fully agree with your final statement. I also expect full drug testing etc. to be available everywhere within a couple of years, it should.

    A GPS system is perfectly safe for traveling. You shouldn't be fiddling with it while driving but it's very useful if you program it before departure...

    12.12.2009 06:24 #22

  • swarmpack

    My sister or brother usually travels with me if im not driving to work so I just make them be my text monkey,or if they are not there I just wait till i get to a light.

    12.12.2009 07:55 #23

  • garmoon


    I'll trust the first version 1.0 of GPS. It's called a map and they are more reliable than a GPS. Besides, wedding invitations or followups all come with small maps or instructions for out of town guests so they can arrive safely.

    12.12.2009 09:49 #24

  • nintenut

    Originally posted by garmoon: @xplorer4

    I'll trust the first version 1.0 of GPS. It's called a map and they are more reliable than a GPS. Besides, wedding invitations or followups all come with small maps or instructions for out of town guests so they can arrive safely.

    Then your point is moot... A map is no less distracting than a GPS.
    There are new GPS that can "Speak" your directions to you, you don't even have to look at the thing while driving.

    12.12.2009 10:03 #25

  • siber

    So,... "If you don't know the way, don't go" and "If you are nuts enough to go anyway, use a map". Driving a Model T, garmoon?

    Most GPS systems have voice instructions. I believe they increase your level of concentration by warning you ahead of intersections, about changing speed limits, your need to change lanes and make turns.

    Nevertheless, they are certainly not toys and shouldn't be played with while driving. If you believe a GPS is distracting you, don't use it.
    But, if that is indeed your situation, I'd recommend you abstain from eating, talking or listening to the radio.

    12.12.2009 10:42 #26

  • lxfactor

    Quote:Originally posted by lxfactor: i text everywhere.. i use t9 so it doesnt require alot of attention and i memorize the keys.. i roll up and smoke while driving with my knee on a manual RSX type S.. if u kno what ur doing nothing happens.. and i got my pot head friends with me so they look out for me if im about to crash or anything.. when i get pulled over i lock my fone and buckle up if im not already... they cant do a damn thang.. people download music and its a federal law.. we do what we want when we want.. down with NWOYeah.....you're just as big a nincompoop as the rest that ALL SAY the same thing.........."I memorize the keys". First........T9 effectively works on the vocabulary 10% and doesn't account for abbreviations. 2nd, you may "know" where the keys are but you absolutely positively aren't texting without looking at the keyboard most of the time and 3rd..........if you're using a QWERTY then memorized or not.........you're using both hands so SHUT IT and don't bother defending yourself to most of us ADULTS. I'm guessing you're..........what............18?????????????????

    Definitely 21 or under. Your attitude and mentality says it all.

    As for pot head friends looking out for you.........HA HA HA............."pass the j man..........OH LOOKOUT!!!!!!"................CRASH.

    "Pot head friends looking out" is an oxymoron. Soon you'll be off the road and only your family and immediate friends will shed a tear..........the rest of us will be thankful that our lives are no longer in jeopardy as that's one more ninny down and off the road.
    ill b 22 shortly.. i stay in Florida.. its all old people waiting to die in a rich ass area.. i dont use a keyboard.. hence why i said T9.. and it works if you're typing proper english.. i dont use the idk my bff jill abbreviations.. and we know how to pass a "Blunt" without dropping it.. im well over 2000 blunts.. and probably dropped 2.. ive never crashed.. my pothead friends are on point and we love video games..

    12.12.2009 10:55 #27

  • canuckerz

    Originally posted by klassic: No phone calls, no texting. What is next? No using a GPS. No changing the radio station. No drinking a beverage. No singing along to the radio. No radio. No talking.I hope to god you're being sarcastic.

    12.12.2009 11:02 #28

  • georgeluv

    you ever tried to text and drive on an iphone? lethal. my brother who is one of the least responsible people on earth even stopped texting and driving when he got his iphone. its against the law in nj anyway.

    12.12.2009 12:48 #29

  • garmoon

    Quote:Originally posted by garmoon: @xplorer4

    I'll trust the first version 1.0 of GPS. It's called a map and they are more reliable than a GPS. Besides, wedding invitations or followups all come with small maps or instructions for out of town guests so they can arrive safely.

    Then your point is moot... A map is no less distracting than a GPS.
    There are new GPS that can "Speak" your directions to you, you don't even have to look at the thing while driving.
    You study the map before leaving and if you need to refer to it then pull over like using a phone. A speaking GPS is about as bad as a cell phone, they also don't know about traffic construction or accidents, and neither do maps.

    Quote:So,... "If you don't know the way, don't go" and "If you are nuts enough to go anyway, use a map". Driving a Model T, garmoon? Let me rephrase that: If you're not smart enough to find out how to get to your destination, then you probably shouldn't go. And I drive a Mustang- but would love to have the model T too. God, I love stirring the pot-hey Scum!

    12.12.2009 15:49 #30

  • jetyi83

    i do it. not necessarily proud of it, but its hard not to.

    12.12.2009 17:56 #31

  • jetyi83

    Quote:Originally posted by garmoon: @xplorer4

    I'll trust the first version 1.0 of GPS. It's called a map and they are more reliable than a GPS. Besides, wedding invitations or followups all come with small maps or instructions for out of town guests so they can arrive safely.

    Then your point is moot... A map is no less distracting than a GPS.
    There are new GPS that can "Speak" your directions to you, you don't even have to look at the thing while driving.
    these arent new, they are pretty much standard. even on google phones for free.

    12.12.2009 17:58 #32

  • jetyi83

    Quote:Quote:Originally posted by garmoon: @xplorer4

    I'll trust the first version 1.0 of GPS. It's called a map and they are more reliable than a GPS. Besides, wedding invitations or followups all come with small maps or instructions for out of town guests so they can arrive safely.

    Then your point is moot... A map is no less distracting than a GPS.
    There are new GPS that can "Speak" your directions to you, you don't even have to look at the thing while driving.

    You study the map before leaving and if you need to refer to it then pull over like using a phone. A speaking GPS is about as bad as a cell phone, they also don't know about traffic construction or accidents, and neither do maps.
    You've obviously not driven around too much. There are directions that become too complicated to remember if you're going through an entire metropolitan city. GPS auto updates so it doesnt matter if you run into a detour or not. It will still tell you how to get there from where you are. You're a genius.

    12.12.2009 18:03 #33

  • GTAPS2

    All I can say is, Phone's are not being used as they were suppose to back in the days. Phones are ruined with keyboards, webbrowsers, etc. All that was needed was a conversation from one person to the other. I blame technology, even though we love it.

    13.12.2009 02:52 #34


    Texting is a plague and should be banned outright.

    13.12.2009 11:02 #35

  • nintenut

    Quote:Originally posted by garmoon:
    Then your point is moot... A map is no less distracting than a GPS.
    There are new GPS that can "Speak" your directions to you, you don't even have to look at the thing while driving.

    You study the map before leaving and if you need to refer to it then pull over like using a phone. A speaking GPS is about as bad as a cell phone, they also don't know about traffic construction or accidents, and neither do maps.

    Okay. Seriously? How is a GPS occasionally telling you to turn, with no input needed from the driver, as distracting as a cell phone which would require constant attention from the driver? You need to listen to the person talking, you need to think of your response, you need to formulate a sentence, you need to speak the sentence, you need to listen again... This repeats as long as your conversation lasts.
    With a GPS you just need to listen to a partial sentence, judge if you want to turn yet, and carry out your decision... All part of driving, and takes less than a minute. "Turn Right Here" is less distracting than any phone conversation, and heaps more helpful to the driver.
    I'm sure people on the freeway appreciate your pulling over to study your map.

    If a normal map can't help you with things like construction blocks, what the hell was the point of bringing them up?
    At least with a GPS the correction is automatic, without needing to stop to reroute your course on the map.

    Quote:these arent new, they are pretty much standard. even on google phones for free.
    Just covering my ass.

    Originally posted by GTAPS2: All I can say is, Phone's are not being used as they were suppose to back in the days. Phones are ruined with keyboards, webbrowsers, etc. All that was needed was a conversation from one person to the other. I blame technology, even though we love it.
    This I can get behind. Phone browsers are crap, anyway.

    13.12.2009 14:54 #36

  • creaky

    Mysttic - Please watch the language.

    I do however agree with your post. Cars are for driving, not texting or phoning (with phone in hand). If people want to/have to talk in the car there are headsets, wired and bluetooth or whatever. I used to have a SatNav that had bluetooth built in and that was much more convenient for taking/making calls. Texting however is fatal however it's done. Period. As is messing with a SatNav on the move.

    Case in point, i was out in the car the other day, some idiot (in one of those small toy cars) was dawdling in front of me so i overtook him (it was the motorway anyway) and pulled back in front of him and accelerated away. (i only mention his toy car as i drive a large, very heavy and rather powerful estate car, the reason this matters follows below).
    As i was overtaking him i glanced at him and he was just putting a phone to his ear hence why he had been dawdling. No sooner had i overtaken him (i don't hang about) and pulled back into that lane he was flashing me with the headlights.
    How does that work ?, he could easily have been crushed by two tons of Swedish engineering if i hadn't have noticed he was going far too slowly etc, where the hell did he find enough hands and co-ordination to flash his lights at me for what he did. Unbelievable.
    Anyways, regardless of that, the thought of how many people (still) use phones beggars belief, it only takes a second to lose concentration, i commented in a similar thread previously where my main motoring pet hate is those idiot drivers who (like in movies) have full scale conversations (without phones i mean) with passengers, who they are looking at for long periods of time; that's as bad as using a phone, are these people so devoid of grey matter that they can't talk to their passengers without looking at them ?. I don't care what laws are changed or brought in for these people, just get them off the road and out of the way of my car, i don't see why car should get all messed up with someone's DNA because said idiot is too stupid to use a headset (or if they can't trust themselves even with a headset then wait to stop stop their car before using the phone).

    /end rant

    edit- notice how i haven't commented on the age of phone users in cars, of course younger people are going to be the worst offenders (and this is relevant because they have less driving experience than older drivers), however i'll concede that a lot of older drivers do it too. The difference is that the older drivers should (supposedly) know better.

    Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
    Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS/WPA ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 4node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G v3.1, WRT54G2 v1, WRT54G v5. *** Forum Rules ***

    13.12.2009 15:48 #37

  • crunk15

    creaky i thank you so much for that last part. finaly someone with some logic

    14.12.2009 04:45 #38

  • engage16

    Check the timestamps? Good thing the iPhone only timestamps after every 15ish minutes...

    14.12.2009 11:02 #39

  • drivesafe

    Every driver must be concentrating on the driving rather than texting, be it teens or adults. I struggled with answering calls on the road when driving. It was not possible to text and drive at the same time. I downloaded an application of http://www.drivesafe.ly/ to send messages without using my hands.

    16.12.2009 08:39 #40

  • glazenuts

    The Morons of the world have always put themselfs and "Others" at risk. Anyone under 21urs who is caught texting while driving should have their driving license suspended untill they are 21yrs old + $5000 fine. Won't happen but it should. If they kill someone texting while driving they are guilty of "Reckless Endangerment" which is a murder charge.

    17.12.2009 12:12 #41

  • siber

    glazenuts, you're not glazenutserious, are you? People under the age of 21 are almost invariably spending their parents money. The $5000 you are recommending as a fine would have to come from their parents. May I suggest instead 1 million hours of Community Service removing graffiti?

    17.12.2009 13:28 #42

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