Video Daily: The Xbox 360 laptop

Video Daily: The Xbox 360 laptop
User CollinE of the BenHeck forums has created an Xbox 360 laptop, and is currently selling it on eBay where it has a high bid of $1000 USD, so far.

The specs of the console are:


17" widescreen LCD with 1280 x 768 resolution
* 20GB hard drive
* Ethernet port and cable
* Three USB ports
* Official 64MB memory card
* Xbox 360 wireless controller
* Xbox 360 headset
* Power supply
* Dimensions - 16.75" x 11" x 3.5"

While the laptop may be gigantic, it still beats the alternative, dragging your 360 console and TV around wherever you go (if you aren't going to a place with a TV), so take the good with the bad.

Original post here: collinE's 360 lappy finally finished! (now on eBay)

Auction here: eBay

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 29 Dec 2009 1:38
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  • Josipher

    would make a hell of alot better upgrading option than the stupid "slim" or stuff like that..something that can appeal to a certain target audience. the one thats on the go all the time. heads up MS

    29.12.2009 02:47 #1

  • KillerBug

    I still like the PS3 laptops least they have bluray movie support.

    29.12.2009 02:52 #2

  • Josipher

    Originally posted by KillerBug: I still like the PS3 laptops least they have bluray movie support.
    Same idea mate. im jus saying that instead of havin useless bundles and new tweaks and call it the next gen of PS3 (slim for instance) put in the market something like this thats actually usefull to a target aydience and isnt just a gimmick to attract mainstream customers

    29.12.2009 05:36 #3

  • kikzm33z

    Quote:Originally posted by KillerBug: I still like the PS3 laptops least they have bluray movie support.
    Same idea mate. im jus saying that instead of havin useless bundles and new tweaks and call it the next gen of PS3 (slim for instance) put in the market something like this thats actually usefull to a target aydience and isnt just a gimmick to attract mainstream customers
    The Slim was made to cut down hardware price so the PS3 could be cheaper.

    When did Sony claim that it was a next gen PS3? it was just a remake, just like the PS1/PS2 Slim.
    It wasn't to attract mainstream customers.

    Besides, Microsoft would never do this. If they did try to do this, they'd sell the screen separate to make them more money.

    29.12.2009 10:46 #4

  • tin23uk

    oh my god wow thats amazing i gotta have that, well not really, i was expecting a guy that had integrated x-box hardware into a laptop, an actual laptop capable of playing 360 games as well as do all the other things a laptop can do, all this clown has done is stick a flatscreen tv onto an xbox and tied it all together in an ugly box with hinges. you even have to have a seperate power cord for the monitor and the xbox bwah ha ha ha. im pretty sure that would mean my old fat ps2 was a ps2 laptop because i bought the attachable fold up/down monitor with speakers.

    29.12.2009 11:32 #5

  • CJ007

    Will M$ be able to fix it when it got RROD. LOL.

    29.12.2009 12:01 #6

  • Josipher

    Quote:Quote:Originally posted by KillerBug: I still like the PS3 laptops least they have bluray movie support.
    Same idea mate. im jus saying that instead of havin useless bundles and new tweaks and call it the next gen of PS3 (slim for instance) put in the market something like this thats actually usefull to a target aydience and isnt just a gimmick to attract mainstream customers
    The Slim was made to cut down hardware price so the PS3 could be cheaper.

    When did Sony claim that it was a next gen PS3? it was just a remake, just like the PS1/PS2 Slim.
    It wasn't to attract mainstream customers.

    Besides, Microsoft would never do this. If they did try to do this, they'd sell the screen separate to make them more money.
    for me bringing out a"remake" and sayin its slim etc etc and making alot of hype about it as if its supposedly better cuz its slimmer is to tweak it to appeal to the mainstream (as in mainstream gamers who dont own a PS3 ) audience. though now that i think about it i half expected the thing to be a laptop integrated with xbox hardware..but thats a nice feat to accomplish in its own right

    29.12.2009 12:31 #7

  • kikzm33z

    Quote:Quote:Quote:Originally posted by KillerBug: I still like the PS3 laptops least they have bluray movie support.
    Same idea mate. im jus saying that instead of havin useless bundles and new tweaks and call it the next gen of PS3 (slim for instance) put in the market something like this thats actually usefull to a target aydience and isnt just a gimmick to attract mainstream customers
    The Slim was made to cut down hardware price so the PS3 could be cheaper.

    When did Sony claim that it was a next gen PS3? it was just a remake, just like the PS1/PS2 Slim.
    It wasn't to attract mainstream customers.

    Besides, Microsoft would never do this. If they did try to do this, they'd sell the screen separate to make them more money.
    for me bringing out a"remake" and sayin its slim etc etc and making alot of hype about it as if its supposedly better cuz its slimmer is to tweak it to appeal to the mainstream (as in mainstream gamers who dont own a PS3 ) audience. though now that i think about it i half expected the thing to be a laptop integrated with xbox hardware..but thats a nice feat to accomplish in its own right
    Again, Sony made a slimline version to cut the price of hardware.
    It's about time that Sony has started to advertise. Let's be honest, the Slim looks horrible compared to the original PS3.
    And it's perfect for Sony to advertise the PS3 more now because of the price cut.
    Even I'd rather advertise for a £250 machine than a £300 one.

    29.12.2009 17:12 #8

  • pirkster

    Originally posted by CJ007: Will M$ be able to fix it when it got RROD. LOL.LOL... nope.

    Those fans are mega-loud, too. Sounds like it has the laptop version of Harley pipes.

    They might provide more air than conventional 360, but with the sandwiched equipment, it probably still gets hotter faster. We all know what that leads to...

    29.12.2009 17:32 #9

  • Mysttic

    This isn't the first time its been done, there has been better 360 laptops out there; the one from benhack was much nicer and had video/component out. Also it matched the 360's color scheme which is more appealing to the eye than the red black one here.

    29.12.2009 17:54 #10

  • dab0ne

    Now the Red Ring will match the Design of the machine.

    29.12.2009 22:32 #11

  • tatsh

    Just a bad idea in general but a nice profit I say.

    I would never want to carry anything around like this.

    29.12.2009 23:50 #12

  • KillerBug

    Anyone seen a PS3 laptop with a keyboard yet? All the ones I have seen just don't look like laptops...the PS3 supports keyboards and trackpads...a PS3 laptop should have them.

    30.12.2009 05:35 #13

  • kikzm33z

    Originally posted by KillerBug: Anyone seen a PS3 laptop with a keyboard yet? All the ones I have seen just don't look like laptops...the PS3 supports keyboards and trackpads...a PS3 laptop should have them.Very bulky but comes with keyboard:

    30.12.2009 07:09 #14

  • gfxdreams

    IMNO, that is an awesome job! it would be nice on like a 22 inch laptop screen or even a 17 inch would work good.
    Nice Job!

    30.12.2009 08:53 #15

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