Firefox 4 delayed until 2011

Firefox 4 delayed until 2011
Mozilla has confirmed that the next major re-haul of the Firefox browser, version 4.0, will likely be delayed into early 2011. The browser was originally slated for a Q3 2010 release.

Anticipated 3.6 and 3.7 updates will include security and stability enhancements, including separate processes for each tab, but will not include too many drastic changes. Firefox 4 on the other hand, will be given "Windows 7 look and feel," says TGDaily.

Analysts say the delay is good news for Microsoft whose Internet Explorer 8 has been stealing back some market share since the release of Windows 7. By most estimates, IE still controls about 65 percent of the entire browser market with FF in second at around 23 percent.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 29 Dec 2009 21:17
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  • tatsh

    And by then Chrome will be dominant as soon as its Adblock blocks AdSense ads too.

    29.12.2009 23:55 #1

  • SoCalSRH


    30.12.2009 14:31 #2

  • kubapolak

    well at least they are being patient. I started using it when we had IE 6, and I was pretty impressed and will continue using FF.
    I also tried chrome, but some of the pages did not load correctly so I just decided to stay with FF. Can't wait for the major overhaul:)

    31.12.2009 00:44 #3

  • fgamer

    I don't like Google Chrome. I'm more of an Internet Explorer and Firefox user..but it's been Firefox lately because nothing beats the ease and customization of it. Them delaying it doesn't really matter because it's already good.

    31.12.2009 04:38 #4

  • bomber991

    Originally posted by fgamer: I don't like Google Chrome. I'm more of an Internet Explorer and Firefox user..but it's been Firefox lately because nothing beats the ease and customization of it. Them delaying it doesn't really matter because it's already good.

    Remember how much changed when going from Firefox 2 to 3? Pretty much nothing. So I can't imagine what they'll be adding in FF4 other than just a name change to generate a little bit of news.

    4.1.2010 13:41 #5

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