Microsoft drops price of Zune HD

Microsoft drops price of Zune HD
Although it is unclear whether the price cuts are temporary or permanent, Microsoft has cut the prices of their Zune HD models from $220 to $200 for the 16GB model and from $300 to $270 for the 32GB version.

Amazon and Wal-Mart have taken the cut a bit deeper, dropping the prices to $190 and $250, respectively.

Microsoft has implied that the prices are temporary "sales" prices but has not said when the promo will end, if ever. At the current price point, the Zune HD offers a discount from a comparable iPod Touch, the market leader for media devices.

The software giant still has under 5 percent market share while Apple controls over 70 percent.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 8 Feb 2010 0:00
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  • Burnasty

    I love my zune hd. Not only does it play music but when waiting for a period of time I can surf the net or play games, even listen to the radio including hd radio. It's just a huge bonus it's not an apple product.

    8.2.2010 09:46 #1

  • DVDBack23

    Originally posted by fgamer: Not interested in paying $200 for a overpriced device just to listen to music and use the other features that most people don't use anyways.May I ask what MP3 player you own?

    8.2.2010 13:06 #2

  • NeoandGeo

    Now all they have to do is add in a GSM or CDMA radio and the phone will instantly become $700.

    8.2.2010 13:08 #3

  • glassd

    I got a Sansa Fuse 8gig + 4gig micro. $80 edit, might have been $60. If you only want to listen to music, look at Pictures or watch miniclips, the Sansa is fine.

    8.2.2010 13:30 #4

  • cyprusrom

    Originally posted by glassd: I got a Sansa Fuse 8gig + 4gig micro. $80 edit, might have been $60. If you only want to listen to music, look at Pictures or watch miniclips, the Sansa is fine.
    I don't think your little Sansa can compete with Zune's HD video playback capabilities...You're comparing a little Focus with a Mercedes...

    8.2.2010 13:44 #5

  • glassd

    I'm not trying to compete with the Awesome huge HD video play back of the zoon. Just listen to music. My little sansa bows to the mighty zoon.

    8.2.2010 15:07 #6

  • cyprusrom

    I don't own a Zune,nor do I plan to buy one in the near future, so don't take me as a funboy defending his shiny toy:)). But for what is meant to be, I find Zune to be a very capable player. I use my phone to listen music, and that's enough for me!

    8.2.2010 15:21 #7

  • glassd

    I’m with you. I love Tech and pick my poisons when buying into Tech. No doubt the Zoon will mop the floor with my Sansa in total amount of thing that it can do. The Zoon is capable of doing much more than something small enough to fit in the palm of my hand should be able to do. <set my self up<.

    8.2.2010 16:35 #8

  • xnonsuchx

    Comment deleted by author

    8.2.2010 16:47 #9

  • zdiggler

    Can I stop by nearby hotspot and download podcast on that thing yet?

    8.2.2010 21:49 #10

  • TBandit

    I thought about gettting one of these but ended up picking up an Archos 5 internet tablet with droid os on it.

    9.2.2010 04:25 #11

  • biglo30

    Zunehd just sucks man... I dont like the interface, it is too small, your limited to the things you can do with it compared to a jailbreakable ipod touch. Why would someone choose this over a ipod touch just for radio? Im sure that 70% of people dont even listen to the radio, I mean why would you if you can play thousands of mp3's.

    9.2.2010 09:33 #12

  • Se7ven

    I think the zune HD is a good media player for thoses who dont want to buy into apple,some of will pass on the great apple and buy something different.

    9.2.2010 10:22 #13

  • Mez

    In our house we have most major players. The Zune is the least favorite the Sansa View is the most popular. I have seen a 32G View that takes a 32G card for 120 USDs. It's screen is only 2/3s that of the Zune but the player is only a third that of the Zune. The hard ware is the nicest I have ever seen.

    The Zune software is a royal pain.

    19.2.2010 16:42 #14

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