Verizon confirms block of 4chan sites

Verizon confirms block of 4chan sites
Christopher Poole, founder of the infamous meme site 4chan came out this week claiming that Verizon was "explicitly blocking" access to the site, and it appears Poole may have been right.

Jeff Nelson, a public relations employee for the ISP said via Twitter this morning: "2 of 4Chan affiliates were staging for attacks." However, "They're green-lighted for tonight's network update."

Poole's full post earlier had read: "Over the past 72 hours, we've been receiving reports from Verizon Wireless customers having difficulty accessing the image boards," Poole wrote. "After investigating, we found that Verizon is dropping traffic... only on port 80 (HTTP). No other subdomain/IP/port is affected, which leads us to believe this block is intentional. After an hour and a half on the phone, we've received confirmation from Verizon's Network Repair Bureau (NRB) that we are "explicitly blocked."

Verizon had refused comment until today except to say that they were being bombarded with calls about the issue, adds PCWorld.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 8 Feb 2010 18:34
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  • Hopium

    "Dont Poke the Bear"

    8.2.2010 19:11 #1

  • tatsh

    More like "Don't Poke the Pedo-bear"

    I really wonder if that's why Verizon is doing this. The Loli content and etc etc.

    8.2.2010 19:47 #2

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by tatsh: More like "Don't Poke the Pedo-bear"

    I really wonder if that's why Verizon is doing this. The Loli content and etc etc.
    Legal content is still legal unless someone brought /jailbait back.....

    they want to block something block Face book and youtube or sports (ALL OF IT!11)that would actually save them more money!

    8.2.2010 22:33 #3

  • tatsh

    Quote:Originally posted by tatsh: More like "Don't Poke the Pedo-bear"

    I really wonder if that's why Verizon is doing this. The Loli content and etc etc.
    Legal content is still legal unless someone brought /jailbait back.....

    they want to block something block Face book and youtube or sports (ALL OF IT!11)that would actually save them more money!
    I don't advocate /jailbait but technically what is the legality of under-age people having photos on the web besides not being nude?

    8.2.2010 22:43 #4

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Quote:Originally posted by tatsh: More like "Don't Poke the Pedo-bear"

    I really wonder if that's why Verizon is doing this. The Loli content and etc etc.
    Legal content is still legal unless someone brought /jailbait back.....

    they want to block something block Face book and youtube or sports (ALL OF IT!11)that would actually save them more money!
    I don't advocate /jailbait but technically what is the legality of under-age people having photos on the web besides not being nude?
    Depends on the acts therin I guess if its not indecent or showing illegal activetiess it comes down to copy right style C&D take downs to get rid of it.

    Cartoon/drawen stuff comes down to how much of a hard on the local law system has for it....

    8.2.2010 23:12 #5

  • windsong

    Well I guess its only a matter of time till the block Freenet, Tor and AnonTalk then.

    8.2.2010 23:33 #6

  • DXR88

    all you have to do is reroute the port to #8080

    9.2.2010 01:55 #7

  • atomicxl

    "Jeff Nelson, a public relations employee for the ISP said via Twitter this morning: "2 of 4Chan affiliates were staging for attacks." However, "They're green-lighted for tonight's network update."

    Does this mean that 4chan was planning to attack Verizon's network and in response Verizon blocked their site? If that's the case, I don't really see the issue.

    10.2.2010 11:00 #8

  • creaky

    I don't frequent 4chan, i believe it's somewhere pointless where kids post crap ?. I'm far more concerned with the recent blocking of Free Speech sites across various ISP's....

    Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
    Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS/WPA ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***

    10.2.2010 13:09 #9

  • LissenUp

    Originally posted by creaky: I don't frequent 4chan, i believe it's somewhere pointless where kids post crap ?. I'm far more concerned with the recent blocking of Free Speech sites across various ISP's....What is a "NERD NATOR"?

    Do you destroy and kill nerds(figuratively speaking of course)? Are you anti-nerd. I mean I am, so I'm not complaining but something tells me that you might be one. Could be wrong though.

    12.2.2010 15:49 #10

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