Skyfire buys Steel mobile browser

Skyfire buys Steel mobile browser
Skyfire has announced their acquisition of Kolbysoft, the team behind the Steel Web browser on Android devices.

The Skyfire browser is available currently for Windows Mobile and Symbian Series 60 devices and offers full Adobe Flash and Microsoft Silverlight support through cloud-based processing.

Steel is a free, popular browser available in the Android Marketplace.

Financials of the deal were not revealed.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 12 Feb 2010 23:06
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  • i1der

    Skyfire is the only thing i miss on my Palm Pre

    12.2.2010 23:19 #1

  • blueboy09

    There are advantages and disadvantages of Skyfire. I like that fact that i can watch episodes of my fav tv shows that i miss, but it still does not support certain web sutes such as hulu, even though the browser claims full flash (bummer). Also, i noticed that the server goes down quite a bit, but other than that it's a decent but not a very good browser. Oh well, at least i can still comment on Afterdawnland using this browser. =) - BLUEBOY

    13.2.2010 13:38 #2

  • 5fdpfan

    I don't know howcome I'm not able to load the PC version of Myspaceusing the browser. It doesn't matter if I go to yahoo and search for it or explicitly type in the address, it will only load the mobile site. Also, collegehumor's site loads fine but whenever I click on a video, it plays some weird ad instead of the video I wanted to watch. As for the Hulu, I've noticed that problem as well. It won't play videos from them or or stuff from Aside from those shortcomings, I think it's the best mobile browser available.

    13.2.2010 14:56 #3

  • shaffaaf

    Originally posted by i1der: Skyfire is the only thing i miss on my Palm Prejust wait ;) 1.4 update brings falsh 10.1 (FULL FLASH)! hail the palm pre :)

    13.2.2010 22:38 #4

  • chrialex

    Wait, the Palm Pre is still around? Thought that was one of those things that a company makes then wants everyone to forget about? :p j/k

    I am running Android 2.1 on my HTC Touch Pro, and I can't wait for this!!

    23.2.2010 21:40 #5

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