Sony, Microsoft show off PSN, XBL numbers

Sony, Microsoft show off PSN, XBL numbers
Both Sony and Microsoft have revealed the numbers behind their console online services, with both services growing significantly over the year.

Sony CEO Jack Tretton says that the free PlayStation Network (PSN) now has over 40 million users, with the service growing 155 percent in December alone.

Says Tretton: "We’ve also successfully established that we’re not just a disc-based powerhouse, but we’re also a digital powerhouse. PlayStation Network experienced huge growth last year, marking its best revenue month in December – a 155% increase in sales from the previous year. More than 40 million of you all over the world are coming to PlayStation Network to access multimedia content and to enhance your social gaming experiences."

Microsoft says Gold subscription XBL members now total 23 million. Additionally, users logged in at the same time reached an all-time high last month, hitting 2.3 million.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 12 Feb 2010 22:41
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  • KillerBug

    Sony is just counting accounts...gamesharing and foreign PSN features lead to a lot of accounts being setup on some systems (I have 15 accounts). XBL numbers do tend to be a better very few people would open such an expensive account and then never use it. Anyone know what the record number of PSN users online at one was?

    12.2.2010 22:57 #1

  • i1der

    people like u are less then 1% of psn players... And how XBL is different?
    I have 4 on mine for halo party's... Not mentioning all the banning people for modding that needs two 360.

    12.2.2010 23:14 #2

  • scorpNZ

    Originally posted by i1der: people like u are less then 1% of psn players... And how XBL is different?
    I have 4 on mine for halo party's... Not mentioning all the banning people for modding that needs two 360.
    xbl subs are paid are they not then being banned only bans the console not the live sub,this is'nt about amount of xbox's sold as for party are you telling me you have 4 PAID subscriptions to live or is this party thing like a 4 player split screen & you can have some mates over on the one gold sub

    12.2.2010 23:50 #3

  • chris4160

    Both those figures include accounts on different devices. The psn's 40 million include psp, playstation forums and ps3 (might even include ps2 accounts aswell). Microsoft is also including Zune and PC Live.

    12.2.2010 23:58 #4

  • i1der

    so XBL only counts gold and not silver accounts???
    Yes i get 4 so mates play on split screen...
    PC counts as Gold? thats alot of people

    13.2.2010 00:56 #5

  • bam431

    Well just thought I'd throw my accounts out there to add more fuel to the fire. I have three gold accounts right now on my 360 but only one online account on my ps3. I was gonna argue for one of the two sides but i don't wanna sound like a fan boy and im not really sure who's side to take.

    13.2.2010 01:11 #6

  • flyness

    I have multple account on my PS3 for the foreign stores. I also created 6 XBL account on my 2 XBOX360 because of the 1 month free live.

    13.2.2010 10:04 #7

  • xnonsuchx

    Yet another article seemingly worded to instigate platform wars!

    13.2.2010 10:31 #8

  • av_verbal

    Originally posted by xnonsuchx: Yet another article seemingly worded to instigate platform wars!its a media generated fake war started by the corporations, psycology has long been used in advertising & the shisters at all corporations that engage in these tactics deserve to burn in hell.

    how many ppl just use the psn or marketplace to install the forced updates only, & dont actually use the service & are they counting multiple users running from one account?

    Quote:users logged in at the same time reached an all-time high last month, hitting 2.3 million. im wondering what the active subscription base for world of warcraft is now? 10+ million at the last count so it makes both game consoles look rather pathetic.

    13.2.2010 11:17 #9

  • lxhotboy

    I dont think this is a good comparable issue bc PSN is free and Xboxlive Gold is not. Hell when things are free people line up. The local dentist was doing free work a few days ago. You should have seen all the people lining up to get filling etc. done.

    XBL number is more significant.

    13.2.2010 22:11 #10

  • mebjolz

    Originally posted by fgamer: Most people don't communicate over their headsets on PSN either because they don't have one, or just plain have speaking problems.
    ever think the reason for that maybe because they got tired of attempting to communicate with s**t talking 12 year olds?
    Or perhaps some people get distracted by chatter?
    Personally, I tend to swear a lot when playing games (not just online either)so my headset is turned off most of the time.
    It is rarely used unless I'm in a party with friends or someone really pisses me off...
    From my experience, most of the time when somebody else is using a headset in game they are either just talking s**t or making irritating noises in a deliberate attempt to distract other players or just plain annoy them so now when playing COD4 for example, I pretty much mute anyone with a headset right away...
    I'm not interested in some fanboy argument, just stating some logical reasons for the lack of communication you claimed.

    14.2.2010 05:05 #11

  • redux79

    Quote:Originally posted by fgamer: Most people don't communicate over their headsets on PSN either because they don't have one, or just plain have speaking problems.
    Quote:From my experience, most of the time when somebody else is using a headset in game they are either just talking s**t or making irritating noises in a deliberate attempt to distract other players or just plain annoy them so now when playing COD4 for example, I pretty much mute anyone with a headset right away...I really think you should have to pass an aptitude test to be able to communicate on Xbox live. Any one who fails gets relegated to the 12 and under crowd where they can screech and whine all they want... one can only dream...

    14.2.2010 10:34 #12

  • DM_619

    So barely half of all 360 owners actually pay for LIVE? I guess that proves how overpriced and overrated the service is, then.

    14.2.2010 12:10 #13

  • chris4160

    Originally posted by DM_619: So barely half of all 360 owners actually pay for LIVE? I guess that proves how overpriced and overrated the service is, then.Less than half of all ps3 owners connect to psn, and it's free.

    15.2.2010 02:05 #14

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