Sony: PS3 bug fix within 24 hours, leave consoles off

Sony: PS3 bug fix within 24 hours, leave consoles off
Sony is still working on a fix for a suspected bug in the clock functionality of the PlayStation 3 (PS3) console that caused a variety of errors and problems for PS3 and PSN gamers since last night. The bug only appears to affect the "fat" older version of the PS3, but not the newer slim models.

Sony has advised users of the non-slim models to leave their consoles off until a bug fix is available, saying that certain functionality might be affected by errors, and a risk of not being able to restore certain data. The PlayStation-maker listed the following problems are being reported by users.
  • The date of the PS3 system may be re-set to Jan 1, 2000.
  • When the user tries to sign in to the PlayStation Network, the following message appears on the screen; "An error has occurred. You have been signed out of PlayStation Network (8001050F)".
  • When the user tries to launch a game, the following error message appears on the screen and the trophy data may disappear; "Failed to install trophies. Please exit your game."
  • When the user tries to set the time and date of the system via the Internet, the following message appears on the screen; "The current date and time could not be obtained. (8001050F)"
  • Users are not able to play back certain rental video downloaded from the PlayStation Store before the expiration date.

"We hope to resolve this problem within the next 24 hours. In the meantime, if you have a model other than the new slim PS3, we advise that you do not use your PS3 system, as doing so may result in errors in some functionality, such as recording obtained trophies, and not being able to restore certain data." said the company.

Written by: James Delahunty @ 1 Mar 2010 14:40
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  • philipman

    Dang they better have this fixed soon! I'm picking up MLB the show 2010 tomorrow!

    1.3.2010 15:02 #1

  • frenchegg

    I might be wrong on this but is it only the phat that the PS3 exploit works on. If that's the case, this maybe Sonys doing trying to fix the exploit and f-ing it up.

    1.3.2010 15:17 #2

  • windsong

    Oh man, hilarious. Sony orders ps3 owners to "shut off ps3" and of course, they comply!

    Its good to be a PC gamer.

    1.3.2010 15:54 #3

  • SDF_GR

    They havent found yet that the Heavy Rain Dynamic theme isnt working also? It says corrupted data.
    Maybe other dynamic paid themes arent working too but for this i am sure cause i am one of the "lucky ones".

    1.3.2010 16:19 #4

  • kikzm33z

    Originally posted by windsong: Oh man, hilarious. Sony orders ps3 owners to "shut off ps3" and of course, they comply!

    Its good to be a PC gamer.
    Unnecessary fanboy comment.

    But I don't blame you. This problem is because it's a leap year.

    And because this day supposedly doesn't exist, the PS3 has screwed up, resetting itself to another date.
    OK, the downtimes of Xbox Live is more acceptable than this.

    A date error disables the most of the PS3.

    No, all dynamic themes are disabled.
    This error makes the PS3 think that it's the first firmware even on the PS3. Maybe not exactly like this, but it disables most features.

    1.3.2010 16:25 #5

  • Pop_Smith

    Originally posted by kikzm33z: This problem is because it's a leap year.2010 isn't a leap year, the last leap year was 2008 and 2012 is the next leap year.

    1.3.2010 16:44 #6

  • xnonsuchx

    Quote:Originally posted by kikzm33z: This problem is because it's a leap year.2010 isn't a leap year, the last leap year was 2008 and 2012 is the next leap year.It's still apparently a leap year-related bug...THINKING it's a leap year when it isn't and mis-syncing online. You'd think in this day and age that people would know how to properly program for leap years (every year divisible by 4, except also divisible by 100 UNLESS also divisible by 400).

    My fat 60GB has no problems, though...but it's been in Linux mode all weekend. :-)

    Perhaps Sony hired the boob who f'ed up the Zune???

    1.3.2010 17:10 #7

  • rooster20

    my son is ready 2 explode it better be sorted tomorrow or my life wont be worth living

    1.3.2010 17:16 #8

  • gerbear

    hope it fix soon a bit off a shock fffffffiiiiiiiixxxxxxxxx fffffffaaaaasssssssssttttttttttt

    1.3.2010 17:42 #9

  • Xian

    If it is a calendar bug, it might clear itself when it rolls over in about an hour and it's a new day on GMT time. The thing I read that made the most sense it tries to set the date to Feb 29th, 2010 but since there is no such date it errors out. Guess we will see in a short while when the clock could reflect a valid date.

    The thing that concerns me is how easily offline games got broken. I couldn't even load Spyro and Magic Carpet PS1 games that I had bought that have no online component. They really need to address that in a future update - even if the network blows up you should be able to play offline games, and sync up trophies later.

    1.3.2010 18:15 #10

  • 07anto07

    it's back in some countrys i'm in ireland and i'm online playing call of duty 2

    1.3.2010 18:37 #11

  • SDF_GR

    Originally posted by kikzm33z: @SDF_GR
    No, all dynamic themes are disabled.
    This error makes the PS3 think that it's the first firmware even on the PS3. Maybe not exactly like this, but it disables most features.

    I know, the free Dynamic themes that i have downloaded from PSN are working fine, the only theme that i have paid for, is the HR theme and it says corrupted data.

    Weird thing though is that after the error etc i noticed that i havent downloaded the photo gallery, nevertheless PS3 have downloaded and installed it successfully and runs without a problem.
    Now the time here 02:05 at GMT+2 zone, i will power it up to see if something changed.

    EDIT:GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!! and some sort of bad news
    The error is gone when trying to sign in, now it says:
    Its taking to long to sign in,
    but when i loaded Dead space the trophies synced
    (how the hell it synced without being singed in??)anyway,
    When i loaded RE5 that is the game that i lost the trophies it installed the trophies again but as it is normal it couldent sync.

    Another notice is that the PS3 says 29/April/2020 17:30 and now we have 2/Mar/2010 and here the time is 02:20
    But it set date and time via internet to correct!
    Its Alive!!!

    Edit 2 : Everything Back to Normal People !!! I signed in with my 60GB and all trophies and theme in place

    1.3.2010 19:05 #12

  • xnonsuchx

    'Crisis' over, apparently.

    However, if you load a game and it shows no trophies (that should be there), exit the game and re-load it.

    1.3.2010 19:16 #13

  • Oner

    Seems to have been that the internal clock on the Phat PS3's look at every even year to be a leap year when it should obviously be every 4 years and the reason this wasn't an issue in 2008 is because it was a leap year. So when GMT hit to March 2 a few hours ago the PS3's fixed themselves. All you may have to do is adjust your date from 3/1/2010 to 3/2/2010.

    1.3.2010 20:33 #14

  • bam431

    All my Heavy Rain trophies.....gone.

    1.3.2010 22:06 #15

  • MasterHan

    Anyone else have their blu-ray drive go out after the leap year glitch? Mine worked find the day before all the shenanigans and then decided to quit working the day after. The disk will spin but nothing comes up on the XMB.

    3.3.2010 21:39 #16

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