Reads the memo:
What you need to know:
-With all the anticipation of Nexus One joining the Sprint Android family of great devices, customers with the HTC HeroTM and the Samsung MomentTM with GoogleTM may wonder about the Android 2.1 platform that supports Nexus One.
What you need to do:
-We know that technology has enabled greater productivity and spontaneity in our lives,and because of this we have become very dependent on staying connected. Customers don't only expect more from their wireless phones -- they demand it.
-Let your customers know we are actively working on having the Android 2.1 platform available to our Hero and Moment customers over the coming weeks.
-Look for more information coming in April about Android 2.1 platform for Hero and Moment.
And don't forget:
-The HTC HeroTM and the Samsung MomentTM with GoogleTM are superior devices.
-Sprint is the only national U.S. carrier to offer HTC Hero, and it picked up top honors as the Best Mobile Handset at the 2010 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.
-About.com readers have nominated HTC Hero as their favorite smartphone for the 2010 Reader's Choice Awards.
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 19 Mar 2010 18:43