HTC responds to Apple patent violation accusations

HTC responds to Apple patent violation accusations
Earlier this month, Apple sued rival smartphone maker HTC over violations of patents related to the iPhone, accusing HTC of infringing on up to 20 patents relating to the popular smartphone's hardware and user interface.

Taking its time in doing so, HTC has responded today, vowing to fight the charges.

"HTC disagrees with Apple's actions and will fully defend itself. HTC strongly advocates intellectual property protection and will continue to respect other innovators and their technologies as we have always done," said HTC CEO Peter Chou, via a press release. "We will continue to embrace competition through our own innovation as a healthy way for consumers to get the best mobile experience possible."

If Apple succeeds in the case, they will get an injunction on HTC, barring the company from importing and selling any of their infringing devices in the U.S. The company is also seeking monetary damages.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 18 Mar 2010 20:15
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  • lawndog

    WAWAWA, somebody may actually be able to compete with the iphone and now apple is scared. So what does it do. The same thing every big company does. SUE SUE SUE
    just my thoughts

    18.3.2010 21:35 #1

  • xnonsuchx

    Originally posted by lawndog: WAWAWA, somebody may actually be able to compete with the iphone and now apple is scared. So what does it do. The same thing every big company does. SUE SUE SUE
    just my thoughts
    So it's only OK for smaller companies to SUE SUE SUE???

    19.3.2010 01:13 #2

  • lawndog

    no but the smaller companies don't do it nearly as often/it isn't brought into the lime light as often

    19.3.2010 03:17 #3

  • pmshah

    What !! Hardware and interface !

    What part of the iPhone hardware was developed by Apple in their own labs?

    As one of the very senior management guys in the networking hardware/software industry admitted to me - Cisco is now simply a paper company with 50,000 + employees across the world. They just buy the technology and software (by acquisitions) and farm out the hardware production on contract basic. Apple is no different.

    What is the world coming to? In stead of fighting with better products every one is turning into cry babies.

    19.3.2010 10:14 #4

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