ACTA would make service providers copyright police

ACTA would make service providers copyright police
After nearly two years of excuses for the secrecy of negotiations over ACTA, the Anti Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, a full draft of the proposed treaty has been leaked online and it looks just as bad as critics have suggested.

Among the worst provisions of the proposal is the requirement that third party service providers must implement measures to proactively identify and elminate access to content that's in violation of copyright law.

Failure to do so would make them liable for such infringement. Even worse, according to a note from New Zealand's negotiators this would even include search engines.

Assuming some service finds a way to implement this sort of proactive system, their ability to safeguard the privacy of users would be severely diminished.

Under current laws, when content owners identify content they believe infringes on their copyrights they can notify the service provider, such as YouTube, and demand that the content be removed. This is known as notice and takedown.

Under the ACTA proposal content owners would also be entitled to any information the service provider has which could identify the user responsible for the content without any judicial oversight.

If you post a 30 second video of your child dancing to a copyrighted song on YouTube and a record label believes it infringes on their copyright they could demand that YouTube not only takedown the video, but also provide them with your private account information unless you come up with evidence that the takedown request was in error.

And service providers aren't the only parties whose obligations to enforce other people's intellectual property rights would be drastically increased. Governments would be be forced into a new role as well.

For starters it would make customs officials responsible for proactively identifying intellectual property infringement in goods crossing national borders. They would, of course, be trained in this role by IP holders rather than some sort of actual legal education.

The courts would also be affected by ACTA. It would require that judges be given the power to issue injunctions for "imminent infringement," meaning infringement that hasn't even taken place yet.

Additionally, each government that's a party to the treaty would be required to "educate" the public about the evils of IP infringement.

At the end of the day ACTA isn't about protecting the people who create goods and content. Its real aim is to protect businesses which have traditionally relied on the artificial monopoly of intellectual property to make a profit.

Rather than the government regulating business, those businesses would be regulating the government. Accusations would be given the weight of judgements and the presumption of innocence would be replaced by the assumption of guilt.

Written by: Rich Fiscus @ 25 Mar 2010 2:36
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  • KillerBug

    Sickening, but hardly suprising.

    Google thinks that china's censorship is too severe...and this is far worse than what China does. Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and anyone else who runs a search engine better start fighting back right now...before they are all outlawed.

    25.3.2010 04:57 #1

  • beanos66

    Quote:...and this is far worse than what China does er...don't think so, we won't be beaten and tortured and imprisoned without trial (or with a joke of a trial)"when" we use the internet to complain about the corruption of our government

    25.3.2010 05:43 #2

  • EricCarr

    Rather than the government regulating business, those businesses would be regulating the government. Accusations would be given the weight of judgements and the presumption of innocence would be replaced by the assumption of guilt.

    So you are guilty until proven innocent??

    AMD Quad 9950, Asus Motherboard, 2G Kingston Ram, 512MB Asus 8600GT, Samsung DVD Rom sh- d162c, LG Rom GDR8163B,
    LG Burner h62n

    25.3.2010 07:21 #3

  • NeoandGeo

    Originally posted by beanos66: Quote:...and this is far worse than what China does er...don't think so, we won't be beaten and tortured and imprisoned without trial (or with a joke of a trial)"when" we use the internet to complain about the corruption of our government I think he was talking about their internet censorship in comparison to this censorship. But you're both right. :D

    25.3.2010 08:04 #4

  • Josipher

    this is sick, totally sick. ive always taken pride living in a country that on one side may not have higher internet speeds than 5Mbps (10-30MBps is stil experimental) but on the other has no regulation whatsoever about copyright infringement. you could download tons of movies and internet suppliers would even grant you support when you try opening ports for bitorrent and such. but it seems the ACTA has finally found a way to reach us. the word propesterous comes to mind when i think of a scenario with me visiting the states and a customs representative would order me to give in my smartphone,ipod and laptop for inspection
    and i thought the US's most sacred principle is freedom..
    guess the majority of the citizens dont care anymore or else theyd demand their seneators to take this treaty down, have rallys etc etc..
    Godspeed, America

    25.3.2010 09:50 #5

  • deadful

    So, does this mean that should I burn a mix CD of copyrighted songs and mail it to a friend in Canada then the Postal Services and Customs workers of both countries will also be infringers and the names and addresses of both me and the recipient must be provided to every copyright holder of every song on the CD? A windfall for lawyers if so.

    25.3.2010 11:10 #6

  • shummyr

    this is outrageous, anything you do now a media company can claim damages whether it is on youtube, direct downloads or torrents. There will be nothing but abuse of average citizens because of this. This allows them to play by their own rules including but not limited to different rules based on where they decide to screw the end user over.

    25.3.2010 11:50 #7

  • louispq

    At least this treaty has not been adopted yet and there could be some steps which could be taken if someone is willing to listen.

    ~ louispq ~

    25.3.2010 11:57 #8

  • juventini

    I hear the trumpets of war ringing. Bring it on!

    Forza Juve!!

    25.3.2010 12:49 #9

  • jimmurray

    OK, so where does this bill or whatever go next. Since the impact financially on our tax burden is obvious, it seems that there must be some form of a vote pending, and if not the ACLU should become involved.


    25.3.2010 13:08 #10

  • Mez

    I wonder why they want your identity???

    Well they are sueing everyone every where. Bruce Springsteen sued a bar because a band was playing some of his tunes. The band probably didn't have any assets. I bet he didn't play any other's music when he was starting out. Bruce is scum!

    juventini, do you jump in front of a freight train to stop it?

    25.3.2010 14:08 #11

  • cpspoo


    25.3.2010 16:30 #12

  • bam431

    Originally posted by juventini: I hear the trumpets of war ringing. Bring it on! Same here, Can't sit around and do nothing. Gotta fight back.

    25.3.2010 16:37 #13

  • Josipher

    Originally posted by bam431: Originally posted by juventini: I hear the trumpets of war ringing. Bring it on! Same here, Can't sit around and do nothing. Gotta fight back. rally up !

    mods go home

    25.3.2010 16:48 #14

  • john_swan

    Anyone that visits a website downloads copyrighted material to the harddrive in the cache storage of the browser now becomes a criminal.

    As a parent you obtain an Internet connection for your family. Someone downloads copyrighted material through your Internet connection and registered owner of the Internet connection becomes a criminal. The computer chip manufacturer (Intel, AMD, ...), computer manufacturer (HP, Compaq, ...) and Microsoft would be criminals because they provided the technology to commit the criminal act. Let's not forget the utility company that provides you with electricity.

    John Swanson

    25.3.2010 17:00 #15

  • WierdName

    Where's George Orwell when you need him?!
    When will the people doing this crap realize you can only push it so far before a violent revolution crops up. How 'developed' a country is doesn't mean * when the government goes too far. The strength is in the number of citizens and pushing them too far is what rallies them into a single force.
    It's a vicious cycle of revolution, new government, revolution, new government...

    Doesnt expecting the unexpected make the unexpected expected and therefore mean youre expecting the expected which was the unexpected until you expected it?
    "Opinions are immunities to being told were wrong." - Relient K

    25.3.2010 17:18 #16


    On 1/6/10 Homeland security knocked down the door to my house and took all my computers and DVD,
    They cuffed me and removed all my stuff after they had all my stuff they told me that they would be in contact with me. They did not arrest me the charges are copyright infringement. I have now started to use programs called trucrypt to hide all my data. I suggest anyone who has backups make a container and put your game in there or make a hidden volume this could have save me a lot of trouble. I’m going to court on May 13. I did have the original games but when they server warrant like this if you any file or DVD they will screw you. This is the new USA that we live in remember song anything on your computer is under search can be used against you in a court of law I will be doing updates to let you know also the warrant is attached to this take a look at it covers anything in you house real scary shit what homeland security can do to us in the USA god help us.
    Please use the program it could save your ass it is free and open source

    25.3.2010 17:52 #17

  • hikaricor

    Originally posted by BigDEEZZY: On 1/6/10 Homeland security knocked down my house and took all my computers and DVD,
    They cuffed me and removed all my stuff after they had all my stuff they told me that they would be in contact with me. They did not arrest me the charges are copyright infringement. I have now started to use programs called trucrypt to hide all my data. I suggest anyone who has backups make a container and put your game in there or make a hidden volume this could have save me a lot of trouble. I’m going to court on May 13. I did have the original games but when they server warrant like this if you any file or DVD they will screw you. This is the new USA that we live in remember song anything on your computer is under search can be used against you in a court of law I will be doing updates to let you know also the warrant is attached to this take a look at it covers anything in you house real scary shit what homeland security can do to us in the USA god help us.
    Please use the program it could save your ass it is free and open source
    They knocked down your house? You must have really pissed someone off..

    25.3.2010 17:59 #18


    So what does this mean to software updates? If we download said updates then based on ACTA could be charged with infringement after all it is copyrighted material? looks like I'm gonna have to bring out my ninja encryption skills again so NO alphabet soup authority (MPAA, RIAA, OHS, FBI, CIA, NRO, RCMP, CSIS,) will be able to make sense of my data I have on my computers! (Not to mention if one of my Hard Drives die, I take a drill to it and then as the coup de grace I get my friends' plasma torch and slag the drive to a puddle of molten metal! Try getting anything out of THAT lol)

    The Problem With The Genepool Is That There Are No Lifeguards! ;-)

    25.3.2010 18:12 #19


    The punishment would be less for shoplifting the dvd or cd

    25.3.2010 18:56 #20

  • Mez

    Originally posted by BigDEEZZY: On 1/6/10 Homeland security knocked down my house and took all my computers and DVD,
    They cuffed me and removed all my stuff after they had all my stuff they told me that they would be in contact with me. They did not arrest me the charges are copyright infringement. I have now started to use programs called trucrypt to hide all my data. I suggest anyone who has backups make a container and put your game in there or make a hidden volume this could have save me a lot of trouble. I’m going to court on May 13. I did have the original games but when they server warrant like this if you any file or DVD they will screw you. This is the new USA that we live in remember song anything on your computer is under search can be used against you in a court of law I will be doing updates to let you know also the warrant is attached to this take a look at it covers anything in you house real scary shit what homeland security can do to us in the USA god help us.
    Please use the program it could save your ass it is free and open source

    I never have heard anything like this in the US. The Homeland security did this not the FBI. You are going to court and you are still going to town like nothing happened. You sure have BALLS or tell a good tail! You claim will save you. Lucky they must have gathered evidence to get the warrant by illegal search and seizure.

    I hope you are not pulling our legs because I feel a big yank!

    25.3.2010 19:49 #21


    I have just got the letter in the mail and these are the counts ready
    PC653w(a) felony Failure to Disclose origin of recoriding or audiovisual work
    PC653w(b)(1) a felony enhancement based on quantity manufacture/sell/possess counterfeit mark 1,000 or 400$

    welcome to the new USA

    26.3.2010 02:45 #22


    they went in for Xbox and ended charging me for shit like DVDs but the thing is i have all the DVD that I backuped I’m just going to have to bring them to court. The thing is I worked it IT for years and one drive in my computer has all the backups ive done for thousands of pcs music and more they have just accumulated over the years im I talking about 400 gb music data the homeland and DA think I download it but they were all backup from work and other pc that I have redone shit some peoples drives have had 160 gb of music that ive had to backup. What’s next for Tec we can’t back that data if you can’t prove you own it because it could put me in jail? I’m fu$ked I will probably never get a job in IT again I’ve been out of work for a year and a baby on the way I’ve been making it a float on repairing pc but soon they will get me in the end IM not trying to pull anyone’s leg but this is a real problem homeland security can come in your house take your computers and if you can’t prove where you got the data from you will get a felony It only takes 1000 songs or $400+ and you will be locked up.

    26.3.2010 03:01 #23


    Originally posted by hikaricor: Originally posted by BigDEEZZY: On 1/6/10 Homeland security knocked down my house and took all my computers and DVD,
    They cuffed me and removed all my stuff after they had all my stuff they told me that they would be in contact with me. They did not arrest me the charges are copyright infringement. I have now started to use programs called trucrypt to hide all my data. I suggest anyone who has backups make a container and put your game in there or make a hidden volume this could have save me a lot of trouble. I’m going to court on May 13. I did have the original games but when they server warrant like this if you any file or DVD they will screw you. This is the new USA that we live in remember song anything on your computer is under search can be used against you in a court of law I will be doing updates to let you know also the warrant is attached to this take a look at it covers anything in you house real scary shit what homeland security can do to us in the USA god help us.
    Please use the program it could save your ass it is free and open source
    They knocked down your house? You must have really pissed someone off..
    sorry that was a typo they knocked down my door lol

    26.3.2010 05:47 #24

  • Mez

    I believe you now. What you are saying is too wacky to make up. They were after they games; the rest were just good luck. You HAD to do something to get your attention. They didn't just knock down your door for grins. They needed proof of wrong doing to get the warrant. What is critical to you is did they acquire the information legally. Did you get any games using P2P? If so, what did you use, simple P2P that will allow them to legally snoop or Torrents. If you used torrents were your flows completely encrypted? One other idea is that your computer had a botnet and that it was involved in the attack on the pentagon. Then they discovered what else you were doing. Some college kids in our town had something like that happen to them and nothing happened to them cause their only crime was ignorance. My son knew a mutual friend. They didn't know why they were singled out. Homeland Security never told why they broke in other than it was national security.

    26.3.2010 08:13 #25


    well i have ben taught a valuable lesson now i encrypt my drives with true crypt also i hav VM workstation runing on my computer and that is encrypted also i use a hidden partion on the drives with sepent twofish AES 256 bit with whirlpool and outer layer 256 AES with easy password the VM is encrypet as well there is no mac on a vm also on the BT side i have encryption upload as well but not down load do you know of any that do download encryption? all i got to tell you mez is i will never trust my goverment again from now on im gonna keep shit ziped up tight they just made me hell of alot smarter and more aware of what really going on hear in the USA it they want me they will have brute force all my stuff it a sad day for me as i have lost all hope of our goverment ever geting back on track on what is important to all of us Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

    26.3.2010 09:14 #26

  • Mez

    Originally posted by BigDEEZZY: well i have ben taught a valuable now i encrypt my drives with true crypt also i hav VM workstation runing on my computer and that is encrypted also i use a hidden partion on the drives with sepent twofish AES 256 bit with whirlpool and outer layer 256 AES with easy password the VM is encrypet as well there is no mac on a vm also on the BT side i have encryption upload as well but not down load do you know of any that do download encryption? all i got to tell you mez is i will never trust my goverment again from now on im gonna keep shit ziped up tight they just made me hell of alot smarter and more aware of what really going on hear in the USA it they want me they will have brute force all my stuff it a sad day for me as i have lost all hope of our goverment ever geting back on track on what is important to all of us Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
    Most torrents have an option to encrypt in and out going flows. I wouldn't trust any software to hide your goodies. Most have back doors. I suspected that so I tried to email something encrypted by an old utility that was make before back doors were required. My email allowed files encrypted with current utilities but would not allow that file to pass. Obviously, they ware virus scanning the files encrypted with the current software. The truly encrypted file could not be scanned so I could not send it. They will still know you are doing something but they will need to hack your computer to find out what. At this point in time they need a good excuse like attacking the pentagon. The above law will negate that. Then smart persons will lay low. There is no way they will not be able to get you when they want to. Your ISP can detect torrents the your address is in the package that is how it gets to you. All P2P will not be worth it. There is other technologies but they all have major limitations.

    If you off load all your goodies to a computer not connected to the internet or (less good) use external drive not connected to a computer when it is connected to the net you will be much safer. One other suggestion try swapping goodies with someone that has your tastes. If you lose yours they can give it back to you when everything settles down.

    26.3.2010 11:14 #27


    good stuff im just going to be on the up and up for a while

    26.3.2010 16:20 #28

  • lubricant

    man... im halfway saying screw the internet what with all this mess

    27.3.2010 07:50 #29

  • thunderwa

    "man... im halfway saying screw the internet what with all this mess"

    That's what they want you to do. The entertainment companies would rather go back to the good old days of people paying $15 for one song they like on a CD. We really are in trouble in the USA. China will soon enough take over as the number one super-power, and they are the bank that loaned us all the money for our last economic binge. How does your bank treat you? Right. More and more we'll be dancing to their tunes if we want to keep playing in the band. So this is just the start. Oh, and don't forget to buy your health insurance. The IRS just got $10 billion to hire another 19,000 agents to make sure you do.

    27.3.2010 21:55 #30


    it the words of dave dave chappelle its doodoo baby !

    28.3.2010 05:42 #31


    I'll use the un secure router defense ;)

    No time for Leap frog!!!

    28.3.2010 07:18 #32

  • Mez

    Originally posted by thunderwa: "man... im halfway saying screw the internet what with all this mess"

    That's what they want you to do. The entertainment companies would rather go back to the good old days of people paying $15 for one song they like on a CD. We really are in trouble in the USA. China will soon enough take over as the number one super-power, and they are the bank that loaned us all the money for our last economic binge. How does your bank treat you? Right. More and more we'll be dancing to their tunes if we want to keep playing in the band. So this is just the start. Oh, and don't forget to buy your health insurance. The IRS just got $10 billion to hire another 19,000 agents to make sure you do.

    You are correct! Make hay while the sun shines. ACTA is not law yet. Grab everything you think you might want for free while the getting is good.

    28.3.2010 13:35 #33

  • Hrdrk20

    Hi friend, can you do an AMA on reddit? Thanks.

    AMA "ask me anything"

    28.3.2010 14:40 #34

  • jimmurray

    My experience was less dramatic than yours, My service provider (MEDIACOM) shut down my internet connection and when I tried to get online I couldn't. I have the triple service from them, Phone, TV Cable and Internet. I finally got through to their tier two tech who advised me that they cut me off because someone on my connection had illegally downloaded a movie through bit-torrent. It turns out my son (home at the time from college) had downed a copy of Evolution Extinction as a trial. He later purchased the movie, before the cable company cut us off. They told me that they had sent out a warning that they were going to do this and when I didn't respond they cut me off. They told me they were now going to mail me forms to fill out that I could sign to admit my guilt of illegal downloading then they would reconnect me to the internet with the provision that if it ever happened again it would be a permanent disconnect. I contacted an attorney and was advised that the cable company was PROBABLY right in what they did and since it was a GREY area I should sign the form and make sure my son stays off the torrent sites. This was about 18 months ago and we have been up and running since. The sad thing is, MEDIACOM is the only game in town or I would have dumped their sorry asses already. COME ON ATT (they are stringing cable here now and as soon as they are up I'm on with them.


    28.3.2010 15:03 #35

  • Mez

    Was your ISP Cox?

    28.3.2010 19:36 #36

  • jimmurray

    Originally posted by Mez: Was your ISP Cox? No, we have an outfit named MEDIACOM. They bought out Jones Intercable several years ago. I live in California, near Clearlake and MediaCom is the only cable company in our county. Sux until ATT finishes with the fiber optics they are in process of installing.


    28.3.2010 23:46 #37


    im with cox

    29.3.2010 05:05 #38

  • jimmurray

    Originally posted by BigDEEZZY: im with cox And it was cox that turned you in? It almost sounds like the RIAA and company are putting out bounties on us, doesn't it. I can't see anyone busting us little guys just for fun, but then there are a lot of a$$hol&$ out there. FBI and Homeland Security wannabees.


    29.3.2010 13:07 #39

  • jimmurray

    I have seen those anonymous surfer programs advertised but do they really work, Can your ISP still track you? It seems that the service can track any use of the internet through their server and your service. With this in mind the ISP could be the strong link in this type of operation. If you have a wireless setup and do not have it locked down and someone uses your connection to download, the ISP can still shut you down even if its from an unrecognized address as long as it tracks to your service, you are responsible. No matter if its a scrambled address it will still come from your connection node, so be careful in using those so called anonymous address thinggies. Seems that the only anonymity is on the receiver end and not the sender. The FBI, et al, may not be able to read who you contacted on your machine but when they conspire with your ISP the records will show where you have been. This is how they get those pedophiles that frequent the internet. At least that's how it seems to me.


    29.3.2010 13:39 #40

  • Mr-Movies

    Originally posted by jimmurray: Originally posted by Mez: Was your ISP Cox? No, we have an outfit named MEDIACOM. They bought out Jones Intercable several years ago. I live in California, near Clearlake and MediaCom is the only cable company in our county. Sux until ATT finishes with the fiber optics they are in process of installing. Mediacom is the same as Comcast, you know the ones that like to limit your bandwidth throttling you down during prime time and now have a monthly accumulated limit. They also use Norton moving away from McAffee and now your emails don't get delivered at times to particular people, randomly with no sense to it at all. When you notify them with the HTML error code and ask for an explanation to the server error, the normal generic complaint is “421 too many connections”, they like to tell you it is a virus and they avoid supporting you. Now this can be a virus problem but viruses normally don’t just single out one person when sending out email so it just doesn’t make any sense at all. Plus I’ve done some testing of my own, since they won’t tell me what is going on the server end, and found that sending from another location from through their server and it works fine from the same PC/Email content tells me it is something they are doing. I also have friends that are having the exact same problems which tells me Mediacom/Comcast’s firewall/malware protection is the problem which would be Norton now that they have switched over, this didn’t happen until they switched. Mediacom/Comcast is really getting poor for price and service provided.

    I know someone that got tagged by HLS they took all of their PC’s and finally after almost a year gave them back the PC’s less the HDD’s and it looks like they won’t ever get them back. I don’t know if the charges have been presumed. Maybe we should have random house searching with no provocation in order to appease those poor large companies that are gouging us for music & entertainment. It’s pretty sad that I can’t burn a copy of the baseball game I was at to a DVD because they have protected it with HDCP, what a joke, I miss the BetaMax/VHS days when you had some freedoms. I sure don’t see these big companies getting smaller if anything they are just getting bigger good thing they have the government in their pocket.

    29.3.2010 15:32 #41


    gonna post on may 12 what happens to me have a good month

    30.3.2010 06:45 #42

  • KillerBug

    Originally posted by BigDEEZZY: On 1/6/10 Homeland security knocked down the door to my house and took all my computers and DVD,
    They cuffed me and removed all my stuff after they had all my stuff they told me that they would be in contact with me. They did not arrest me the charges are copyright infringement. I have now started to use programs called trucrypt to hide all my data. I suggest anyone who has backups make a container and put your game in there or make a hidden volume this could have save me a lot of trouble. I’m going to court on May 13. I did have the original games but when they server warrant like this if you any file or DVD they will screw you. This is the new USA that we live in remember song anything on your computer is under search can be used against you in a court of law I will be doing updates to let you know also the warrant is attached to this take a look at it covers anything in you house real scary shit what homeland security can do to us in the USA god help us.
    Please use the program it could save your ass it is free and open source
    No one will care; no one ever cares when the rights of others are trampled by large groups of armed Nazi-Wannabees.

    30.3.2010 10:32 #43

  • jimmurray

    Originally posted by BigDEEZZY: gonna post on may 12 what happens to me have a good month Will be waiting to hear, Good luck.


    30.3.2010 21:53 #44

  • john_swan

    We bought music recorded on media that has becomes obsolete as technology changes. We bought movies on media that becomes obsolete as technology changes. The physical space required to store music and movies becomes a problem. The storage media for music and movies change over time. To preserve your investment in music and movies you need to convert the older media formats to the current media formats while the equipment to playback older media is still available. In the United States you wait until the music or movie becomes available again and purchase another copy so that you have a legal right to continue to enjoy it. To preserve your investment in music and movies you purchased we need to create a backup copy and store this in off-site storage (not in the United States). We could register all music and movies we purchased on a central web-site maintained by the recording industry as proof ownership. The attorneys working for the recording industry are desperate to generate revenue for an industry with declining sales because that product they offer does not meet the needs of the consummer.

    Today, you can store 1500 CDs or 250 DVDs on a 1 terabyte harddrive. You need to store data on disk to preserve content over a long period of time.

    The movie industry takes film movies from vault to transfer sound and picture to a digital format. The digital image for each frame is restored to correct color and sound to he original condition.

    Today our children spend more time playing video games. This leaves less time for music and movies. The recording industry needs to offer a product which meets the needs of the consummer.

    John Swanson

    31.3.2010 07:05 #45

  • Mez

    Originally posted by Mr-Movies:

    Mediacom is the same as Comcast, you know the ones that like to limit your bandwidth throttling you down during prime time and now have a monthly accumulated limit. They also use Norton moving away from McAffee and now your emails don't get delivered at times to particular people, randomly with no sense to it at all.

    I know someone that got tagged by HLS they took all of their PC’s and finally after almost a year gave them back the PC’s less the HDD’s and it looks like they won’t ever get them back.
    Even though Comcast used to be one of the baddest boys when it can to police work I rate them as reasonable. As long as you stay to off hrs and keep to the limit they leave you alone. They have not done any snooping that the others do. Cox starts on you if you do over 50G/mon.

    I suspect the HLS is working on attacks. If you allow a botnet to stay on your computer and it attacks some government agency you are screwed. They have carte blanche to do pretty much what ever they want. I strongly suggest booting up in safe mode with networking, down load something like malware bites and run it monthly. It is not all that good with botnets but you will be alerted that something is wrong with your computer. It will clean the viruses.

    31.3.2010 22:13 #46

  • daveytrac

    yea I agree.

    I spammed, i left.

    1.4.2010 11:51 #47

  • bboyphrog

    Originally posted by Mez: Originally posted by BigDEEZZY: On 1/6/10 Homeland security knocked down my house and took all my computers and DVD,
    They cuffed me and removed all my stuff after they had all my stuff they told me that they would be in contact with me. They did not arrest me the charges are copyright infringement. I have now started to use programs called trucrypt to hide all my data. I suggest anyone who has backups make a container and put your game in there or make a hidden volume this could have save me a lot of trouble. I’m going to court on May 13. I did have the original games but when they server warrant like this if you any file or DVD they will screw you. This is the new USA that we live in remember song anything on your computer is under search can be used against you in a court of law I will be doing updates to let you know also the warrant is attached to this take a look at it covers anything in you house real scary shit what homeland security can do to us in the USA god help us.
    Please use the program it could save your ass it is free and open source

    I never have heard anything like this in the US. The Homeland security did this not the FBI. You are going to court and you are still going to town like nothing happened. You sure have BALLS or tell a good tail! You claim will save you. Lucky they must have gathered evidence to get the warrant by illegal search and seizure.

    I hope you are not pulling our legs because I feel a big yank!
    i dont believe he is pulling anyones leg. i know someone this happened to except he was arrested, given 15 yrs in jail and fined upwards of 250 million. sounds like bullshit i know!!

    2) now to address the search and seizure. george w. bush successfully passed legislation in the wake of 9/11 that states something along the lines of: 1) homeland security DOES NOT need a warrant or probable cause to enter any location at any time weather it be residential or commercial.

    3) any person can be detained indefinitely without trial or access to legal counsel or representation legally.

    4) any and everyone can be monitored anytime without obtaining legal anything. this includes watched, communications tapped/recorded and anything else related to surveillance.

    these are just a few things outlined in the "patriot act". they have taken our constitutional rights and basically decided these are in the way so we will just get rid of them.
    what`s worse than this is the fact that americans sat back and allowed a corrupt profiteer (not to mention the stupidest person ever,or that he was illegally put into office) to take away fundamental rights that our country was built on and which the revolutionary war was fought for. Of course he was just a puppet im sure for who ever the actual "powers that be" are, I`m ashamed to be an american at this point in history. what once was a great nation is now just a nation of sheeple. orwell wasnt wrong his time frame was just slightly off.

    by the way the guy this happened to was in arizona and it was homeland security as well.

    9.4.2010 18:21 #48

  • bboyphrog

    Originally posted by bboyphrog1: Originally posted by Mez: Originally posted by BigDEEZZY: On 1/6/10 Homeland security knocked down my house and took all my computers and DVD,
    They cuffed me and removed all my stuff after they had all my stuff they told me that they would be in contact with me. They did not arrest me the charges are copyright infringement. I have now started to use programs called trucrypt to hide all my data. I suggest anyone who has backups make a container and put your game in there or make a hidden volume this could have save me a lot of trouble. I’m going to court on May 13. I did have the original games but when they server warrant like this if you any file or DVD they will screw you. This is the new USA that we live in remember song anything on your computer is under search can be used against you in a court of law I will be doing updates to let you know also the warrant is attached to this take a look at it covers anything in you house real scary shit what homeland security can do to us in the USA god help us.
    Please use the program it could save your ass it is free and open source

    I never have heard anything like this in the US. The Homeland security did this not the FBI. You are going to court and you are still going to town like nothing happened. You sure have BALLS or tell a good tail! You claim will save you. Lucky they must have gathered evidence to get the warrant by illegal search and seizure.

    I hope you are not pulling our legs because I feel a big yank!
    i dont believe he is pulling anyones leg. i know someone this happened to except he was arrested, given 15 yrs in jail and fined upwards of 250 million. sounds like bullshit i know!!

    2) now to address the search and seizure. george w. bush successfully passed legislation in the wake of 9/11 that states something along the lines of: 1) homeland security DOES NOT need a warrant or probable cause to enter any location at any time weather it be residential or commercial.

    3) any person can be detained indefinitely without trial or access to legal counsel or representation legally.

    4) any and everyone can be monitored anytime without obtaining legal anything. this includes watched, communications tapped/recorded and anything else related to surveillance.

    these are just a few things outlined in the "patriot act". they have taken our constitutional rights and basically decided these are in the way so we will just get rid of them.
    what`s worse than this is the fact that americans sat back and allowed a corrupt profiteer (not to mention the stupidest person ever,or that he was illegally put into office) to take away fundamental rights that our country was built on and which the revolutionary war was fought for. Of course he was just a puppet im sure for who ever the actual "powers that be" are, I`m ashamed to be an american at this point in history. what once was a great nation is now just a nation of sheeple. orwell wasnt wrong his time frame was just slightly off.

    by the way the guy this happened to was in arizona and it was homeland security as well.
    my post was 4/9/2010

    9.4.2010 18:22 #49

  • bboyphrog

    Originally posted by BigDEEZZY: they went in for Xbox and ended charging me for shit like DVDs but the thing is i have all the DVD that I backuped I’m just going to have to bring them to court. The thing is I worked it IT for years and one drive in my computer has all the backups ive done for thousands of pcs music and more they have just accumulated over the years im I talking about 400 gb music data the homeland and DA think I download it but they were all backup from work and other pc that I have redone shit some peoples drives have had 160 gb of music that ive had to backup. What’s next for Tec we can’t back that data if you can’t prove you own it because it could put me in jail? I’m fu$ked I will probably never get a job in IT again I’ve been out of work for a year and a baby on the way I’ve been making it a float on repairing pc but soon they will get me in the end IM not trying to pull anyone’s leg but this is a real problem homeland security can come in your house take your computers and if you can’t prove where you got the data from you will get a felony It only takes 1000 songs or $400+ and you will be locked up. get ahold of me bro. *email removed* ive got work for you if anywhere near the west side of the country. in the subject box put clay please read

    9.4.2010 18:33 #50

  • bboyphrog

    Originally posted by jimmurray: Originally posted by Mez: Was your ISP Cox? No, we have an outfit named MEDIACOM. They bought out Jones Intercable several years ago. I live in California, near Clearlake and MediaCom is the only cable company in our county. Sux until ATT finishes with the fiber optics they are in process of installing. their is always satellite(dish networks, etc..) i would go that route. and they are pretty much available everywhere. chek it out. good luck

    9.4.2010 18:45 #51

  • Mez

    Just to be crystal clear... I do believe homeland security breaks into houses. That was in response to a botnet attack on government sites at the beginning of the year. The users did not know that their computer was part of the attack. This was not a routine police effort.

    11.4.2010 13:05 #52

  • john_swan

    How do you know whether or not permission has been given by the copyright to download a song without some form of payment. Does a song no longer protected by a copyright become a copyrighted song when a new singer records the song? How much do I owe the RIAA for singing my child "Happy Birthday"? Do I need to get permission from the birthday police?

    John Swanson

    12.4.2010 04:52 #53

  • Mez

    Originally posted by john_swan: How do you know whether or not permission has been given by the copyright to download a song without some form of payment. Does a song no longer protected by a copyright become a copyrighted song when a new singer records the song? How much do I owe the RIAA for singing my child "Happy Birthday"? Do I need to get permission from the birthday police? The RIAA is made up mostly of lawyers, can't you tell?

    12.4.2010 07:54 #54

  • cawatch

    spam edited by ddp

    27.4.2010 01:48 #55

  • john_swan

    Originally posted by thunderwa: "man... im halfway saying screw the internet what with all this mess"

    That's what they want you to do. The entertainment companies would rather go back to the good old days of people paying $15 for one song they like on a CD. We really are in trouble in the USA. China will soon enough take over as the number one super-power, and they are the bank that loaned us all the money for our last economic binge. How does your bank treat you? Right. More and more we'll be dancing to their tunes if we want to keep playing in the band. So this is just the start. Oh, and don't forget to buy your health insurance. The IRS just got $10 billion to hire another 19,000 agents to make sure you do.
    What happens when you don't have enough money to buy health insurance? Don't you have to provide shelter, food and clothing for your children? When the unemployment insurance runs out for the outsourced worker then what? Now some health care providers will fly you to foreign country where health care is cheap. Some things can't wait but for everything else there is somewhere on the planet where medical care is cheaper than in the united states.

    John Swanson

    27.4.2010 04:01 #56

  • jimmurray

    Big Deezy..
    What happened with your case?


    22.5.2010 23:46 #57

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