Early reviewers praise iPad

Early reviewers praise iPad
A handful of tech journalists and bloggers have been given iPads to try out and the first reviews have appeared. They are overwhelmingly positive.

Most reviewers praised the iPad's speed. That's understandable considering it has a much faster CPU than any generation of the iPhone or iPod Touch, while most of the apps available for it now were actually designed with those devices in mind.

The user interface also got its share of kudos. The Houston Chronicle's Bob LeVitus calls the on screen keyboard "eminently usable," adding that in landscape mode he can almost touch type on it.

Andy Ihnatko of the Chicago Sun Times called the iPad "a computer that’s designed for speed, mobility, and tactile interaction above all other considerations."

But that leaves us to think about what other considerations might be important. Perhaps the biggest is what consumers will expect from a device priced about the same as a budget laptop.

As all the reviewers make clear, the iPad is no substitute for a laptop.

Everyone was quite pleased with its multimedia playback and e-book reader capabilities. But they were equally unanimous about its unsuitability for things like working with word processing or creating spreadsheets.

And then there's the content. If you're looking for e-books there will be plenty available, including not just commercial titles from big publishers, but also a number of public domain books from Project Gutenberg.

One potentially huge problem on the e-book front is the insistence by major publishers on controlling the price so as not to compete with their physical products. We've seen this strategy before with record labels.

In fact it was just this sort of paranoia that made it so difficult for anyone to start an online music store to cater to all the MP3 consumers.

Of course Apple was able to capitalize on MP3's popularity by picking a pricepoint for songs that satisfied the labels. But e-books don't have the built in customer base that MP3 already enjoyed prior to the launch of the iTunes store.

Apple isn't just trying to sell e-books. They're helping to create the market. As good an e-book reader as the iPad apparently is, if people aren't sold on buying books for it that's not going to do much for sales.

Of course it's an iPod as well, which means you can play your audio and video files on it. And according to all the reviews it's an excellent video player. It can also play video from a number of internet sources, most notably YouTube.

On the other hand, if you're looking to catch up on your favorite TV show on Hulu you're out of luck.

The iPad's lack of Flash support has been well documented and exhaustively debated. The good news is there are quite a few content providers moving to HTML5 just to support the iPad.

But there are still many others sticking with Flash, both for video and other content. There's no question your web surfing experience will be more limited with an iPad than a desktop, laptop or even a netbook.

Reviewers' hyperbole aside, the iPad's success will depend heavily on two things.

The first will be how much people are willing to pay for what amounts to a big iPod Touch with an e-book reader built-in. Despite numerous predictions this is something that is simply unknowable right now.

It's easy to say the iPad will succeed because it's a good product, but good products come and go all the time because people don't want or need them. It's equally easy to predict it will fail because people don't care about e-books and want Flash support.

The reality is the market for the iPad is unknown right now, and will be until they've been on sale for a while.

Which brings us to the other X factor. How will Apple respond to consumers?

Despite widespread public perception to the contrary, Apple is capable of adapting their strategy when necessary. The iPhone is a perfect example of this.

Barely more than two months after the original iPhone launched they slashed prices by $200. When the iPhone 3G debuted a year later they copied jailbreakers and opened the App Store.

At that time they also changed their business model for carriers because they were having a hard time getting carriers to agree to revenue sharing deals like they have with AT&T.

Even if sales of the first generation iPad aren't very good, they can still make it a success if they listen to customers.

You can read the reviews for yourself on websites for The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Chicago Sun Times, USA Today, Houston Chronicle, PC Magazine, Boing Boing and TheRoot.

Written by: Rich Fiscus @ 1 Apr 2010 14:52
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  • statomike

    It's a tablet computer, but if you compare it to cell phones it looks really good.

    1.4.2010 15:14 #1

  • jpc1284

    AHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. great April fools joke afterdawn. too bad every one knows its and over sized ipod touch.good one.

    1.4.2010 19:14 #2

  • john_swan

    The iPad creates a new business opprotunity for clothing manufactures. A large padded pocket for your iPad. Wearable solar panel to charge your iPad or iPhone.

    John Swanson

    1.4.2010 19:55 #3

  • Run4two

    Stop it Vurbal! I already have a leg length descrepency.

    1.4.2010 20:23 #4

  • keith1993

    Quote:Most reviewers praised the iPad's speed Because it's CPU is nearly twice the speed of the iPhone 3GS and runs pretty much the same software. I'm fairly sure an i7 phone is possible but unnecessary much the same way this is.

    Quote:calls the on screen keyboard "eminently usable," More usable then say a netbook keyboard or a slide out/Blackberry-style QWERTY? Thought not.

    Quote:a computer that’s designed for speed, mobility, and tactile interaction above all other considerations Mobility? Were they testing it from far away? Tactile interaction? In the same sentence as computer what's wrong with the old keyboard and touchpad (and when necessary mouse)? And on a fuller view I can't say I've ever used a touch device and thought I couldn't do it better with buttons have you? Other considerations? You might like not actually serving basic computer functions?

    Quote:Everyone was quite pleased with its multimedia playback Yes but was it actually any better then that of a basic MP4 player? I can tell you now it wasn't better then a computer but I think the general feel I'm getting here is that IT IS NOT A COMPUTER except when disadvantages come up or when it's getting bigged up.

    Quote:its unsuitability for things like working with word processing or creating spreadsheets. Just to go over this again, it isn't a computer when it comes to bad things and this is bad thing.

    Quote:it's an iPod as well, which means you can play your audio and video files on it. And according to all the reviews it's an excellent video player. It can also play video from a number of internet sources, most notably YouTube An iPod? You mean the same way an iPhone or iPod is an iPod which is in fact a term for over-expensive MP4 players with basic functions replaced with aimless ones? YouTube? Can't fault that at all. In fact what is YouTube? I can't seem to get on it with anything else...

    Quote:if you're looking to catch up on your favorite TV show on Hulu you're out of luck. I'm not actually. I live in the UK so there are about 4 different services (BBC iPlayer, 4oD, ITV player and Demand 5) All of which work on my computer and I'm pretty sure Hulu is not dissimilar in this way.

    Quote:The iPad's lack of Flash support I thought computers had what they liked? Seriously though there's no excuse for this only bull****. My Samsung MP3 player has flash and not internet. I've never understood why but it why not? I can watch the lol limewire pirate video with it and play copter. And because you can't do work on the iPad surely it needs these aimless time killers does it not?

    Quote:The good news is there are quite a few content providers moving to HTML5 just to support the iPad. I'm going to do nothing more then re-spin this "The bad news is quite a few content providers are scared they will lose market and will quickly create a poorly put together HTML5 version due to Apple bullying."

    Quote:your web surfing experience will be more limited with an iPad than a desktop, laptop or even a netbook. So what is the purpose of this? I haven't seen one thing it does well just things achievable with a netbook, MP4 player and mobile phone which probably comes to a smaller size, lower price has more features. Plus you don't have to walk around with a giant obnoxious Apple branded slab of thief-attractor that you think makes you look good when in fact you look like a c**t . I'll end with this: Quote:It's easy to say the iPad will succeed because it's a good product :Because I'm a good liar.
    :Because I think anything with an i in front of it is a gift from God (these people are known as iC**ts and hence mostly think of themselves as gifts from god).
    :Actually why am I having all the fun. Submit your own!

    EDIT: Frequently for spelling mistooks and other English flaws

    I could put something funny here but I cant be arsed. Now GO AWAY!

    1.4.2010 21:49 #5

  • Josipher

    Originally posted by keith1993: Quote:Most reviewers praised the iPad's speed Because it's CPU is nearly twice the speed of the iPhone 3GS and runs pretty much the same software. I'm fairly sure an i7 phone is possible but unnecessary much the same way this is.

    Quote:calls the on screen keyboard "eminently usable," More usable then say a netbook keyboard or a slide out/Blackberry-style QWERTY? Thought not.

    Quote:a computer that’s designed for speed, mobility, and tactile interaction above all other considerations Mobility? Were they testing it from far away? Tactile interaction? In the same sentence as computer what's wrong with the old keyboard and touchpad (and when necessary mouse)? And on a fuller view I can't say I've ever used a touch device and thought I couldn't do it better with buttons have you? Other considerations? You might like not actually serving basic computer functions?

    Quote:Everyone was quite pleased with its multimedia playback Yes but was it actually any better then that of a basic MP4 player? I can tell you now it wasn't better then a computer but I think the general feel I'm getting here is that IT IS NOT A COMPUTER except when disadvantages come up or when it's getting bigged up.

    Quote:its unsuitability for things like working with word processing or creating spreadsheets. Just to go over this again, it isn't a computer when it comes to bad things and this is bad thing.

    Quote:it's an iPod as well, which means you can play your audio and video files on it. And according to all the reviews it's an excellent video player. It can also play video from a number of internet sources, most notably YouTube An iPod? You mean the same way an iPhone or iPod is an iPod which is in fact a term for over-expensive MP4 players with basic functions replaced with aimless ones? YouTube? Can't fault that at all. In fact what is YouTube? I can't seem to get on it with anything else...

    Quote:if you're looking to catch up on your favorite TV show on Hulu you're out of luck. I'm not actually. I live in the UK so there are about 4 different services (BBC iPlayer, 4oD, ITV player and Demand 5) All of which work on my computer and I'm pretty sure Hulu is not dissimilar in this way.

    Quote:The iPad's lack of Flash support I thought computers had what they liked? Seriously though there's no excuse for this just bull**** my Samsung MP3 player has flash and not internet. I've never understood why but it why not? I can watch the lol limewire pirate video with it and play copter. And because you can't do work on the iPad surely it needs these aimless time killers does it not?

    Quote:The good news is there are quite a few content providers moving to HTML5 just to support the iPad. I'm going to do nothing more then re-spin this "The bad news is quite a few content providers are scared they will lose market and will quickly create a poorly put together HTML5 version due to Apple bullying."

    Quote:your web surfing experience will be more limited with an iPad than a desktop, laptop or even a netbook. So what is the purpose of this? I haven't seen one thing it does well just things achievable with a netbook, MP4 player and mobile phone which probably comes to a smaller size, lower price has more features. Plus you don't have to walk around with a giant obnoxious Apple branded slab of thief-attractor that you think makes you look good when in fact you look like a c**t . I'll end with this: Quote:It's easy to say the iPad will succeed because it's a good product :Because I'm a good liar.
    :Because I think anything with an i in front of it is a gift from God (these people are known as iC**ts and hence mostly think of themselves as gifts from god).
    :Actually why am I having all he fun. Submit your own!
    I L-O-V-E YOU :)
    lol but seriously i think that as far ipad haters and apple haters in general are concerned youve outdone yourself mate.
    personally im waiting to see what the HPslate is capable of,one thing im sure of is that it will support flash,a feature i would very much like to have on a netbook/laptop and pretty much every device for the next 2 years minimum. this reminds me the absuridy of the fact that first generation ipod touch had no speakers..not to mention current 3rd generation ones lack in comparison to any other mp4 in terms of speaker ability

    mods go home

    1.4.2010 22:08 #6

  • KillerBug

    You forgot one other translation:

    "A handful of tech journalists and bloggers have been given iPads to try out and the first reviews have appeared. They are overwhelmingly positive."

    Translation: Apple sent a bunch of iPads to a bunch of FanBoys, knowing that they would get good reviews, even if they would not turn on. Once the devices did power up, they were guaranteed excelent ratings, regardless of the fact that it has less functionality than an iPhone.

    1.4.2010 22:54 #7

  • brockie

    glad I waited will get this over the others.

    1.4.2010 23:15 #8

  • Mrguss

    Originally posted by KillerBug: You forgot one other translation:

    "A handful of tech journalists and bloggers have been given iPads to try out and the first reviews have appeared. They are overwhelmingly positive."

    Translation: Apple sent a bunch of iPads to a bunch of FanBoys, knowing that they would get good reviews, even if they would not turn on. Once the devices did power up, they were guaranteed excelent ratings, regardless of the fact that it has less functionality than an iPhone.
    Read this:

    2.4.2010 02:27 #9

  • KillerBug

    That's insane...no wonder they just replace the thing when the batter dies; they don't want to deal with all that bother to open the thing.

    Something funny I found is that there are already a lot of these with dead batteries...clearly there is a defect in the battery design or production. Apple will not replace these for free, in spite of the fact that every iPad is less than a month old. Instead, they charge $100 to replace the whole unit...and the replacement will have the same model battery in it...so don't be suprised if the replacement iPad dies just as fast.

    2.4.2010 04:04 #10

  • john_swan

    Originally posted by KillerBug: That's insane...no wonder they just replace the thing when the batter dies; they don't want to deal with all that bother to open the thing.

    Something funny I found is that there are already a lot of these with dead batteries...clearly there is a defect in the battery design or production. Apple will not replace these for free, in spite of the fact that every iPad is less than a month old. Instead, they charge $100 to replace the whole unit...and the replacement will have the same model battery in it...so don't be suprised if the replacement iPad dies just as fast.
    That is why we need clothing with solar panel to keep the iPhone and iPad charged up.

    John Swanson

    2.4.2010 15:37 #11

  • ST2006

    People are just sad bumlickers...

    9.4.2010 22:51 #12

  • john_swan

    Originally posted by statomike: It's a tablet computer, but if you compare it to cell phones it looks really good.
    The iPad does not fit in a shirt pocket.

    John Swanson

    12.4.2010 05:30 #13

  • creaky

    Apple to fix malfunctioning iPad customers

    Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
    Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***

    12.4.2010 05:38 #14

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