Osama Bin Laden Facebook fan page shut down

Osama Bin Laden Facebook fan page shut down
A Facebook fan page for Osama Bin Laden has been shut down today, after 1000 "fans" signed up to watch posts linking to speeches and recordings of the Islamic extremist.

The page went up in late March, and refers to bin Laden as the "Prince of Mujahideen."

Although it is unclear who started the page, Facebook says they doubt there is any direct link, and the page was likely put up by supporters in the Middle East.

Adds the social networking site: "People often attempt to register fake accounts under the name of famous or infamous people. There is no evidence to suggest that the account in question or the other dozens of people who have tried to present themselves as Osama bin Laden have any relation to the terrorist. As is our standard practice, we have disabled the account."

Spokesman Andrew Noyes says the company has access to the IP addresses and email addresses used by a profile or a group.

"These pages do pop up,"
Noyes adds, via ABC. "Sometimes they are able to slip through the cracks, but we do end up taking them down."

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 19 Apr 2010 0:59
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  • ukhn99 (unverified)

    Wow, who even dare to do such a thing like that. It good that they able to take that down in time before any bad thing could come off of that.

    19.4.2010 03:25 #1

  • KillerBug

    Why would they take it down? Sounds like a great way to catch terrorists if you ask me.

    19.4.2010 03:34 #2

  • Mrguss

    Originally posted by KillerBug: Why would they take it down? Sounds like a great way to catch terrorists if you ask me. They sound more like low life people trying to brain wash others low life people.....waste of time to get the real Fish.


    19.4.2010 04:14 #3

  • Josipher

    nah i think theyre just out there to piss americans off.. wanted to revive the intrest in the stupid muslim..kinda succeeded in a way but as usual it wont last more than a few days

    mods go home

    19.4.2010 05:18 #4

  • iamgq

    sounds funny

    True thug Afterdawn memeber since 05! Shout out to all those old school member still in the ranks of Newbie! Represent!

    19.4.2010 07:16 #5

  • slickwill

    Those facebook users were denied there right to free speech.

    Just because something is offensive doesn't mean it should be censored, otherwise things that are non-offensive start to get censored, then we totally lose our right to free speech.

    19.4.2010 10:35 #6

  • bam431

    "Spokesman Andrew Noyes says the company has access to the IP addresses and email addresses used by a profile or a group. " Yeah, Because when I troll facebook I use my real email and no proxies.

    This could be anywhere This could be everywhere
    Xbox Live: war dog431 - PSN: bam431 - IGN: bam431
    Youtube: wardog431 - Twitter: bam431
    My site: Work in progress.

    19.4.2010 11:07 #7

  • tb (unverified)

    Originally posted by slickwill: Those facebook users were denied there right to free speech.

    Just because something is offensive doesn't mean it should be censored, otherwise things that are non-offensive start to get censored, then we totally lose our right to free speech.
    Facebook is not a government agency, but a business. They don't have to allow anything they deem as offensive on the site.

    19.4.2010 11:10 #8

  • R U Insane? (unverified)

    Originally posted by KillerBug: Why would they take it down? Sounds like a great way to catch terrorists if you ask me.
    seriously, what do you mean by saying it's a great way to catch terrorists. Really, you can not be serious. I, for one and of course for countless others, are very pleased they shut that rag of a facebook acct down. Honestly, do a brain check on yourself.

    19.4.2010 12:34 #9

  • BODINE754

    be thankfull i am not the king of america. i would shut facebook down completely. call it a national security measure or something. oh and craigs list would be next.

    19.4.2010 12:46 #10

  • afeaster

    Originally posted by slickwill: Those facebook users were denied there right to free speech.

    Just because something is offensive doesn't mean it should be censored, otherwise things that are non-offensive start to get censored, then we totally lose our right to free speech.
    It's a violations of Facebook terms - it has nothing to do with censorship. You agree to those terms when you create a page. Free speech doesn't require private companies to be a soap box for offensive content.

    19.4.2010 13:11 #11

  • n10city23 (unverified)

    Originally posted by KillerBug: Why would they take it down? Sounds like a great way to catch terrorists if you ask me. Killerbug, they still have the ip address and email if they are serious about using it to catch terrorists, but the page would cause more harm than help if left up for people to see.

    Originally posted by slickwill: Those facebook users were denied there right to free speech.

    Just because something is offensive doesn't mean it should be censored, otherwise things that are non-offensive start to get censored, then we totally lose our right to free speech.
    Facebook is a privately owned website. It wasn't the government that made them disable the account, they did so of their own accord, as is their right. Before you start crying about freedom of speech, perhaps you should go back to school and learn just exactly how it works. Right now, you are only making yourself look like and idiot.

    19.4.2010 13:17 #12

  • slickwill

    Originally posted by tb: Originally posted by slickwill: Those facebook users were denied there right to free speech.Just because something is offensive doesn't mean it should be censored, otherwise things that are non-offensive start to get censored, then we totally lose our right to free speech.
    Facebook is not a government agency, but a business. They don't have to allow anything they deem as offensive on the site.
    Originally posted by afeaster: Originally posted by slickwill: Those facebook users were denied there right to free speech.Just because something is offensive doesn't mean it should be censored, otherwise things that are non-offensive start to get censored, then we totally lose our right to free speech.
    It's a violations of Facebook terms - it has nothing to do with censorship. You agree to those terms when you create a page. Free speech doesn't require private companies to be a soap box for offensive content.
    The meaning of the word "offensive" is very subjective and would allow a broad range of things, even those that do not seem offensive to most people, to be removed/banned. While private businesses are not legally obligated to uphold our right to free speech, they have been conditioning us to freely give up our rights and this will have major repercussions in the long term.

    19.4.2010 13:32 #13

  • JSEA141

    Originally posted by slickwill: Those facebook users were denied there right to free speech.

    Just because something is offensive doesn't mean it should be censored, otherwise things that are non-offensive start to get censored, then we totally lose our right to free speech.
    Actually, smart guy, this has nothing to do with free speech... I can guarantee there is no right to free speech where this was created. And if it was created on American soil they should hang the a$$hole that posted it as a counterpoint to his "free speech". After all, actions are considered speech, and by your rationale murder should be legal... jacka$$. The man is responsible for the deaths of THOUSANDS of Americans, and should not be honored in any way on our soil.

    19.4.2010 13:33 #14

  • Mindri0t (unverified)

    Originally posted by slickwill: Those facebook users were denied there right to free speech.

    Just because something is offensive doesn't mean it should be censored, otherwise things that are non-offensive start to get censored, then we totally lose our right to free speech.
    Hey retard facebook isn't a democracy. Free speech doesn't apply.

    19.4.2010 13:44 #15

  • slickwill

    Originally posted by JSEA141: Originally posted by slickwill: Those facebook users were denied there right to free speech.

    Just because something is offensive doesn't mean it should be censored, otherwise things that are non-offensive start to get censored, then we totally lose our right to free speech.
    Why not try leaving any ad-hominems out of the discussion.

    Actually, smart guy, this has nothing to do with free speech... I can guarantee there is no right to free speech where this was created. And if it was created on American soil they should hang the a$$hole that posted it as a counterpoint to his "free speech". After all, actions are considered speech, and by your rationale murder should be legal... jacka$$. The man is responsible for the deaths of THOUSANDS of Americans, and should not be honored in any way on our soil.
    This is another problem with languages, just because something is said, does encompass all the associations with what is said. By "speech", I was not associating that with "action".

    Another false assumption is someone supporting the entire spectrum. I'm not supporting the facebook page that was created, but supporting free (textual) speech. For example, your response contained a personal attack, and while I find that somewhat offensive, I believe you shouldn't be censored (But an AfterDawn MOD my censor you.

    If you do some research on Osama, not just blatantly believe what the mainstream media saids. You will find information that Osama was trained by the CIA and works for the U.S. Government. He is being used as the scapegoat to put all the blame on, he is the boogie man we should all fear to get us to submit to the government. The governments around the world have been using "false flag" attacks as a pretext to go to war and further oppress the people. (False flag meaning an entity attacks their own people and blame it on a foreign entity to use as an excuse to execute an agenda that wouldn't be allowed otherwise).

    19.4.2010 13:53 #16

  • DVDBack23

    Not aiming this at anyone directly, but let's keep this on topic, and keep conspiracy theories to a minimum.

    19.4.2010 14:36 #17

  • dragonlion

    Originally posted by slickwill: Originally posted by JSEA141: Originally posted by slickwill: Those facebook users were denied there right to free speech.

    Just because something is offensive doesn't mean it should be censored, otherwise things that are non-offensive start to get censored, then we totally lose our right to free speech.
    Why not try leaving any ad-hominems out of the discussion.

    Actually, smart guy, this has nothing to do with free speech... I can guarantee there is no right to free speech where this was created. And if it was created on American soil they should hang the a$$hole that posted it as a counterpoint to his "free speech". After all, actions are considered speech, and by your rationale murder should be legal... jacka$$. The man is responsible for the deaths of THOUSANDS of Americans, and should not be honored in any way on our soil.
    This is another problem with languages, just because something is said, does encompass all the associations with what is said. By "speech", I was not associating that with "action".

    Another false assumption is someone supporting the entire spectrum. I'm not supporting the facebook page that was created, but supporting free (textual) speech. For example, your response contained a personal attack, and while I find that somewhat offensive, I believe you shouldn't be censored (But an AfterDawn MOD my censor you.

    If you do some research on Osama, not just blatantly believe what the mainstream media saids. You will find information that Osama was trained by the CIA and works for the U.S. Government. He is being used as the scapegoat to put all the blame on, he is the boogie man we should all fear to get us to submit to the government. The governments around the world have been using "false flag" attacks as a pretext to go to war and further oppress the people. (False flag meaning an entity attacks their own people and blame it on a foreign entity to use as an excuse to execute an agenda that wouldn't be allowed otherwise).
    While I understand to some level what you are talking about, let me put it like this. When you sign up a account with facebook, live journal, myspace and youtube their are rules that you have to abide by to try and keep peace between all bloggers and users. For instance on youtube you can't post porn on it because that would be offensive for the other viewers of youtube. Perhaps what was on the facebook page itself had offended so many people that their were a lot of complaints which gives facebook the right to ban it. It's just like how on youtube their are some videos where you can't hear music because of copy right laws. Also, on livejournal you can put almost anything on your page, but if you went to far they do have the RIGHT to take down your page but you also have the right to make a new one. So you freaking out about freedom of speech makes you a idiot. It has nothing to do with freedom of speech, it's just a webpage where bloggers and users can come together. What if on this page the followers were congregating and making comments about how they were going to attack america? Maybe that was one reason why facebook tore it down. Or perhaps people were starting to get a little too rambuctious. All and all I suggest you go set up a facebook account or read their terms and agreements before you scream freedom of speech or anything else for that matter. Also If I were you I would do a little bit of research before screaming about how people are taking our rights. It's fucking facebook. Get over it.

    19.4.2010 14:46 #18

  • antiTool (unverified)

    Originally posted by slickwill: Originally posted by JSEA141: Originally posted by slickwill: Those facebook users were denied there right to free speech.

    Just because something is offensive doesn't mean it should be censored, otherwise things that are non-offensive start to get censored, then we totally lose our right to free speech.
    Why not try leaving any ad-hominems out of the discussion.

    Actually, smart guy, this has nothing to do with free speech... I can guarantee there is no right to free speech where this was created. And if it was created on American soil they should hang the a$$hole that posted it as a counterpoint to his "free speech". After all, actions are considered speech, and by your rationale murder should be legal... jacka$$. The man is responsible for the deaths of THOUSANDS of Americans, and should not be honored in any way on our soil.
    This is another problem with languages, just because something is said, does encompass all the associations with what is said. By "speech", I was not associating that with "action".

    Another false assumption is someone supporting the entire spectrum. I'm not supporting the facebook page that was created, but supporting free (textual) speech. For example, your response contained a personal attack, and while I find that somewhat offensive, I believe you shouldn't be censored (But an AfterDawn MOD my censor you.

    If you do some research on Osama, not just blatantly believe what the mainstream media saids. You will find information that Osama was trained by the CIA and works for the U.S. Government. He is being used as the scapegoat to put all the blame on, he is the boogie man we should all fear to get us to submit to the government. The governments around the world have been using "false flag" attacks as a pretext to go to war and further oppress the people. (False flag meaning an entity attacks their own people and blame it on a foreign entity to use as an excuse to execute an agenda that wouldn't be allowed otherwise).
    While some of what you say is true. Osama Bin Laden does not work for the US government retard. We supported many people during the Soviet occupation that we now don't consider friends. Osama attacked the US about 7 times before 9-11. Only people that buy the "false flag" tactics of other countries, and retard english majors like "loose change" who have all been proven false factually by the academic community believe in conspiracy theories about OBL and the US government. More of a reason that free speech should exclude the right to slander, or libel countries and people. Lying creates zombies like you.

    19.4.2010 14:59 #19

  • fiberman (unverified)

    Originally posted by slickwill: Those facebook users were denied there right to free speech.

    Just because something is offensive doesn't mean it should be censored, otherwise things that are non-offensive start to get censored, then we totally lose our right to free speech.
    Your attemt at pc is lost when morality issues are bigger and stronger

    19.4.2010 15:01 #20

  • Crenshaw322 (unverified)

    Facebook in itself should be shut down.
    It is a waste and motivates people to stay at home rather than go out and socialize like normal humans.

    19.4.2010 15:38 #21

  • Mrguss

    Originally posted by slickwill: Originally posted by tb: Originally posted by slickwill: Those facebook users were denied there right to free speech.Just because something is offensive doesn't mean it should be censored, otherwise things that are non-offensive start to get censored, then we totally lose our right to free speech.
    Facebook is not a government agency, but a business. They don't have to allow anything they deem as offensive on the site.
    Originally posted by afeaster: Originally posted by slickwill: Those facebook users were denied there right to free speech.Just because something is offensive doesn't mean it should be censored, otherwise things that are non-offensive start to get censored, then we totally lose our right to free speech.
    It's a violations of Facebook terms - it has nothing to do with censorship. You agree to those terms when you create a page. Free speech doesn't require private companies to be a soap box for offensive content.
    The meaning of the word "offensive" is very subjective and would allow a broad range of things, even those that do not seem offensive to most people, to be removed/banned. While private businesses are not legally obligated to uphold our right to free speech, they have been conditioning us to freely give up our rights and this will have major repercussions in the long term.
    I would like to tell you a little History of what happen here In Las Vegas few weeks ago:

    Like many already know here in USA: Some Government Offices on diff States been cutting off employees from working on State jobs: to save money.....Anyway: They (Politicians) took the challenge to cut off some Firemen here (they work with Union "Teamsters").
    One Firemen create a new Heat page on Facebook against the people who took the challenge...many other firemen follow him, posting shit on it. The Facebook page do not last no even 24 hrs to get shut down and the fireman(s) who created the page got fire (loss his job) in a heart bet.

    Note: They are things we can post here and there. But they are others things out of line post by people with very few brain cells robbing together on cess-pool's like Craigslist, Facebook and others.


    19.4.2010 15:49 #22

  • slickwill

    Originally posted by dragonlion: Also If I were you I would do a little bit of research before screaming about how people are taking our rights. It's fucking facebook. Get over it. I rarely use facebook and am not obsessing over it. What I'm saying isn't focused on facebook, but focused on a much broader spectrum.

    Originally posted by antiTool:
    While some of what you say is true. Osama Bin Laden does not work for the US government retard. We supported many people during the Soviet occupation that we now don't consider friends. Osama attacked the US about 7 times before 9-11. Only people that buy the "false flag" tactics of other countries, and retard english majors like "loose change" who have all been proven false factually by the academic community believe in conspiracy theories about OBL and the US government. More of a reason that free speech should exclude the right to slander, or libel countries and people. Lying creates zombies like you.
    How do we know that the people from the academic community who disproved "Loose Change" aren't the same people who are pushing the status quo of the so called "official story" given by the mainstream media and government officials. You see, these entities are trying to control both sides of the debate, so the masses will keep fighting with each other, instead of focusing together on the real threat.

    911 is just the tip of the iceberg and dovetails with a much bigger picture of events both past/present/future. The bigger picture is the NWO (New World Order) that aims to create a global government and economy. All these events/acts are used to get to this goal (t3rr0r attacks, economic collapse, disease pandemics, food supply control, etc).

    If any of you watch the cable news networks, they have been hyping and conditioning the public for the next big domestic attack (Oklahoma & Nuclear Stories) that will be blamed by those who are Tea Partiers, Constitutionalists, End the Feders,etc. And this event will make all the citizens appear to be potential criminals and be used as a pretext to expand Martial Law in the U.S.

    19.4.2010 15:49 #23

  • ThePastor

    Even if it was a public website (as opposed to the private FACEBOOK website) OBL is still a criminal and as such has no such "free speech" rights.
    Also, the much touted "free speech" that everyone seems to be all worried about is something from the US Constitution which has little if any application to international speech. In otherwords, it's presumed that an American Citizen has those rights listed in the Constitution while within the borders of the US. None of which seems to apply here.

    All of that being said, Facebook, as a private enterprise can "reserve the right to refuse service" to anyone or anything they wish.

    19.4.2010 15:50 #24

  • mcfrank (unverified)

    Originally posted by JSEA141: Originally posted by slickwill: Those facebook users were denied there right to free speech.

    Just because something is offensive doesn't mean it should be censored, otherwise things that are non-offensive start to get censored, then we totally lose our right to free speech.
    Actually, smart guy, this has nothing to do with free speech... I can guarantee there is no right to free speech where this was created. And if it was created on American soil they should hang the a$$hole that posted it as a counterpoint to his "free speech". After all, actions are considered speech, and by your rationale murder should be legal... jacka$$. The man is responsible for the deaths of THOUSANDS of Americans, and should not be honored in any way on our soil.
    Prove it.

    19.4.2010 15:56 #25

  • slickwill

    Originally posted by Mrguss:
    I would like to tell you a little History of what happen here In Las Vegas 2 weeks ago:

    Like many already know here in USA: Some Government Offices on diff States been cutting of employees to save money.....Anyway: They (Politicians) took the challenge to cut off some Firemen here (And they work with Union ok).
    One Firemen create a new Hit page on Facebook against the people who took the challenge...many other firemen follow him, posting shit on it. The Facebook page do not last no even 24 hrs. and the fireman(s) who create the page get fire in a hard bet.

    Note: They are things we can post here and there. But they are others things out of line write by people with very few brain cells to rob together on cess-pool's like Craigslist, Facebook and others.
    I had a very hard time reading your comment, so my response might not be in pare with what you were trying to convey.

    Even if the main page/thread/blog etc is non-offensive, the negative comments/reply by trolls or provocateurs, can get the page/etc removed and shutdown. Knowing this, someone who tris to inform the public about real, important, and truthful issues can get shutdown by trolls and provocateurs (those who don't want people being informed).

    19.4.2010 16:01 #26

  • USConst

    Slickwill, I don't believe "Facebook's Freedom of Speech" was ever mentioned by James Madison in the US Constitution. Facebook makes money off public advertising so any material the company deems offensive to their members and advertisers is at their discretion, not yours, mine, or US Constitution.

    You are right in that the US funded organizations/freedom fighters linked to Bin Laden 20+ yrs ago during the Afghan war with Russians. We did similar thing with Sadam during the Iran/Iraq war. Your "conspiracy theory" (..The governments around the world have been using "false flag" attacks as a pretext to go to war..) implies the US fabricated the 9/11 attacks and is in cohoots with Bin laden the "Al Qaeda Terrorist Leader", not the ex Afghan Freedom Fighter, to mastermind such an attack?!?

    When 99.999% of of public opinion believes Bin Laden is responsible for killing 2000+ Americans, it would be business suicide if Facebook allowed such a page that burns at the core of most Americans to exist on their site. Think about it... tiger woods infidelity = Accenture, Gatorade, etc. dropping him... that's a papercut compared to murder of thousands of Americans.

    19.4.2010 16:05 #27

  • Paula_X

    Quote:The man is responsible for the deaths of THOUSANDS of Americans, and should not be honored in any way on our soil. prove it!!.. perspective.. more people are killed on the roads EVERY DAY!!! how about the deaths of a few hundred thousand Iraqis at the hands of the "liberation" invaders for a reality check? http://www.iraqbodycount.org/
    now who says we have "improved" anything there??


    19.4.2010 16:08 #28

  • Mrguss

    Originally posted by slickwill: Originally posted by Mrguss:
    I would like to tell you a little History of what happen here In Las Vegas 2 weeks ago:

    Like many already know here in USA: Some Government Offices on diff States been cutting of employees to save money.....Anyway: They (Politicians) took the challenge to cut off some Firemen here (And they work with Union ok).
    One Firemen create a new Hit page on Facebook against the people who took the challenge...many other firemen follow him, posting shit on it. The Facebook page do not last no even 24 hrs. and the fireman(s) who create the page get fire in a hard bet.

    Note: They are things we can post here and there. But they are others things out of line write by people with very few brain cells to rob together on cess-pool's like Craigslist, Facebook and others.
    I had a very hard time reading your comment, so my response might not be in pare with what you were trying to convey.

    Even if the main page/thread/blog etc is non-offensive, the negative comments/reply by trolls or provocateurs, can get the page/etc removed and shutdown. Knowing this, someone who tris to inform the public about real, important, and truthful issues can get shutdown by trolls and provocateurs (those who don't want people being informed).
    Everybody here was real informed by the local, state and national news about they and many others State Employees been cut off from work.

    The action of own a PC and be connected to the internet do not make anybody be a God for a minute and act just like a pure idiot on this "Minute of Fame".
    Is like posting things out of your ass on the Internet when you are high and drunk.
    Is not even funny.


    19.4.2010 16:18 #29

  • ThePastor

    Originally posted by Paula_X: Quote:The man is responsible for the deaths of THOUSANDS of Americans, and should not be honored in any way on our soil. prove it!!.. perspective.. more people are killed on the roads EVERY DAY!!! how about the deaths of a few hundred thousand Iraqis at the hands of the "liberation" invaders for a reality check? http://www.iraqbodycount.org/
    now who says we have "improved" anything there??
    Maybe the Iraqi FACEBOOK corporation should deny American posters on their webspace.
    Oh wait, FB is an American company using American Servers, based in an American City so I'm guessing American rules apply.

    I suppose Iraq would be well within their right to block FB from any Iraqi computers. More power to them.

    Unfortunately for them, all Blu-ray protections have been broken and BD rips can be found around the Internet, usually before the retail even hits shelves.

    19.4.2010 16:20 #30

  • catfreak

    Originally posted by slickwill: Those facebook users were denied there right to free speech.

    Just because something is offensive doesn't mean it should be censored, otherwise things that are non-offensive start to get censored, then we totally lose our right to free speech.
    I agree . . people have the right to speak out about anything they please . . to deny that right is to encourage censorship

    Personally, I think that half of what I hear our politicians say here in the USofA is pretty offensive . . . but they dn't deserve to be censored either


    its what you learn after you know it all that really matters

    19.4.2010 16:34 #31

  • USConst

    I can't believe i'm reading some of these comments... "prove it". How much proof do you need when Bin Laden has openly spoke on Al Jezeera that "Al Qaeda" trained and funded the hijackers while reveling in the deaths of Americans? He calls every westerner "infidel" and has waged a personal war against us. WTH does "more ppl killed on the roads every day" has to do with intentional murder of thousands of ppl? Traffic fatalities are "accidents" not quite the same thing as two hijacked planes crashing into buildings. I do agree the war in Iraq was a lame excuse by former president and has nothing to do with Al Qaeda and 9/11... the Bush supporters will debate that and i don't care to listen and it's irrelevant to this Facebook topic.

    As for the right to speak freely "Freedom of Speech"... yes you can picket all you want or create your own website about your love or hate for this govt for the most part without being prosecuted like other non-democratic free countries... some will argue the Patriot Act has somewhat infringed on this right but can you blame the govt after 9/11???

    Facebook has the right to "Censor" any material that goes on "their" website, it's their freedom to remove whatever they deem is inappropriate. Has nothing to do with them infringing on your right to Freedom of Speech... Facebook is NOT a publicly owned domain so stop comparing what they did to Bin Laden's fan page as an infringement of your right. Just because FB allows you to post your insignificant events of everyday life or opinions on politics and religion doesn't mean there is no censorship by them.

    If you wanna be a fan of Bin Laden, you can exercise your Constitutional right and do it on your own domain that you purchase from Godaddy.com and post on your Facebook page "if you want to support bin laden, go to my webpage XYZ". But dont compare Facebook's right to remove material that is not in their best interest as an infringement on your right. FB gives you the right to create your own personal page but retains the right to censor whatever the heck they want.

    19.4.2010 19:23 #32

  • osamabin

    I am the real Osama Bin Laden! How dare they shut my site down, most of my friends were Americans. I guess I will have to put a Myspace account up.. Thanks to all who supported me.

    19.4.2010 20:39 #33

  • VENOM79

    is it any wonder osama hates america , the government sticks its nose in everybodys buisness and dangles the carrot in front making other countrys fall in line with what phsyco rightwing religious whack jobs want, and as for osama being responsible for thousands of deaths PROOVE IT dont listen to the news their pupets with money and government pulling the strings

    P.s face book sux shut the whole thing down

    19.4.2010 21:47 #34

  • blivetNC

    Originally posted by mcfrank: Originally posted by JSEA141: Originally posted by slickwill: Those facebook users were denied there right to free speech.

    Just because something is offensive doesn't mean it should be censored, otherwise things that are non-offensive start to get censored, then we totally lose our right to free speech.
    Actually, smart guy, this has nothing to do with free speech... I can guarantee there is no right to free speech where this was created. And if it was created on American soil they should hang the a$$hole that posted it as a counterpoint to his "free speech". After all, actions are considered speech, and by your rationale murder should be legal... jacka$$. The man is responsible for the deaths of THOUSANDS of Americans, and should not be honored in any way on our soil.
    Prove it.
    He did claim credit for it and thanked the participants for their sacrifices. on 9/11/01.

    19.4.2010 22:38 #35

  • slickwill

    Originally posted by US Constitution: Slickwill, I don't believe "Facebook's Freedom of Speech" was ever mentioned by James Madison in the US Constitution. Facebook makes money off public advertising so any material the company deems offensive to their members and advertisers is at their discretion, not yours, mine, or US Constitution.

    Well, since the constitution was created to be applied to future generations, off course Madison could have known about FB. But seriously, putting FB aside, since private companies do not have to uphold the freedom of speech, this creates an environment where the employees are not always free to talk about politics or important issues, without possibly losing their jobs. Especially, if the talk goes against what the mainstream media is saying. A place where large groups of people come together everyday for a long time and they are not allowed to discuss such issues....where else can they discuss such matters outside of work. These are the people that need to be informed (the community/co-workers/etc) about what is really going on because they are the ones closest to use in proximity, and not be sold on what the mainstream media is selling them.

    FB is a great tool to inform ones closest to someone else about the important issues (whether popular or controversial) and to bring communities together and organize public event and demonstrations. FB is a great substitute to reach those that do not get the info at work/etc.

    I'm not defending the OBL page, but defending the fact that FB and any other online community site can take down any page they want to, so if they wanted to or are told do by some external entities, they can take down these pages that are not offensive at all, important pages that bring people together.

    Originally posted by US Constitution: You are right in that the US funded organizations/freedom fighters linked to Bin Laden 20+ yrs ago during the Afghan war with Russians. We did similar thing with Sadam during the Iran/Iraq war. Your "conspiracy theory" (..The governments around the world have been using "false flag" attacks as a pretext to go to war..) implies the US fabricated the 9/11 attacks and is in cohoots with Bin laden the "Al Qaeda Terrorist Leader", not the ex Afghan Freedom Fighter, to mastermind such an attack?!?

    In this debate we are only looking at a small view of all of what went down that day, so there is tons of evidence that contradicts the official story. Things such as some of the people who were on the Warren Commission that wrote the report on what "supposedly happened" that day, coming out and saying they disagree with the report. The lower support columns of the WTO showing signs of molten metal in a oblique cut (after the collapse). There is much much more.

    But if one looks at history and all the other things that fit the same MO of false flag terror, such as the declassified documents about the Gulf of Tonkin (that got the U.S. involved with the Vietnam War) incident never happening. If one looks into how the real banking system works in this country and similarly in other countries, one will realize how criminal these organizations are and how they orchestrated the world financial collapse.

    All these acts/events/etc fall into supporting the one grand scheme that has been brewing since before the first world war. This scheme is a One World Government aka "The New World Order" that will govern the entire world both legally and economically. This will not be a good NWO, but a Tyrannical NWO that with oppress the people of the world to an extent never before imagined.

    This Documentary, "Invisible Empire" is a great documentary to inform everyone about the NWO and wake up your family/friends/neighbors/co-workers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NO24XmP1c...player_embedded

    19.4.2010 23:16 #36

  • DVDBack23

    Do I seriously need to close this article?

    Leave the "NWO" out of this, and STAY ON TOPIC.

    20.4.2010 01:03 #37

  • kiddcody2001 (unverified)

    Well I think the other posters have spoken for me - FB was in the right here, any way you slice it.

    What I can not refrain from addressing is all this hooplah surrounding off topics, such as Bin laden being innocent, and the Iraq war, etc. So let me toss my $.02 in here.

    To those who say "prove it" in regards to Bin laden being the mastermind and responsible for the 9/11 attacks - How about you prove he WASN'T responsible. I'll give credit where it is due, I was almost fooled into thinking that the Govt had conducted a False Flag operation. I had watched the Independant Documentary about it, and I also watched the "Conspiracy Theory" episode hosted by Jesse Ventura. I was pretty much sold on the idea that our very own Govt, at some level or all levels, had done the deplorable act of 9/11 ...then I realized something. Both of these shows were widely promoted and watched by millions upon tens of millions of people world wide. Ventura's show is on cable TV for crissakes, so you gotta know that somebody within this "False Flag" operation would've gotten wind of what Ventura was planning to do in future episodes (including the 9/11 one), and reported it - which would have caused the episode, or Ventura's entire program from here on out to be taken off the air (or for the Independant Documentary to be pulled off the shelves) before they were aired or even started being promoted.

    I knew of Bin Laden long before 9/11 or even the USS Cole bombing. One of my teachers in school actually did a thing about him (because she had been overseas in the Middle East during the summer break)and told us of him, and how warped his ideologies were. All you have to do is study his history. There's even sermons he did BEFORE 9/11, long before, that you can actually youtube or find through google. It's translated by some of followers whom are educated somehwat in broken english. In many of his speeches he talked about the destruction of America and how to hit us where it hurt, and the operations he was trying to work out. In some of the clips he even has a map in the background with all of our military bases marked, as well as other key areas. He elaborated on some areas at times, calling out for his fighters to hit us at our gates, etc.

    Think back to 1993 - Mogadishu, Somalia. Again, by Osama's own admission AND the Somoli fighters themselves, he (OBL) helped supply funds and weaponary to them in order to kill 19 American Soldiers and drive them out of Mogadishu. This was 8 yrs BEFORE 9/11

    USS Cole bombing. OBL took claim of it as did his network, killing scores of American servicemen. This is what first put him on the map (then he dropped off cause the meida nor America seemed to care). His actions caused then president Clinton to lob a few missiles into Afghanistan and, guess what, if Clinton would've had the guts to go in like Bush did, we may already be home by now. But Clinton didn't, then again he was worried bout his scandals and etc, didn't have time to fool with a war that would possibly look bad on him in the face of the Arab allies he had. Clinton forgot about OBL, the media forgot about OBL, and America as a whole forgot about OBL.

    Then we roll into 9/11. Most, if not all of the hijackers were from Saudi, but had trained in Afghanistan, which whaddaknow, was where OBL was residing and enjoying the high life as a big, bad leader. Since 9/11, OBL and his chain of command have admitted time and time again that they executed 9/11, and are quite proud of it. They've admitted this on pro-jihad broadcasts such as Al-jazeera and etc, as well as our very own media. So, the history is there, almost 10 years PRIOR to 9/11, of attacks against us that got bigger and bigger. In many of Osama's speeches in the years before 9/11 he spoke of upcoming attacks that would shock the world, and be beyond comprehension, etc. In a court of law, this case would be called a "slam dunk", folks. The proof is right there.

    As for Iraq, well, we all know Bush is an idiot, and that there was no WMD's. However, you really shouldn't be so hard on Soldiers like me who served there, or in some ways, president Bush himself. In my view the only person to blame for the war in iraq is Saddam himself. He's the one who defied a dozen years worth of UN Resolutions. He's the one who defied not only the USA, but the world as a whole. He's the one that allowed his military to shoot down one of our pilots, who wasn't even in the "no fly" zone long before the war started. He's the one who said "I don't have an WMD's and you can search my country if youw ant to. I swear I don't have any .. oh wait, no you can't have access to this site, or that one, or that one over there". He's the one who kicked UN Inspectors out of his country after they demanded access to some of the sites that he suddenly refused to give them. He's the one who, right before he was hung, admitted that leading up to the invasion he was just bluffing the whole time. He never had any weapons but didn't think Bush would go the full scale war route against him. Saddam figured he'd save face as a dictator by bluffing and surviving a small to medium sized military conflict (like the Gulf War of 91') and suffer new sanctions in the fall out. But president Bush called his bluff and we destroyed him and his army in three weeks. The only thing you can blame Bush for is being an idiot for not having a withdraw/exit plan. So stop talking crap about how we were a bullying nation that just wanted to invade and destroy stuff. believe me, I love my life and my home - I'd much rather enjoy a peaceful day at the house with family than off fighting in a bloody, brutal war in Iraq or elsewhere. Blame Saddam, pure and simple.

    20.4.2010 01:04 #38

  • Paula_X

    Blame Saddam .. there speaks an imperialist "our way only" totalitarian if ever I heard one.. keep your freaking bully boy army and politicians at home yanks.. there was NO problem with the Taliban or terrorism in or coming out of Iraq until you stupid idiots decided to hold an illegal invasion for oil.. IF you gave a toss about "human rights" you would be in Darfur doing something about the genocide happening there... oops.. no oil.. no interest.. see??

    Remember this you "revolutionary heroes".. one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter..

    As for Ozzy.. I found him.. can I have my reward?


    20.4.2010 03:16 #39

  • ChuckUSA (unverified)


    You are one confused person. Dude, if I was in your house insulting you, your mom and you wife (if you have one that is)would you allow me to have my freedom of speech or would you kick me out of your house?

    Facebook is a site own by a person not the Gov't. Facebook owners have the right to shut down any account regardless what you think is right or not. It doesn't matter what your or anyone elses definition of offensive is, what matters is what the Facebook people deem offensive and there is really nothing you can do about it.

    This does not infringe in the peoples right to freedom of speech because you can always go somewhere else to preach what you want or make your own version of facebook and do all the freedom of speech you want there. As a blogger I have the right to ban /block anyone on my own blog. Don't like it? Go somewhere else to express your opinions. Freedom of speech does not demand that I allow you to say what you want in my house, my blog or my site because they are mine. Plain and simple.

    There is no infringement of freedom of speech here because just like you can't scream fire in a crowded place where there is no fire, you can alway go to the middle of the desert and scream fire all you want.

    20.4.2010 14:54 #40

  • PS13 (unverified)

    You people realize that Facebook is actually owned by the CIA, right? Go onto YouTube and search 'Facebook owned by CIA'. If you trace back every company that has control of FB you'll find it all leads back to the CIA.

    They use it to profile you...

    To the staffer here who said to keep "conspiracy theories" to a minimum...there's no theory to what the poster typed that you took as a "conspiracy theory"... it is a 'conspiracy FACT'.

    You people need to wise up and stop listing to the Main Stream Media...they only 'promote the federal agenda' all of them, FOX; CNN; MSNBC, etc.. all of them work for the same platform.
    Also, get over the "left / right paradigm". There's hardly any difference between republicans & democrats anymore... they all work for the Council on Foreign Relations... Look it up.

    To the person who said that 'Loose Change' was disproved by "scholars" or whatever, no they weren't. No one has disproved 'loose change'. Popular Mechanics tried, but they couldn't. In fact, the guy who did most of the talking for popular mechanics was given the job 2 weeks before the debate and is the cousin of Mike Chertoff, the former head of Homeland Security, so there's a bit of conflict of interest there... besides pop. mec. couldn't debunk any of the 'loose change' documentary.

    Most all of you are just "baa-ing" like the sheep you all seem to be.

    There's a whole lot of shit going on in the world & none of you see, to care or notice. Stop paying attention to 'Hollywood', 'X-Box/PS3', 'Fantasy Football', your 'I-Phone', etc... Wake up and take notice at how our country is being hijacked by Bankster terrorists.

    20.4.2010 18:52 #41

  • ThePastor

    I don't usuall put much stock in anything said after "you people...".

    Unfortunately for them, all Blu-ray protections have been broken and BD rips can be found around the Internet, usually before the retail even hits shelves.

    20.4.2010 19:27 #42

  • benazir59 (unverified)

    Originally posted by : wake up sheep.
    osama is dead.
    murdered by omar sheik november 2001.
    get the truth at infowars.com

    picture the world at peace, with no income tax.
    imagine your freedom!

    20.4.2010 20:46 #43

  • apexit (unverified)

    Originally posted by : All of that being said, Facebook, as a private enterprise can "reserve the right to refuse service" to anyone or anything they wish. What ever happened to the restaurants who refused black people service? They were private businesses. Surely if what you say is true then we will never have to worry about eating near people who's views are not similar to the owners of companies.

    Anyway thats not the point. I want to know when the Book is gonna shut down Tupacs Shakur's FB page. Tupac is long since dead. Since he is dead that means someone else has falsely posted and created an account and that needs to be disabled as well according to their press release:

    "People often attempt to register fake accounts under the name of famous or infamous people. There is no evidence to suggest that the account in question or the other dozens of people who have tried to present themselves as Osama bin Laden have any relation to the terrorist. As is our standard practice, we have disabled the account."

    According to FB, if you are not who you supposedly create a page for, then your account shall be disabled. As their standard practice then, they need to disable the tupac account and all of the other fake accounts. Unless of course it's really him(doubtful but we can always hope).

    Bottom line, Facebook didn't like where the account was going and got rid of it, something they have the right to do as a business as long as they uphold to their policy and do it for everyone that violates the mentioned policy they supplied as reason to remove the account.

    22.4.2010 17:13 #44

  • Scaldari

    Originally posted by : sound off!!

    22.4.2010 17:29 #45

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