Apple to purchase ARM for $8 billion?

Apple to purchase ARM for $8 billion?
If multiple reports are correct, it appears that Apple is considering acquiring ARM Holdings for $8 billion USD.

ARM is the company behind the processors in most of the world's current smartphones, including the iPhone.

The latest rumor comes via the London Evening Standard, which says Apple is looking to purchase ARM for 5.2 billion pounds, the equivalent of about $8 billion USD.

Although this is still speculation, Apple has over $25 billion in cash reserves and no debt, meaning the deal could be completed easily.

The move would have two positives for Apple. They would bring chip technology in-house, allowing for more "Apple-ized" processors, and secondly, Apple could potentially block ARM processors from being used in rival smartphones, such as those made by HTC with the Android OS.

The second "positive" may never come to fruition, given the notoriously strict nature of European anti-trust regulators, but it still a possibility.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 22 Apr 2010 11:52
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  • xyqo

    this would be one of the worst disasters in the global tech industry. I hope that this gets blocked really i do. Because if apple gets away with this we're all doomed. Imagine how much prices would get over inflated!! Among other unmentionable evils :'(


    22.4.2010 12:28 #1

  • nonoitall

    Originally posted by xyqo: this would be one of the worst disasters in the global tech industry. I hope that this gets blocked really i do. Because if apple gets away with this we're all doomed. Imagine how much prices would get over inflated!! Among other unmentionable evils :'(

    22.4.2010 16:36 #2

  • Josipher

    25 billion in reserve.. **gazing into space**
    ok moment gone. seriously this cannot happen.
    this is the equivalent of taking over an entire market and monopolizing it. ARM has more than 90% of the smartphone proccessors market.
    scary thinking about it..

    mods go home

    22.4.2010 18:01 #3

  • xnonsuchx

    Apple actually has almost $42 Billion in cash...more than Microsoft or Google!

    22.4.2010 23:15 #4

  • KillerBug

    I hope this happens, AMD and Intel will be forced to make great phone processors that drive Apple into the ground. The only reason ARM is so successful is a lack of serious competition. If apple buys them and tries to block android devices, then they will get creamed by the might of Intel...and we will all be getting quad-core x64 phones, capable of running desktop OS's.

    22.4.2010 23:21 #5

  • plazma247

    The thing about the arm cpu is that it takes sooo little power to run, we could all have x64 quad cores now if battery tech was better or desktop cpu tech could be scaled to shutdown sections of the cpu to save power when they are not needed.

    Enter the modern offer of snapdragon, intel isnt far behind with the atom, but its still to power hungry. AMD could pull the holy grail of lower watt high calculations per second chips out of magic hat we would all be saved and the world a better place. They have made the amd super mobile cpu which is has virtually everything on chip.. have they look at:,9336.html

    However this hasnt happened yet (be released), so if apple eat arm were all doomed, what a move sue htc and then eat the competitors cpu supplier....

    Wait theres a little hope out there, apples case with nokia, if nokia win apple has to pay them all the royalties for the gms codecs they never paid for... maybe that will eat into some of that big pot of cash they have... maybe enough to stop them eating arm.

    The amd super mobile cpu looks fantastic, but im sure its still a way off replacing todays line up of smartphone cpus to the mass market place.

    So in conclusion, the day we can see a full os in our pocket are close but not close enough...!

    23.4.2010 05:22 #6

  • KillerBug

    Well, I have my I won't be buying any phones anytime soon. If apple buys up arm, I am sure the industry will react in time for my next phone to have the Pheonom-Ultramobile or the i5-mini. I know that there is no way that I am buying anything from apple, at least not as long as Mr Hitler, er a, mr Jobs is in charge. (I always get those Fascist dictators with hords of mindless followers mixed up).

    23.4.2010 06:13 #7

  • asilay328

    Seeing how successful smart phones are in the global market , it blows my mind that nearly every major quality phone has ARM processors... Why would companies such as intel and AMD miss out on the extravaganza of profit to be had?? And it is funny for all the apple haters out there that this scares them... Having this much available capital shows that apple is company run correctly, innovation is better than bloating with profit... had Microsoft had the foresight for things like the ipod, itunes, Ipad, and reliable os's they would completely dominate the tech market... instead apple has the opportunity to shut down competitors... cannot wait to see if the EU shuts this down

    25.4.2010 22:32 #8

  • nonoitall

    Originally posted by asilay328: apple has the opportunity to shut down competitors...
    ...unless those competitors woo their developers with the ability to write software in a language other than Objective C. ;-)

    25.4.2010 23:53 #9

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