Gizmodo's Jason Chen has computers seized

Gizmodo's Jason Chen has computers seized
Gizmodo editor Jason Chen has had his home computers seized this week by California's Rapid Enforcement Allied Computer Team.

The team was working on a warrant from the Superior Court of San Mateo.

Chen recently revealed the upcoming iPhone 4G/HD, which was dropped in a bar by Apple developer Gray Powell, and eventually purchased by Gizmodo for $5000 USD.

New to the "iPhone HD," are a front-facing camera for video conferencing, a better standard camera (including larger lens and flash), a Micro-SIM slot (just like the iPad), 960x640 resolution, a second mic, metallic exterior (not plastic) and split side buttons for volume.

After the report went up, Apple demanded its prototype back.

All pics via Gizmodo:

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 27 Apr 2010 17:43
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  • magnets

    what was the email he referred to?

    27.4.2010 18:45 #1

  • ThePastor

    What felony? And what email?
    If he hasn't been charged with a felony then how were these computers used in a felony?

    This is going to get very interesting

    27.4.2010 18:50 #2

  • magnets

    ah, the full detail is over at gizmodo.
    Apparently there was an email stating he was a journalist and therefore taking his equipment is unconstitutional or similar because the computers could reveal a source (a journalist does not have to reveal a source, even if that source is or leads to illegal behaviour).

    it's basically (imho):
    Journo purchases stolen property, if he knew it was stolen then he has broken the law, if he didn't then he hasn't.

    Don't forget that stolen doesn't mean taking by menace. There is also a law commonly called "Theft by finding" which is why if you find anything of value you have to take it to the police. After a few months, if no one claims it, they send it back to you.

    If you loose your diamond ring/laptop/expensive sunglasses wouldn't you want whoever found it to hand it to the police so you have a chance of getting it back again. Finders keepers only applies in the school ground.

    27.4.2010 19:01 #3

  • DXR88

    Originally posted by magnets: If you loose your diamond ring/laptop/expensive sunglasses wouldn't you want whoever found it to hand it to the police so you have a chance of getting it back again. Finders keepers only applies in the school ground.

    the chance of that ever happening are slim to none. the only reason the police Raided this mans house was because he was in possession of a prototype device, by a Major Corporation.

    if i or you lost a ring, the typical response is if we see it will call you....and they never will even if they have it.

    the police don't give a shit about anyone, sometimes you'll get the local Nice guy cop other than that they just don't care.

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    27.4.2010 19:45 #4

  • magnets

    the police don't give a shit about anyone, sometimes you'll get the local Nice guy cop other than that they just don't care.
    I don't know where you live so can't comment about your personal experience. In my experience that's not the case. Indeed I've even sold an item on ebay after it was returned to me. The actual item was an industrial laser measure I found by the side of the road on holiday. I handed it in, filled in a form. 3 months later they posted the item to my local police station and sent me a letter to come and pick it up.
    Last week my cow-orkers wife lost both engagement and wedding ring. The engagement ring was handed in to the police and returned.

    At the end of the day, the world is made up of people just like you. So do what you want to have done to you.
    Slightly back on topic, this chap found a phone, made reasonable efforts to return it. But sold it rather than handing it in and making it legally his to sell. Then a journo who realistically knew it was not legally his to sell, bought it.

    27.4.2010 20:53 #5

  • Mrguss

    This happen last Friday (4-23-10)
    This is just another little Proof that the Big Corporations has the real power and run our Government.

    The Police are so stupid acting like they are on a Home Depot (or Crapple) payroll if you ask me. Just think how many doors need to be sacrificed in the name of "Warrants" ?
    The Police are acting under a California law write in the 1800's to under dog Gizmodo....1800's ?... Just give me a F. break here.

    Crapple failed and now they try to find "Glory" in it.
    This Chemos do not think stray. How hard is to lick their wounds and let it go; they already had a free publicity ride before.
    Now this bite will be bigger and deeper, I just love to see this so call "Perfect Co." go down to hell with out any self respect.

    Shame on you Jobs !
    Jobs build his Co. out of theft of tech and ideas, and now you tell us nobody can do that but you ?

    You obviously never will top Bill Gates in numbers, just accept it !

    the iPhone is a lousy phone anyway, nothing of real true value got lost.


    27.4.2010 21:01 #6

  • slickwill

    One word, "Facism". The corporations are using the police to oppress the people.

    They are probably looking for something to charge him with that is unrelated to the iPhone, such having illegal content on his computers/hdd.

    Which is all the reason more to use TrueCrypt to encrypt everything on any type of digital media.

    27.4.2010 21:23 #7

  • grkblood

    lmao at the people here. the guy knew what he was getting in to. He's an idiot, plain and simple.

    27.4.2010 21:58 #8

  • xnonsuchx

    I laughed so hard when I heard this 2 days ago (kinda slow, AD!) and knew Gizmodo had done a very legally questionable thing. I don't think he'll be charged with anything, but it may serve them right for being stupid.

    And some of you need to loosen your tinfoil hats! ;-)

    27.4.2010 23:36 #9

  • KillerBug

    Originally posted by DXR88:
    the police don't give a shit about anyone, sometimes you'll get the local Nice guy cop other than that they just don't care.
    A couple years ago, my car was stolen. I knew who took it, and where they took it. I even knew that the person who took it was high on meth. I called the police and told them all of this. They refused to help me, and would not even send an officer to the location of my car. After two days, my car was still parked at the same place, and the police had not come out. I had a spare key, so I had a friend drive me down to pick it up. On the way home I got pulled over for driving a stolen vehicle, and spent about 2 hours getting searched because there was some note in the report I made about a meth-head. This was the best experience I have ever had with the police, by far.

    27.4.2010 23:39 #10

  • john_swan

    Apple Computer filled a police to report the theft of a cell phone. Our police department would tell the caller they do not investigate lost cell phones, click. Apple Computer recovered the cell phone with the assistance of the journalist. Apple Computer should consider placing a sticker on the back of the cell phone "Property of Apple Computer, please call (xxx) xxx-xxxx if found. We have a lost cell phone that was returned to the owner. Unless our journalist signed a non-disclosure agreement with Apple Computer in the past he would not be bound to the conditions of such an agreement. Steve Jobs should take the journalist out to dinner to thank him for recovering the cell phone. Apple Computer should be happy the journalist returned the cell phone to them. Apple Computer should be aware there are industrial spys from China in the United States.

    John Swanson

    28.4.2010 03:43 #11

  • KillerBug

    Apple hates their customers.
    Apple hates open source.
    Apple hates individual thought (hence, no open source).
    Apple hates the human body (or at least pictures of it).
    Apple hates the people who spend $5000 of their own money to make sure that a lost prototype is returned.

    Seems like the only thing they don't hate is money.

    "Hi, mar car was stolen, I know where it is, and they won't give it back" - Sorry sir, we don't care.

    "Hi, a Journalist found our phone, and paid $5000 to get it back to us" - OK Mr Jobs, we will break the constitution to harass him.

    28.4.2010 04:02 #12

  • xboxdvl2

    well killerbug if someone steals your car again don't bother wasting your time with cops just find the guy and total him( i dont mean beat him up a little bit i mean smash all his ribs and cave half his face in) and if you need a good excuse then last time it happened cops refused to act.police raiding someones house over an iphone which was lost not stolen is pathetic they should have more important things to do.

    PS2 with 12 games.
    pc-windows 7,intel core quad Q8400,4 Gb ddr2,WD 500 GB hdd,ATI Radeon HD 4550 graphics,AOC 22inch LCD moniter.

    28.4.2010 04:31 #13

  • geestar20


    Next time something is stolen from you, tell the police your iPhone was with the stolen property and they will kick down doors to get it back.

    Have a great day

    28.4.2010 09:19 #14

  • ZippyDSM

    ok........if this dose not smack of fascism what dose, apple says jump the police say how high....sorry....but lost is not stolen....... using the police for a legal non criminal manner is highly questionable.....

    Until lobbying is a hanging offense I choose anarchy!
    Ah modern gaming its like modern film only the watering down of fiction and characters is replaced with shallow and watered down mechanics, gimmicks and shiny-er "people".

    28.4.2010 11:36 #15

  • asilay328

    I am not sure of everyone's idea of fascism, it seems more like Big Business Capitalism to me.. I have more money then you so I can do what I want..

    And the Patriot Act got rid of constitutional rights during the Bush administration... anyone can be arrested without cause and doesn't have to be charged or released for a maximum of five years

    This is kinda like Microsoft being sued over the intellectual rights to Office, they were found guilty, paid 300 million, but made 5 billion.. not fair, but thats how big business works

    28.4.2010 12:23 #16

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote: asilay328
    Visit user's personal pageSend private message to this user

    I am not sure of everyone's idea of fascism, it seems more like Big Business Capitalism to me.. I have more money then you so I can do what I want..

    And the Patriot Act got rid of constitutional rights during the Bush administration... anyone can be arrested without cause and doesn't have to be charged or released for a maximum of five years

    This is kinda like Microsoft being sued over the intellectual rights to Office, they were found guilty, paid 300 million, but made 5 billion.. not fair, but thats how big business works
    Fascism is when corporated interests dive law and order and not the public's need and interests. Right now the US is a fascist democracy(conglomerated interests herding cats) instead of a democratic republic(the cats herding dogs and wolfs via the rule of law and voting).......

    Until lobbying is a hanging offense I choose anarchy!
    Ah modern gaming its like modern film only the watering down of fiction and characters is replaced with shallow and watered down mechanics, gimmicks and shiny-er "people".

    28.4.2010 12:30 #17

  • slickwill

    And they are allowing these illegals to get into this country by design so they will vote for law/bills that will get ride of our constitutional rights. There are many sanctuary cities in the U.S. where the cops will not arrest illegals b/c the judge will just let them go. So basically, the illegals have more freedoms than the law abiding citizens.

    On top of that Goldman Sucks and the other big international banks purposely planned this financial collapse, so they can bankrupt the U.S. to consolidate and combine the U.S., Mexico, and Canada into the North American Union, just like Europe.

    The Globalist want a one global government/economy, so they can further control our lives and reduce the global population. This plan is called "The New World Order".

    What I'm talking about is very relevant to this article b/c the actions of the police is part of the conditioning to get the society incrementally used to having their rights violated and taken away. The society will become incrementally used to slowly losing their freedoms and before they realize it all they freedoms will be gone. It's like asking a prison inmate about prison life and he will say "It's not so bad once you get used to it.", which is exactly the same thing they are doing to us.

    This isn't only happening to the U.S., but is happening all over the world and this is being done by the printing of money. If you look at all the top banks of the world, you will see that many of the former top executive are presidents of certain countries. The more taxes they pass, the less buying power we have, meaning a lower standard of living that is detrimental to our survival.

    They are already reducing our population through the use of science, such as cancer/disease causing vaccines, fluoride in our water supply, and GMO crops (corn, cotton, soybeans, etc). I mean, do you actually think that all these young people in their 20's and 30's dying of cancer is just a coincidence? And that more and more babies are being diagnosed with disabilities? (These are the methods of slow kill, where the buildup of toxins will lead to death over a period of many years/decades).

    I could go on and on, but it is up to you to do the research and find out more, then take that powerful information and tell your friends and families, and together we will beat these Eugenical Elitists through peaceful means.

    28.4.2010 18:55 #18

  • ZippyDSM

    Floride is nothing compared to the stuff the FDA lets slip by......

    Until lobbying is a hanging offense I choose anarchy!
    Ah modern gaming its like modern film only the watering down of fiction and characters is replaced with shallow and watered down mechanics, gimmicks and shiny-er "people".

    28.4.2010 18:58 #19

  • slickwill

    I would totally agree b/c in a Fascist system the corporations own the government. So the corporations can just bribe/blackmail/get favors to have their products approved. But since everyone needs water, that is what they are targeting to slowly poison us. This is why some of the Asian countries don't add fluoride into their water supplies, b/c they know the truth. In other countries they sell the idea to us by saying that it is good for our teeth. You see they mix in benefits that appear to be good for the public, but they have their own secrete/evil agenda behind it.

    Politicians are the same way, they are going against their constituents b/c they are being blackmailed. For example, Lindsey gram was going against the peoples will b/c of his alternative lifestyle, but when he was outed by anther politician, Lindsey flipped to the people's side. This is because the puppet masters no longer had any dirt to blackmail him with.

    The case with the president is much bigger. Some on the dirt they have on him is things like him not being a native born U.S. citizen and that his real name is Barry Soetaro. The White House party crashers was really sending a message to the president saying that if he does not play ball with the puppet masters, his safety cannot be assured.

    And now we have people like Clinton and the media demonizing the general public saying that we are going to cause the next domestic attack, which will allow the government to unleash total marital law and use the FEMA detention camps that have been built around the U.S. (Police State 4 Rise of Fema (free documentary on youtube))

    They know how people psychologically work, so they use that against use through the media to dumb us down and control what we know and don't know (propaganda). However, thanks to the alternative media (such as Alex Jones) on the internet, the real truth is reaching millions across the globe.

    28.4.2010 19:24 #20

  • blueshell

    Hate what they did to the kid, too, but I doubt it.
    He's Gizmodo's million dollar baby, now. He probably increased their page hits 500% the last couple weeks. Not to mention the numerous links and press from other sites and publications, like CNET. That's a lot of publicity and money for them. Probably more than enough cash and long-term revenue to field any costs accrued by Chen.

    flight of fantasy

    28.4.2010 21:04 #21

  • H08

    @killerbug. He did not spend $5,000 To return it to apple. he spent 5,000 so that his site would get more views and he only returned it to apple after he had opened it up. this isnt all one sided guys, even the commenters at gizmodo know that.

    28.4.2010 21:31 #22

  • llongtheD

    So as long as a corporation makes the call to the police, you can have your home searched and your privacy invaded over a phone? Anybody that doesn't think this reeks of corruption are obviously too dumb to see our rights being slowly stripped away by our bought and paid for government.

    If your fish seems sick, put it back in the water.

    28.4.2010 21:55 #23

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by llongtheD: So as long as a corporation makes the call to the police, you can have your home searched and your privacy invaded over a phone? Anybody that doesn't think this reeks of corruption are obviously too dumb to see our rights being slowly stripped away by our bought and paid for government. Cali has the law as so its lost things are legally stolen if found and not returned, dose not make it right tho.....

    Until lobbying is a hanging offense I choose anarchy!
    Ah modern gaming its like modern film only the watering down of fiction and characters is replaced with shallow and watered down mechanics, gimmicks and shiny-er "people".

    28.4.2010 22:34 #24

  • llongtheD

    I realize that zippy, but had it been the property of a private person, or a small business, I doubt these kinds of resources and manpower would have been spent on the retrieval. I guess that was the point I was making.
    With over 900 million already spent this year by corporate lobbyists and special interest groups in Washington to "influence" our politicians, it will only get worse.
    It's the slow change that people don't see coming. They are smart enough to take it from us little by little.

    If your fish seems sick, put it back in the water.

    28.4.2010 22:56 #25

  • KillerBug

    "Cali has the law as so its lost things are legally stolen if found and not returned, dose not make it right tho..."

    The item was returned, so it was not legally stolen...and was already back in the clutches of Apple at the time of the search. If they are claiming that it was stolen at that time, then Apple is guilty of having stolen property.

    28.4.2010 23:27 #26

  • lawndog

    my points of view.....
    what happened to finders keepers
    apple lost a product and to cover thier you know whats called the police to handle their dirty work
    now if any of the technical stuff (OS specs etc) gets out they can claim stuff against this kid also, like if anouther product comes out from a competator apple will claim that this kid sold or gave specs to the competator and will sue not only the other company but also this kid for loss of revanue.
    I read earlier that this kid is now "Gizmodo's million dollar baby" UMMMM well what do you think this has now done for Crapple. They get free publicity about a new phone coming out after they just released the iphone 3gs.
    in my opinion, poor kid. He was just trying to write a story about a product that he knew the world would want to know, and now he's thrust into a huge lime light that he never thought would happen. All because some Crapple idiot left his "prototype" at a bar.
    on a side thought........... if its a prototype, why was it allowed to leave crapple plant??
    perhaps it was purposely "left" at the bar??

    Oh well, love my Android hero. ;)
    Just my thoughts

    *edit starts here*
    In the warrent this phone is called "Apple 4G iphone"
    If apple changes the name "ijunk" "imicrocomp" or some other name, can this young man then file a wrong full search since the item in question is not the item actually released??
    Just anouther thought.

    29.4.2010 02:18 #27

  • john_swan

    The journalist paid 5,000 dollars to recover the cell phone for Apple. This is the same company that signed an agreement with Apple Records that allows Apple to use the trademark provided they are not in the music business (iTunes). Apple should pay 5,000 dollars to the journalist as a recovery fee. The journalist provided the public with some general information about a product now in development. Video chat has been around for years for laptop and desktop users. (Note: A cell phone with a high resolution camera now provides industrial spys with a new tool.) Cell phones with high resolution camera are now a security risk for industry and government. We should to consider the risks and benefits associated with a product before we build it. Just thinking out loud. Our corporations will send trade secrets to a foreign country in exchange for cheap labor. The electronics industry spent billions of dollars to develop technology that they now send to a foreign country in exchange for cheap labor for a few years. Our economy was trashed and our children plan to find a career which can not be outsourced. Any job could be outsourced but what is the motivation. Health insurance industry now flys patients to foreign country to reduce cost of health care. Someday machines may take control of the planet because some company did not do a risk and benefit analysis before they developed the machine to replace man.

    John Swanson

    29.4.2010 02:49 #28

  • KillerBug

    "Someday machines may take control of the planet because some company did not do a risk and benefit analysis before they developed the machine to replace man."

    More likely, some rich **shole will decide that he does not want to pay a labor force, so he will replace them all with robots. These robots will follow him to death...and when they kill him, they will be free.

    29.4.2010 04:43 #29

  • Mrguss


    This is the price every Pionneer pay for !
    If you want to be the first you are risking money, jobs, lifes or else.

    "MONEY" IS THE NAME OF THE GAME for all the Corporations.

    So the Corporations are our real enemies !
    The Government is just their Puppet !


    29.4.2010 04:45 #30

  • bmlshane

    The story as I read it went along these lines, Apple Employee had prototype phone, went to Bar, left phone in Bar when he left, Someone found phone, tried to return it, tried apple, was given short shift. Tried a few avenues to return it. Finally was offered $5000 for it, then it was examined, and returned to apple.The story I read said that the person who found it HAD contacted APPLE, and got nowhere. So efforts to return were rejected. Apple employee had prototype, were they supposed to take it out? Was it left on purpose? Was it planned? Or an accident? Could they have hoped it got into the hands of the person who paid for it, then examined it, then returned it? Smells very fishy, and stale fish at that. Just my thoughts.


    29.4.2010 05:05 #31

  • beanos66

    Originally posted by bmlshane: The story as I read it went along these lines, Apple Employee had prototype phone, went to Bar, left phone in Bar when he left, Someone found phone, tried to return it, tried apple, was given short shift. Tried a few avenues to return it. Finally was offered $5000 for it, then it was examined, and returned to apple.The story I read said that the person who found it HAD contacted APPLE, and got nowhere. So efforts to return were rejected. Apple employee had prototype, were they supposed to take it out? Was it left on purpose? Was it planned? Or an accident? Could they have hoped it got into the hands of the person who paid for it, then examined it, then returned it? Smells very fishy, and stale fish at that. Just my thoughts. Jason Chen also contacted apple who denied the phone was lost, so JC then filmed his bit and published. Then! Apple said yes it's our phone we want it back. The phone was returned, then the raid was to recover all the data and video footage, pictures and text, which if I'm not mistaken is copyright of JC. (source: Jon Stewarts Daily Show, so it must be true)

    Therefore Apple used JC's local pd to steal his Intelectual Property

    in the words of Jon Stewart " Apple, you are now THE MAN!"

    29.4.2010 17:57 #32

  • KillerBug

    [Ultra-sarcasm]Apple, stealing IP? Never![/Ultra-sarcasm]

    30.4.2010 03:51 #33

  • john_swan

    The only Apple product that I have purchased was a desktop computer that came in several colors with a built-in 56K bps modem which would only connect at 38K bps. The other computers in the house would connect at 56K bps. This computer was returned to the computer store. Had the computer worked as advertised I would have a house full of Apple computers.

    I told my wife, an Apple employee, to recommend that Apple use an Intel processor in Apple computers so they would give users the option of running mac os, windows or linux. Her manager presented the idea to management team and now Apple computers have Intel processors. This idea originated from me. People have built systems to run Mac OS X Leopard. Now I am an unemployed Software Engineer.

    John Swanson

    30.4.2010 04:05 #34

  • KillerBug

    My last apple I paid for had a green & black screen, and used 5.25" floppy disks...I switched to intel when the i386 came out, and never went back. It seems Apple made the same obvious just took them about 20 more years to do apples use PC hardware and can run windows & linux. If it were not for the fact that they cost too much, run too slow, and lack reliability, they could compete with HP...all they would have to do is dump OSX and go to windows or linux.

    30.4.2010 05:11 #35

  • DXR88

    Originally posted by KillerBug: My last apple I paid for had a green & black screen, and used 5.25" floppy disks...I switched to intel when the i386 came out, and never went back. It seems Apple made the same obvious just took them about 20 more years to do apples use PC hardware and can run windows & linux. If it were not for the fact that they cost too much, run too slow, and lack reliability, they could compete with HP...all they would have to do is dump OSX and go to windows or linux. the PPC could run linux, after all OSX is just Unix with pretty pictures

    Powered By

    30.4.2010 11:49 #36

  • juventini

    All this drama for an iPod. What the hell is wrong with us. Where is the arrest warrants for Goldman sach? WTF!

    Forza Juve!!

    30.4.2010 15:31 #37

  • leglessoz

    He apparently was told by Apple to start with that it was not theirs and there was no prototype iPhone. Then suddenly Apple decides that they do have a prototype phone missing. I would assume they didn't want it back too if they denied its existence. It seems that Steve Jobs is not the only twat at Apple.

    The police could have phoned Chen and asked him to meet them at his home rather than smash his door in. He is not a dangerous drug trafficker who is likely to have a cache of weapons in the house.

    30.4.2010 21:50 #38

  • Paula_X

    He apparently was told by Apple to start with that it was not theirs and there was no prototype

    so by that reasoning then.. they have used the police to literally steal evidence from somebody to cover up the fact they are now in possession of stolen property belonging to "person or persons unknown"

    This gets better by the minute.. now who says we live in a "free world" and that yankee yehaw land is the "land of the free" when some corporation can get something which they deny all rights or knowledge of in the first instance.. then change their minds and have it handed to them without showing any proof it IS theirs.. and then use public paid law enforcement to run an illegal search and seizure operation without any grounds whatsoever against an ordinary member of the public who had nicely asked them was it theirs and firstly when they denied any knowledge of it didn't hand it on to anybody but instead most likely called them again and said "are you sure it ain't yours????

    How about if he had turned it in to the police.. they would have had to photograph it for evidence purposes and work out what it was.. would they then have to raid themselves?

    strewth.. time you lot had another revolution.. you REALLY need one!!!

    30.4.2010 22:04 #39

  • Mrguss

    Gizmodo should be return to phone to the Police right after used it and post it on his web-site.
    Then when the Cry babies Crappel call: Dude, where is my phone ?
    Gizmodo, reply: What Phone ? I return one already, go ask them maybe is the one you are looking for....Bye !
    ....end of the History.

    P.S. Never trust the Sharks !!!


    30.4.2010 23:41 #40

  • john_swan

    Originally posted by KillerBug: My last apple I paid for had a green & black screen, and used 5.25" floppy disks...I switched to intel when the i386 came out, and never went back. It seems Apple made the same obvious just took them about 20 more years to do apples use PC hardware and can run windows & linux. If it were not for the fact that they cost too much, run too slow, and lack reliability, they could compete with HP...all they would have to do is dump OSX and go to windows or linux. Apple has given schools computers. Sometimes it is better to conform to industry standards. Big indian little indian problems can make data sharing a challenge. It is not as difficult as converting floating point binary data from one standard to another standard to migrate data across different computer hardware platforms.

    Motorola makes excellant microprocessors. You have to remember to insert a NOP instruction after read from memory mapped input/output device to allow the memory read cycle to complete and set the condition code to be set (m68020 and m68040). Then your conditional branch in the instruction pipeline should then work. Less than one percent of software engineers using m68020 and m68040 know this. Starting an interrupt routine with a NOP instruction would be an excellant idea for these microprocessors. Less than one percent of software engineers using m68020 and m68040 know this.

    John Swanson

    1.5.2010 01:45 #41

  • cammobus

    Originally posted by slickwill: One word, "Facism". The corporations are using the police to oppress the people.
    Which is all the reason more to use TrueCrypt to encrypt everything on any type of digital media.
    Not so Grasshopper:

    Quote:Fascism: is a religion of the State, it assumes the organic unity of the body politic and longs for a national leader attuned to the will of the people. it is totalitarian in that it views everything as political and holds that any action by the state is justified to achieve the common good. it takes responsibility for all aspects of life, including our health and well-being, and seeks to impose uniformity of thought and action, wither by force or through regulation and social pressure. Everything, including economy and religion, must be aligned with its objectives. any rival identity is part of the "problem" and therefore defined as the enemy. and you can be compelled to give up encryption passwords, or be further charged with hindering Prosecution or obstruction of Justice

    messed up huh ........

    2.5.2010 16:03 #42

  • cammobus

    Originally posted by ZippyDSM: ok........if this dose not smack of fascism what dose, apple says jump the police say how high....sorry....but lost is not stolen....... using the police for a legal non criminal manner is highly questionable..... Fascism: is a religion of the State, it assumes the organic unity of the body politic and longs for a national leader attuned to the will of the people. it is totalitarian in that it views everything as political and holds that any action by the state is justified to achieve the common good. it takes responsibility for all aspects of life, including our health and well-being, and seeks to impose uniformity of thought and action, wither by force or through regulation and social pressure. Everything, including economy and religion, must be aligned with its objectives. any rival identity is part of the "problem" and therefore defined as the enemy.

    2.5.2010 16:10 #43

  • Paula_X

    errr.. peopel aren't getting the bigger picture.. His house wasn't raided to "get back" a stolen item.. that had already been returned to crapple.. His house was raided to take his copyright property.. his article and any photos he had taken of the device.. THE PHONE WAS NOT THERE, IT WAS BACK WITH APPLE .. this is plain and simple abuse of the law.. a completely unfounded and unconstitutional raid instigated by big business against an innocent private citizen who happens to be employed as a journalist and who fulfilled his legal obligations re: the lost property by working out what it was and who it belonged to and returning it.. even though they denied it was anything to do with them the first time they were contacted about it.... surely you KNOW if you own something or not.. maybe even if you don't know it's missing?? hmmmmmm.. my legal brain kicks in...

    I would have a field day in court with this one.. They have contradicted their claim of ownership.. and then when they have taken possession of the item they deny owning they send illegal law enforcement down on the person who gave the item to them.. The case is going to be good.. *rubs hands* but the outcome is already assured.. apple win.. little man loses.. even though no law has been broken they will have his skin.. just because they can .. when the innocent become the victims of the "law" there is only one eventual outcome.. bloody revolution and burning buildings.. memory is short.. just what started the Watts riots again?.. heavy handed illegal law enforcement against innocent people wasn't it? same thing that has sparked civil wars and revolutions across the world since the dawn of civilisation..

    Greece .. government promises EU bankers to increase taxes and cut public services by massive amount as part of a "bail out" deal.. bomb explodes outside HSBC bank in Athens.. slogans painted on buildings "burn the bankers and ministries!".. today people.. it starts today!!

    2.5.2010 16:19 #44

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