Nintendo Wii, now available in black

Nintendo Wii, now available in black
After over three years of release, the Nintendo Wii finally has a new colorway, a slick black headed to U.S. retail shelves on May 9th.

So far the date has been confirmed by Target and GameStop in the U.S., and confirmed for May 23rd in Canada by Future Shop.

The Wii itself will be completely identical to the white model currently available (minus the color, obviously) and will come bundled with a Wii remote, Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort and a Wii MotionPlus for $199.

The black colorway has been available in Japan since late last year, and has sold pretty well.

Worldwide, Nintendo has sold 70 million Wii units.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 28 Apr 2010 18:42
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  • Morreale


    28.4.2010 19:03 #1

  • nintenut

    Looks pretty good, too.

    I hope I'm not the only one who misses the N64 days of having a technicolor mess of plastic controllers.

    28.4.2010 19:19 #2

  • slickwill

    Wasn't their third-party black console shells being sold years before this was release?

    Now everyone with their White Wii that has a bunch of dark stains and blemished on it, will say to themselves, "If I buy a Black Wii, I won't have to worry about stains on my Wii, the stigma that come with it, and the insecurities this the aesthetic appearance causes me."

    Nintendo should just have waited until the Christmas Holidays and released it on "Black Friday."

    28.4.2010 19:42 #3

  • navi1199

    another good reason to blow 200 bucks just cause it's black! /end sarcasm

    28.4.2010 20:22 #4

  • ntense69

    until they actually get something more along of a 360 or ps3 version i wouldn't buy now the black ones you just gotta worry about scratches, fingerprints and smudges lol.

    28.4.2010 21:14 #5

  • Pop_Smith

    Depending on how it's finished the thing might be a dust and fingerprint magnet like the fat PS3s.

    It is nice to see them bundling both Wii Sports and Wii Sports Report at the original price point. <-- Brian Regan "Take Luck" video.

    "The only people who should buy Monster cable are people who light cigars with Benjamins." - Gizmodo

    28.4.2010 21:47 #6

  • brockie

    this has been out in the UK for a while now.

    28.4.2010 22:28 #7

  • KillerBug

    Hey, it no longer looks like it is made by they just need a good controller and good internals...

    28.4.2010 23:14 #8

  • ZeusAV

    Been waiting for this for a while. I sold my old Wii almost a year ago but I'm starting to miss Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros so I may jump on this. Black will match my TV and PS3.

    30.4.2010 01:48 #9

  • KillerBug

    Why not just buy a used one? They sold many millions of those, and most of them only got used once or twice.

    30.4.2010 03:48 #10

  • leglessoz

    It's been available for months here in Australia as well. Mine came with all of that stuff and the Avatar game. The only annoying thing is that it still has a "white" power supply and cable. For those worrying about marks and scratches, mine hasn't marked up any more than any other thing I have. It is however very shiny if that is an issue for people. It has a black piano finish.

    30.4.2010 21:29 #11

  • Mr-Movies

    Originally posted by KillerBug: Hey, it no longer looks like it is made by they just need a good controller and good internals... Ya like the XBox 360 and PS3's I've had my Wii and it hasn't gone down once yet many XBox's & PS3's later I'm still ticking, what garbage the Wii is. Get real!

    1.5.2010 17:22 #12

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