Chinese airport shut down after UFO flies overhead

Chinese airport shut down after UFO flies overhead
China shut down the Xiaoshan Airport early this morning after a UFO flew through the night sky, leaving a bright trail of light in its wake.

Over 30 flights had to be redirected or cancelled.

The UFO was first seen flying over the Zhejiang provincial capital Hangzhou.

Witnesses called local authorities claiming they had seen a "comet-like" fireball in the sky.

Says one witness: "The thing suddenly ran westwards fast, like it was escaping from something."

Some experts have already said the sight was debris from U.S. intercontinental ballistic missile, and Chinese officials have stayed mum, given the "military" connection.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 10 Jul 2010 14:04
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  • Hyasuma

    That does not look anything like a missile dumb asses

    10.7.2010 14:26 #1

  • RastaDave

    Norway sighting was also deemed a missle . Thats always the excuse they give to try and cover up the truth . How can we be the only intelligent life form in the entire galaxy .

    10.7.2010 14:35 #2

  • mike.m

    Originally posted by Hyasuma: That does not look anything like a missile dumb asses My thoughts exactly. Last time I checked, flames don't exert from the FRONT of the nosel, esspecially if it's moving in the same direction. They even said it was debris, not the missile itself. Lol, never seen debris move like is was a jet before. I'm tired of these so called idiotic "experts". What the hell gives them the right to keep these secrets from the world. Someone needs to kick some asses in Area 51.

    10.7.2010 16:15 #3

  • scorpNZ

    Alien or missile my ass,it's noth'n more than space junk re entering,as for intelligent life there ain't none on this planet apart from the world cup predicting octopuss

    10.7.2010 17:27 #4

  • WHATEVER777 (unverified)

    Space debris?If it was it should be falling down instead of traveling horrizontal like that..Well it sure does look wierd anyway.Pretty Dam dramatic for a UFO wouldnt ya say?WTF Whatever!!

    10.7.2010 18:18 #5

  • hooter007

    even IF it was a UFO they would never admit to it


    10.7.2010 18:50 #6

  • RastaDave

    Originally posted by hooter007: even IF it was a UFO they would never admit to it And thats a big if .

    10.7.2010 19:10 #7

  • bam431

    Along time ago in a place far far away. Sorry had to do some sort of Star Wars reference. I kinda think the first one does look a bit like a missile coming apart but hell I'm no expert.

    This could be anywhere This could be everywhere
    Xbox Live: war dog431 - PSN: bam431 - IGN: bam431
    Youtube: electrowaffle - Twitter: bam431
    My site: Work in progress.

    10.7.2010 19:25 #8

  • ddp

    bam431, i agree as it appears to be space debris as it reminds me of the columbia accident that killed 7 crewmen. the 2nd picture reminds me of a comet because of the wide tail & appears to be above the clouds because a cloud appears to be between the tail & ground.

    10.7.2010 19:34 #9

  • 1nsan3

    Dear Aliens,

    Please destroy my govt ( that would be the United States Govt) there dumb ass's and are not worth two shits anyways.

    Thanks would be greatly appreciated.


    Can i get a ride to the store when your done ....


    For Sale:

    Parachute, Used Once, never opened small stain.
    Best Offer!

    10.7.2010 20:23 #10

  • 1nsan3

    Originally posted by WHATEVER777: Space debris?If it was it should be falling down instead of traveling horrizontal like that..Well it sure does look wierd anyway.Pretty Dam dramatic for a UFO wouldnt ya say?WTF Whatever!! Just to let ya know.. debris from space is never falling straight down.. that would mean it is straight up from you. its moving out in space so when it hits gravity its still moving in that same direction. thats the reason from the angle of approch when the space shuttle comes in.. or like they say you would never even come close to the ground since your comming in to fast you would keep going right back out into space..

    For Sale:

    Parachute, Used Once, never opened small stain.
    Best Offer!

    10.7.2010 20:27 #11

  • nonoitall

    UFO != aliens

    10.7.2010 22:12 #12

  • junorjankins (unverified)

    Originally posted by 1nsan3: Dear Aliens,

    Please destroy my govt ( that would be the United States Govt) there dumb ass's and are not worth two shits anyways.

    Thanks would be greatly appreciated.


    Can i get a ride to the store when your done ....

    shit will you grab me a swisher and drop it through my chimney?good lookin out

    10.7.2010 22:24 #13

  • DXR88

    its an aircraft of some sort, at least the top picture is. the bottom picture seems unrelated.

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    10.7.2010 22:59 #14

  • ntense69

    its superman dressed in white lol

    11.7.2010 00:02 #15

  • Unlockneo

    UFO? missile? space junk?

    maybe it's a Spy Satellite to keep taps on billion and billion and billion people in China.

    11.7.2010 04:08 #16

  • scorpNZ

    Wouldn't suprise me if it is a out of control missile,probably was running windows when it bsod'd & were seeing the end result :p

    11.7.2010 04:48 #17

  • KSI xKilo (unverified)

    They just said it was nothing more then a weather balloon

    11.7.2010 06:17 #18

  • Jemborg

    Damn silly aliens and their damned crappy interstellar spacecraft!

    Way to keep tabs on the Earth guys!

    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    11.7.2010 07:47 #19

  • 1nsan3

    Originally posted by DXR88: its an aircraft of some sort, at least the top picture is. the bottom picture seems unrelated. No shit?????? duh its a ufo of course its an aircraft lol
    hehe just messin with ya

    For Sale:

    Parachute, Used Once, never opened small stain.
    Best Offer!

    11.7.2010 09:43 #20

  • blueboy09

    Originally posted by hooter007: even IF it was a UFO they would never admit to it UFOs and the general Chinese population DO NOT mix, and there shall be no inter-breeding of such life forms, would put a serious dent in the Darwin Awards! If the aliens (haha) are this clumsy and get caught, they don't need to screw things up even more worse than what they are now. Pack up and go home!!

    Life is about walking on thin ice, if you make too much drama, youll crack under pressure. - BLUEBOY

    11.7.2010 11:33 #21

  • bomber991

    Just to let everyone know, unless you study this stuff and have credentials to back it up, the object remains an unidentified flying object.

    12.7.2010 02:27 #22

  • DXR88

    it looks like a Jet engine blow out. but its to hard to tell because the only related Photo is blurred by a Cheap Chinese Camera.

    Ive seen some very weird shit in my day, so this isn't WOW material.

    Ive seen a Ball of light yellowish/green, that would appear to move abnormally fast at just 3 feet off the ground. weird but kinda cool.

    Had a old B&W TV in a cabinet that would turn itself on & off out of no where,even unplugged. Massive amounts of electricity build up explain that on though. a Giant tree never attacked me tough so i assume Poltergeist wasn't to blame :).

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    12.7.2010 03:42 #23

  • dEwMe

    Nah it's Kim's Disco machine coming to visit all the way from North Korea...Sure he was too high and off course but that's good ol North Side Kim!

    Just my $0.02,


    12.7.2010 10:28 #24

  • Hyasuma

    I dont get it, do people not understand the words "falling" and "crossing" ?

    12.7.2010 12:12 #25

  • glassd

    Earth rotational speed CCW = 1040mph. ICBM flying at Mach 4 CW = 2,640mph .
    An ICBM flying at 2,640 CW mph breaking into the Earths outer atmosphere at an opposing 1,040 CCW mph will effectively be traveling 3,680 mph. Perfectly represented in the top picture.
    Objects from outer space do not fall straight down.

    An ICBM would start breaking apart when it hit our outer atmosphere which is around 328,083 feet up. The pull of gravity is 33 (feet per-second-per-second). Someone else can do the math on how long it would take for it to hit the ground.

    12.7.2010 14:55 #26

  • SoulGLOW

    who says we're intelligent.

    Originally posted by RastaDave: Norway sighting was also deemed a missle . Thats always the excuse they give to try and cover up the truth . How can we be the only intelligent life form in the entire galaxy .

    13.7.2010 15:15 #27

  • SoulGLOW

    Holy Shit!! Hide your Reese's Pieces!! E.T.'s back!!! Boy is he gonna be pissed that we switched from rotary and touch tone phones to all digital cell phones. Try using those bigass fingers on my Centro's keypad you little bastard! Aint no speak and spells left. You'll be saying ouch when I stick my stylus in your fuqin eye!

    13.7.2010 15:26 #28

  • SoulGLOW

    Btw am I the only one who sees that other penumbra effect. This is evidence of a wedge shaped craft.

    p.s. how do I submit a photo

    13.7.2010 15:45 #29

  • lissenup2

    Originally posted by scorpNZ: Alien or missile my ass,it's noth'n more than space junk re entering,as for intelligent life there ain't none on this planet apart from the world cup predicting octopuss Though I disagree with the space debris part.............I gotta say, your comment about intelligent life and the octopus was the funniest sh*t I've read in a long time. Good laugh.

    13.7.2010 18:17 #30

  • hooter007

    Originally posted by SoulGLOW: how do I submit a photo
    Go to google/imageshack ect, get photo up, right click on photo, go to properties, copy the url,
    click on
    for your next message and paste [img]>>in here<<[/img]


    13.7.2010 18:48 #31

  • tkrazy (unverified)

    *bleep* X flies. Molder and Scully.

    13.7.2010 21:46 #32

  • bam431

    Maybe someone was trying to take something outta the country and the commies didn't want that to happen so they scrambled fighters and shot down a aircraft then used Aliens as a cover for a flaming plane and a closed airport. Likely not but just putting it out there.

    This could be anywhere This could be everywhere
    Xbox Live: war dog431 - PSN: bam431 - IGN: bam431
    Youtube: electrowaffle - Twitter: bam431
    My site: Work in progress.

    14.7.2010 01:18 #33

  • Jemborg

    "And here's hoping that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space,
    Coz there's bugger-all down here on Earth!"

    From Monty Python's The Meaning of Life.

    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    14.7.2010 02:13 #34

  • creaky

    Originally posted by tkrazy: *bleep* X flies. Molder and Scully. Talking of no intelligent life, watch the language. Plus we have a saying around this site - if you have nothing of value to [post, don't post.

    Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
    Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***

    14.7.2010 03:36 #35

  • YokoOhNo

    Well, all of you extra bright scientists out there, just say it is beautiful and it is a mystery? Wish we could figure out what it was, where it came from and identify it for sure. This isn't anything to argue about, it is just beautiful and mysterious. That's it! K, homes?

    14.7.2010 20:48 #36

  • YokoOhNo

    Originally posted by creaky: Originally posted by tkrazy: *bleep* X flies. Molder and Scully. Talking of no intelligent life, watch the language. Plus we have a saying around this site - if you have nothing of value to [post, don't post. Cool!

    14.7.2010 20:57 #37

  • xenafanok

    I wonder if theres a mothership nearby?
    i'm hoping to get beamed up any day now.

    16.7.2010 19:08 #38

  • Doc727 (unverified)

    I blew up the top photo. It looks like a smeared picture of a landing Lear Jet to me. I can even see the jetstream, & the reflection of the verticle stabalizer. The smeared bright light underneath is most likely the after effect of moving the camera, which it visible by the double exposed towers. The light itself are the landing lights, every plane has them!

    17.7.2010 02:53 #39

  • jimmurray

    YOU EARTHINGS SEE NOTHING I SAY....LOOK INTO MY EYE AND YOU WILL FORGET>>>LOOK HARDER>>>>LOOK AGAIN>>>OK,OK that should be enough, hard to forget eh? See you at the reunion at 51 later this year.....


    17.7.2010 15:06 #40

  • bittybizzel77 (unverified)

    Falling space debris doesn't change direction. There's no way that we can tell just by that video. I happen to believe in in that ET is out there, but that doesn't automatically mean I believe this video is of aliens. Chances are it's some Chinese military exercise. I doubt any other country would be there. If it is alien, then why not? Anybody that truely believes alien life doesn't exist doesn't realize just how emmense our galaxy is let alone the entire universe. Why would they be here? Why do we go to the north pole to study worms that live in ice? Why do we strive on cataloging every species we find on earth? Science. Knowledge. Understanding. Any advanced culture would be the same way, and if they can make it here then then they are much, much more advanced that the clever monkeys we call humans.

    18.7.2010 21:16 #41

  • MathesonKwik (unverified)

    Well some scientists think the odds of that new planet they found, the one in the "goldy-locks" zone, having life on it is close to 100 percent.

    It's called Gliese 581G and it's about 20 lightyears away.

    So you'd have to be naieve to think that, if we've already found one there aren't more and that one of them wouldn't have someone else intelligent on it.

    6.10.2010 20:52 #42

  • xenafanok

    Thinking we were the only life in all this would be far more scary than the fact that there are many more life forms who have been around alot longer than us

    7.10.2010 08:55 #43

  • Jemborg

    There'll be life on other planets for sure... and they'll be dinosaurs! :P

    Some people forget how long evolution takes. Simple timing unfortunately narrows the odds for intelligent life down a fair bit. Heck, multicellular lifeforms have only been around about 400-500 million of the 4 1/2 billion years of life on this planet. Most of the story is about bacteria! :)

    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    7.10.2010 11:54 #44

  • DXR88

    Originally posted by Jemborg: There'll be life on other planets for sure... and they'll be dinosaurs! :P only until we get there and bombard the planet and go whip out the stragglers, but somethings amiss....Plot line for Jurassic Park 4.

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    7.10.2010 14:34 #45

  • Jemborg

    Originally posted by DXR88: Originally posted by Jemborg: There'll be life on other planets for sure... and they'll be dinosaurs! :P only until we get there and bombard the planet and go whip out the stragglers, but somethings amiss....Plot line for Jurassic Park 4. How about AVATAR2: Gaiasaurous!

    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    8.10.2010 08:53 #46

  • shannon0420

    lots and lots UFOs out there


    27.10.2010 10:53 #47

  • The Realest (unverified)

    it looks like a Tr3b in the top picture... the second picture looks very much like an object rentering the atmosphere. its deff a fast mover hell, maybe its the aurora! lol i believe its the united states tr3b astra, black project, and there keeping tabs on the chinks, for when we go to war. with them.

    10.1.2011 02:03 #48

  • wizza (unverified)

    was down the beach saturday 12/3/2011 time around 11 /12pm newcastle nsw Australia. it was in line with moon going dowm . ruffly in western sky ,very long bright blue tail very intence very close and very large last a half second or so. not a falling star could anyone tell me what it was my thoughts were a comet,or debris burning up in earths atomsphere thank you hope to hear back

    18.3.2011 08:03 #49

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